Bird Came Down

by Chris Lewis Gibson

10 Mar 2020 322 readers Score 9.4 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Cookie: Part 1

They had been naked in a minute.Scott had pressed him to the bed.

He caught Scott’s hair in his hands and pulled his face into his chest, wrapping his thighs around him while, on the side of the bed. With no preamble, Scott fucked Felix harder and harder.

“Almost,” Scott panted, thrusting again, “there.”

Felix ran his hands down the Scott’s back and pulled him in. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth feeling Scott hard inside of him.

“I’m gonna come…” Scott warned him.

Scott moaned, “Oh—fuck—” as he came, a hot slick shower all over Felix’s stomach, dripping from the tip of his cock before he pressed his damp head in Felix’s arms.

The two of them lay side by side on the bed, exhausted.

They fell asleep like that with the lights still on, clinging to each other as, outside, the sound of cars passing on Maron Street came through the window.

A little later, when they woke up, Scott moved off the bed and walked about the apartment, shutting off the lights. For a moment, Felix saw the length of his lovely body, his long torso, his almost flat stomach, his Buddhist bald head.

Felix pushed out of the bed and stood before him so they both faced each other, naked. Felix looked down to see his penis, erect and thick, touching Scott’s. Scott leaned forward and kissed him, pulling his face forward. Felix held Scott by the hips and pulled him down. Kissing, linking limbs, sighing as, at last, they ran their hands over each other’s bodies.

Scott lay on his back, running his hands up and down Felix’s thighs, looking up at his brown chest, shiny with sweat while he felt Felix fucking him, touching his face while Felix looked down on him in love and, at last, looked up, and making a staggering noise while Scott tightened his grip around his thighs, Felix came, his semen shooting deep, and then trickling out of Scott the same time Scott felt his own orgasm, and pointed his cock to Felix, showering his chest and stomach.

At least a minute later, Felix was still kneeling between Scott’s legs, still hard inside of him.

“You look beautiful with me inside of you,” Felix said.

“You look beautiful covered in my come,” Scott returned.

After that, neither of them said a thing. There was nothing to be said.

The first sustained conversation Joey ever had with Felix began with, “How do you feel about bisexuals?”

Joey was working on Felix’s radiator, and Felix said, “Huh?”

“Well, you said you were gay, but how do you feel about bisexuals?”

“That is a truly odd question.”

“I mean, like, do you believe some people are bi? Do you believe in bisexuals?”

“I believe in them the way I believe in unicorns, dragons and griffins. They exist somewhere—usually in a fantasy novel—but not in this city.”

“Oh,” Joey seemed rather offended.

“Bisexual is just a nice word for a gay man who knows how inconvenient men are and prefers to be seen with women.”

“Well, maybe sometimes,” Joey said, turning to finish bleeding the radiator. “But I think there are some real ones.”

“I never met a woman married to a bisexual who said she was happy about it, and I never met a man who said he was bisexual who was happy with a wife.”


Having begun his tirade, Felix continued, “Bisexuals are just homos who really want kids and can’t handle other men.”

Joey, in his jeans and work shirt, his ball cap turned around folded his arms over his chest looking grimly at the radiator and then at his toolbox.

“Did I say something?” Felix began.

“You’re very smart,” Joey said. “But you’re sort of harsh.”

Felix did not wish to pursue this. After all, no matter how good looking the young maintenance man with his broad shoulders and the line of beard around his jaw was, he didn’t really know him, and he had other things to do than learn about his sexuality. But he couldn’t help himself.

“Are you telling me you’re bi?”

“I am bi!” Joey said more loudly than he meant. He covered his mouth, looking a mix of savage and adorable.

Felix wanted to say something sweet, accepting or compassionate, but what he ended up saying was:

“Your poor girlfriend.”

Joseph Flowers also remembered a day six years earlier, when he had been thirteen.

Thomas Frushour was a defender on the La Crosse team and that day, after practice, as they were going to hit the showers, he clapped Joey on the ass and said, “Good game, Flowers.”.


These days Joey took a long time getting to the showers. One of the boys at school had gotten an erection in the shower, and from then on everyone called him Woody. Joey didn’t want to earn that name, and the way he was feeling now, anything could happen. Frushour was still talking to Coach even though Joey had taken his time, going back into the school, pretending to look for things, hoping to come to the showers when everyone was done. Scott would be here soon. He didn’t want to keep him waiting.

“Ey, Flowers wait up!” Frushour said as Joey was walking with the equipment bag.

Joey did, and Frushour was carrying another sack. They headed into the comparative darkness of the gym, and then the greater, cooler, darkness of the equipment room.

“Can I ask you a question?” Frushour said while they were stacking equipment.

“Sure,” Joey said, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Alright. How come you don’t shower with everyone else?”

“I do.”

“No, you don’t. Not anymore.”

Well, why lie?

“Remember Woody? I don’t wanna be Woody Two. My body’s weird.”

