Pete's Story

by Phil

7 May 2020 506 readers Score 9.6 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Marvin pulled into the private parking area a little after ten o’clock. He wasn’t in the best of moods, having had to drive from the centre of town to East London at the tail end of Monday morning rush hour. ‘Rush hour!’ He chuntered, ‘that’s a bleedin’ laugh. Rush fuckin’ day more like.’ He was not a great fan of the capital city, much preferring it when his employer was living at either his country estate in Hampshire or the lodge in Scotland rather than at the central London penthouse. He was early so decided to quickly polish the bits of the Rolls that didn’t quite meet his high standards. ‘Bloody dirty place too. Give me good honest muck any day.’

‘What are you grumbling about now? Never really happy unless you’re moaning these days are you?’ Toby came through the door from the flats dressed in the informal trousers and shirt he had asked Marvin to bring over for him the evening before. The slightly irritated chauffeur stopped giving the car all his attention and looked over at his boss. He had to acknowledge that he was a sexy bugger and couldn’t help but wonder when he would be lucky to be sharing his bed with him again. ‘I have a favour to ask of you Marvin, and I’ll understand and won’t be at all put out if you don’t want to do it for me.’ Marvin raised his eyebrows questioningly. ‘Young Pete upstairs needs an ego boost. Fancy nipping up and giving him one while I walk to the newsagents? Should take me about an hour if I take my time.’

‘When you say “give him one” just exactly what do you have in mind?’ asked the driver with a cheeky smile.

‘I’ll leave that entirely up to you.’ Toby set off out of the gate. ‘See you later. Oh, and I suggest you have a shower after all that polishing.’

Marvin couldn’t help but shake his head and chuckle to himself. ‘Well that was subtle.’ He mumbled. ‘Right then let’s see if this young lad will let me make him smile.’ He let himself into the flat. ‘Morning Pete. You up yet? It’s Marvin.’

‘In here mate.’

He walked into the kitchen/lounge area to find Pete standing by the window holding a mug, and wearing just a small pair of briefs. He felt his cock stirring. ‘Well there’s a sight for sore eyes. You’ve just made that shitty drive over here worth while.’

Throwing his head back and genuinely laughing, Pete enjoyed the compliment. ‘Thank you kind sir. I aim to please.’

‘Oh you could definitely please me Pete. No doubt about that mate. Just say the word.’

The sudden sexual tension in the room was tangible. Marvin moved closer to the almost naked Pete, keeping his eyes locked on the younger mans. ‘Toby’s nipped out for an hour. Gone to get a paper. I was hoping I could jump a shower.’

‘Yeah. No problem. I’ll get you a towel.’

‘You had yours yet?’

‘No, but it’s not a problem. You can use the spare room bathroom.’

‘I was kind of hoping we might share. You know? Save water, wash each other’s backs? Fool about a bit?’ But if you don’t want to.’

‘No, no. I’d not thought about it really. But now you mention it. Would you like too? It would be kind of fun wouldn’t it? And I am feeling horny.’

‘Mmm, really?’ Marvin nodded towards the noticeably growing bulge in Pete’s briefs. Crossing to him he took hold of Pete’s pierced nipple and twisted it making him gasp in exquisite pain. ‘Like that do we? How about this?’ He leaned forward and took the other nipple between his teeth, biting down, making Pete squirm and move to pull away. Marvin was quicker, taking hold of his victims upper arms and restraining him. He lifted his head, bringing their faces within an inch of each other. ‘Now, l thought you might like it a bit rough. Mmm?’ He locked eyes with the younger man, intimidating him with his greater strength and masculinity. Pete fought back, bringing his hands flat against Marvin’s broad, muscled chest and pushing back at him. At the same time he struggled against the vice like hold the powerful ex-soldier had on his arms. Marvin was surprised at the strength of the slighter man and impressed at the way he refused to back down to him. He couldn’t help but smile. ‘Okay, Okay. I’m only playing. Don’t panic.’ Pete smiled back and the tension left his face. His body however remained taught, ready to continue the struggle if needed. ‘Fuck you’re making me hard. Do I have to ask nicely like your posh friends, or are you just gonna let me do what we both want me to do? Mmm? You gonna make me beg Pete or are we just gonna get down and dirty? Eh? What do you want mate? La de dah polite or a fuckin good shag from a squaddie who’ll leave you fuckin dripping’. What’s it to be mate? Eh? You choose.’

