Gays of Our Lives: Book 3 (Chapter 51-75)

by Mike

26 Jan 2017 439 readers Score 8.9 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

****Opening Title**************************************************

*hot guy fades into light,

First his sculpted torso and chiseled abs, followed by his pecs, followed by his bulging biceps then finally his gorgeous face, a face created by Angels comes into view.

"Like the hot guy of our dreams so our the Gays of Our Lives"

Hot guy flexes his muscles

*Title sequence fades out

****Scene 1: Jake’s POV**********************

Harmony Hospital, ICU,   6024 Main Street,

I had spent all night and all morning praying and laying by Brett’s bedside hoping against all odds that he would recover but it was all for nothing. I prayed to God, Jesus Christ, and anybody else I could but it didn’t do any good because he ended dying anyway. It was so sudden I didn’t know what to do. The doctors who were operating on him managed to partly repair the damage to the point where he gained consciousness. He even called out my name as well as some other guy’s name….Carter I think it was. I didn’t know who the other person was though.

Anyway thought that everything had gone smoothly on the operating table but once Brett was out of surgery he started to bleed internally and somehow this caused his heart to stop. At that point they could do nothing to save him. This is what they say killed him…..

When they told me he was dead I couldn’t even believe it. I didn’t understand it. I knew what it meant for someone to be dead. But no one as close as Brett was to me had died. I couldn’t understand how one minute a person could be alive and the next minute they could be gone. I was so distraught that I ended up crying all morning. I like to consider myself pretty masculine man and there isn’t much that can make me cry but the day I found out Brett was gone I cried like a baby.

Brett’s mom Christine let me lay in the hospital bed beside Brett because she knew how close we were to each other. As I lay there beside Brett I heard a voice call my name “Jake?”

I turned around to see Kevin standing there in the doorway. “Jake don’t be mad but someone is here to see you.” he added.

“Who is it?!” I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks. I was distraught that I couldn’t bear to even speak to anyone. But this sadness melted away and turned to pure rage when I saw Paul Hayes standing there beside Kevin. Paul was the one who had blackmailed Brett and I last year and forced us to break up. He was the reason I had spent months without Brett and now he was gone.

I immediately stood up and yelled out….”What the hell are you doing here?!” All I could see was red. Especially considering all the shit that Paul had done to me and Brett and to our relationship….

“Jake please hear me out.” Paul replied, his voice meek. “I have to tell you something. And I need to tell you this now.”

Before I could get any words out Kayla had burst into the room. “Paul you have a lot of nerve showing up here tonight after what you did to Jake and to Brett last year!”

“What are you doing here?!” she added.

“She’s right Paul….what ARE you doing here?” I growled through gritted teeth. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kick your ass out of this hospital room.”

“Because I have something to tell you.” Paul sighed.

“Well what is?” I growled.

“I just wanted to come and say how sorry I was for what happened.” Paul said, breaking down. “I know what I did last year was really, really bad and I’m sorry. I wanted to be with you and I thought that the only way we could be together was if I broke you and Brett up. I really am sorry for what I did to you, and I have been regretting it since I first sent that first video of you out. As Soon as I heard that Brett was in the hospital I came over here but when I got here I overheard you guys talking about how Brett was gone.”

“That’s when I realized that they meant that he died. I know I never liked him but that was only because I was jealous because he had you but I’m so, so, so sorry that he’s gone.” Paul added. “And if you can ever forgive me I just want you to know that I will be hear for you in your time of need.”

“WHAT?!” I cried. “How could I ever forgive you or even trust you after what you did to me. Admit it you never cared about Brett, you are just trying to use this as an excuse to get close to me! And I’m not going to let you do it!”

“Dude that’s not what I’m trying to do. I would love to be with you.” Paul cried. “But I would not use Brett’s death to try to get close to you. I’m trying to be a better person…..Please let me do that for you.”

“Dude if you are trying to be as better person just do it, don’t try to make me believe so that you can get back in my good graces. Especially since you are the reason he’s gone! A person can blackmail a person just as easy as they can commit other crimes like murder.”

