
by Shyann Lee

30 Dec 2016 345 readers Score 8.5 (4 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The week of the Halloween party had finally crept in. With that in mind, the time had come to do what Rex had been dreading, costume hunting. He could imagine several other things he'd rather be doing, but of course he knew Fish wouldn't let him back out without a fight. With Fish being the victor! Rex figured why even try to fight in the case.

"So, I've been thinking this entire ride to school about what we can do once we're free." Fischer said, coming up with his best idea yet, or at least one of the best, in his mind.

"Go to the library and study?" Rex asked excitedly.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I wasn't specific, let me rephrase; I know what we can do for 'FUN' once school's out. I didn't say what we could do to instantly bore ourselves to death." Fish said, rolling his eyes at him, "You and your school obsession must end!"

"Speak for yourself."

"Whatev'! After school, we're going shopping since you slaughtered my idea to be Lolitas?" Fischer said, glancing over at him.

"You couldn't have honestly thought I'd go for that? I adore Lolita style, but that's just asking for unsolicited advances and trouble."

"Booo-- we'd be fine, worried-number-three. Leo and Lammy said the same thing. But I don't agree. But moving past that fact—"

"And the fact that you three made a bet on me. I'm happy Lamb won, I can have him split his earnings with me. That'll be enough to buy my bike."

"Rexasaurus is so mean..."

"I never said I was nice, Fischer."

"Noted... Anyways, once we get to the costume shop, I'll demonstrate just how cute we could look in matching costumes."

"I'm not wearing a dress, Fish. I refuse! Nope, not happening. Not even for you, mate. I can't. The thought of wearing a dress just makes my body quiver with bad memories. But isn't there a male version of Lolita? Can't we do that or maybe cosplay? That'd be more reasonable. I could be a host of anime or manga characters."

"Ohhh! Gender bender!"

"Not at all what I'm thinking. A boy character. No dresses, no bright colors and no makeup."

"Fine, you be boring! Me on the other hand will be bedecked in the finest lace, ribbons, and petticoats. Time to put my YouTube makeup tips to good use. It's on!" Fischer said, with a giggle, making the turn into the school parking lot, "What are you going to be? Then I can tell if we're going to clash."

"Mmm... I don't know yet. Give me some time to think. Between your idea and Leo's I can't think straight."

"See if I suggest anymore ideas to you..." Fish said, parking the car. He rummaged through his glove compartment for a pair of his backup glasses, switching his blue pair out for a pair of lime green ones, "I want to apologize in advance for you being jealous of my costume." he said, with a chuckle, looking himself over in the mirror before climbing out of the car.

"Honestly, I won't be jealous. No worries." Rex said, to an empty car, before following behind him. He checked his watch seeing that they were unusually early for a change. Although, given how fast Fish drove it was hard to believe they weren't always this early. He was like a NASCAR driver, "You know we're like an hour and a half early, right?"

"Are we? I told Iruka we weren't late. He reset my alarm. I'm gonna kill him when we get home. But you didn't hear that from me."

"I'm just a witness to a crime that has yet to be committed. I heard nothing, but I witnessed everything." Rex chuckled.

"Hardy har har... What to do now?" Fish asked, leaning against the car, "I guess we could get breakfast. I'm sure my Clydesdale is there waiting. I see his car is here, too."

"Your what?" Rex asked, with a confused expression.

"Lammy!" he scoffed, "He's a big boy. He's like a tank, or a muscular horse and I love it! All those muscles, those wide shoulders.... I could just kill over with joy. When you look up the phrase tall, dark and a whole lotta sexy, you'll see thousands of pictures of him."

"Do you? I'll be sure to pick up the latest version of Merriam Webster dictionary later, in that case. I'll take a rain check on breakfast. I'm gonna go read in peace for a bit. I got a new autobiography that I've been dying to sink my teeth into. That's such an odd phrase. But save me a biscuit if they have any. Preferably a double chocolate chip one, with white chocolate chips."

"You and your sweet teeth. I'm gonna have to start force feeding you something other than sugar." Fish said with a laugh, "Where're you gonna be in case I need to find ya?"

"I'll be on the bleachers. There shouldn't be anyone there, so if you need me, come get me."

"Okeydokey artichokey." Fish said, as they parted ways.

With some time to spare, Rex was off to catch up on his reading. It wasn't everyday he read something that wasn't for school, unless you count the countless erotica novels he'd gotten hooked on, thanks to Fish. He walked around back to the bleachers and took a seat at the very top. Swinging his back pack off he pulled out his book and preceded to read. After 20 minutes of skimming through it the sound of snoring caught his attention. He looked around for where the sound was coming from seeing a person laying on the bleacher floor with a denim jacket over their face. He cocked his head to the side curiously. Closing his book he placed it down on the bleachers and walked over to the unknown person. He peered over them cautiously, before taking a look underneath the jacket. He wondered who would be sleeping out on the bleachers at a time like this. Lifting up the jacket, his amethyst eyes scanned the unknown person's face, his heart beat accelerating as he realized the person sleeping underneath was Leo.

