Man scents

by Daniel Berasaluce

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Freedom can move your life and it can be seen even in the hardest conditions, together with love and friendship, happiness and beauty. Have a look at the life of eight beggars who live together at: or in English at:

Cliff Oakland was a difficult man to work with, but we could no nothing. The scarce times I had been chatting with our workmate in our break for snacking he seemed to be an intelligent man with interesting points of view about life in general. He was open-minded and would not easily get shocked at anything. Besides our boss would never fire him, cause he was really a conscientious worker. To start with he was stronger than any of us, and took easily wheelbarrows fully loaded with bricks to any floor where we were working. Now we were building the 18th floor of a 25 floor building. And he never had any vertigo on the scaffold. He never seemed tired of any hard work he had to do and sometimes I had to be next to Cliff in the concrete mixer. He was a perfect worker, so what did we complain about?

It was his smell, his reeking smell. It was totally unbearable. We were in June and his nauseating smell was always perceptible. He used to work shirtless and had a well-ripped body and could have the girl he wanted if he washed more often, if he ever washed, that is. All of us often joined in a huddle and talked about his dirt. It was very hard to work next to him and one of us had to tell him something, but no one, of course, wanted to become an informer and talk with our boss, for we perfectly knew that Cliff Oakland was such a good worker that he even was our boss’ favourite. But we often said that one of us should talk to him and I remember one morning in May I had found the courage to finally tell him, when we were loading a wheelbarrow.

-Cliff, I don’t know whether you are able to perceive how hard it is for all of us to work with you. You’re a good boy at heart, but why don’t you wash more often? Some days your smell is nauseating.

-Ralph –he told me then-, I was not hired to be perfumed. They know and you know as well that I tackle this job in earnest. And what the fuck if I like having this stinking smell on me? I have no partner right now. Life has chastised me and I love smelling like this and if you don’t mind me saying so, I get off on my own smell and only make love to myself now. So please, Ralph, mind your own business and don’t ask me to wash for I won’t do it.

Difficult to understand but I had to leave things there then. I didn’t tell the others that Cliff got horny at his own smell; I only told them he didn’t want to wash. And none of us ever went to our boss so that he fired him, for he disgusted us but we knew too well that he was a perfect worker. We continued working with him; we could do no other thing.

On June 7th, at our usual break, I had a sudden urge to piss. I was carrying a chocolate sandwich in my hands but had not started to eat it. I had to go to the restroom first. I had seen Cliff entering the restroom ten minutes ago and when I entered, all the toilets, they were four, were clearly occupied and shut, except the third one, so I suddenly opened the door and there I surprised Cliff, who was comfortably jacking off then. I had never seen any dick, except in porn movies. His cock was long and if I had been gay, I would have acknowledged he had a sexy cock.

-Couldn’t you have just knocked on the door, Ralph?

-I’m sorry, Cliff. My need to piss was becoming desperate and all the other toilets were closed. I thought there was nobody in here.

He stood up then and told me.

-Piss now; for I won’t leave this toilet till I have cum.

I was shy to piss now before him but I sighed, took my dick out and relieved my bladder.

-How old are you, Ralph Sanders?

-I’m 30.

-Well, I’m 31. Let me tell you that you’re old enough to have some more common sense. You are always wrinkling your nose at my smell, but I can’t blame you for that: everybody does. But you often look angrily at me and I sometimes feel a little harassed by you. I think I must punish you now for your frequent behaviour towards me. Hand me the sandwich. By the way, what does this sandwich have?


-You are a little stupid sometimes, Ralph, but I am sure you are also brave –and just then he grabbed my sandwich and told me-. Hope now you don’t chicken out.

And what I saw then bewildered me, but telling me “I also need to piss”, he took my sandwich to his dick and suddenly started to piss on the chocolate. A ruined sandwich, I thought, but when he finished, he gave me the sandwich back and told me.

-Now eat it.

