Coming of Age

by AJ

28 Dec 2022 784 readers Score 9.5 (47 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Tears flowed around the room as the four hugged one another.

Conor and Caleb were tugging on Scott and AJ’s legs trying to get their attention. Caleb was always the more boisterous one and heard an earsplitting scream that got everyone’s attention. AJ knelt, putting his hands on either side of Caleb’s face, and asked him what was wrong. Conor and Caleb in unison asked for cake.

AJ picked both boys up – “I guess it’s now time for the birthday party. They did wait until just after 12:30. Bear/Kevin – thank you for the gifts we’ll open them before you leave.” Gina kissed AJ’s cheek and whispered in his ear – ‘They’re adult in nature so not around the kids.’

The birthday party was festive and fun. The boys got gifts from everyone. The first one that they opened was from their Mama. AJ had the biggest smile on his face as they opened the two gifts that Syd had purchased before, they were born. All eyes were actually on AJ and not the boys as everyone knew today would be extremely hard on him without Syd with them.

AJ was content as Syd stood next to him. He smelled her before he could see her, she was with them today. She had told him that this was the last time he would see her for some time but that she would always watch over her four men. As the boys opened the box, there were boots, jeans, and a western shirt for each of them; they were similar but not identical. Syd told AJ that he had mixed them up and AJ let her know that the colors were with the right kiddo. “Boys, those outfits were bought by your Mama; she made me promise when she bought those things before you were born that I would teach you how to ride a horse. I wanted to make sure that you opened her gift first because she loved you both so very much.”

While this was going on Syd let Scott know that this was likely her last visit with them. She made it clear that she expected him to be there forever and to take care of their Taz. Tears were rolling down both of their faces as Syd kissed his cheek.

Both boys asked where our Mama is; AJ simply replied – “She’s in heaven watching over us to make sure we are happy.” As AJ took the boxes and stacked them in an open pile behind the boys, Syd kissed his cheek and told him he needed to tell Scott what was coming and goodbye for now. AJ’s hand touched his cheek and she was gone.

Gina had been watching all of this unfold along with the rest of the family. They all saw the joy and tears on both AJ’s and Scott’s faces, it was so confusing to everyone. Gina being Gina spoke up – “Ok, give those little rugrats a box to open, and then the two of you need to explain what the hell is going on here. If anyone gets on me about my mouth you will see mama bear in action.”

AJ had asked Amanda and Chandler to help the boys and keep track of gifts and givers. The girls took over from AJ coordinating what was going on with the boys. AJ addressed the adults – “We are going to focus on the boys until they are done with the gifts. Once they are done with the gifts and cake, we will have them go upstairs and play so we can talk but today is about them and not me.”

The gifts were opened and the boys were ushered into the kitchen and sat in their hanging highchairs at the counter. Individual cakes that Miranda had baked were set in front of each boy. As everyone sang happy birthday the boys dug into the cake with their hands. They had it everywhere by the time the singing was complete but they were excited and having fun. The cake was served to the rest of the family, and the boys were cleaned up, and then sent upstairs with the rest of the kids.

AJ took a deep breath as the adults were gathered in the family room – “Back to Bear’s question earlier – Syd was here with us today. She busted my chops because she thought I got the colors wrong for the boys, she told me to love them with all my heart, to be a good husband to Scott, and not screw that up by wallowing in the past. Then she told me she would not be around for quite a while. So, I was happy she was here but sad at the same time that she won’t be around going forward.”

Scott kissed AJ’s cheek – “Damn she is a talker, isn’t she? Syd busted my balls telling me if I hurt AJ she would haunt my ass for all eternity, she told me to love him the way she knows I do and never shy away from showing him my vulnerability because he will love me more for it. The last thing she said to me was – ‘Take care of our Taz’ and she was gone.”

The doorbell rang at that moment, AJ went to the front door and found – Brent, Chase, Steve, Brett, Jordan, and Seth standing there with presents for the boys. Chase shook his head – “AJ, I love you but standing there with your mouth open is not a good look, invite us the hell in, and let’s get this party amped up. Your gay boy crew is here.” With that said he just walked in and ran directly into Scott’s hard body – “Popo you look hotter than normal, I might have to re-think the dress and let you have your way with me. Ouch, that was totally a joke you three need to lighten the hell up.” Chase bro-hugged Scott and made his way into the family room, the rest of the idiots could stand around looking at each other but he knew Mama, Pops, and the boys were here so he was on a mission. He yelled for the boys as he rounded the corner into the family room and stopped dead in his tracks – “Well damn, it’s too freaking quiet in here for 40-some people. Mama/Pops how were Christmas and the wedding?” Before they could answer Conor and Caleb were bounding down the stairs . They ran up to Chase yelling – “uppy, chawse.” He picked them both up and fart kissed their necks.