“Jake how could you say something like?!” Paul yelled out. “I had nothing to do with this and you know it! I don’t even go to HU; the other killings all took place on the campus. I have been working that whole time I barely have time to eat let alone go out and find people to kill.”

“Even if you are not the person responsible for the recent murders you are definitely responsible for making the last months of Brett’s life miserable. Months he could have been spending with me he spent alone because of you! And I will never forgive you for that!”

“Well I hope you find time to forgive yourself because all those months he spent alone it was all because of you!” Paul yelled, burning with rage. “I only told you what I knew so that you could have all the facts. YOU were the one who broke up with him! I had nothing to do with that. That was all on you because you weren’t man enough to stay by your man!”

“Paul what are you talking about?!” Kayla cried. “What is this big secret you guys keep alluding to? I think you guys owe us an explanation.”

“Ask him,” Paul replied coldly before storming off……

“Could you guys please leave? I want to be alone.” I sighed.

****Scene 2: Kayla’s POV**********************

Harmony Hospital, Waiting room, 6024 Main Street,

After Jake asked us to leave we all filed out of the room one by one into the waiting room. Even though we couldn’t even begin to know what Jake was going through having lost someone so close to him; but we did however understand why he wanted to be alone. God forbid if I lost Kevin like that I would want to be alone as well…..

“I have never seen him like that before.” I cried out, as soon I was certain we were far enough away from the room so that “We have to do something. We have to help him.”

“Baby I know you want to help him….” Kevin sighed. “But you saw him in there. You can only help somebody that wants to be help. If he doesn’t want our help there is nothing we can do.”

“Kevin I know he doesn’t want our help but that doesn’t mean we have to stop giving it. We all love him like a brother.” I continued. “And I don’t want him to keep going down this path. The reckless and dangerous path he started when he and Brett broke up.”

“A path that will only get worse now that Brett is gone.” I cried.

“Kayla we will all be here for him.” Mike added.

“Even me,” Eric interjected. “He is my brother after all.”

“Oh yeah,” Haley smiled. “I keep forgetting that you two are brothers. You guys are so different but every now and then I recognize similarities between you….”

“Like that shit eating grin.” Mike laughed.

“Yeah like that.” Haley agreed. We all started to laugh a little. The joke wasn’t even that funny but it was just enough to take our minds off the horrible events of the previous day. But in the midst of our respite we were interrupted by someone.

“Where is she?! Where is Brandi?!” a voice yelled. We turned around to see Chad yelling at one of the poor nurses at the nurse’s station. He was wearing the same tux that he had worn the previous night so obviously he hadn’t had time to change into something else.

“What room is Brandi Harrington in?!” Chad continued to rage. “I don’t give a damn if I’m not family tell me what room she is in or I’m going to pull this hospital brick by brick.”

Haley and I waltzed over to where Chad was and we pulled him aside. “Chad? What the hell are you doing? The year has barely even started and you are already being an asshole to some random nurse.”

“I’m not doing anything wrong….” Chad sighed. “I just want to know if Brandi is alright. The whole time I was driving over here I was thought of nothing but her. And I ask that dumb nurse where the hell my girlfriend is and she gives me some excuse for why I can’t see her.”

“But you can’t see her.” Haley sighed. “What I meant to say was you can see her but you will won’t be able to see you.”

“What do you mean?” Chad grunted. “You mean she won’t want to see me? Of course she’ll want to see me. She loves me….”

“But you don’t love her…..If you did you wouldn’t have been looking at me the way you did last night.” Haley interjected. “And you would have gotten here several hours sooner then you did.”

“I would have gotten here sooner if I hadn’t been shoved into some supply closet last night.” Chad continued. “I only managed to get out because one of the janitors heard me banging on the door. And I do love Brandi….I know you don’t believe me but I do love her.”

“How did you get locked in a closet?” I laughed.

“I was just looking around but before I could pull away this guy had pushed me into the closet. I spun around and grabbed the door handle but by that time the door was already locked. The closet was on a more obscure part of the building so I ended up spending the night in that storage closet. But as soon as I got out of the closet (no pun intended) and I heard what happened to Brandi I rushed over to the hospital.”

“One more thing Haley if you care for me like you claim to you will not downplay my relationship with Brandi. Because whether you like it or not we are in a relationship.”