The lust in Marvin’s eyes was clear and it suddenly became obvious to Pete that despite the strength of the man holding him, he held the power. He decided to test the limits of the control he believed he had. ‘You really think you’re man enough for me do you Marvin? Do you? Think you’ve got enough to satisfy me? Have you any idea how much I love cock, big strong cock? Have you got a big strong cock soldier boy?’

Marvin was well into the game now, his breathing was heavy and shallow. Fuck, this kid was good. He could charge for what he was doing. He played along, enjoying his part, ‘I got more than enough for you. Wanna see it you posh cunt? Here, I’ll show you.’ Releasing his hold on Pete he stepped back and began removing his clothes. Shoes and socks were first followed by his shirt and tie. This was no tantalising strip show. This was an aroused male revealing a toned, muscular body to the man he was about to fuck. This was a statement of intent. And as he exposed himself, Pete’s arousal grew. Marvin was exactly the sort of man he enjoyed. Tall, muscular, hairy chest and legs. When he removed his underwear and his above average, thick cock was released Pete couldn’t prevent an animal like growl escape from his throat. Marvin stood in front of him, legs apart, feet firmly planted on the floor, arms by his side, fist clenched, staring him in the eyes. Everything about him challenged Pete to deny that he had what he needed to satisfy him. Pete moved to within a foot of the beautiful specimen of manhood, slowly, he hooked his thumbs in the top of his briefs and began to slide them down his hips. ‘Don’t.’ Marvin’s voice was husky. ‘Let me.’ He knelt in front of the golden skinned man, put his head to the floor and to Pete’s total surprise began to kiss and lick his way up his body starting with his feet. He caressed him with his lips, tongue and hands. Once he had removed the briefs he brushed his nose against Pete’s balls, breathing in his scent. He brought his hands behind and took a buttock in each. He licked along the length of Pete’s cock, ran his tongue around it’s head, and as he took the whole of it, deep into his throat, sucking hard, he roughly kneaded the ass cheeks in his hands, holding Pete up as his knees buckled. He sucked the hard, hot dick until he could feel Pete starting to edge towards his climax, and then he bit down with his teeth on the tender end of the helmet. Pete’s stomach convulsed, his hands grabbed Mavin’s head. ‘Arghhh. Cunt.’

Marvin released him and stood up. ‘You’re not coming yet lover. Bedroom now.’

Once in the bedroom, Marvin pushed Pete backwards onto the bed. ‘Condoms?’

‘In the drawer, you’ll find the lube there as well.’ Pete pointed to the bedside cabinet.

Retrieving both, Marvin pulled Pete to the edge of the bed by his ankles and placed them on his shoulders, one each side of his head. He tore open the packet of lube and squirted it onto the exposed anus. ‘Get yourself ready for me while I put this on.’ He held the condom up.

