Pete's Story

by Phil

9 May 2020 482 readers Score 9.7 (19 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

As soon as he walked into the bar, Mike grabbed him by the hand and pulled Pete into the office. He closed and locked the door behind them. Turning back to Pete he took his head in his hands and brought his mouth down on his. He immediately forced his tongue into Pete’s mouth, ‘Fuck,’ he groaned between kisses, ‘a week is too long babe, I’ve been climbing the walls.’ His hands rubbed and squeezed at the muscular body he lusted after.

After initially being taken aback by Mike’s sudden onslaught, Pete rose, manfully, to the challenge, and his hands were soon doing as much exploring as his lovers. Suddenly, Mike turned him around, Pete’s arse now pressed firmly against the substantial bulge that was tenting Mike’s jeans. Pete pressed his arse back, sliding it from side to side until he felt the bulk of Mike’s package lodge between his cheeks. ‘Is this what you want baby?’

Mike growled in his ear as he first sucked and gently bit it, then moved lower and chewed down on his neck. Pete’s knees buckled and a hand flew to the back of Mike’s head, encouraging his hungry mouth to feast further on his g-spot. ‘Oh yes. Fuck I love it when you do that.’ Mike’s hands reached to the top of Pete’s jeans, unfastened the belt and fly buttons and pushed them down his hips releasing Pete’s steel hard erection, wearing the new heavy doughnut cockring Mike had bought him the previous week.

‘Mmmm. Commando. Sexy.’ He ran his hand under the smooth balls, push forward full and heavy by the thick chrome ring. He stroked and rolled them in his fingers, all the time licking and sucking at Pete’s neck. He brought his free hand behind his hot lover, ran it over his taught, muscled buttock, eased a finger down and into the hot, moist crack, seeking the opening to the man cunt he needed so badly. ‘Wanna fuck you so much babe. Wanna love you so bad.’ He brought his hand up from Pete’s balls to stroke along the shaft of the so hard cock. Mike hadn’t known Pete to be so hard. The vein on top of his penis was thick and full, the shaft was like an iron bar, his foreskin was rolled back and refused, no couldn’t move. The glans was big and smooth, almost ready to burst. If he could have seen it from where he stood, he would have seen a head so hard it looked like highly polished glass, so smooth to be almost unreal. As he took a firm grip on the shaft and squeezed making Pete gasp, a jewel of pre-cum flowed from the eye and ran lazily down the underside of the shaft coming to rest on Mike’s hand. He raised it to Pete’s face. ‘Want to share?’

‘Yes please.’ So both men licked at the juice on Mike’s hand until his finger became a surrogate cock they both sucked on as they kissed. Pete pulled his mouth away. ‘Fuck me Mike. Now.’ He needed no further encouragement. He quickly unfastened and pushed his jeans down. His equally hard dick bounced up and slapped against the perfectly round arse in front of it. ‘Are you wearing yours as well. Let me feel.’ Pete sought Mike’s dick with his hand. It wasn’t hard to find. ‘Fuck it’s huge, and so fucking hard Mike. These rings are great babe. Aren’t you a clever boy. Can’t wait to feel him in me. So thick tonight.’ He removed his hand from the impressive love stick and placed it , along with his other on on the desk in front of him. He leaned forward and spread his legs as far as possible given that his jeans were round his ankles. Mike stood behind, running his hands over the beautiful globes in front of him. He spat on his hand and coated his cock in saliva.

‘Lube yourself Pete.’ Moments later, Pete’s hand appeared between his legs parted his cheeks and rubbed spit onto and into his love bud. ‘Wait a minute, haven’t finished yet.’ He told the impatient stud. Mike watched as Pete collected pre-cum from his cock and transferred it to his hole. ‘Okay lover. All yours.’

Mike placed a hand on each perfect, round cheek and pulled them apart exposing the pink bud he was about to pierce. He moved forward bringing the end of his almost painfully hard cock to rest against Pete’s puckered ring. Feeling his partner push back against him, he didn’t hesitate, pushing in and through the thin barrier not stopping until he was balls deep inside Pete’s burning hot guts, even crossing his internal second ring without stopping. Pete arched his back and cried out, ‘FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK MEEEEEEEEEEEE,’ before his upper body collapsed onto the desk panting. ‘It’s okay babe, don’t fuckin stop. For fucks sake, don’t stop.’ Mike laughed and playfully slapped Pete’s arse cheek.