“Chad I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to discount anything….” Haley sighed. “I just wanted you to admit that you do have feelings for me. Because we both know you do.”

“Ok fine,” Chad yelled. “I have feelings for you…Did you want me to get up on the roof of this building and scream it down for the whole world to here? You know I can’t do that. Just because I have feelings for you doesn’t change the feelings that I have for Brandi. Haley I have known her for a long time those feelings don’t just go away.”

“I know.” Haley grumbled.

“Never mind that,” Chad sighed. “What did you mean earlier when you said she wouldn’t be able to see me?”

“I didn’t say that.” Haley lied.

“Yes you did.” Chad declared. “You said she wouldn’t even be able to see me but I would be able to see her per say. What did you mean by that?”

“What Haley was trying to say was that after Brandi fell last night they rushed her to the hospital just like they did with Brett….” I interjected to try to smooth everything over. “But she hit her head pretty bad and now she’s in a coma. They think the fall gave her a concussion.”

“A coma!?” Chad frowned, his face twisted. “How can that be?”

“She hit her head really bad….” I repeated.


“Well last night there was some kind of struggle and she managed to fall down the stairwell in the parking deck.” I added. “They think the text-message killer had something to do with it. The police found a text message that was left to her from your phone but they couldn’t find you.”

“I lost my phone the night of the New Year’s Eve party and I haven’t been able to find it since. But you guys said the police found it. Is it still with them?” Chad asked.

“Yeah, I just hope you don’t have anything personal on there that you don’t want the police to see.” Eric laughed.

“Yeah can’t say that I do.” Chad sighed.

****Scene 3: Eric’s POV**********************

Chandler Mansion, Raven Hill Island,

Michael and I said goodbye to our friends and we left the hospital to be alone. Before we left we even made a point to check in on Jake who was still after all those hours still sitting in Brett’s room at his bedside. Honestly I don’t think Jake has left Brett’s beside since the moment they told him that Brett had died.

Once we arrived back at the mansion we were greeted by the Chandler family’s faithful butler Henderson. I’m guessing Henderson has a first name. As to what that first name was, I didn’t have a clue and neither did Mike. My husband had told me that Henderson had been with the family ever since he could remember and that he didn’t know his first name either.

“Sir it’s very good to see you.” Henderson smiled at Mike as we walked through the threshold into the imposing foyer with its huge crystal chandelier hanging from its high ceilings to its polished marble floors. “I was so worried when I turned on the telly last night and they said that two people were attacked at Chandler.” Oh if I failed to mention it Henderson happens to be British. And I don’t just mean an old guy with a really proper accent; I mean tea with every meal and God Save the Queen….The whole nine yards.

I think the fact that Henderson is a Brit definitely has an influence on Mike. That guy drinks a ton of tea and between me and you he’s an admirer of the Queen. Aren’t we all?

“I was worried about both of you.” Henderson continued. “I don’t know what I would have done if something would have happened to you.”

“Don’t worry Henderson.” Michael smiled. “You’re not getting rid of us that easy.”

“Michael if I wanted to leave I would have left decades ago.” Henderson laughed back. “Besides I don’t think there’s much work for middle aged Englishman in the States now that Trump is president. So I guess I’ll have to stay.”

“Admit it you like it here? Henderson?” Mike chuckled. “You really love my family. My family might be a little eccentric and were definitely dysfunctional but after all these years you are a part of this family now.”

“And I’d wouldn’t have it any other way.” Henderson chuckled. We watched him walk off into the living room while we ascended the staircase to the second story. The staircase leading to the second story in the Chandler mansion looked like it had been plucked right out of the set of Gone with the Wind. It was pretty impressive to say the least not to mention a hell of a walk.

When we reached the top of the staircase we proceeded to walk down the hall towards Michael’s room. A route I knew so well I could have done it blindfolded or even asleep. Once inside his room we shut the door locking it before we collapsed onto the bed heavily exhausted with the events of the last few days.

“I can’t even even imagine what Jake is going through having lost a person so close to him. I think if I were in his position I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. God forbid if I lost you or even our son Johnny I wouldn’t be able to go on.” I sighed.

