Voyage Home

by icevuk2634

28 Oct 2016 626 readers Score 9.2 (46 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Callum brought out the bench from the table in the kitchen and set it out on the corner of the flagstone. A rather nervous looking Dustin came out the backdoor and stood there. Henry was coming up the knoll from the opening in the stone fence, the dog Fitz was walking beside him. Callum looked at Dustin as he straightened.

“You look a little pale, Dustin.” Callum said cocking his head a bit, “Do you wish to not do this practice with Christian?”

“He is a very fine swordsman, Quintan, as you know. I am not certain that I will be of any match against him at all.” Dustin said quietly, his eyes moving about and not looking at Callum fully.

“As I have said before, my love, you are not against him, but rather with him. It is just practice.” Callum said as he stepped closer toward Dustin, their eyes met, “But if you are having doubts over it, then perhaps we should call it off. I do not want either of you hurt in the slightest.”

“As long as he understands that it is only practice.” Dustin said and flashed his eyes.

“Of course he does.” Callum said and then smiled as he reached out and put his hands on Dustin’s arms, “I know that he cares for you very much and would not want to see you hurt, not even by accident. Think of it as learning from him. His approach to this will be far different than mine would be. As you bested me yesterday, you were using my tactics against me. You knew what I was going to do even before I did it, is that not so?” Callum asked and Dustin nodded.

“Yes, from all of the time of watching you, in all of our battles together.”

“There you have it, you watched and learned from me. Now, you can watch and learn from him. I have no doubt that there are several things that he might be able to teach you, don’t you think?” Callum asked. Dustin nodded again. Henry came up on the flagstone and pulled at Callum’s pant leg and pointed back toward the stone fence and the opening.

“Here comes Thomas and Christian, Papa.” Henry said and Callum and Dustin looked over, seeing the pair coming through the opening. Christian was carrying his sword in his hand. He wore his tall boots that were knee high, his pants were a dark brown color, and his shirt with billowed sleeves had a deep v with the cord that was woven in and out was tucked inside the waist of the pants, he wore no belt and Dustin thought of just how beautiful he actually was. Thomas waved toward them on the flagstone as they came up the knoll on the path.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen.” Callum said and gave a slight bow of the head.

“Good afternoon.” Thomas said as he and Christian reached the flagstone.

“Where is our young Darin?” Callum asked.

“Off to the village to see that young lady of his.” Thomas said, “You don’t think he would want to just watch this when she is waiting for him, do you?” Thomas asked and raised an eyebrow.

“No, I suppose not.” Callum said, “She certainly does have him wrapped up, doesn’t she?”

“An understatement to be sure.” Christian said and smiled. He looked over at Dustin and their eyes met, “Are you alright with this, Dustin?”

“Certainly, why not?” Dustin asked as he pulled himself up.

“You look a bit pale.” Christian said, “Are you feeling alright?”

“I feel quite fine, Christian, fine enough to give you a run for it.” Dustin said. Callum smiled out of the corner of his mouth, Thomas raised his eyebrow even higher, and Christian had a look of surprise on his face hearing Dustin’s tone. Dustin turned and went to the stack of firewood and took the sword in his hand, pulling it from the scabbard, leaving it there.

“Feeling a bit fiesty it seems.” Christian said quietly as he leaned a bit toward Callum.

“I think you will have your hands full with him, Christian.” Callum said just as quietly. Dustin turned and walked by them out into the grass of the knoll and stopped a few paces away, turning back to look at them all.

“Shall we begin?” Dustin asked and swung the blade a couple of times in the air.

“Definitely fiesty.” Christian said as he stepped away from Callum and Thomas. He took his sword from his scabbard and dropped it in the grass at the edge of the flagstone. The blade was swung about a couple of times as well.

“No injuries now, both of you. This is but a friendly practice.” Callum said as he watched the two out in the grass. He moved over to the bench, as he held Henry’s little hand in his. Callum sat down and took Henry and sat him on his lap as Thomas came over and sat down on the bench next to Callum.

