Kink Spotlight: Naked Necklace Guys

12 Dec 2017

Kink Spotlight: Naked Necklace Guys

Finally a sexual interest I don't understand! At all! Once you get past the obvious "pearl necklace" association, this is basically naked guys in necklaces. That could be a crucifix or dog tags or something entirely different. 

But probably not actual pearls. Unfortunately. I'd much prefer imitation pearls. Why hurt an oyster for glamour?

Okay, I guess I ever so slightly get it, because I'm suddenly picturing shirtless lifeguards with a corded whistle around the neck. Or a sexy guy fleeing a sexy vampire so of course the non-vampire sexy guy is wearing a garlic necklace.

Kink Spotlight: Naked Necklace Guys

Hmm, I guess I still don't get it. Probably just have to voice my approval for naked guys in general and if he happens to have a necklace on, say in the steam room, then so be it. But it should be somewhat more practical, like a collar, with a leash handy. Just waiting for the right hand to grab it.

So folks into guys being totally naked would find a necklace quite frustrating. Same as they would with a watch or ring. I do support style in general, and a guy gussying himself up in his finery, whatever that may be.

So as a form of self-expression, that itself turns me on. Or if he happens to have a bracelet citing his allergy to peanuts or penicillin, I guess that's okay too.

If anything, a necklace can be a conversation starter. So look for a guy you like in one and start.