“Eric you don’t have to worry about me or Johnny ever leaving because we’re not going anywhere ever. Because we love you!” Mike smiled as he leaned into me so that he could plant a warm kiss on my left cheek.

“Baby I know little Johnny is not my biological son but he’s a part of you so I can’t help but love him. In fact whenever I look at him I can’t help but feel immense love for him the way that I love you”

“And I love you for that.” Mike smiled. “You and I have so much love to give we need to try and help Jake though this tough time because he is going to need our help more than ever now that Brett is gone.”

“Baby I know that. I will do everything I can to help Jake…..not just because it’s the right thing to do but because he’s my brother and I know we’ve had a rough patch but he’s my brother and I love him.”

“Aww Eric I think that’s the first time you said you loved Jake.” Mike chuckled.

“Are you sure?” I laughed back. “I’m sure I’ve said that I loved Jake before….. Maybe you just don’t remember it.”

“No I would remember that. You and Jake used to hate each other. If you said that you loved Jake and I was there I would have taken a picture to document the moment.” He laughed.

“Yeah I guess you’re right.” I laughed, punching my husband in the side. “But one thing. I never hated Jake he just didn’t like me and we both know why.”

“Because of me.” Mike sighed.

“But I can’t really blame him for that.” I chuckled, planting a nice wet kiss on Mike’s welcoming lips. “Because if you were with another guy I think I would hate the guy you were with too.”

Mike returned the kiss even more intensely. So we started making out in his bed and one thing led to another and soon we were naked in his bed like so many times before. I don’t think I have to go into details about how it happened but soon after I had my husband right where I wanted him. And that was bent over with my hard cock buried in his warm ass.

After I finished fucking Mike I pulled my leaking cock out of his ass and came all over his chest. I proceeded to slurp up every drop of cum from those well-toned abs of his. My wonderful husband returned the favour by flipping me over and shoving his cock so deep in my ass that soon I was begging him to cum. Finally he did and his cock shook inside me as it exploded it filling my insides.

Once Mike pulled his cock out of my ass he jerked it a few times until he came again…..this time all over my face. Once I had resumed my strength I pulled Mike up onto my cock so that he could ride my cock until the clock hit midnight. Watching him grind and bounce up on my throbbing dick was almost two much for me to bear so I came faster than before. But that’s to be expected when a person has such an incredibly sexy husband…..

After we both came we climbed into the shower and after a quick shower fuck we managed to clean each other’s bodies without putting our dicks into any holes. Which for me was extremely hard to do especially when I’m washing my hair and I glance down and I’ve got Mike’s cute little ass pressed up against my dick. Oh God…..don’t cum.

Once we finished showering we dried off and climbed into bed. Even though it was a pretty cold night Michael and I slept naked. His room was always pretty warm. But I think even if his room had been freezing I still would have slept naked because having his warm body lying next to me is all I need. We laid there cuddling until we fell asleep. My arms wrapped around Mike’s body as we fell asleep.

****Scene 4: Mike’s POV**********************

Chandler Mansion, My Bedroom, Raven Hill Island,

The following morning I awoke to the sun shining in through my open window. It was about seven in the morning and I was still exhausted by the hot and steamy fuck session Eric and I had the previous night. I rolled over to my left to look at Eric while he was still sleeping. Eric was lying there so peacefully lightly snoring.

I laid my head on Eric’s chest and listened to his heart beat. Oddly enough I think his heart beat matched my own; beating in rhythm to my own like we were made for each other. I reached up with one hand and started rubbing my hands through that dirty blonde mane of his. In the months leading up to the New Year Eric’s hair had become rather long and don’t even get me started on his beard that he had decided to grow out.

Eric thinks he looks so good with one of those lumberjack beads and don’t get me wrong he does look good with some facial hair. But I just like my husband clean shaven. Not to mention kissing that gorgeous face of his is kind of hard especially when his beard keeps stabbing me.

I kissed Eric on the top of his forehead and as looked down at him I thought about last night’s escapades and remembered how much fun it was but then my mind drifted to other thoughts. That’s when I remembered what happened to Brett and about how much Jake was hurting and it made me feel so bad that my eyes started to tear up. A teardrop fell unto his face. It was super tiny but it was just enough to wake him up.