“What are they going to do, Papa?” Henry asked.

“Have a bit of practice as I said, Henry, just as Dustin and I did yesterday, that’s all.” Callum said into Henry’s ear.

“He won’t hurt him, will he?” Henry asked.

“Christian? No, he wouldn’t…”

“No, Dustin.” Henry said as he stared at the two out in the grass. Callum chuckled and Thomas looked over at Henry.

“Henry, Christian told me that he only wants to practice very slow and gentle with Dustin. Neither of them are going to get hurt.” Thomas said and pat the closest little leg. Thomas turned his head back and watched the pair squaring off out in the grass.

“So, you are feeling up to this then?” Christian asked.

“Do I really have a choice?” Dustin asked as he slid his blade up and down Christian’s a bit.

“Of course you do.” Christian said and eased his stance because of the question and Dustin swung and was on him as their blades clanged and flashed in the afternoon sun. Henry jumped a bit on Callum’s lap with the first hit. Callum put his arms loosely around Henry to comfort him.

The blades moved back and forth against one another, lunge, block, parry, swing, backswing, lunge again, and as the blades moved, so did they that held them. The afternoon sun was brilliant and high in the sky. The breeze had freshened a bit and was coming in gently now, the grass was moving in waves slightly as the pair glided over the top of the knoll, going down it a bit and then coming back up.

Dustin was pressing his attack against Christian, something that he had learned in watching Callum, but Christian knew as he had seen it before as well and was setting a trap for Dustin, letting him feel a bit confident with what he was doing, Christian had thought it would undo him and let him take the advantage over Dustin with just a few more steps. Christian feigned and leaned back, but it did not come as Christian had thought, and for that split second, Christian was vulnerable. Dustin parried and circled his blade tip tightly around Christian’s blade several times and slid down the length of the blade, Christian trying to avoid being skewered and let go, Dustin flinging Christian’s blade away with his own out into the grass. Christian was wide eyed as Dustin’s sword tip was now pointed at his throat and there was a look in Dustin’s eye that meant business.

“Where the hell did you learn that?” Christian asked standing very still.

“My God, did you see that?” Thomas asked as he looked at Callum, who was staring at Dustin as if seeing him for the very first time.

“That was incredible.” Callum said softly and picked Henry up and set him on the flagstone as he rose off the bench. He walked toward Dustin and Christian, seeing Dustin lower the point of his blade away from Christian, “Where on earth did you learn to do that?” Callum asked, Dustin turned his head only and looked at Callum.

“I saw Captain Powers do that more than once.” Dustin said.

“He did?” Callum asked with even more surprise, “Where the hell was I?”

“You and Farrow were with the shore party. I saw him do that when we took that Spanish ship at Gibraltar, you recall, the prize that was burned.” Dustin said.

“Yes, I do recall the ship. But, Captain Powers used his sword like that? And you remembered how to do that?” Callum asked.

“Yes,” A confused Dustin answered and looked back and forth between Callum and Christian, “did I do something wrong?”

“Not at all.” Christian said.

“Absolutely not. Dustin, I have never seen anyone, other than duelists perform that move and only with rapiers. I am most impressed actually. You performed it flawlessly and took Christian completely by surprise. Bravo.” Callum said. Dustin eased somewhat but stayed guarded still watching the two of them.

“So, are we through?” Dustin asked.

“I would really like you to teach me that, if you wouldn’t mind?” Christian asked.

“I suppose I could, but I have never really taught before and I would have to think on how to do that.” Dustin said as he was a bit confused.

“It seems as though I am sharing a bed with a fencing master and didn’t know it.” Callum said above a whisper.

“I am sorry, Quintan.” Dustin said as they were all three close together. Dustin put the tip of the blade into the grass. Callum shifted his eyes and put his hand on Dustin’s arm.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, my love. We are all in just a bit of awe over a skill that we did not know that you possessed. In all the battles that we have been through, why have you not shown what you can do?” Callum asked. Dustin thought and shrugged a bit.