‘I love you Pete Jefferson, so fucking much.’

‘So fucking FUCK ME THEN.’ And he did. He pulled back until just the head of his super hard cock remained inside Pete’s love canal, then he drove it back in, hard, unremitting, no quarter given. Again and again, he punched his slick, phallus into the hungry, eager man cunt. He had Pete screaming so much he made him cram an old t-shirt into his mouth, without it the whole bar would have heard him. He hadn’t heard him so vocal before, and he found that the words that came out of his mouth turned him on like nothing before. He pounded and pounded, his balls, free and heavy thanks to his new extra thick cockring bashed quite literally against Pete’s arse every time he bottomed out. Pete didn’t dare touch his dick for fear of shooting his load, and the tremors and lightning bolts hitting his body as his man fucked him senseless meant there was no way he was going to do that until Mike was ready. Suddenly Mike pulled out. ‘NO.’ He plunged back in. ‘YES.’ Out, in, out, in. And then he went slow and long, scraping across Pete’s prostate with every blissful, iron hard inch of his tool. He reached round and took Pete’s cock in his hand and began to pump it in time with his thrusts. He gradually picked up pace, knowing that he was very close, and they were both ready for release. Soon he was fucking Pete so hard the desk was rocking off its legs. Pete was banging back against him to ensure he took as much of him as he could. Mike felt his balls tighten against the unforgiving steel ring. The seed and jizz boiled inside him. He felt his toes tingle, his brain exploded in light flashed, he stopped breathing and then, with one last monster thrust into the deepest part of Pete’s gut, he shot load after load of hot, thick man juice. His final thrust, along with the extra friction his hand brought to Pete’s pulsing manhood, sent Pete over the edge. Rope after rope shot onto the desk and as it did, his arse clamped down on the cock inside it. This only increased the pressure on Mike, who unloaded yet more spunk into the man he loved.

Slowly they came down from their high. Their new cockring refused to allow them to lose their erections, which they both found quite funny. ‘You mean I have to walk around with this all night?’ Asked an incredulous Mike. Christ the twinks will bloody love it. I get enough shit from them as it is.’

‘Oh come off it. You love it. Besides, it’ll keep you fully charged for later.’

Mike raised his eyebrows and asked, ‘are you telling me to let them feel me up? Will you get off on it?’

Pete became a little bashful, not sure if he was pushing too far. ‘Only if you’re okay with it. The idea does sort of make me hot yes.’

Mike took him in his arms. ‘Hot?’ Pete nodded. ‘Really hot?’ Pete nodded and grinned. ‘Okay, and maybe I’ll send a few your way.’ After a few minutes tidying themselves up they returned to the bar.

As they exited the office, Greg, the assistant manager, shouted down the bar to one of the team members ‘Okay Kelly, you can turn it down now they’ve finished honey.’ He turned to Mike and Pete with a huge grin on his face. ‘Would you two please give us advance notice next time so we can organise the music? God girl, are you loud!’ Pete’s face turned bright red.

‘He only jealous baby, ignore him.’ Then, ‘we weren’t that loud were we Greg?’

‘No hun, as long as you were deaf or out on the street you didn’t hear a thing.’ Then again, turning to Pete, and with a disarming smile on his face as he spoke, ‘you are one lucky bitch Pete. I wish I could find a fuck half as good as that.’

No longer embarrassed, Pete was able to join with Greg’s bitchy banter. ‘Well as you can’t have mine Greg, why not put a notice up behind the bar?’

‘Yeah, like, “situations vacant. Barman required to service needs of Assistant Manager. Experience definitely required!” What do think Mike, think we’ll get any takers?’ Greg was a very good looking black man who took care of himself, regularly spending time at the gym, eating a very good diet and always wore clothes that emphasised his attributes. He was not short of admirers.