Pete reached round to his arse and rubbed the generous dollop of lube Marvin had applied into his crack ensuring his eager hole received more than its fair share. As he smeared the slick gel he pushed first one then two fingers into himself, beginning to fuck them back and forth as Marvin watched with increasing admiration at the way the young man used his sex to snare and hold his conquests. ‘Fuck boy, you are so good. Bad, but good.’ Pete raised his arse higher, smiled a sultry, sexy, come-get-me smile and seductively ran his tongue over his lips. Then, reaching round with his other hand he put another two fingers in his aching anus, push all four in as far as he could before stretching the membrane as wide as he could to tease Marvin with the hot tunnel inside. ‘Fuck that’s so hot.’ Marvin snapped the condom snugly at the base of his rigid pole, firmly moved Pete’s hands away from his target and pressed the head of his cock at the entrance to the exposed man pussy. Without waiting a heartbeat, he pushed his hot, hard, pulsing meat into the moist channel so desperate to receive him. Both men cried out in passion. Pete scissored his legs around Marvin’s hard, thrusting waste, his arms wrapped themselves round his neck bringing his mouth to his to enable him to kiss him and force his tongue between his lips. Marvin gave no quarter, fucking the bucking and thrusting young stud who lay beneath him harder and harder as he felt his orgasm building. He felt the channel he was using to such good effect start to contract and the face of the man skewered on his dick register a look of almost ecstatic pain as spunk spat, unaided from the eye of the iron hard cock slapping against its masters belly every time Marvin slammed into him. The pressure Pete’s ass applied to his pistoning dick took Marvin over the edge and he filled the condom with jet after jet of hot, thick man juice. As they came down from their orgasmic cloud the two men laughed joyously with each other.

‘You are one bloody excellent fuck Pete. I’d pay good money for that mate.’ Marvin leaned down, and kissed Pete, sensuously exploring his mouth with his tongue. ‘Thanks. Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.’

Pete’s smile lit up his face. Marvin had never before seen him smile so brightly and with such innocence. It was overpowering in its intensity. For the first time he understood why Toby was so determined to help and protect the young man. His instinct was to do the same.

‘Come on ya little tart, let’s get showered.’ He took Pete’s hand and together they headed for the en-suite, giggling like a couple of naughty school boys.

Toby got back with his newspaper soon after they had showered and dressed, to find the pair talking animatedly about music, more specifically, the recording career of Barbra Streisand, which they had discovered they were both besotted with. As they got to know Pete better, Toby and Marvin would learn that one of the places Pete hid when he needed to ‘run away’ was in the music of someone he thought of as his ‘best friend’, despite he had not and never would meet her. When pressed on the subject, Pete would explain that of everyone and everything he had ever put his trust and faith in the only thing that never let him down, that he could always rely on to be there when he needed it, was the calming, emotional, beautiful, unsurpassed, glorious voice of Streisand. No matter his mood, she always spoke the right words to him. If he couldn’t sleep, she sang lullabies until he did. If he was tense and anxious, she calmed and soothed him. When angry, he sang with her, loud and off key until he was laughing at the absurdity of his trying to match her note for note. When he wanted love, she sang it to him in spades, like no one else ever could. When he was sad and lonely, she knew and understood and sang to help him find a kind a peace, a way to get through the next day. She had even stopped him taking his own life purely by the fact that he couldn’t bear the thought of never hearing her sing again. He maintained he could never actually meet her because she would never be able to live up to his expectations. Even a saint would struggle, what chance did she have? So to find another who loved and appreciated her as much, well, almost as much, as he did was almost life affirming for him. Toby stood transfixed as he listened to them discussing which album each thought the best and why. They dissected them track by track. Compared her version to other artists. They were in a world of their own. Toby was seeing a side of Marvin that he had never seen before and was delighted that he and Pete were getting on so well together. He could also sense an intimacy between them that seemed to allow Pete to let his walls down with Marvin. He was more relaxed than Toby had so far seen him.

‘I’m terribly sorry to break up this Streisand love-fest, but if we’re going to get to Joseph’s on time and eat before we get there then we really ought to get going, and I don’t think his other patrons would appreciate you two turning up in your underwear.’

Marvin smirked at Toby, ‘I wouldn’t be too sure about that boss, I’ve seen a few of his customers over the years and it’d probably make their bleedin day to see us like this! Come on kid, let’s get dressed.’