“It has never truly presented itself. You have always been close to me or near at hand and as for Christian and I in Cambridge together, I never had the chance really. It was you, Christian, that took the lead in the stopping of your father’s men, I never had a sword, only a pistol.” Dustin said.

“Yes, that’s true.” Christian said and nodded. He and Callum just stared at Dustin, who was feeling a bit uncomfortable with it all.

“Well, knowing this now, my love, perhaps I will rethink our strategy and put you in the forefront from now on.” Callum said and smiled, Dustin rolled his eyes a bit and then frowned.

“Let’s begin again, shall we?” Christian asked and walked to get his sword from the grass.


Pennysort knocked and then opened the door to the large chamber, bowing slightly as he held the knob. He saw the man standing at the large windows, looking out over the Thames through the shears.

“I beg pardon, My Lord.”

“What is it, Pennysort?” The man at the windows asked without turning to look at the tall gawky man at the door.

“My Lord, Rogers has arrived and asks to speak with you. He says he has information for you.”

“Send him in then.” The man said and stayed as he was, staring out the large windows. Out and below on the Thames, a barge was coming to the bridge and would soon go under it and out of sight. The barge, he noted, contained several large wooden crates and he knew he would leaving soon to inspect the contents of those crates once they were unloaded further upriver.

“My Lord.” The shaky sounding older voice said.

“What do you have to tell me, Rogers?” The man at the windows said as the barge was slipping under the bridge. There was a long silence. The man at the windows felt irritated by it and cocked his head a bit, “Well?”

“I have been watching as you said to do, My Lord.” The shaky voiced man said, nervously turning his hat in his hands as he stared at the silhouetted figure at the windows, “He had a visitor, My Lord.”

“Wellesley is a rather busy and popular man these days, Rogers, what with the war on. I have no doubt that he has several visitors daily.” The man said and his voice was icy, “Tell me something that would be of importance, Rogers, or you can go back to your watching.”

“It was an officer, My Lord, a naval officer. There has been no one like him that has visited before.” The nervous man said, still turning his hat in his hands. The man at the windows turned and looked in his direction raising an eyebrow.

“What did this naval officer look like?” The icy voice asked.

“He was a junior officer to be sure, My Lord, I could tell by his tunic. He was very young and was dark haired.” Rogers said in his nervous voice.

“Was he alone?”

“He was, My Lord. He was on horseback, and the saddle was that of the Guardsmen, My Lord.” The older man said, bowing slightly.

“What happened after that, Rogers?” The man asked and stepped to the sideboard at the windows. He lifted a decanter and pulled the crystal stopper, pouring the contents into a glass.

“He was brought into the house, escorted by the manservant. He was there for some time, My Lord, and after quite a bit, he was shown out by The Duke himself. This officer was given a fresh horse and was sent on his way.” Rogers said.

“Darin Talon.” The man said as he set the decanter back down and replaced the crystal stopper, “Is there anything else, Rogers?” The man asked as he picked up the glass without looking at the older man.

“No, My Lord.”

“Pennysort, see to Rogers. Then return here to me.” The man said taking the glass and returned to the windows. He looked down and saw the barge continuing on its way as the large chamber went silent after the door was closed. He watched the barge as it went to the bend in the river and slipped out of sight. The door reopened after several minutes.

“My Lord?” Pennysort asked.

“It would appear that Callum has made the first move. He suspects and has sent one of his junior officers that is with him.”

“You know this officer, My Lord?”

“Darin Talon, I am sure. I know his father. I will call upon him and ask discretely about the young man.” The man said and sipped from his glass.

“I do not understand, My Lord, if you already know…” Pennysort said but was cut off.

“I may know who, Pennysort, but not why, not fully.” The man said and turned away from the windows, going to the large desk that was near. He set the glass down on the broad surface and looked at the tall gawky man that was near the door, “Jeffrey Talon, this young officer’s father, is a member of the House of Commons. I have known him for a number of years. He is a trusting sort, and if I ask him, I am certain that out of fatherly pride, he will tell me what I want to know.”

“As you say, My Lord.”