“Babe?” Eric asked groggily, as he stared up at me. “What’s wrong? Are you crying?”

“No,” I lied. “I’m not crying. Well I am crying but these are tears of joy because I’m so happy that I get to wake up to you every morning.” I smiled, tears in my eyes as I kissed Eric’s prickly face. “But I wish you shave this beard.”

“Haha what?” Eric chuckled. “What? You don’t like my bead?”

“Well it’s grown on me…..” I replied. “It just kind of stabs me when I kiss your face.”

“Baby you know I like my beard.” Eric smiled. “But if you really want to give me a kiss I’ve got another body-part that’s nice and shaved all ready for you to kiss.” He grinned as he grabbed his dick and shook it through the covers.

“My pleasure.” I grinned, as I slowly went down lightly kissing Eric’s chest. While I worked his nipples over with my lips I reached my hands under the sheets and let my hand slide down his abs to the light dusting of blondish hair that formed his happy trail. As I kissed his warm body I tasted and took in the sweet and salty flavour of his body. I could still smell the soap on his body.

After working my hand through every ridge in his abs I finally reached his cock. It was soft and half-hard as I took his dick in my hand. I stroked it up and down, watching it grow in my hands. Looking down at me he bent down and kissed me. We continued to kiss as I stroked Eric’s cock loving the way it throbbed in my hand. After we had been kissing for a few minutes I started to kiss his neck nibbling on it nice and slow as he moaned into my ears. His manly sounds of pleasure were like music to my ears.

As I continued to lick Eric’s neck he placed his hands over my ass grabbing it hard. Meanwhile he placed his other arm around his head and laid back in bed. I leaned over and took hold of Eric’s arm gently licking around his biceps and triceps loving the feel of those muscles in my mouth. “Ah shit!” Eric whispered breathlessly.

I had one hand massaging Eric’s arm while the other one was jerking his dick. After several minutes of thoroughly stroking Eric’s big beautiful cock my hands were covered in my husband’s precum. I stuck my fingers into my mouth and licked the precum off my lips. “You taste amazing.” I smiled.

“Damn right I do,” Eric laughed as he smacked me hard on the ass. I pulled myself upwards kissing him lightly as he continued to play with my ass his fingers exploring my insides. The hair and flesh on our hot bodies began to stick together as we continued to make out passionately in my bed……………..”Babe I could do this all day.” Eric grinned, his left middle finger half way up my asshole.

As we lay on top of each other our dicks hardened and throbbed next to each other. “I know what you mean……and your dick feels so nice. I can’t wait to have you inside me again.” I smiled as I kissed Eric on the lips.

“I thought you never ask.” Eric grinned as he gripped hold of my waist and thrust forward allowing his cock to push into my ass. His cock knew exactly where to go. As he thrusted in and out nice and slow into my ass we made out, our noses and lips meeting as our tongues swirled around each other’s.

As we continued to kiss it became more and more intense and we started moaning louder and louder. Within seconds we were sweating like never before getting all hot and heavy as Eric started to speed up pounding my ass. “Aw fuck, oh fuck, fuck yes!”

“Fuck yes! Fuck yes! FUCK ME!” I groaned as I bounce up and down Eric’s wondrous cock.

“God YES! FUVCK YES! Ride my DICK!” Eric yelled.


Sitting on top (or should I say bouncing on Eric’s dick) of him I watched him as we made love. I loved looking at him, all those muscles tensing and pumping as he made love to me. I loved watching him fuck me. Every time Eric would thrust his cock into me his body would tense, his abs would ripple and his muscles would flex.

As I continued to bounce up and down Eric’s dick he started rubbing his hands all over my body; on my nipples up and down my abs and around my backside. After rubbing his hands all over my body he finally found the thing that gave him the most delight. My cock. Which he started to jerk so that just as his cock plunged deep into my ass my own cock slid through his open hand.

“Oh fuck….oh yeah……Just like that.” I cried. “Come on stroke my cock. Come on baby. Come on I’m getting close baby!”

As Eric stroked my cock he used the sweat and precum leaking off my own body as a kind of lube. It was making me so hot to think that Eric was massaging my dick with his hands while I was massaging his own dick……..but with my ass muscles.

