Gay Fetish Blog

GayDemon's Blog: On this page you can find all gay porn posts related to Fetish listed in order they where published.

Kink Spotlight: Men in Corsets

28 Aug 2018

Kink Spotlight: Men in Corsets

There have been periods in history, such as the Regency Era in Great Britain (1795-1837), in which men in corsets was a well-respected high fashion. These corsets shaped the body in sought-after ways, aligning with the style of the day...

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Kink Spotlight: Guys Forced to STFU

31 Jul 2018

Kink Spotlight: Guys Forced to STFU

Many men are basically given a personal microphone in the world, their words elevated above the voices of others, even if what they have to say is stupid shit. So while on an individual level, maybe the guy involved in the gag scene is not personally responsible for mansplaining the universe, it's still a bonus to get a guy to shut the fuck up on occasion.And if that includes him tied up and showcases his desperate expressions and muscles straining against binding, that's just plain neat.Remember any sort of play that involves blocking the nose or mouth or putting someone in a challenging position requires proper safety precautions and training...

See Straight Jocks & Athletes Bound & Gagged

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Kink Spotlight: Compression Gear

10 Apr 2018

Kink Spotlight: Compression Gear

Compression gear is the perfect way to be naked with clothes on. Or for those turned on by it, to be naked and hard with clothes on.Sure they have some minor benefit in terms of workouts, supporting, as manufacturers say, the muscle circulation striation DNA with moisture wicking tenacity and testosterone mobile power strands...

See More Regular Guys Naked in Public

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