“Callum is coming, that much is certain. I need to be ready for him. I need to know when.” The man said in his icy voice.

“Perhaps, My Lord, we should send someone to Birmingham, just to watch this Captain Callum.” Pennysort said.

“It is a small community, Pennysort, and I am certain that everyone knows everyone, as they do that in the country you know. A stranger showing up and asking questions about Callum and his party would be more than suspicious, especially after the Guardsmen have failed twice now.”

“Our man there, Dr. Stivers, surely he would be able to find out something and send word to you.” Pennysort said.

“Possibly.” The man said and sat behind the broad desk, thinking and picked up the glass, he looked up at the tall gawky Pennysort, “Yes, perhaps you are right. Send word to Stivers, see what he can find out. I must know when Callum comes. He must not meet with Wellesley and Lord Eldon. He may unravel everything if he does.”

“I will send it right away, My Lord.” Pennysort said and went out of the large chamber, closing the door once again, leaving the man in silence.


“I’ll wager a shilling on Christian.” Thomas said as Callum had rejoined him on the bench. Callum snorted as Henry was leaning against Callum’s leg.

“Put your money where your mouth is, Thomas, I’ll wager ten pounds on Dustin.” Callum said and Thomas went wide eyed over it. He looked at Callum and then back at Dustin and Christian as they were swinging blades again. Callum smiled softly to himself as he saw a difference this time between Dustin and Christian.

“Done.” Thomas said flatly.

The blades were moving faster and faster against one another now. The clang od steel filled the afternoon air. Dustin seemed more at ease with what they were doing and was testing himself against the truly more experienced Christian. Christian on the other hand was struggling a bit to keep pace with Dustin but tried very hard not to show it. He was tiring and was sweating heavily, as where Dustin was only beading on his forehead and was showing little or no strain at all. Christian slowed his blade a bit and then moved to shift position, pressing against Dustin with an attack, Dustin backing slowing from it, but tried to backswing a few times, Christian countering.

“Hold.” Christian said finally and stopped holding up his free hand, Dustin held and stopped his swing and motion.

“Are you alright?” Dustin asked as he stayed guarded, not wanting to be tricked by some ruse that Christian might be trying to pull.

“I cannot seem to gain ground on you, Dustin. What is this? I have never seen you like this before.” Christian asked above a whisper.

“I think I have found my inner side. I am no longer in the shadow it seems.” Dustin said and eased a bit more.

“Well, I think I have had enough for one day, have you?” Christian asked.

“If you are too tired, we can call it a draw then.” Dustin said and smirked. Christian cocked his head a little.

“You certainly are full of yourself, aren’t you?” Christian asked as he lowered his sword.

“Now you know how it feels for the rest of us with you.” Dustin smirked even more. Christian chuckled and held out an arm. Dustin stepped into it as Christian put it around Dustin’s shoulders. They leaned heads together and Christian kissed Dustin’s cheek as they walked toward the flagstone and came before Callum, Thomas, and Henry.

“What is going on then?” Thomas asked.

“I cannot gain ground against this new master of the blade.” Christian said as he looked at Thomas.

“So that’s it?” Thomas asked, Christian nodded as Dustin smiled slightly, “Damn.”

“What?” Christian asked.

“I just lost ten pounds to Quintan then.” Thomas said and Christian looked shocked.

“What? Ten pounds?” Christian asked.

“Pay up, you welcher.” Callum smiled as he looked at Thomas.

“You wagered on me?” Dustin asked, Callum looked at him still smiling.

“Of course. I would any given day, as I knew you could best him, as you bested me yesterday.” Callum said and flashed his eyes, Dustin shook his head a bit.

“He was quite ferocious to be sure. I would not want to be the one to stand against him in battle.” Christian said as he still had his arm about Dustin’s shoulders, and Dustin shrugged him off gently.

“Here now, you have a right sharp smell to you now, Christian. You need a bath.” Dustin said as he wrinkled his nose and Christian looked at him at being insulted.

“Have a care, Dustin.” Christian said.

