Gay Voyeur Blog

GayDemon's Blog: On this page you can find all gay porn posts related to gay voyeurs & voyeur porn listed in order they where published.

Public Exposure: No Shame

15 Dec 2016

Public Exposure: No Shame

Shameless naked guys hanging out make me happy. Though without shame, it's a bit less exciting, so I hope some of them got caught. And got some shaming, disgusted, freaked out looks.

That tends to be a turn on.

Though when it's a table of four guys all naked from the waist down, you sense there's safety in numbers. That's a lot of people to gaze at disapprovingly.

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Public Exposure: Nude First, Ask Questions Later

8 Dec 2016

Public Exposure: Nude First, Ask Questions Later

Where haven't nude men been? Besides the moon. And that's only because of that pesky outer space dress code. Though some flasher will find a way.

I tend not to spend a lot of time in outer space, or, more locally to our planet, highways. So I'm not sure how folks react to seeing a nude guy by the side of the road. Since they're going fast, probably not much. Unless they choose to stop. 

Truck drivers have been known for their dalliances. And fuzzy, scented dice.

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Public Exposure: Daring Dicks

1 Dec 2016

Public Exposure: Daring Dicks

These are guys who don't even need to be playing Truth or Dare to do something nude (or nude-adjacent) in public. Because as much as mountain climbers are adrenaline junkies, these are exposure junkies.

Now what the hell would happen if there were a nude mountain climber? That's a lot of adrenaline pulsing. Though it would be tricky to get more than a few feet off the ground without the right gear (that you may need pockets for).

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Public Exposure: Overdressed

24 Nov 2016

Public Exposure: Overdressed

Check out the guy in the jockstrap. Totally overdressed!

I mean WTF. It's like wearing a three piece suit to a gang bang.

Speaking of which, if you know of any gang bangs involving three piece suits, sign me up. Especially the pinstripe variety. But not houndstooth. I find that dizzying.

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Public Exposure: Look at My Cock!

17 Nov 2016

Public Exposure: Look at My Cock!

Whether it's lazy "accidental" exposure or full-on, blatant exhibitionism, the gist of it is "look at my cock" as if shouted from the rooftops. 

And if there are several other naked guys on the rooftop at the same time, then "look at the cock of the guy third from the left in the red sneakers" should work.

It's easier to stand out in a crowd of fully-dressed people. Keep that in mind.

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Public Exposure: Letting Most of It Hang Out

3 Nov 2016

Public Exposure: Letting Most of It Hang Out

Well some of these guys do rest squarely in "letting it all hang out" territory. Because being fully nude on the hood of your car on the side of the highway?  That is a lifestyle choice.

And jacking off amid the library stacks? That is kind of creepy as fuck. Unless it's in the section where they keep all the tedious Henry James novels. Being squired on would make them more bearable.

Now let us take a moment to revel in how the beach guy's dick is arranged. One word: looooooong.

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Public Exposure: Dicks in Action

28 Oct 2016

Public Exposure: Dicks in Action

Dicks do so much. Granted, they wont do your dishes or take out the trash for you. But they do everything else. Such as make watching a guy ride his bike a sexual event.

Or keeping the ripped jeans trend alive and kicking.

Or liven up a party. Or a train. Or a store.

Thank you, exposed cocks! Couldn't do it without you.

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Public Exposure: Dicks Everywhere

20 Oct 2016

Public Exposure: Dicks Everywhere

Look out, there's a dick! There's another one! And there's a bare ass! 

Duck! Or stop, drop and roll! Or go into a bomb shelter! 

Or stare at the dick and expose yours right back. That'll show 'em! And maybe earn you a date or several.

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Public Exposure: Open Thighs

13 Oct 2016

Public Exposure: Open Thighs

Thighs are a thing. A major thing. Open or closed. Because open is wow, especially when they're muscle thighs. And closed is also wow, hoping they open.

The jockstrap exposure is insanely deliberate. That guy deserves a reward, beyond the obvious 72 consecutive hours of tag team muscle worship from a mob of horny guys.

I should mention I'm totally willing to wait my turn in line. I have really good etiquette in mobs.

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Public Exposure: Spread 'Em

6 Oct 2016

Public Exposure: Spread 'Em

Sometimes a guy will "accidentally" wear tiny shorts and no underwear and somehow manage to spread his legs wide in public. No control over what happens next.

Sack happens. Hello sack.

Or sometimes a guy will "not realize" his shorts, despite covering more leg, somehow have a hole right where the sack falls out.

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Public Exposure: A Day in the Life

29 Sep 2016

Public Exposure: A Day in the Life

This isn't all the same person, but imagine it is. What's his day been like?

Woke up naked but no need to show that as it's not in public.

Followed by a range of activities that are rather unremarkable, except for the whole "you're nude where?!" thing.

Biked to work. Bike commuting is a very healthy activity. And also helps witnesses exercise their jaw muscles from gaping jaw and talking about the scandal.

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Public Exposure: Crazy Naked Fun

22 Sep 2016

Public Exposure: Crazy Naked Fun

Fun is in the eye of the beholder. Or in this case, the dick of the beheld. It's that dick brain that tells the guy to drop his pants (and sometimes everything else).


The pic can't tell us how long the guy was exposed and exactly who was watching at the time, but I'll venture to say I was watching and each guy wasn't exposed long enough. 

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Public Exposure: Flashing for Fun

15 Sep 2016

Public Exposure: Flashing for Fun

Writing this to Ukulele Anthem by Amanda Palmer. Look it up. Trust me. And maybe it can inspire some flashing. Because do whatever, do it, play your ukulele.

Or flash your dick. Or your ass. Or if you're in Italy, you can masturbate in public legally (though if seen by a minor you're legally absolutely fucked). 

Still I'm really running low on the random naked guy parts (or whole naked guy) in public thing. If seeing a naked guy would recharge my naked battery, I'd be pretty much almost out.

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Public Exposure: Guys Who Don't Give a Fuck

8 Sep 2016

Public Exposure: Guys Who Don't Give a Fuck

Hey, look at me. Or don't. I don't care! Which is pretty much the attitude of these guys.

Though for some, I'm betting more on the please look at me, please remember me, please jack off to me now and/or later. That's more likely what's running through their minds. You kind of have to be thinking that to wear those obscenely revealing tights. 

And you kind of have to be thinking of that to supposedly not notice when your dick falls out of your shorts in public. Which for 99% of the population I'm glad when that doesn't happen. But the other 1% I wish would.

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Sneaky Peek: Footballers Change In Lockerroom

5 Sep 2016

Sneaky Peek: Footballers Change In Lockerroom

These footballers are all very handsome and have great, athletic bodies. They are about to get dressed after a shower following the game, and Sneaky Peek managed to plant their spy cam in the locker room to capture all their swinging dicks and bare butts on film. The players parade around the changing room with their naked bodies, engaging in the usual banter, oblivious to the fact the world can see their dicks.

Spy on more athletic men at Sneaky Peek!

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