Kink Spotlight: Freeballing in Sweatpants

20 Nov 2018

Kink Spotlight: Freeballing in Sweatpants

This one would definitely be in the running at the Kink Olympics. That's the not real global event in which kinks compete in various categories, including popularity. And a totally visible cock swinging in strategically tight (or loose) sweatpants, its outline burned into the brain, is one of the main competitors.

Freeballing in sweat shorts carries some additional risk as you can see from the one example here. That head exposure is either grounds for disqualification or first place.

In this sport, lighter colored sweats seem to be the most common, so maybe the guy in the dark sweat pants felt he had to go the extra mile (of cock) to stand out.

Kink Spotlight: Freeballing in Sweatpants

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Freeballing doesn't give an athlete much, if any, testicular support. But these aren't necessarily athletes in the traditional sense. Although running is one of the events in the freeballing dickathlon, the most successful competitors run in an intended slow motion.

And if the sweatpants managed to slip down to mid-thigh, knee, or even ankle level at any time, well that's what the Jumbotron screen is for. But do remember that some people who freeball in public, not tied to the official, not real sporting event, are completely unaware they are doing it and have zero interest in attention from it and may in fact react highly negatively to stares and come-ons. 

So if you end up saying hello, focus on eye contact and know the bulge isn't going anywhere if you look away from it for a moment. And you're welcome to suggest a brisk set of jumping jacks as a way to get to know the guy. No reason.

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