‘I think they’d be lining up round the block for a hands on interview,’ Mike quipped. ‘Hey, we could film it. Make a fortune.’

‘In your dreams honey. This ass is not for sale.’ With that Greg got back to work and Mike was soon doing likewise.

Sitting at the bar watching Mike work, Pete knew the time had come when he was going to have to tell Toby about how he felt about the man. He wasn’t sure how the news that he had fallen in love and wanted to commit fully to the ruggedly handsome, gorgeously sexy, absolutely wonderful…… Pete chuckled to himself. He really was smitten wasn’t he? He didn’t care. He was happy. Happier than he had been since before Stuart was killed. He could even think about him now without a lump building in his throat, and found pleasure in talking about him with Mike, who actively encouraged him to do so. They had few, if any secrets. He had been honest from the beginning about his relationship with Toby, and how much he relied on him emotionally. Mike had understood, and the more time the new lovers spent together, the more Pete allowed Mike to know of his past, the more he understood why he had become so dependant on Toby and the support group he had placed around him.

They had been seeing each other for some months now, spending more and more of their free time together. Christmas was approaching, and Pete was well aware that Mike was hoping he would spend it with him, whilst Toby was assuming that he would be with him and Liz at the house in Hampshire. He knew where he wanted to be, but was afraid of upsetting the man who had helped him so much, and if truth were told, he still loved deeply. He laughed as Mike found himself being manhandled by a group of Twinks, obviously out on a birthday bash, clearly on a drug induced high, who had decided he was fair game for the birthday boy. Mike was so good at this. His manner and personality kept the encounter light hearted and fun. He saw him point towards him, and all the Twinks look his way. He waved and smiled broadly at them, knowing he was being used as the reason Mike couldn’t accept their proposition. The birthday boy pouted, so Mike chastely kissed his cheek, patted him on the bum, and ordered a round of drinks on the house for him and his mates. Fracas over, and a group of guys who would remember the fantastic man who treated them so well, and who would return again and again to the bar.

‘He handled that very well didn’t he?’ Pete fell off his stool as he jerked in surprise. Toby caught him.

‘What the fuck? Don’t do that.’ Pete gained his footing, glaring at Toby, then realising he was out of order, he relaxed, ‘sorry, you frightened the shit out of me.’ He kissed him on the cheek. ‘What are you doing here?’

Toby turned to look at Mike, who had witnessed Pete’s shock at the arrival of the older, distinguished man, and was slowly moving down the bar towards them. ‘I thought it was time I met your new boyfriend.’ He returned his smiling gaze to Pete. ‘You don’t mind do you?’

‘You okay Pete?’ Mike’s voice cut across the tension that was building between Pete and Toby. ‘Would your friend like a drink?’ He had a pretty good idea who the older man was, Pete had told him about him, and like his boyfriend he was wondering why he was standing at his bar. ‘Hello,’ he introduced himself, ‘I’m Mike’ He held out his hand, Toby took it.

‘Hello Mike, I’m Toby, good to meet you. I’ll have a scotch, ice no water. Pete?’

‘Same again please.’ He held up his bottle of Bud.

‘Make that two scotch’s please, water with the ice in the second one.’ As Toby spoke a good looking muscular man joined him at the bar. He held his hand out to Mike and giving him a friendly smile introduced himself.

‘Alright mate? I’m Marvin. Nice to meet you.’ The handshake was firm and the eyes were steady. Mike was very aware that he was being studied, he smiled back.

‘Nice to meet you too Marvin, I’ve heard a lot about you.’

‘You have? All good I’m betting.’

‘Of course. Seems you’ve been keeping my man safe, waiting for time to bring us together.’ Mike was staking his claim. He wasn’t sure why, but felt as though he was undergoing some sort of test. It was as if the two older men, especially Toby, were sizing him up, sussing him out. Well two could play at that game and he was way past the age and had far too much experience in life, to allow the Toby’s and Marvin’s of this world to intimidate him. So he decided to push back. He was deliberately proprietorial, making it clear from the off that his claim to Pete’s affections was as great as theirs. He served the ordered drinks, making a point of giving Pete his Bud before presenting the others with their whisky. He politely declined Toby’s offer of payment. ‘No, please, let me.’ Taking out his wallet he called one of his bar staff over to put the sale through the till. ‘I’m gonna take a break. Just be at the end of the bar there, shout if you need me.’

