Bird Came Down

by Chris Lewis Gibson

25 Mar 2020 398 readers Score 9.7 (11 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Well,” Valerie said as they walked up the sidewalk to the entrance of the Maron Arms, “we learned a lot today.”

“I learned you don’t know how to ask for a date.”

“I learned I can’t take you anywhere.”

“I learned I hate the Episcopal Church more than I thought I did.”


“We should have stayed Catholic.”

“Bite your tongue.”

“Tongue bitten.”

.Felix’s phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket:


“Are you home?”

“Yeah,” Felix said cautiously, looking at Valerie.

“It’s me, Joey.”

They sounded so alike Felix was so glad he didn’t call him Scott.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No,” Joey said. There was noise in the background. “No, nothing’s wrong. Just… Can I come over?”

Felix looked around. “Yeah… How long do you need?”

“I actually just got out of the shower.”

“Okay. A half hour minutes?”



Felix closed his phone and said, “Valerie, I gotta go.”

“You have a man coming?” his sister said.

“I do.”

“Which one?”

“Don’t you worry about it?”

But Felix worried about it. He wanted to ask how Scott was, and where he was, but something told him not to.

From the bathroom Felix heard Joey knocking. It happened the same time the music from below began to shake his floors.


He turned off the shower and toweled his face. The knocking was more insistent, and if he didn’t know better he’d sweat it was Rule.

“Goddamn, Joey,” Felix muttered as he wrapped the towel about his waist and went to answer the door.

When Felix opened the door he asked Joey what was wrong.

“Can I come in?”

“Of course you can come in.”

As Joey entered, Felix closed the door behind him and said, “You look so nervous. You look so tense.”

Joey sat on the sofa and Felix sat beside him. Joey’s foot was tapping rapidly and his brow was furrowed.

“What the fuck is that?” Joey said.

“My neighbors. From downstairs.”

“Rude assholes.”

“That’s what I said.”

Joey said nothing more but kept tapping his foot.

“You’re being weird,” Felix said.

“Can we fuck?” Joey asked him.

“That was… the opposite of subtle.”

“I don’t want to be subtle,” Joey said. “Can we just… Can we please… fuck? I need it. I need you right now. Can we please fuck?”

Felix said nothing and Joey said, “You know we came home with my nephews, right? He took them from Jen. They’re here. So it’s great that you love him, and he loves you and I know that. That’s great, Felix. But I don’t think you want to raise his kids. And if the reason you’ve been holding out on me is Scott, well then, he had sex with Matt—his old friend, the lawyer. He fucked him today.”

Joey leaned across Felix and kissed him.

“I know you love him,” Joey said, kissing his throat, “but there’s got to be something for me too.”

Felix was going to say no, but Scott hadn’t made a claim on him, and he wasn’t even angry about what Scott had done. He’d thought about how he would handle the two of them, but tonight he didn’t have to think about it, and tonight Joey was here and apparently Scott was with his kids, so he took up Joey’s shirt and Joey unwound Felix’s towel. They kissed fiercely and Felix opened his mouth for Joey’s tongue. There was a desperate violence in the way Joey’s tongue searched his mouth and Felix matched it, feeling the strength in Joey’s arms has his hands pressed him down to the sofa.

He reached Joey’s belt and tugged down his shorts. and Joey stopped to moan, and then buried his face in Felix’s throat. Joey shimmed out of his shorts and Felix tugged down his tight briefs, grasping his penis. It was so hot and so thick, and it grew and grew while Joey kissed him and moaned with his attention. Felix moved to sit down properly on the sofa, and he moved Joey with him, having the boy straddle him Felix pulled his Joey’s fat cock in his mouth.

“God,” Joey moaned. “Goddamn.” His voice was muffled as he buried his face in the ledge the mattress against Felix’s wall made, and he felt Felix’s hands on his hips and then on his ass, guiding him as he fucked his mouth. “You feel so good. You’re so—”

Felix slipped his wet finger in Joey’s ass and the boy moaned. It seemed to go on a long time before they pushed the futon out into a bed and leisurely pleasured each other. But in the end Felix was pressed against the wall, and after a long day of a lot of foolishness, breathing heavily out of his nose, his mouth on Felix’s ears and on his throat, his hands grasping Felix’s hips, Joey was fucking him.