The rest of the guys made it down the hall; AJ just shook his head at his little brother – “Chase, leave it to you to set everything on end as you make your way into a room.” “Well duh.” “You know you didn’t give me a hug, but you did manhandle my man and are trying to steal my kids.” “You know I love you” – ‘So is Popo still as good as he seems?’ ‘Better. Fuck much better.’

Chase laughed out loud – “Well damn, that doesn’t even seem fair. Hey, there Mr. stop with the smacking of my head. I was being very polite and respectful. AJ, how are you doing today? I’m guessing it has been a roller coaster – being totally in love with Popo and missing Syd.” “I’m so glad you all are here, lightening up the mood and getting me out of my head.”

AJ got everyone’s attention and brought Kevin and Gina up on the hearth again – “The limo is here and ready to take these two off to their honeymoon. The family got together to fund your honeymoon. Inside are your passports, and a credit card for you to use on this trip. The limo will take you to the airport, you will board your private plane and fly off to your final destination, which you won’t find out until you land.”

Gina and Kevin shook their heads and Gina spoke for them both – “So Skeeter you took the trip we planned and blew it up, took the money we put down, combined it with the families, and then my guess is you put in an obscene amount and booked us on a trip of a lifetime. I don’t know what to say to you all, this has been an amazing journey, thank you to our family and friends for being here with us, we are truly blessed.”

Kevin took over as Gina struggled with further words – “Skeeter, as I said earlier, you are the man I strive to be. You continue to do things for this family that is outside what any of us would ever think to do. I love you and if it weren’t for your sister I might try and take you away from Scott. Ouch, Gina, I said if it weren’t for you… Anyway, AJ knows exactly what I’m trying to say – we love you with everything we are/have. There are no words to truly express how grateful we are to have you in our lives.” Kevin grabbed AJ and pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek whispering – ‘I do love you more than I probably should.’

AJ chuckled – ‘Kev, you are special to me too, I want you two to be ridiculously happy. Enjoy the honeymoon and if you need anything call. Just remember what I said at the altar.’ AJ winked and the family sent them off with cheers and best wishes.

With everyone back in the house, AJ whistled loudly, duh. He took a bow – “It’s really great to know you can quiet a room with just a little ole whistle . As everyone knows we are heading to NC in a couple of days thus the party for the boys. We have another birthday to celebrate as well – Mama, come on up here.”

Evie was not happy at all but her family made her move her behind to the hearth. She whispered to AJ – ‘I’m going to get my revenge.’

AJ smiled at her – “I love you too Mama. Miranda also made you; your favorite cake and Cheryl and Steph have coordinated a few gifts from the family. Scott, Conor, Caleb, and I got you a little something too Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Mama, happy birthday to you. From good friends and true, from old friends and new, may good luck go with you, and happiness too. How old are you now? How old are you now? How old, How old How old are you now – 57 in two days…

Go ahead and say it as the looks on your face tell the story – I’m a dork who knows the lyrics to the original song.”

Chase yelled out – “That’s not why my mouth was hanging open, it was because you had the balls to call out Mama’s age.”

AJ flipped him the bird – “She looks damn good and should be very proud of her age – she has 5 ungrateful children, 4 out-laws, 1 fiancé, and 11 grandchildren. Oh, and forgot the biggest pain in her butt – 1 husband.”

AJ jumped off the hearth, grabbed his mama and spun her around, and kissed her cheek – ‘I love you more than I show you. Thank you for being my mom.’

Evie reluctantly opened her presents, she tutted everyone as she went giving a heartfelt thank you and a small reprimand for spending money on her. When she finally opened the envelope from AJ, she was speechless and searched all the faces in front of her for him and Scott. She finally spotted them in the back with their arms around each other – “Skeeter, Scooter get your butts over here now.”

Scott looked like a deer caught in the headlights as he leaned into AJ – ‘What did you do now?’ AJ just stuck his left hand in Scott’s left back pocket with his arm wrapped behind him so he could pull him forward – ‘Well, I might have gone a little overboard. I’m not doing this alone so stiff upper lip and all that nonsense.’