‘Okay Mike, but I think we can cope,’ the good looking red head quipped. ‘You only get in the way you know.’

Moments later, Pete felt Mike’s arms circling his waist and his warm breath on his neck as he kissed him just below his ear. It was a spot he knew turned Pete on, and as he expected, his lover gave an involuntary groan and shuddered as his teeth gently grazed the spot his lips had just prepared. Reflexively, Pete relaxed into Mike. It was evident to anyone looking that they were very much in love. ‘You okay baby?’

‘Yes. Better now your this side of the bar. When can we go eat, I’m hungry?’

Before Mike could answer, Toby politely interrupted. ‘Um, excuse me, but did someone mention food?’

Mike nodded, ‘Yes, I don’t get chance to eat till late on Friday and Saturday, so I wait for Pete. We usually go about nine but I got held up tonight.’

‘Well I wonder. Would you both allow me to take us all to dinner? I don’t want to intrude, and if you’d rather not then….’ He left the sentence hanging.

‘What do you think babe, should we let the nice man treat us?’

‘Yeah, I think we should as he asked so nicely.’ Pete sighed inside. Marvin winked at him and they exchanged a knowing smile. All was well. Toby approved. Pete wasn’t going to have to fight to keep his new found happiness. ‘Just give us a few minutes to get sorted out and we’ll be with you.’ Saying which, Pete followed Mike into the back office. As soon as the door was closed he threw his arms around Mike’s neck and mashed his lips against his surprised partners. He forced his tongue into his mouth and lustfully pushed his aching erection, tightly confined in his jeans, into Mike’s groin. Mike held him by the hips and after the initial shock pushed back, his own member reacting quickly to the actions of his lover. Eventually, Pete released his mouth and stood, arms still holding tight, looking at him with that big smile on his face that Mike loved do much. ‘He’s fine Mike. He likes you. He really likes you. Course I knew he would. But when I saw him tonight I thought. Well I didn’t know what to think. And then you got all butch and lovely. And he wasn’t in charge of me you were. And I thought oh god. And then he smiled and was nice. And then Marvin winked. And everything’s fine. Oh Mike I’m so happy. Kiss me.’ He was so excited he spoke with out taking breath or pause. Mike pulled him into an embrace that conveyed all the love and joy he felt for him. They kissed lovingly, and when they parted, he saw that Pete had tears in his eyes. He brushed them away with his thumbs, kissed the end of his nose.

‘Come on gorgeous. Let’s go eat with Dad.’

‘Dad?’ Pete held back. Mouth open he looked at Mike with amazement. ‘You knew?’

‘Yes. You made it pretty obvious. He’s your surrogate dad and the only way you could ever have slept with him would be as his boy.’

‘And you don’t mind?’

‘No. Why should I?’ Mike took hold of Pete’s hands and looked deep into his eyes. ‘You were broken, he helped you to mend. You love him. It’s part of who you are. I love who you are. How can I be upset by Toby. I should be thanking him for giving me this beautiful, sexy, loving man.’ He kissed Pete slowly and lovingly. ‘I love you Pete. You don’t need to be a boy anymore. Your my man. And a damn sexy one at that.’ He kissed him again. ‘Come on let’s go eat.’

Meanwhile, waiting on the pavement outside the bar, Toby and Marvin were also discussing how the night had gone so far. Marvin was mixing business with pleasure. Someone as good looking and physically stunning as he was always going to attract attention in a gay environment, and he was thoroughly enjoying the wolf whistles and obscene offers he was receiving from people passing by.

‘Will you please stop behaving like a common tart and behave yourself.’ Laughed Toby, as Marvin disentangled himself from a particularly insistent reveller who had insisted he snog him, for no other reason than he was, quote, ‘fuckin gorgeous!’ The snogee wasn’t bad either in Marvin’s considered opinion, his dick thought so to. So he kept Toby waiting moments longer as he got his assailants number. ‘I can’t believe that you just took a phone number off a total stranger.‘

‘Why not? I reckon he’ll be a bloody good shag. Nice kisser. Anyhow, you feeling okay?’