He blushed, shaking his head at him. He placed the jacket back over his face, wondering what he was doing here. He figured he had finally gotten over his sickness. Taking a seat back on the bleachers he tried to skim through a few more pages of his book.

A few minutes passed as Leo yawned loudly, stretching his arms up in the air as he opened his eyes. He snatched the jacket from his face and raised up rubbing his head drowsily before noticing Rex sitting a couple of feet away from him.

He smiled a big grin,

"Long time no see stranger."

Rex closed his book and smiled,

"Has it been that long since I've seen you? Or do you mean long time no see school?"

"You're so mean. I ain't here for school, though." Leo said, standing up to stretch out. He walked over to him, slowly taking a seat with a big yawn. He was exhausted from all the packing, sneezing and coughing from his cold that was trying it's best to vacate his body. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and not wake up till the next day.

"What are you here for? To see me?" Rex asked, with a coy smile.

"Of course! But Lamb rolled out for school early for some odd reason, so I decided to tag along 'cause my bike is supposed to be ready. Finally. I've been dying! Typical, of course I get it back a day before I leave. Ugh!"

"You're too much. I'm glad you're finally getting it back. It's been how long?"

"A lifetime."

Rex chuckled,

"Over dramatic... Anyway, aren't you still sick?" he asked, putting his hand against Leo's forehead. Leo's heart beat rapidly from Rex's touch. He wondered how he'd be able to live without this feeling for two months. He took in his pearly complexion against his warm tawny complexion, letting himself get lost in the wild feeling he always got around him.

"Am I all better, Doc?" he asked jokingly.

Rex looked up into his eyes, trying hard not to blush, "I guess... I'm surprised you're not having convulsions being this close to school." he said, taking his hand down from his face, "How am I gonna survive without my Troubled Lion for two months?" He quickly looked away from him not believing what he'd just said.


While Rex was having his freak out, Lamb and Fish were busy making a schedule for calling, texting and video chatting. As they set alarms on their phones, Fish couldn't help flashing back to the conversation they had had about kids. He wondered if he really would change his mind about having kids. He glanced at Lamb's face trying to see their future together. He laughed to himself, thinking they were only teenagers, so tripping over an issue that was so far in the distant future just seemed silly.

"What're you smiling about?" Lamb asked, flashing him a smile.

"Oh nothing. I just love you."

"I love you, too. So, we have all the times set up for two months. So you either call me or I'll call you. We alternate. Also, do you want to come over tonight? We leave at 12 in the morning, and the flight leaves at 3. We won't be able to do anything naughty, but I'd be happy just holding you."

Fish smiled,

"Oh that'd be stellar! We can do manicures!"

"Wait what?"

"I brought this new polish called onyx hole, and I've seen a lot of punky guys online wearing it. I so want to try it on you. Please, baby! Kohitsuji-sama (Lamb)..." Fish said, looking up at him pleadingly.

"I'm open to letting you try anything on me." he said, with a laugh, "Anyways, I didn't want to bring this up, but you and Leo owe me money. I mean, I don't want to say I told you so, but, 'I told you so'."

"Can't I pay another way?" Fish asked, fluttering his eyes at him, "Like maybe," he started to say, whispering a dirty idea into his ear.

"Uu--ummm... that could work. I'd have to ditch class, though."

"Oh, I wouldn't mind skipping P.E..." Fish said, arching an eyebrow at him with a naughty smile. Lamb shook his head, thinking this was sure to get them into major trouble.

"Look, after school, we can have a mini make out session in the car. I know we've played around at school before, but I can't afford to get kicked out of this academy. Bio mom pays a lot of tuition... So, if she found out, she would strangle me in one hand and you in the other. If you can wait, I'll make it worth your wild."

"Worthwhile." Fish said, with a giggle, understanding what he met.


"You'll make it worthwhile, not wild. That's so adorable!" he said, swooning over him as he kissed him on his cheek.

Lamb blushed,

"Oh... I always thought it was wild. Now it makes more sense." he said, with a grin.

"Indeed... I think I can squeeze that in. Rexi and I are supposed to go costume shopping. I want to inform you that I'm going as a Lolita."

"You're either very brave, or very stupid." Lamb said, shaking his head at him.

"Lammy-Chan! That's so blunt."

"I'm sorry. I've already expressed how I feel on the idea. Just be safe, Flores. That's all I pray." Lamb said, pulling a rosary from around his neck. He placed it over Fish's head, where it hung delicately on his neck. He clasped Fish's hands between his, as he said a prayer,

"Guardian Angel, dear, do not forsake him night or day. Do not leave him alone or lost. Father, I praise You allow him to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and that he shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty-whose power no foe can withstand. I will say of You, Lord, The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I confidently trust to keep those I love safe. Amen." Lamb said in Spanish, finishing with the sign of the cross.