The family parted as AJ and Scott made their way to Mama. AJ took the offensive – “Go ahead and bluster, complain and grouse all you want. It’s a done deal, you leave with us on Thursday, spend two days with us in NC, and then on to Ireland, Scotland, England, France, and Italy for 4 weeks.” AJ had said it loud enough that everyone heard and joined in with – that is fantastic, Mimi can we come, suck up, etc.

“Pops before you go all blustery on me – I talked to your clerk and they cleared your docket and any case that could not be pushed out has had a new judge assigned. Mama, you retire at the end of the year I talked to your company and they are ok with you leaving a couple of days early. Oh, the last thing – you have two days to get what you need here in town. I believe if you look through your other gifts there are gift cards for Nordstrom and you can round out your wardrobe for the 4 weeks you will be gone.”

Evie and JJ acquiesced to their youngest child’s gift and thanked all their kids for the gifts that surrounded the 4-week European vacation. Miranda brought out the pumpkin cake with a single candle on it – Evie blew it out. Everyone was caked out at this point so it was stored in the refrigerator for later.

Over the next hour, the family started to peel off to head home. It was now down to – Evie, JJ, Nanny, JR, Miranda, Chase, Brent, Brett, Steve, Jordan, and Seth.

The guys were all lounging in the family room with Conor and Caleb, talking and catching up from their time apart. Chase was on the floor with the boys playing with the gifts he had gotten them – he truly was a kid at heart. Scott leaned into AJ and whispered, ‘Who does he remind you of?’ AJ shook his head – “Stop right there Sam, I know what you are insinuating but you are off base. Chase and I are not that much alike.”

The entire room erupted in laughter, AJ and Chase were both getting more and more annoyed as the laughter continued. Brent finally got his laughter under control – “AJ, I love you to death but that was a priceless comment. Hold on my love, you both are annoyed that we all think you are just alike – yet another thing you have in common.”

Brent turned to the rest of the guys, he noticed Nanny, Evie, JJ, JR, and Miranda were standing there as well – “Correct me where I misstate anything. AJ, during summer pledging our sophomore year, Brett and Chase came to the river ski event – Steve, me, and the rest of our pledge class all talked about your little brother rushing our house. We knew you didn’t have a little brother but look at the two of you – your coloring, your mannerisms, your love of life, right down to the birthmark on your left side that looks like an airplane made us all question whether you were related.

During that event and all that followed you gravitated toward each other and fell into a big brother / little brother rhythm. Stop it’s not the same and you both know it – your relationship with Chase is different than it is with Brett or Jer; you connect on a different wavelength.

The last thing I will say about this is – you both are hyper-critical of the other and jealousy is through the roof.” In unison, AJ and Chase replied – “That is absurd.”

Brett laughed at the antics – “I’ve been closer to you both than most in this room. Everything Brent said is 100% fact. I love you too, the birds are accepted with love and appreciation…”

Nanny interrupted the conversation – “I’m sure you boys have a point in here somewhere but as per usual your communication skills are horrible. Chase my dear boy – what are your mom and dad’s names?”

Chase was caught off guard by the question but answered – “I’m not sure of their last names as I was adopted when I was a baby. I have a letter from my birth mom – telling me how much she and my dad would have loved me but the circumstance was such that they could not keep me. They were teenagers and did not have the means to give me the life I deserved, my mom’s name was Ava and my birth dad’s name was Nathan. My mom and dad who adopted me 3 days after I was born are – George and Jean Brown.”

AJ picked up on the subtle change in Nanny’s expression – “Nanny, it’s clear to me that you know something more than you are saying, what gives?”

Nanny slowly shook her head and exhaled – “Sometimes I don’t like that you are so intuitive and know me as well as you do and this is one of those times. Chase, will you join me in AJ’s office as I would like to talk to you about a couple of things in private?”

Chase declined to move – “Nanny, whatever you know you can share with my family. I don’t have any secrets from anyone in this room.” As he was talking, he sat between AJ and Brent on the couch.

Nanny took a deep breath – “What I know is limited, what I believe now based on what you just said is this – Nathan was my youngest son, who died in a car accident when he was 22. He was killed when a deer was hit by a pickup in an oncoming lane which veered into him killing him instantly. 

