The Start

by RJC

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Niki’s POV

I walked in. It wasn’t anything new to me; Renegade Records. The background was green screen; I slipped in. Ryan and Robby together were like butter and honey. I saw the stuff come up on the screen. Robby was on the drums and talk about dimples. ‘Sexy Eyes.’ He had headphones and a mic

(Robby.)‘I was sitting all alone, watching people get it on, with each other. They were dancing cross the floor, turning, moving back and forth, they were lovers.’

I really couldn’t believe what they were doing.

(Ryan.)‘You were only sixteen, only sixteen, but I loved you soooo. You were to… young to fall in love; and I was too young to know.’

Ryan had talked about a mash-up, I had no… idea. They came together. I see Ryan for what he truly is; Robby is his better half and always will be. It would never be me but I was happy for them and sad for myself.

(Robby.)‘When your body’s had, enough of me, and you’re lying, flat back on the floor. When you think I’ve loved you all I can; I’m gonna love you a little bit more. Come on over here and lay by my side; I’ve got to be touching you.’ Fuckin Dimples.

Now, I’ve been around. I’ve seen some real shit. It wasn’t that long ago when Sony sent me to North Dakota, in December. Dean Cooper. He did some crazy good shit. What I saw with R&R was nothing short of… off the charts. Dr. Hook. Three songs that melted together into one. Ryan Chancellor was a musical genius.

They didn’t see me and I was surprised when the guy on the board told me to stop. “Now is not the time to leave, Niki.”

There was talking amongst themselves and Ryan took the keyboard and Robby sat at the drums.

Ryan saw me and then he looked away. (RJ.) ‘Years from now, I’ll want you, years from now. And I’ll hold you, years from now, as I love you tonight.’He fought tears.

(Robby.)‘You are my one true friend, always, my one true friend. And I’ll love you till the end as I love you tonight. I know this world that we live in can be hard now and then. And it will be again many times, many times we’ve been down.’

I have seen some sick-shit, in my time. This was the sickest. Robby and Ryan together; I mean. They fed off one another and pushed the other to a higher place. I put on headphones.

(Ryan.)‘Still, love has kept us together; our flame never dies when I look in your eyes; the future I see.

(R&R.)‘Wanting you, years from now, and holding you, years from now, and loving you, years from now, as I love you tonight.’

“What was that, RJ,” came over my headphones.” It was the board guy.

“I didn’t miss, shit. You just didn’t know how far I could take it. I didn’t either. Play it back, dumbass.”And it played in my headphones. Ryan hit a note and carried it for about five seconds.


“Ok. Pick it up from, ‘as I love you tonight.’ Do it the same way.” He told them and I smiled.

Now it was funny watching Ryan talk to Robby. In a high pitched voice, he said, “What was that? Oh. Take it from and do it the same way.” And now he turned to the board guy. “Are you like, an apprentice? Are you a beauty school drop out? Am I actually paying you.” And he shook his head.

“You are not fuckin paying me.” Came over my headset. And he turned to me. Oh, my, fuckin, god…

“Can you believe his shit, Niki???”

Justin Timberlake, with Mickey Ears, turned to look at me. I shook my head no. I didn’t recognize him from behind.

“He grows his hair. Starts wearing his shirts on the outside of his pants to hide his gut. He had the nerve to Dump sexy in the trash. He looks like shit and he thinks he can tell me how to do what to do.” I was laughing now.

“You know I can hear you, right??? We talked about this, Just. I did it and you said it was fine and now; what? And what was all that shit???”

“Really? A beauty school dropout. You got some balls, RJ.”

“OK. But it was funny. You should have seen the look on Niki’s face.

(Both of them.) ‘I know this world we live in can be hard now, and then and it will be again; many times we’ve been down. Still love has kept us together; the flame never dies, when I look in your eyes, our future I see.

(Ryan.)Wanting you, years from now. And holding you, years from now, loving you, years from now, as I love you tonight.’I took off my headphones when he bent down to kiss Robby.

I had been harboring guilt about what he and I did. It really was big, guilt. It is one thing to step between a man and a woman, but stepping in between two men, and mothering a child. It’s not like I didn’t think of Robby almost a year ago when Ryan and I got together.

It kind of seemed Ryan had made the decision and I have been carrying these guilt bricks for almost a year and I left those blocks at the door knowing now, they were fine and I would be to. Their love was remarkable. Ryan was the father of my little girl, married to a man I loved like a little brother, and he loved Robby so much.

It was almost funny when I got in the Uber, the weight I wasn’t carrying anymore, Freedom. I thought about what the two of them did. And JT was the producer and worked the board so RJ’s mash could happen it the largest way.

Donny’s POV

I was sitting on the couch, Jeff, next to me. The little guy was playing with oversized Lego’s when Niki came in. She seemed happy and sad all at the same time. Chiloe was next to Jeff, asleep and Niki picked her up. It really was like any other day.