“I didn’t say that you smelt like a…” Dustin said and looked embarrassed for the insinuation.

“You didn’t have to. I can take a hint, you know.” Christian said as he watched Dustin turn several different colors before his eyes.

“I…I apologize.” Dustin said. Christian waited a long moment and put his hand on Dustin’s shoulder and laughed loudly.

“The look on your face was worth the pasting that you just gave me, as well as the insult.” Christian said and Dustin knew he had been had. The others laughed as well, except for Henry, who did not understand what was going on, “Gather some fresh clothes and come over for a bath if you wish.”

“Uh, we have the tub here as well, you know.” Dustin said nodding toward the new tub at the corner of the house.

“Yes, well, if you want our dear lady of the house taking a look at you and your bits, then by all means bathe here.” Christian said. He knew that Dustin had bathed before out here on the flagstone in the tub that Callum had ordered from the mercantile, “But as for me, I am going back over to Harbroughs.”

“I will put some water on for you, and might even be persuaded to wash your back.” Callum said to Dustin as he rose off the bench. Dustin flashed a look at Henry and then quickly back to Callum, “I don’t think he’ll mind.” Callum said seeing the glance from Dustin.

“I suppose not.” Dustin said softly.

“Well…I suppose I had better fetch my purse then.” Thomas said as he stood and frowned at Christian a bit.

“What?” Christian asked Thomas.

“Come along you…loser.” Thomas said and stepped forward. He held out a hand toward Dustin, “Interesting practice, Dustin.” Thomas said as he clasped Dustin’s hand, “Thank you for the lesson in…humility.” Christian’s mouth dropped open at hearing him. Callum chuckled as he turned to fetch a pail to fill from the pump.


Dustin sat in the tub out on the flagstone trying to relax from the afternoons practice session, his thoughts were heavy and jumbled. Callum was behind him, washing his back with a soapy cloth. Henry and Fitz, the dog, were romping down below in the tall grass at the bottom of the knoll.

“I cannot say enough of how impressive you were this afternoon.” Callum said. Dustin turned his head a bit, seeing him out of the corner of his eye.

“Thank you.” Dustin said softly. Callum dunked the cloth in the warm water of the tub and brought it up on the soapy shoulders. He compressed the cloth in his fingers letting the water run down the soft skin, the soap running down into the tub.

“You don’t sound very happy over it.”

“It was a practice session only, nothing to be overjoyed about.” Dustin said.

“I would argue against that.” Callum said as he stopped with the cloth. Dustin looked over his shoulder more, “You’re not upset about the wager, are you?” Callum asked.

“No.” Dustin whispered.

“Then what is it?” Callum asked softly.

“I was thinking of our times together both in Portsmouth and in London. I was pretty much useless to you, wasn’t I?” Dustin asked. Callum shifted himself and came more around Dustin and looked him directly in the eyes.

“I would argue against that as well.” Callum said, “What would make you think that?”

“Think on it, Quintan. You were in the forefront in all of it. I should have done more to help you.” Dustin said.

“Now you listen to me, and you listen well,” Callum said, his voice changed and became his one of authority but he spoke softly, “I have no regret of anything that you did, in any of it. Your actions that you did were from your courage and from love and those circumstances that were handed to us, were just that, Dustin, circumstances. We had no other choices to make, other than the ones that we did. If I was in the forefront as you say, it was because I took control of it, it’s what I do and you well know it. You have nothing, and I mean nothing to hang your head over. I for one am very proud to have you at my side, and not behind me, Dustin, as some member of the crew, but at my side. And I pray that it will always be that way with us. In fact, I count on it.”


“Dustin, I love you. I love you more than anything. Words cannot express fully what I feel for you. You brought that out in me, you showed me that, to feel that. It was all you, Dustin.” Callum said, his eyes searched the soft brown eyes before him, “I have said before that I would be lost without you, I meant it, and it has nothing to do with skill with a blade either.” Callum smiled a faint smile as Dustin sat there listening to every word, “That is merely a bonus to it all.” Dustin smiled in return and then splashed Callum, making him turn his head away, “Oh, is that the way of it?” Callum asked and got to his feet quickly as Dustin went to splash him again, Callum picked up the pail of water and dumped it over Dustin’s head and then backed up as he chuckled, Dustin blowing out cold water and then rubbing it off his face. He gave Callum a wrinkled nose look as he sat in the tub looking rather drown, “Now, you finish up here while I will tend to the mare and the colt.”