Ava was Nathan’s high school girlfriend, she died while on vacation with her parents. The story was that she slipped and fell while hiking and bled out before they could get her help. Nathan didn’t buy it as he was convinced, she was pregnant but her parents denied it and asked him to stop sullying her memory.

My guess is that she died during childbirth and the adoption paperwork was already in place. I would bet everything I have that you are my grandson and you are indeed a member of this family by blood and not just circumstance.”

All eyes in the room turned to Chase, he had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. He hugged AJ and whispered in his ear – ‘I guess it is a good thing we never hooked up.’

AJ was laughing so hard that he had tears rolling down his face. Brent and Scott were looking at the pair like they had lost their minds. Brett asked the question directly – “So Chase, I bet you just told AJ you were glad that the two of you had not hooked up sexually. That’s the only thing that makes sense given the weight of what was just discussed.” Chase flipped Brett the bird – “I hate it when he is right. This is a lot to take in.”

JJ made his way over to Chase to welcome him to the family. Now that the theory was out there JJ saw the similarities to his younger brother in Chase. JJ pulled him into a big hug as tears were streaming down his face – “I have always had a soft spot for you and never understood why, now it makes sense.” The conversation with JJ, Chase, Evie, and the boys continued with questions being thrown at Chase about his parents and JJ about his brother. Chase asked JJ if they could do a DNA test to verify that they were related, he believed Nanny’s hypothesis but he also wanted to have proof when he sought out his biological mother’s family. Evie asked Chase to lift his shirt so she could see the birthmark that she knew oh so well on AJ’s left side, JJ’s lower back, and JT’s lower abdomen, and if memory served her well Nathan’s was on his lower back in about the same location as JJ’s.

When Chase showed her the birthmark, Evie gasped slightly – “Oh my dear boy that is the same birthmark that AJ, JJ, JT, and Nate all have. The location is the same as AJ’s just like JJ and Nate’s were in the same location on their lower back , JT’s is on his lower abdomen. Interestingly, 5 of the men in the O’Brien line have the same birthmark but none of the girls.”

JJ smiled – “My dad had one on his side, like AJ and Chase, and my younger brother Jeff has one on his lower abdomen like JT. It would be interesting to see if Jules’ boys have the same birthmark.”

While this discussion was going on – Nanny was standing off to the side, with tears in her eyes. AJ made his way over to her and hugged her tight – ‘I know this can’t be easy for you; you never talk about Nathan, what’s going on in your head?’ Nanny squeezed AJ – ‘All these memories are flooding my senses right now and I’m not sure what to do first. I so want to run over there and hug him tightly but I don’t want to intrude, yet I also don’t want to come off as standoffish.’

AJ being AJ, he took the bull by the horns – “Chase, get your behind over here, you and Nanny are going for a walk around the property to talk about your father. Both of you just do as I ask, I know this is a huge shock and we don’t have ‘proof’ yet but I know in my heart it is true. It pains me to admit that maybe, just maybe our friends are right we have some similar traits.”

Laughter from everyone in the family room drown out the remainder of what AJ was saying. As Chase approached AJ and Nanny, AJ grabbed him in a bear hug – ‘I hope you know that I love you, and regardless of anything else you are my brother.’ Chase wiped a tear from his eye and just nodded at AJ as he could not speak. Scott could not resist – “Chantel is speechless, damn write that down. It’s just as momentous as when AJ is at a loss for words.” Both Chase and AJ flipped Scott off – “Bless you, Sam, bless you.” Scott took both hands and pulled them to his heart – “My man loves me sooooo much…”

Nanny and Chase grabbed their coats and headed for the patio and a short walk around the property. Nanny told Chase all about Nathan, the good and the bad.  Chase listened and understood better some of his quirks and realized as they talked, that he and AJ were indeed much more alike than he had/would ever admit. He still wanted to bed the man, his cousin – he knew it would likely never happen but a boy could dream.

Nanny noticed that Chase had checked out on her and figured she knew why – “So my dear boy, you appear to have gone off on fantasy in your head. Was it about AJ?”

