Gay Fetish Blog

GayDemon's Blog: On this page you can find all gay porn posts related to Fetish listed in order they where published.

Kink Spotlight: Massively Muscled Thighs

12 Mar 2019

Kink Spotlight: Massively Muscled Thighs

If you were at any point a fan of Suzanne Somers' entrepreneurial success with exercise equipment, you're wondering why I didn't call this "Thigh Masters." It's still around decades later as the ThighMaster Gold.But the real reason the kink for this extreme body feature can't be referenced with Thigh Master is because physical appearance is not a reliable indicator of sexual dominance (or submission) proclivities...

Like Muscle Hunks? Check Out These Sexy Men.

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Kink Spotlight: Ballet Dancer Bufffuckability

26 Feb 2019

Kink Spotlight: Ballet Dancer Bufffuckability

Sure, ballet dancers have plenty of abilities, like jumping 14 feet off the ground while clicking their heels together 47 times. Or lifting 100-pound, chain-smoking ballerinas while not laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of partially sheer tutus.And to clarify, not all male ballet dancers are into such things (with themselves or various partners)...

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Kink Spotlight: Salt and Pepper Daddies

12 Feb 2019

Kink Spotlight: Salt and Pepper Daddies

Here's a kink based totally on assumptions tying the natural aging process of hair follicles to a range of unrelated characteristics. Like that somehow a guy with salt and pepper hair is distinguished, confident, stylish, masculine, adventurous, and (like salt and pepper themselves) seasoned.But illogical associations are involved in the majority of kinks so this one isn't unusual in that way...

Like Older Men? Check Out These Sexy Daddies.

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