“Aye, aye, sir.” Dustin said slowly as he watched Callum as he set the pail down on the flagstone.

“And don’t you forget it. I like to hear that ‘sir’ that you do.” Callum said as he pointed a shaking finger at Dustin. He smiled warmly and bent down kissing Dustin on top of his now wet head and walked off the flagstone, leaving Dustin to stare off after him over his shoulder.


“Ah, there you are.” Thomas said as Callum straightened in the stall at hearing him.

“Thomas.” Callum said as Thomas stepped forward. He put a hand in his pants pocket and then pulled out a note and held it out, “What is this then?”

“Your winnings,…sir.” Thomas said and flashed a look toward Callum.

“Oh posh, Thomas.” Callum said and waved a hand in the air a bit.

“We made a wager, I will not be known as a welcher.” Thomas said.

“And you are not, my friend.” Callum said as he leaned on the pitchfork handle in his hands, “Save it for London. You can buy supper for us all when we are there.”

“If you wish.” Thomas said and frowned a bit. He slowly put the note back in his pocket.

“How is Christian?” Callum asked as he moved the pitchfork to finish what he was doing in the stall.

“A bit tired.” Thomas said as he leaned against the stall wall and watched what Callum was doing, “I helped him with his bath and he went and lay down on the settee in the parlor. I think Dustin really gave him a good working over.”

“Indeed he did.” Callum said and smiled as he looked at Thomas, “How are your stitches?”

“A bit tight.” Thomas said, “I was thinking of having Stivers look them over tomorrow. Perhaps he should have a look at yours as well.”

“A good idea. I would like to see about them before we are off to London.” Callum said as he finished the stall.

“Let’s go together in the morning then.” Thomas said.

“Yes, I do need to speak to Owen about caring for the herd while we are gone.” Callum said, and looked at Thomas hearing him clear his throat, “Something wrong?”

“Uh, no, why do you ask?” Thomas asked. Callum straightened and stepped closer to Thomas.

“You seem to have a care when I mentioned his name.” Callum said and Thomas looked down at the straw.

“No, it’s nothing.” Thomas said. Callum put a hand on Thomas’ shoulder over the stall wall.

“Thomas, look at me.” Callum said softly. Thomas lifted his eyes and they met Callum’s, “What you and Christian do is none of my affair and I have no judgements about it. Understand that I know that what it is like to want to…try new and different things. Believe me when I say, I have done so myself, and many times. And I also know that this new to you, yours and Christian’s discovering of one another, and I for one am happy for you both, truly I am. As far as Owen, he is a good friend and will always remain as such to me. If the three of you are…together,…as I said, it is none of my affair.”

“I…just…feel…” Thomas said and was trying to put it into words but was struggling terribly with it.

“Thomas, it’s alright, you need not say anything more about it.” Callum said and squeezed his fingers a bit on Thomas’ shoulder. Thomas eased in his struggle and nodded.

“Thank you.”

“It is nothing to thank me over, I assure you. But, I am wondering how things are over there with Darin being about?” Callum asked.

“We remain a bit…quiet about it.” Thomas said, and Callum nodded very long in his understanding of what Thomas was meaning.

“I see. Would you like us to take Darin in? We do have the spare room upstairs, you know?” Callum asked. Thomas went a bit wide eyed at the thought.

“How would we explain it?” Thomas asked.

“Do you not think that he doesn’t know?” Callum asked, “You and Christian share a bed do you not?”

“Yes, we do, but…”

“Darin does have a good head on his shoulders, you know. He is not the village idiot.” Callum said and smiled softly.

“No, he is not, is he?” Thomas asked and rolled his eyes.