Chase chuckled and squeezed Nanny’s hand – “Nothing gets by you, does it? I have had a crush on that man since the first time I saw him on the river 2 years ago. I had arrived with some friends and we had just completed registration, AJ was walking out of the river in a short pair of trunks that showed off every contour of his body. I have known I was gay since puberty and he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

When we were introduced a short while later, I realized that he was also the kindest person I had ever met. My dreams of a future with him were dashed when Sydney walked up to him and planted the biggest kiss on him. It was then and there that I knew we would be big/little in the house. I tease him and Scott a lot but honestly from that moment on I felt a connection to AJ that I could not explain until today.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my adoptive parents but I feel like a hole was just ripped through my soul – I will never meet my birth parents and I lost the last 20 years with my family because my mom’s family wasn’t honest about the situation.”

Chase and Nanny continued to walk the property along the shore of the lake talking and getting to know one another.

Once Chase and Nanny had closed the door the chatter in the house went nuts – everyone was talking at once. Eva whistled everyone quiet – “What is wrong with you guys? We can’t get anywhere with everyone talking. Jon, do the McKinley’s still live in Entiat and if so, should we reach out to them about Chase?”

AJ’s temper flared as he went on a tirade about Ava’s parents and why should Chase be subjected to those assholes. How could they have kept the family from the only living piece of Uncle Nathan? AJ was so incensed that Evie pulled him into a tight hug – “My dear boy, things happen for a reason and you need to let the anger go. I agree it isn’t fair but Chase deserves the chance to know his entire family if he chooses to.” AJ apologized for his choice of words but not the sentiment – family takes care of family and to hide something like this to save a discussion about teen pregnancy is just downright unforgivable in AJ’s book.

The consensus of the younger generation was that AJ was right in the sentiment but needed to temper his anger before Chase and Nanny returned. Brett related the story of the first time he and Chase met AJ and the devastation that Chase felt when Syd hugged and kissed him that first day. He made sure that AJ understood Chase has had a huge crush on him since that day he walked out of the lake in his short, tight swim trunks. He very much loves Brent and will spend the rest of his life with him but AJ you need to set the tone for his integration into your family.

Brent piggybacked the comments by making sure AJ understood that Chase has had him on the big brother pedestal since they first met. He was drawn to you because you are everything he wants to be in life – smart, caring, hot, genuine, loving, and the best dad he has ever run into.

AJ chuckled – “Good God, you all make me sound like Mother Theresa with a penis. I think I get what you are trying to say and I’ll do my best to not AJ this one.”

Scott shook his head and grabbed his man – “AJ, you are the most infuriating man I know, I love you with all my heart but you need to stop being dense when it comes to how people see you. Everyone is telling you; you need to AJ this situation – which means cupcake, you need to be his rock and help him through this web of crap. Chase needs us all but everyone knows he will be looking to you to set the tone – if you are pissed at his maternal grandparents he will be too, so stow your animosity and help him. He has been an only child his entire life with a small family. Now he is part of this monstrosity known as the O’Brien clan...”

The patio door opened and in walked Chase and Nanny, arm in arm. Brent met them just inside the door with a big hug for Chase – “How are you doing?” Chase talked in circles about how great this all was and how excited he was. The rest of those gathered were going on about this being a big deal and how cool it was that Chase found his birth family and it was AJ’s family. AJ was sitting and watching all that was going on and was trying hard to keep his big mouth shut.

AJ couldn’t do it any longer – “Cut the shit. Chase this has to be a shit show for you…” JJ asked AJ to stop but he continued despite all the looks he was getting. Only two others in the room were not looking at AJ like he was being the biggest ass in the world (Chase and Nanny).

“You just found out that your maternal grandparents kept your existence from your father and his family. That can’t be easy to swallow, I want to strangle them and I’m just your cousin, damn that part is pretty cool to say.” AJ got up and crossed the room and sat next to Chase – “You have been the little brother I didn’t have growing up. Brett was right earlier, there was always a difference in how we related to each other than he and I. I love him just as much but in a different way than you.

You are sitting here with a smile on your face trying to make everyone around you happy when I can tell in your eyes you just want to hit something or scream at the top of your lungs – ‘WHY THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME.’ You have jumped past how cool it is that we are actually related by blood to – this sucks that I could have had 20 years with my cool-ass cousin, I could have helped him kick that rapist’s ass, I could have…

I’m here to tell you all of that is ok to be feeling, just don’t get stuck there. You have the family you were raised with that loves you, you now have the O’Brien clan that loves you, and if you choose you can get to know the McKinley family as well – on your terms. Just know that I am here for you and will kick you in the butt if needed.” AJ hugged Chase tightly – “Let’s grab some wine.”

by AJ

Email: [email protected]

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