I didn’t know why I did what I did next but I was convinced that Cliff was a good boy and suddenly I thought I had the need to become one of his buddies. Besides he had told me I was brave. I needed to show him I had guts and somehow I wanted to make amends for all the words I had addressed him and had obviously offended him, and thinking it was a challenge by a man I wanted now to become a friend of mine, I took the piss sandwich to my mouth and started to eat it. Curiously he was looking at me eating the sandwich jerking himself off. And it was many things, I guessed, but seeing him wanking looking at me and the repulsive taste of the chocolate now, though it was a new flavour to discover, and the sudden and surprising thought that now I would eat more pissed sandwiches, made me cream my pants. Of course Cliff had seen me and shot his load then.

-Did the sandwich have a good taste, Ralph?

-Well, surprisingly it did not have a bad taste. Can I ask you something, Cliff? In a friendly way now, of course.

-You’ve had the guts to eat my piss on your chocolate. So now dare ask me anything.

-Are you gay?

-I am bisexual. Anything to say?

-You have my respect, Cliff.

-Now I can tell you something about my own life, if you want.

-You can tell me anything.

-I had a girlfriend when I was only seventeen and I was with her for five years. But one day she lost her love for me and left me. Then at 25 I also discovered I like boys and I soon met a boy who stank, that’s what you would say, but I simply loved the way he smelled and I became his boyfriend. We were together for two years till finally one day he betrayed me: I suddenly surprised him having sex with another boy and no other than my best friend. I believe in fidelity and that day I lost both: my boyfriend and my best friend. Since that day I decided I would have no more partners and I simply have sex with myself. Maybe you won’t believe me, but I am able to suck my own cock. Anything to tell me now, Ralph?

-Cliff, I respect all you have told me and even thank you for having told me. And I am really sorry you have no partner now.

-Shit I need no partner now, I just need friends. After what I’ve made you do and after the things I have told you, do you think we could be friends, Ralph?

-Why not, Cliff? What you’ve made me do and what you’ve just told me has simply made me know you better. Maybe you have a lonely life, an unbearably lonely life, and I would like to help you forget that loneliness.

-Even if I stink?

Curiously that was the first time I was talking to Cliff, and his stinking smell did not bother me.

-Even if you stink, Cliff. I promise you I won’t bother you again asking you to wash. Just be yourself.

-Tell me the truth, Ralph. Have you enjoyed this sandwich experience? And please be sincere: have you perhaps liked the taste of piss?

I knew then that in order to become Cliff’s new buddy, I had to be brave, for he was a brave boy too, and I wanted to see how courageous I could be by simply saying the truth. I surprised myself telling him.

-You’ve seen me cream my pants, Cliff. It’s been a great surprise for me but I have certainly enjoyed your piss.

-So now I will only ask a courageous buddy. You don’t have to do it again. But I am curious and I will be bold and ask you: would you like to repeat this experience?

-You pissing my sandwich, you mean?

-Yes, I mean that.

-Well, tomorrow I will bring a tuna sandwich. You can piss on it if you want.

-If you want, Ralph.

-Strange game –I smiled-, but yes I would like you to piss in any of my sandwiches now.

-Then just think about it tonight. And if you still desire it, we might come to the restroom again in our break tomorrow and I will piss on your tuna sandwich, but on one condition.

-What’s the condition?

-Well, I’ve told you that I am bisexual and I have enjoyed watching your dick, so I will piss your sandwich again and I want you to eat it too, but instead of creaming your pants, I want you to comfortably masturbate as you are eating it and I hope you shoot a load with it and I can see you cumming. Of course I would be whacking off too.

-An unexpected game, Cliff. But just a simple thing had made me cum today and I want to play and at the same time, I wanna be your friend and talk to you in a friendly way every day. So ok, let’s play. I’m not gay but I can jack off for you and well, I would certainly like to see you sucking your own cock one day.

-Good, Ralph. And now let’s return to work.      