Half an hour later they were on their way to Toby’s tailors in Threadneedle Street stopping en-route at one of his favourite cafes for brunch. Pete found his first experience being out and about with the Lord Maidenhead fascinating. The Rolls was definitely the most luxurious vehicle he had ever traveled in and he was very impressed at the skill with which Marvin manoeuvred the large car through the busy streets. He also noticed that other drivers tended to give way, showing deference to the prestige and road presence of the car. It was a similar story whenever Toby entered any establishment, whether he was known or not. People were always incredibly polite and deferential to him. They were given what was obviously the best placed table at the café and the owner herself served them, producing an excellent bottle of South African Chardonnay that wasn’t listed, to accompany the very fresh Cromer crab cakes with horse radish sauce. Again, an option he didn’t see on either the menu or specials board. When they arrived at the tailors, Pete could only imagine that this must be how royalty are feted. Shown into a beautifully furnished private room, served with excellent coffee, tea and perfectly chilled champagne, Joseph, the proprietor himself spent the next two hours measuring and fitting Toby for a new dinner suit. When he had done all he could for now, he turned to Pete and clapped his hands together. ‘So,’ he announced to Pete’s surprise, ‘this must be the young man you spoke to me about this morning. Come, come sir. Please stand up. Let me look at you.’

Somewhat shocked, Pete did as he was told, casting a sideways glance at Toby, who winked at him and with an encouraging gesture from his right hand, indicated he should go with the flow.

‘No no no. When I say stand up I don’t mean as though you are carrying a sack of potatoes on your left shoulder and about to take a nine inch penis up your rectum. I mean stand tall, erect, proud.’

Joseph turned to Toby, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, ‘A tailors life was so much easier when a gentleman had been in the army and knew how to stand before he bought his first good suit.’

‘Ah,’ countered Pete, ‘but I’m no gentleman. I do however know how to take a nine inch penis up my rectum. And believe me I wouldn’t stand like this.’ There was a momentary silence before the tailor guffawed and slapped Pete firmly on the back. ‘Ha ha, I like this one Toby. I like this one a lot.’

‘Yes Joseph, so do I. So do I.’ Said Toby quietly so no one but Marvin heard.

‘Come my boy, let me show you how to stand when being fitted for a proper suit.’ And so it was that Pete spent the rest of the afternoon learning how a ‘gentleman’ was treated at one of the finest men’s outfitters in the world. The differences between merely good and truly excellent tailoring were explained to him. The types and styles of shirts, which to wear when and with what. What sort of trousers he should have and again when he should wear a specific style. He drew the line at underwear, explaining to Joseph that as much as he appreciated the function of the garment, to him, what was as important was who might see him wearing them, what he would be wearing them under, when he would be wearing them and exactly how much he wanted to display when he had them on, both at the front and the back. ‘In other words you like to be a whore with your pants,’ stated Joseph bluntly.

‘No. I just like to show what I’ve got to it’s best.’

‘Like I said. A whore in your pants.’ Joseph stood back and took a critical look at a near naked Pete. ‘Turn around. Show me these assets you are so proud of.’ Seeing the slight smirk at the corners of Joseph’s mouth Pete knew at once that Joseph was winding him up. He also knew that he did look damn good in his provocatively skimpy underwear, that’s why he bought it, to highlight his firm, round bubble butt, and to ensure his above average package was snugly supported and prominently displayed. If seen in just his briefs or swimwear, it was obvious to even the most casual observer not only what Pete had on offer, but that the confidence with which it was shown told that he knew what he had and how to use it. He slowly turned on the spot, focusing his attention on Toby who found himself holding his breath, immobile, as he watched the perfect masculine form display himself for him. Pete cheekily smiled at him as he ran his hand from his collarbone across the firm mound of the muscular chest, down the flat stomach to the waist band of the white briefs. He parted his lips and ran his tongue from one side of his mouth to the other then looking down at the hand at the base of his stomach, he pushed a finger under the waistband of the briefs, following the treasure trail as it disappeared towards to hidden mound of his manhood.

‘See,’ exclaimed Joseph, breaking the spell Pete had cast over the room, ‘a whore in pants. A good one too. Okay you win on the underwear. Now, socks.’ The four men in the room laughed, but two pairs of eyes continued to steal glances at each other and a certain lord found himself making constant adjustments to his underwear in an attempt to make himself more comfortable.