“There you have it.” Callum said and smiled out of the corner of his mouth. He took the pitchfork and came out of the stall, going over to the corner and leaned it against the wall. He opened the grain crate and scooped some from the bag inside, walking it back over to the stall and poured it into the trough. The mare heard the sound and came in through the half doors and walked into the stall, the colt was following her and trotted in beside her. Thomas smiled at the sight as Callum walked around them and closed the door of the stall behind him, “Think it over if you want. We have a few days before we are to leave. I am certain between all of us that we can think of something to say to him.”

“Indeed, I’m certain that we can.” Thomas said as Callum went to walk out of the stable. Thomas put a hand on Callum’s shirtsleeve and stopped him, “Quintan,” Thomas said as Callum looked at him, “I thank you for your understanding.”

“My friend, I was there once myself as I said. I cannot help but to understand.” Callum smiled and put out his arms, Thomas stepped into them and they hugged for a long moment, Callum patting Thomas’ back, “Now, I am going up to the house to have a glass of wine before supper, would you care to join me?”

“Thank you, but I think I will go back over to Harbroughs and have a talk with Christian.” Thomas said.

“Of course.” Callum said with a smile. They walked out of the stable and Callum closed the half doors and latched them. Thomas went around the corner and went to the opening in the stone fence as Callum went up the path to the back door of the Cross.


“My Lord, I have the instructions written out for Stivers. Would you care to have a look at it?” Pennysort asked as he stepped up to the broad desk. He handed out the piece of parchment and set it down on the shining surface, knowing that the man behind the desk never took anything directly from anyone’s hand. A hand reached out and a finger was placed on it and the parchment was slid before him. Pennyworth watched as the eyes scanned the writing on the parchment, and that same hand reached for the quill that was lying next to the inkwell. The quill was picked up, dipped into the ink and tapped on the wells edge. A signature was scrawled out on the parchment and the quill was set back down.

“Any word on the shipment?” The icy voice asked without looking up from the parchment as it was pushed back toward the tall gawky man. He leaned forward and picked it up and waved it a bit to set the ink into the fibers of the parchment.

“Not as of yet, My Lord, I apologize.”

“Nothing to apologize for, Pennysort.” The man said as he rose up from behind the desk. He went slowly over to the windows and stopped at them. The sun was setting, casting a glare over the waters of the Thames, “Underpaid dock workers. They have not a care as to what is inside those crates, and if they did know, they might run like scared schoolboys to hide under their beds never to be seen again.”

“As you say, My Lord.” Pennysort said and went to turn away, but gave a long look at the silhouetted figure at the windows, “I shall send this by special messenger right away, My Lord. Stivers should have it by morning at the latest.”

“See that he does, Pennysort.” The man said with his icy voice and clasped his hands behind his back as he continued to stare through the shears out across the Thames, “Let me know when you receive word of the shipment.”

“Of course, My Lord.” Pennysort said as he reached the door. He bowed his head slightly toward the silhouette and closed the door behind him, again leaving the large chamber in silence.

“I will have you, Quintan, right where I want you, leading the charge without you even knowing it, you poor sot, standing over the bodies of your dead friends and you won’t even have a care when I am done with you.” The man said quietly with his icy tone to it. He smiled at what he was thinking of.


Callum came in through the back door, closing it behind him. Martha looked over from the stove and smiled at him. He smiled back and went over to her. He put his hands on her shoulders and kissed the back of her head.

“And what have we here, my dear?” Callum asked as he looked over her shoulder.

“Supper of course.” She said and smiled as she shook her head a bit, “I have made a nice stew for you all. I had to use the last of that dried beef from the pantry. I will have to go into the Square tomorrow and see the butcher. I was thinking of a nice hen for tomorrow night.”

“Hmm, that sounds nice, along with some roasted carrots perhaps, and some mash as well, I think.” Callum said and kissed her again. She looked over her shoulder up at him as he went over to the shelf behind the table on the wall of the new pantry. He pulled a glass and the wine bottle from the shelf, setting the glass down on the table. He pulled the cork and poured a bit from the bottle. She watched him as he recorked the bottle and set it down.