We were both on tablets, well, I was on my laptop. I looked out on the lake as a figure came into sight. It wasn’t, Ryan or Robby. I elbowed Jeff a little hard and he looked at me doing the eye thing to the deck.

“Justin, fuckin, Timberlake.” He said.

Justin turned, looking over his shoulder, ‘Where.”

That started a laugh. “Hey, guys. RJ said dinner in an hour and he wanted me to bring the little girl back.

‘Her name is, Chiloe, Justin.” Niki said coming down with her. “You could have told me.”

“We did a take yesterday. I had no idea how it was gonna go down. He thinks he knows but has no idea how good he is. I wanted to cry. I love those two so much, but not a fraction of how much, they love each other.”

“You think I didn’t know that? Think I didn’t see it?”

“He says I’m supposed to bring a bottle with her.” Jeff and I watched this interaction having NO idea what they were talking about. And Niki handed her off.

I was off the couch like a shot. ‘You need to.” And he turned her so she could see. “If you don’t.” and he tucked his arm under her butt and the other across her tummy.

“This Ain’t my first rodeo, Clark.” He said laughing.“OH? You gonna hit me while I’m holding a baby?”


“He said an hour, Niki. Guess you guys are cuming, too?” And he walked out the way he came.

“You gonna just let him do that, Niki?”

“Calm down, Donny. You do bare a striking resemblance to.”

“Don’t you f-ing, dare, Niki.”

“Well, you do.”

“You know you do, Donny.” Came from behind.

“You, guys. You should have seen them today.”Niki started.

“They are good. I mean, they are good with everything. Today. What they did in the studio was the total shit. Ryan had tears in his eyes singing to Robby.”

I saw something in Niki as she described what she’d witnessed. But she wouldn’t tell us what it was.

How Ryan could move around a kitchen doing stuff as Chiloe rested across his left arm, was beyond me. He had steaks on the grill, something steaming on the stove, things were in the oven; he didn’t miss a beat all the while talking to his little girl.

Justin and Robby were huddled around his tablet watching some video when we walked in. I mean most of the smoke from the grill was pulled down to the vent but what I could smell would give a beef guy, a hard-on. We raised beef. I know what good cow tastes like; so I thought.

Ryan passed our little girl off as Dean ran to Robby and Justin then Ryan started throwing food at the table. He’d steamed asparagus, mushrooms in garlic, bread too… die for. There was a tossed salad full of black olives, peppers of all color, and cheese.

As we all sat; Chiloe now asleep, Dean in a highchair at the table with the rest of us. Ryan explained to Justin. “We sometimes take a minute and share what we’re thankful for.” And we all joined hands.

It was Ryan with Niki on one side and Robby on the other. Robby held my hand with his left hand and I was holding Dean’s. Jeff was between Dean and Justin as Niki took Justin’s other hand.

“I’ll start,” Came from Niki. “I am thankful for all the men at this table; well, not you, Justin.” And we all laughed.

“That didn’t come out right.” And she looked at all of us. “You guys. My kids, our kids. Thank you for being who you are. We make a wonderful family.”

Now all eyes were on, Ryan. “I am thankful for.” And he stopped. “I didn’t know what I had inside until we moved in here. I guess I’m really thankful for, Dean Cooper. I only knew him for about ten hours; ten, fuckin, hours.”

“Coin in the jar,” came from all of us. We didn’t swear around Dean.

“Fine. Sorry. Robby and I didn’t know how much we needed a family until after we moved in here. You, guy’s. Well, not you, Justin.” And we all laughed.

“We are family. If there is one thing I’m thankful for; It’s, Dean Cooper.”

We all went around the table, Jeff and I, Robby, then Justin. “I’m thankful for people who cook me a homemade dinner. Thank you, RJ.” And we laughed.

“I thought we were having stake?” I asked. “Looks like pork.” And Justin laughed.

“Whatever, Donny. And don’t you, fuckin dare, put ketchup on it.”

“Money in the jar.” Came from all of us.

Jeff’s POV

I was just about to take my first bite when a knock came to the door, “I’ll get it.” And I stood.

I looked through the sidelight and couldn’t see who it was so I opened the door. Standing before was a wreak of a guy. “M…Max?” And he put his arms around me.

From your Author:

I know we are tens of thousands of words in. When this started it was centered around a couple of guys who had sex but never got a name. Then a school shooting. More sex of different kinds, stardom, two young men thrown into something no one ever saw coming and only one coming out on the other side.

The Start was a distraction, something that allowed me to put myself out there like in a different way. It ended at chapter sixteen. Hello chapter 45. All of this is close to me. The Orange man, bullying of those who are different, and exploitation. I’ve incorporated superstars and fictitious relationships, music, and a common thread. Being mean is bad. Not being able to be who you are, is bad. RJC.

by RJC

Email: [email protected]

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