As Pete and Joseph were engrossed in the obviously thrilling subject of socks, Marvin and Toby moved to the opposite end of the room. The chauffeur sported a grin the Cheshire Cat would have been proud of. ‘He is one seriously sexy kid. He wasn’t looking at me and I’m still hard. You must be fuckin’ dripping.’

‘Don’t be vulgar Marvin, it doesn’t become you. But yes, I think I actually stopped breathing at one point.’ Toby turned to look at Pete who was now trying on Polo shirts, but otherwise still only clad in his briefs. ‘I take it you cheered him up this morning?’

‘Yes. Gave him an ego boost. If you ask me he’s okay when he’s having sex, or if he’s flirting. He knows he’s good at that. His confidence is sky high then. I mean look at him. Joseph’s straight as a die, deals with queens and flirty queers ever day. Pete’s got him eating out of his hand. Even he was breathing heavy when Pete did his stuff with you earlier. Yeah, he knows he’s got it alright. It’s when he’s got to be himself that he gets lost.’

‘Hmm, why do you think that is?’

‘Well I’m not a shrink, but I’d say it’s because he doesn’t think he’s any good at anything else.’

‘Yeah, I think you’re partly right. I also think he doesn’t know who he is or what he wants. You see Marvin, with sex, he knows he’s got what we want. He knows we’ve got what he wants. I bet only ever he flirts with a bottom. Can’t see him ever being a top can you?’

‘ Now you mention it, no I can’t. He’s like some sort of fuck machine once he’s got you inside him. It felt like he was sucking the cum out of me. Like he couldn’t get enough of it. Fuckin amazing, don’t get me wrong, best arse I’ve had in years. Good with his mouth too. Told him I’d pay good money to go a round with him.’

‘I bet he liked that.’

‘Loved it. Face lit up like a bleedin light bulb.’ Marvin thought for a moment. ‘You know boss I reckon you might be right. He needs to know he’s good at other stuff, not just sex. There’d be no stopping the little fucker then.’

‘No there wouldn’t would there. So, how do we do that then, and how do I keep my hands off him until he starts to realise he’s worth more than just sex?’

‘If you want my advice boss, you take him to dinner and romance him for a few weeks. You’re bloody good at that, and get the missus to spend time with him. She’d be a great one to explain how you don’t just shag any old bit of knob. That what you want is a lover, a keeper. Someone you can trust. He needs to know that he’ll have to share you with Liz, and that if he does it right she’ll be his best friend. Show him you love him. Tell him you want sex but not yet. Take it slow.’

‘But he needs sex. You’ve seen what he’s like.’

‘I can take of that. You know you can trust me. I won’t steal him. He doesn’t want me to love anyway. Sure he’ll let me fuck him, but he wants to love you. It’s you he wants to please and impress. It’s your protection he wants.’ He saw a questioning look in Toby’s eyes. ‘Boss, if you go with this you won’t just be his lover. You’ll have to be his teacher, his confidant, his protector, the one who reassures him when he doubts himself and whether you like it or not, his father. He hasn’t worked that out yet, it’s an exciting game just now, but one day he’ll wake up and realise he needs you more than you need him and that’s going to scare him. Are you ready for that? Can you love him enough to wrap your arms around him and never let him down?’

‘When did you get to be so wise my old friend? I always knew there was a good reason I kept you around, despite all your moaning and griping.’ Toby gripped Marvin’s shoulder affectionately. ‘I might need some help from time to time from a grumpy ex-squaddy. You up for it?’

‘Always sir. Always.’ He looked at Pete, ‘I think he’s worth it too. Poor buggers had a lot of shit thrown at him so far, and he still keeps it half full.’


‘His glass. It’s not half empty. Be nice to help him try and fill it up a bit wouldn’t it? And I honestly think he’ll do you good to. Wife and two daughters? Too many women in your life if you ask me, you could do with a son to look after. If you get to fuck him that’s a bonus isn’t it?’


‘What? What did I say now? What?’

‘What are you two whispering about over there? My mum always said whispers tell lies, don’t know what she meant but hey. What do you think of these shirts? I can only afford three so I need some help choosing.’

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