“It has been a while since you have asked for something, Quintan, what has gotten into you, I wonder?” She asked as she gave the large pot a stir with her famous or rather infamous wooden spoon.

“Nothing, my dear, I was just in a mood, that’s all.” Callum said with a smile and lifted the glass. He smiled at her and held it up a moment in her direction and then took a sip from it, “Would that be alright?”

“Of course it would. I love to hear when any of you have suggestions for supper. I sometimes run out of ideas myself.” She said.

“Well, in that case, I will try and suggest a few things more and on a more frequent basis.” Callum said and thought a moment and then had an idea, “You know, Carson used to make something for me aboard ship, I am trying to remember what he called it…” Callum said as he looked up toward the ceiling in thought and then he remembered, “beef in crust, yes, that was what he called it. It was like your Shephard’s Pie, but stood up more on its own as it were.”

“What was in it?” She asked as she looked at him from the stove.

“Large pieces of beef, potatoes, that were very spicy I might add, and carrots of course. But it was the crust that was very thick, almost like a bread, but heavier and not like a pastry that would be light and flaky. It was not oily or anything like that, just thick and heavy.” Callum said and rolled his eyes a bit, “Now that I think of it, I never ate much of the crust as I recall. If it sat too long, you could use it to repair the hull.” Callum said and made a face which Martha laughed at, “Yes, rather pathetic, isn’t it?” Callum asked.

“Perhaps I can do something with the idea.” Martha said.

“I have no doubt, my dear, and as I have said many times, with any of your cooking, I am certain it will be sheer perfection.” Callum smiled and held out his glass again. She nodded her head a bit and smiled warmly at him, “Now, I think I need to check on my lads.”

“They should be in the parlor.” She said and nodded toward the door, “This should be ready whenever you want it.”

“Excellent.” Callum smiled and turned. He stepped over to the doorway and leaned against it as he saw Dustin and Henry on the settee. Dustin was reading a picture book to Henry. Callum watched the two together. They looked so much alike it was uncanny, Henry a younger version of Dustin, the love of Callum’s life.

“The dog ran…to the barn…and stopped…he was waaaggging…his tail…” Dustin said as he struggled to read and looked up and saw Callum there and exhaled. Henry was looking at the pictures in the book.

“Go on.” Callum said softly and nodded to Dustin. Dustin shifted his eyes back to the page.

“the boy…did not see the dog…as he was working…”

“Is that like me and Fitz?” Henry asked as he looked up at Dustin. They were sitting side by side touching close to one another in the middle of the settee. Dustin smiled down at Henry and nodded.

“Yes, exactly like you and Fitz, Henry.” Dustin said warmly.

“He’s a good friend, Dustin. He’s always with me wherever I go.” Henry said and looked down at the dog that was lying on the floor below the settee.

“Dogs are like that, Henry. They like the people that they are with and always want to be with them.” Dustin said, “Fitz will more than likely always want to be with you and will protect you as well from any harm.” Dustin said. Callum smiled at two of the most important people in his life. He realized at that moment that there was a bond between them, something very strong that could never be broken. Henry looked up and saw Callum leaning there in the doorway and wiggled a bit on the settee next to Dustin.

“Dustin is reading the picture book to me, Papa.” Henry said and was excited over it.

“Yes, I was listening, and he was doing a very good job with it as well.” Callum said and smiled at them both.

“Would you come and sit with us?” Henry asked. He patted the seat next to him on the settee.

“I thought you would never ask.” Callum said and came across the parlor and sat down next to Henry, putting him in the middle of he and Dustin, “It sounds like a very good story so far.”

“It is. It’s about a boy and his dog. They’re best friends, like me and Fitz.” Henry said in his excited little voice as Callum looked over at Dustin, their eyes met and Callum fell in love with Dustin all over again at that very moment.

“I can’t wait to hear about it.” Callum said softly as he stared at Dustin.

by icevuk2634

Email: [email protected]

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