‘Yes. He’s happy with him isn’t he?’

‘And your good with that are you boss? I mean he’s been your boy for a while now.’ Toby O.K. a deep breath and looked up at the sky. He always felt is was such a pity that city dwellers never got to see the night sky as it should be because of all the light pollution. Exhaling slowly he looked back at Marvin.

‘We’ve talked about this already Marvin. I, we, can’t keep him wrapped up forever. He’s stronger now, no where near as vulnerable. He’s a grown man for goodness sake.’


No, no buts. Mike seems a nice chap. I’ll just have to do that parent thing, and stand back and watch.’

‘He knows you’re here if he needs you boss. He’s not going anywhere now without you and you both know that. He thinks too much of you. Loves you like a son loves his dad. Your good for each other.’

‘Who’s good for what?’ Pete threw his arm over Marvin’s shoulder.

‘I was just telling the old man here that you love him too much to ever let him down or walk away from him.’ Pete was shocked.

‘Too bloody right. Why would think anything else Toby?’ He wrapped his arms around him and hugged for all he was worth. ‘I love my new dad, and I always will.’ Then looking him face to face, ‘and don’t you ever forget it.’ He planted a big kiss on Toby’s lips. ‘Right, where are you taking me and my boyfriend for dinner then dad, somewhere terribly posh and expensive I hope as your paying?’

The party of four walked further into Soho, as Toby guided them to a small restaurant he knew that was owned and run by an old friend. They laughed and joked together as they made their way along the busy pavements and narrow alleys and roads. As they approached their destination, Marvin managed to get a few moments alone with Mike. ‘You okay there mate?’

‘I think so. Thanks for asking’

‘The Boss means well y’know. He’s just a bit over protective with his boy. He was a bit of a mess when he first met him.’

‘Yeah, Pete’s old me some of it. You’ll have to tell me why Toby got so involved with him so quickly one day. I don’t quite get it.’

‘No. I can get that. You’re not the first person o question his motives. Funny innit how people always think everyone wants something from someone. It’s really simple Mike. He sees some of himself in Pete. And he saw kids Pete’s age killed serving under him in the army. That he couldn’t help them broke him. Then he never had a son, and he can’t have any more kids. And then Pete needed help. No brainer really. Helping Pete, meant the boss was helping himself. They’ve changed each other.’

Marvin, put a hand on Mike’s arm to restrain him. ‘You have nothing to fear from Toby unless you hurt or damage his boy.’

‘I will never do that Marvin.’

‘I know mate, and so does the boss. Pete’s found a good’un in you. He’d better look after you, or I’ll nick you for myself.’

It was after midnight by the time they had finished their meal and By the end of it the four men were becoming friends. Toby found he was very taken with Pete’s choice in partner and was delighted and relieved to see the relaxed and loving manner each had with the other. There was a natural synergy between them that was endearing to anyone who spent time with them. As he gave the waiter his credit card for the bill, Toby asked what everyone wanted to do next, as he was heading home to bed. It had been a long day and he was tired. Mike explained that he wanted to quickly nip back to the bar to make sure his deputy manager was okay locking up, Pete would obviously go with him. Marvin, had already arranged to meet the guy he had exchanged numbers with earlier at a club called The Blue Angel.

‘It’s just up the road. Only been open a few months but doing really well. I’d be careful though Marvin,’ cautioned Mike. ‘It’s got a darkroom and a reputation already as a bit of a fuck pit. Guy looking like you – get eaten alive.’

‘I wouldn’t worry about him babe. He’ll be in his bloody element. God help,’em is all I’ll say.’ Pete nudged Marvin with his elbow and gave him his version of a lewd wink.

Shaking his head and chuckling to himself Marvin set off in the direction indicated. ‘And remember to wipe it after use.’ Bellowed Toby. Marvin flipped him the finger without even bothering to turn around. Mike and Pete said their good nights to Toby who hailed a taxi and headed home. The boys walked back to the bar, hand in hand.