Frushour laughed and said, “Everyone’s body is weird. Woody just got caught, and nobody likes him, poor fucker. Does he have a real name?”

“Isn’t it Brendan?”

Frushour nodded. “It might be. You afraid of getting boners and getting caught?”

“Yeah,” Joey said, feeling a little dizzy. “Something like that.”

“Hold on,” Tom Frushour said.

Joey did.

Frushour reached into his shorts, and pulled out his cup. Joey was instantly jarred, and then Tom Frushour stuck his hands back in and started rubbing himself. Joey wanted to look away. He wanted to be away. He wished he hadn’t come here. This was what he wanted to see. This was one of his web porns. Under his cup his own penis was going heavy.

“See,” Frushour said, suddenly pulling out a penis that was large and full headed, stiff and thick in his hands.

“No big deal.”

Joey was hard. His mouth was dry, and his body was trembling.

“Yeah...” he remembered saying.

This became a daily sort of thing, something that, just turned thirteen, Joey feared and thrilled to. Every day there was some variation of going into the equipment room, and Thomas Frushour exposing himself, and then them hitting the shower. By the time they got there it was no one but Joey and Frushour, and in the shower Frushour would wash himself the way those guys in the college porns did, touching his nipples and stroking himself into erection then laughing it off. Joey laughed it off too, not understanding what was happening, unable to stay away from it.

One day in the equipment room, Frushour just said, “Would you like to suck my cock?”

It wasn’t mean spirited, just an offer. Joey looked for an angle. Was he joking or was he really offering?

Frushour said in a tender voice. “I like you, Joey. You’re a good guy. I just wondered what it would be like if you sucked my cock.”

“Have you...?” Joey’s words fled and then his voice fled too, drying up. “Did you ever... do it?”

“Wanted to. Saw videos about it. I could do it to you when you get done doing it to me.”

Joey wasn’t in his cup, and now Frushour laughed and pointed out Joey’s groin.

“Woody,” he murmured.

“Don’t say that,” Joey said, embarrassed and jittery, hard and trembling all at once.

“I’m just playing, Flowers. See,” he said, dropping his shorts, “I’m the same way.”

And then Joey dropped to his knees, but Tom Frushour said, “No. Not right here. Further back behind the basketball cage.”

Joey got up quickly and almost tripped to the cages where the basketballs were. The basketballs were on one side, the volleyballs on the other and they made a little dark cul de sac in the empty school.

And then suddenly Tom’s cock was in his mouth, he was taking it deep in, and pulling it in and out, licking the head, devouring it, and Tom was muttering, “Oh... ah... oh...” his voice was high and pleading, and his hands went for Joey’s hair, and then fell, lifting up and down, helpless. Joey opened his eyes and looked up to see Tom thrusting in the darkness. Tom’s face was beautiful with a dimple in his chin. His hair was shaved low. He came up and put his hands around Tom’s face, then kissed his mouth.

“No, Joe. Not... that,” he said.

And then Joey went back to sucking Tom’s cock. It was so huge and so tender and so hard and so slick and.… was this what sucking a pacifier was like? Why did this feel so good? And then Tom’s body rocked, and before he could pull Joey away he was coming. His semen filled Joey’s mouth, chocked him, dripped out of his lips and down his chin, onto his tee shirt. It dripped in a thick rope on the floor.

“I’m sorry, Joe,” Tom said, leaning against the wall. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

Even when coughing, Joey wanted to lick Tom’s penis clean. He wanted to kiss him again.

Tom said, “Okay, now it’s your, turn, Joe.”

Tom was a couple of years older and, if anything, democratic. With gusto he went to sucking off Joey, and Joey cried out and planted his hands against the wall. He was afraid to touch Tom, to put his hands on Tom’s head the way Tom had done to him, but Tom reached out, and pulled Joey’s hands to his scalp, guided them in rubbing his hair and his shoulders until he was confident in doing it himself. It felt so... fucking... good.... Joey was surprised when he was coming, but he caught himself and tried to pull out of Tom’s mouth. Instead Tom pulled him in deeper, and he moaned as he emptied his load in Tom’s mouth, as Tom pulled away licking the shooting semen from the tip of Joey, sucking him even when he was finished.

When it was over they sat side by side, and Tom frowned then laughed, wiping his hand off.

“I just put my hand in jizz. I don’t know if it was yours or mine. It doesn’t fucking matter.”

By now Joey didn’t wait for his brother. He just took the Number 6 to Colby and Howard whenever he was done.

“Now, Joe, I’m going to kiss you. I don’t know why I said you couldn’t do it to me. I was scared, I guess. But that was dumb. After we just did this.

“It felt so fucking good,” Tom said as an afterthought. Joey was scared of speaking.

“I don’t know what was better, sucking you or getting sucked.”

And then he kissed Joey. They kissed for a long time before heading to the showers. And then Joey headed home.