The rest of that day was hard work but was different. I think I was earning a friend and inside what would be the 18th floor, now building one its brick walls, we sometimes looked at each other and smiled in complicity. When nobody was looking, he even pointed at a couple of our workmates rubbing his balls, telling me clearly how horny they made him, or sometimes he made a clear sniffing movement showing me how he liked the sweaty smell of any of our mates. But finally it was time to leave and I told him.

-See you tomorrow, Cliff.

-See you tomorrow, Ralph.

All that evening at home I realized I had a bigger boner than I had ever had and I soon found out it was because of the hottest experience I had had today. To start with, I knew I was earning a new friend and that thought was making me horny too. I was sure I had enjoyed eating piss in my sandwich and surer that I wanted his piss in each one of my sandwiches now. I was sure I would jack off for him to see me and I also liked that. So why did I not jack off now? I had never been against gay sex; it was just that I had never felt gay. Did I feel gay now? Besides I had always wanted to masturbate with something funny, so I was sure that wanking over Cliff would be real fun now. So what did I fear?

As I was having dinner I finally noticed what I feared. I still kept on my nose the memory of Cliff’s smell, a smell that had always strongly disgusted me, but now was making my dick even harder. At that moment it was like I had entered a garden of man scents, aromas that now I knew I would need. So my fear was that: I didn’t care to wank over a boy, but to wank over man’s filthy scents, for fear I could turn a great pig forever. But hell, I needed to give fun to my dick over his smell and I finally took it out and whacked off over Cliff’s delicious smell. I was entering a new phase of my life: I would always like to be his friend after today and also be close to that stinking man and smell him. I was beating off still with some fears of how pig I was becoming when I remembered my workmate’s words telling me I was brave and from the distance he helped me find my courage. I would never again fear anything I could discover or feel bad for it. I loved his smell and I would certainly tell him tomorrow that I had been wanking over him and his scents. When I finally shot my load I was certain I wanted to do it again and I jacked off one more time in bed, before finally falling asleep.

The next day, I was eager to return to the construction site and see him again. As soon as I saw him, he smiled at me, fortunately smelling as every day. I was hard the entire morning, waiting for the break to return to the toilets with my new friend. I was there before he came and when I saw him, I told him.

-I have not tasted the tuna sandwich yet. You know what I want you to do first. –And I also told him my two masturbations yesterday over him.

-So do I stink now, Ralph?

-You don’t stink anymore, not for me certainly. Now please piss my sandwich.

-Hand me the sandwich but we are both gonna jack off now.

When I took my dick out, it was surprising how hard it was, harder when I saw him doing the same and starting to beat off with my sandwich in his right hand. I saw him starting to piss on the tuna and I loved that sight but shortly after I saw him doing something different. He was cumming on the sandwich too.

-I intended to cum soon, Ralph, for I also wanted to give you some cum to taste. I’m sure my new friend now will be brave again and eat the sandwich as it is now.

I still had not cum but asked him to give me the sandwich and I took it to my mouth and started to eat it. I had always loved the taste of tuna, but now it was delicious with two products of my friend’s cock. I noticed how horny he was looking at me, and I kept on eating till I finally shot my load.

-Your semen is delicious, Cliff. Thank you for allowing me to taste this wonderful product.

-Do you still desire me dirtying your sandwich?

-Every day, please. Otherwise I will feel like I was not eating at all.

-You’re really brave, Ralph. So I have a suggestion. So far both our dicks are enjoying and you like it. So tomorrow you will bring a new sandwich and I will also dirty it, but we are gonna jack each other off. So what do you think?

-In this moment I am sure I also want to touch your cock, Cliff. So be it. We can masturbate each other tomorrow as far as you continue to give me some dirt of you to eat with my next sandwich.

He agreed with me and we returned to work. That night I was still hornier than yesterday and wanked over Cliff three times. We’ve wanked this morning but tomorrow we’d jerk each other off for the first time. I had no fear now to be a little gay and I wanted to continue exploring his scrumptious scents. I just wondered now what his tastes would be like.

by Daniel Berasaluce

Email: [email protected]

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