Gay Voyeur Blog

GayDemon's Blog: On this page you can find all gay porn posts related to gay voyeurs & voyeur porn listed in order they where published.

Guy Watching: Jock Time

23 Aug 2016

Guy Watching: Jock Time

Set a jock time alarm and let it ring in your mind and pants. Because it's jock time. Those of us who don't train for years to win a medal of whatever color still train for our own reasons. 

Like so you can spend time in a locker room and watch guys in various states of sexual undress. Or so you can sort of fit in with other jocks at various points throughout the day. Because, hell, maybe you're a jock too.

Or you just want to watch, which most jocks secretly (or not so secretly notice) and heartily approve of. Tends to feed their egos too. Which may make them workout harder, set bigger goals, and give you more to see next time. Win and win.

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Guy Watching: Muscle on the Move

18 Aug 2016

Guy Watching: Muscle on the Move

If you're lost, is it better to stay in the same place so someone can find you? Or keep wandering? If you're searching for a certain guy, is it better to stay in the same place so he can find you? Or wander in hopes of finding him?

Neither thing with neither thing. Rather shout it from them the rooftops. A giant cosmic I WANT YOU. YES YOU.

I swear it will work.

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Guy Watching: Accidentally On Purpose

4 Aug 2016

Guy Watching: Accidentally On Purpose

Some guys show off accidentally on purpose and you may find yourself accidentally on purpose at the right angle to stare like all hell at them. Also known as winning the beefcake lottery.

Or as a precursor to filing a sexual harassment lawsuit. Whichever.

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Guy Watching: Tour the World for Bulge

1 Aug 2016

Guy Watching: Tour the World for Bulge

As much as they tout their utility, those trip planning sites just don't offer a Bulge World Tour. And I mean ass bulge, muscular arm bulge, ass bulge, and of course the most important one of all.

Wallet bulge. 

Isn't that what makes jeans bulge out in the front? THat's where I wear my wallet. Meanwhile, I wear my dick in my back pocket. It's complicated.

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Guy Watching: Inside and Out

29 Jul 2016

Guy Watching: Inside and Out

Guys go inside and out. Go go go guys. Preferably with bulging muscles and other things. In a dreamworld with a wet pink shirt.

Because that is so gay. A wet pink shirt gone semi-transparent.

Trend alert: wet pink pants gone semi-transparent. Is that a trend now that I said it? Damn, I'm not a Kardashian so no.

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Guy Watching: You Win a Gold Medal!

7 Jul 2016

Guy Watching: You Win a Gold Medal!

No need to follow all the standard steps to win a gold medal, such as picking a sport, training, qualifying for the Olympics and, um, actually coming in first. You can skip right to the gold medal part.

Because your gold medal is this rather perfectly built guy in a gold singlet. Wouldn't you enjoy wearing him around your neck? 

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Guy Watching: Nearly Naked Muscle Man Parades Downtown

30 Jun 2016

Guy Watching: Nearly Naked Muscle Man Parades Downtown

In this social experiment to see what happens when a shiny, pretty muscular guy (carrying a coffee cup most of the time) walks nonchalantly through Manhattan.

Or more specifically, certain parts of Manhattan, not including Wall Street, the Meat Packing District, Dhinatown, or Bergdorf Goodman. Because everyone knows what would happen if he walked into ritzy department store Bergdorf Goodman.

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Guy Watching: Inside Outside

23 Jun 2016

Guy Watching: Inside Outside

Outside is where you see guys and inside is where you take them. But sometimes inside is where you see one too because he's on his way to outside and his way to you hopefully. Admiring people is complicated.

Especially from a distance.

I'm beginning to wonder if all guy watching carries the risk of lost opportunity. Though hopefully some of these guy watchers who snapped these followed up with an approach, such as:

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Guy Watching: Muscle and Bulges

15 Jun 2016

Guy Watching: Muscle and Bulges

Technically, that would be muscle and crotch bulges and muscle bulges. And why not throw in another bulges while we're at it. Or a dozen.

I must assert that it's wrong to grab a guy's pecs out of nowhere. Definitely say hello first. And not with your hands but with your words and eyes. Or hands and eyes if you speak that way. As long as he understand and accepts.

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Guy Watching: Under and Over Clothes

19 May 2016

Guy Watching: Under and Over Clothes

That mix of clothed and dressed is everything. The fabric (or rubber or plastic wrap or macrame or whatever people where) caresses, highlights, partially exposes, hides, teases or shows off the body. And I want to see.

I get that it's something simple often, like a t-shirt and shorts. But compare the full nudity (which has its own definite charms) to partially clothed and you can feel the seduction.

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Guy Watching: Letting It All Hang Out

21 Apr 2016

Guy Watching: Letting It All Hang Out

What's better for you? A major bulge ready to explode out of super tight jeans? Or flopping cock and sack doing their thing out a shorts leg?

Frankly, I would prefer a flopping cock and sack hanging out the bottom of a pants leg, as in by the ankles. Though as that size package is only a Photoshop thing, I'll have to settle for cock out of shorts.

And what an arousing way to settle it is. Not like settling for soggy french fries. This is serious cock we're talking about.

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Guy Watching: Bare Chest Bonanza

14 Apr 2016

Guy Watching: Bare Chest Bonanza

Thank you male nipple privilege. That's the protestable double standard in which biological men are (depending on one's exact location) generally allowed to be bare chested in public.

Including, if you live in Florida, at an alligator funeral. You know, when the alligator died from a meth overdose. Which is pretty much what happens someone in Florida at least once a day. Or probably.

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Guy Watching: Double-Dick Wrestler

31 Mar 2016

Guy Watching: Double-Dick Wrestler

Not "double-dicked" but "double-dick" as in two dicks. His two dicks. He has two dicks. Which is one more than required. Or if you're FTM dude friendly, then potentially up to two dicks more than the zero required. 

I get that it's the fold of the singlet. I get he doesn't have two dicks. Except, facts show he totally does! Two dicks! Double! And he hasn't let it hold him back from great athletic success, such as jacking himself off two times at once. 

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Guy Watching: Wonder Men

24 Mar 2016

Guy Watching: Wonder Men

That's like Wonder Woman but men and more than one. But still the overall effect is superhero. And I like superheroes. 

Pity none actually exist. I mean for all the movies out there, there has yet to be a person who can fly. For all the radioactive spiders out there, there has yet to be a nerd bitten by one. And for all the muscular guys in shorts sitting outside, there has yet to be one whose shorts spontaneously disintegrate, despite my attempt to use my nonexistent telekinetic powers.

Which means I guess I'm not a superhero either.

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Guy Watching: Inside vs. Outside

10 Mar 2016

Guy Watching: Inside vs. Outside

Inside or outside, shirtless or clothed, I'm happy to see a muscular guy taking up space. Though I'd prefer to see a shirtless guy inside more often.

Inside my apartment.

Inside my (fill in the blank). Make that blanks. A lot needs to be filled.

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