“Oh god! Immmmmmmm CUMMMMMMING!!!” I cried as built up cum from the previous night of having my hot naked husband lying next to me began to erupt out of my throbbing cock. Round after round of cum shot out of my dick spraying all over my husband’s body. I think some cum hit him in the face. There was definitely a little bit in his beard and in his hair. Nothing better than licking my own cum off my husband’s face or watching him lick it up himself.

“Oh SHIT!!! Me too!” Eric grinned as his abs tensed just as he found release inside my ass. I felt his cock throb and then I felt a stream of cum shoot up my ass. The rest leaked out onto the bed.

“Heavily exhausted I collapsed on top of Eric, both of us panting from yet another session of love making. After licking the cum off his face and off his abs we laid in bed for few minutes before we were disturbed by the vibrating of my phone. I picked up my phone off the dresser

“It’s from Kayla.” I sighed as I glanced down at the screen of my phone.

****Scene 5: Jake’s POV**********************

Harmony Hospital, Brett’s room, 6024 Main Street,

I stayed beside Brett’s bed the entire night. Even as all my friends came into say goodnight I continued to stay by Brett’s side. Even though I was asked many times to leave him alone. But how could I leave him? If it wasn’t for me leaving him alone in that parking deck we wouldn’t be here right now and he would still be alive and smiling at me. But he’s gone and I wasn’t about to leave him now.

I spent the entire night holding Brett’s hand and looking down at him hoping against all else that he would open his eyes or that he would squeeze my hand to show me that he was still there. But there was nothing. He was just as lifeless as that deer I found lying on the side of the road a few weeks ago.

I tried my hardest to stay awake but soon enough my sleep deprivation got the best of me and I fell asleep. While I admit I did sleep I did not sleep peacefully. How could I when a wicked person out for blood murdered my ex-boyfriend?

I was awaken by what I assumed was the morning sunlight shining in through the window. But this light was different kind of light. It was blinding light. As I opened my eyes I was forced to cover my eyes to escape its piercing light.

Looking around the room I noticed that the entire room was bright white colour that gleamed like the sun. “Was this room always so bright?” I mumbled as I surveyed the room.

Looking down at the hospital bed I had been sleeping in I was very worried because when I looked down at where Brett should have been there was an empty bed.

“No, no, no. They took him, they took him.” I cried, shaking my head “How could they do this? I still need to say goodbye to him.”

“No, no, no.”


“Jake,” a familiar voice called, as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned to see who it was and I was incredibly shocked to see Brett smiling back at me. He was dressed in all white and a warm and inviting light seemed to illuminate from him.

“Brett you’re here.” I cried, jumping to my feet as I threw my arms around Brett. “I’m so glad you’re here. I knew you weren’t dead. I knew it all had to be a bad dream.”

“Jake relax I’m here now……but I can’t stay. I have to go.”

“But WHY?” I groaned. “Where do you have to go?”

“I have to cross over to the other side but I just had to see you one last time before I left.” Brett smiled. “Jake I know you want me to stay here with you but I can’t. The big man upstairs sent me down here to talk to you so that you would understand that I was gone so that you would be able to let me go.”

“B-but I don’t want to let you go.” I protested. “Brett I love you and I can’t live without you. Let me go with you.”

“Jake I know you love me but you can’t come with me. You have to let me go.” Brett sighed. “The big man upstairs sent me down here because he knows how you feel about me and he knows how hard this is going to be on you. That’s why he sent me down here to help you come to terms with my death.”

“But you’re not dead because you will always be in my heart……Brett.” I smiled, kissing my dearly departed friend on the lips.

“And I will always be in your heart but you have to let me go. Because even though I’m gone you still have many years left to live. And you can’t live them mourning my death.”

“I love you Brett!” I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks.

“I love you too Jake!!!” Brett smiled as he slowly began to fade into the light

“Don’t GO!!!” I cried. But he was already gone……But I still heard his voice in the distance.

“I love you Jake,”

“Jake! Jake! Jake!”

“Jake! Jake! Jake!”


STAY TUNED……….……………………………………..

by Mike

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024