"I'm so going to hell for what I'm about to say, but you make prayer look sexy! At least I assume it was a prayer. I don't know what you said, but that's the sweetest thing ever. And I got a gift from it. When did you start wearing this? Or have you always worn it and I just failed to notice? Although, the times we've had sex I think I'd of remembered it... Hmm..." Fish said, trying to recall if he'd ever seen it.

Lamb smiled,

"If that's the way you want to look at a prayer I think it's fine. As long as it reaches you, that's all that matters." he chuckled, "I wear it from time to time. This necklace belongs to bio mom's, mother's, mother. It gets passed down through the generations."

"Oh, how cool! It's like a family heirloom? Wait, so I can't keep it? How unfair." Fish asked, with a laugh, admiring the necklace.

"Right, I always forget names like that. Sorry, no, but you may borrow it. But you have to be super careful. Madre would freak if something happened to it. Hell, I'd probably freak! I feel like I need it more than ever today. I'm feeling like I need divine security and serenity. I'm terrified of flying, so I've been praying like a fanatic."

"Poor Lammy-Chan... You'll be okay. My big strong-- what's bigger than a sheep?"

"Umm... a ram. That's a male sheep. So it's generally bigger than a female... You'd have to ask the animal king. He's around here somewhere, at least he was... "

"So the skipper decided to show up, albeit on the day before y'all leave? He's something else that one." Fischer said, pushing his glasses back up on his face.

"Yeah... it's like having a grown child. But he only hitched a ride so he would be closer to town to pick up his motorcycle."

"Oh brother, he's a real character." Fish giggled.

Though he wasn't that religious, Fish said a silent prayer that Lamb and Leo would be safe on their trip. He'd miss him like crazy, but he'd have to cope without him... Or at least pretend to cope.


Back outside at the bleachers, Rex was doing his best back peddling to get away from his last comment.

"What'd you say? You'd miss me?" Leo asked, hoping he'd say it again. He knew he wouldn't, but it was fun to annoy him.

"I didn't say a word. Don't you have to go get your donor bike?"

Rex asked, packing his book back into his bag. Sometimes he wished he didn't just let stuff slip through his mouth so easily. But when it came to Leo, his mouth seemed to move faster than his brain.

"Nah, it can wait... I'll miss you, too. Since we're being honest."

"I didn't say I'd miss you... that much. Just go get your bike. Schools about to start in thirty minutes. Unless you want to stay, I'd insist you get going, or are you staying? You clearly miss school?"

"Are you for real?!" Leo asked, looking at him with a disgusted expression, "I miss absolutely nothing about school. N-O-T-H-I-N-G, NOTHING!!!" he said with a laugh, "Dude, what is there to miss? The teachers breathing down my neck like a serial killer with a hack saw, ready to cut me if I even think about filling in something wrong? The weird lunches not fit for human consumption? Fo' serious?... I wouldn't even feed my dog that shit. And I don't even have a dog. So that's saying a lot. Oh, oh and let's not forget P.E. class. If I never see another track, dodge ball, basketball court, anything gym or sports related, it'd be too soon."

"You're too much. Just be happy you won't have to see it for two months... I'm the one who's going to be tortured while you're gone."

"I'll call you every night."

"Aww Sweet. But what I'm talking about is Estrella and Holden. I still haven't seen them. I hope nothing happens, but call it a hunch if you will, I've got a feeling that Fish and I are in for a whirlwind of surprises."

"Uni, please don't say that. I'm already worried about that enough as it is. I just want all this shit over with! These stupid kids holding grudges for no god damn reason. I mean, Estrella and her clique think they are God's gift to high school. It's so funny how all the cool kids think they'll always be popular, but once high school is over they're back to a normal social standing and have to live like all us other peasants. Nobody remembers their names and they fade away like all the others before them. I'm just over the bitchassness of it all."

"Well, aren't we poetic?..." Rex said, taking a deep breath, "Look, as we already discussed, regardless of you and Lamb being here they're going to do what they're going to do." he said, shrugging his shoulder like he was over it.

Leo sighed,

"Eh, you two will just have to be like cheetahs. That's all I can tell ya." he said, shaking his head up and down.

"A cheetah? I'm afraid to ask, but why?" Rex asked, side eying him curiously.

"'Cause the cheetah always knows where the hyena is, and boy, y'all have got a pack of them out for blood. But I know the flying Fish, and the venomous Unicorn can deal."

"That's the first thing you've said that makes sense." Rex teased, slapping him in his arm with a laugh.

"Not nice.... It's true though!"

"Yeah, yeah..." he said, standing up to stretch as the sound of students showing up for school in masses caught his attention, "Sounds like the little demons have been released from hell." he said, rolling his eyes.

Leo yawned, as he copied him with a stretch. He ruffled his hair, giving him that big child like grin as he climbed down the bleachers. Rex followed, tripping on the bottom bleacher. Leo caught him, and pulled him against him.

"I see the klutziness strikes you, too. You need to be more careful. I can't have a hurt unicorn. What would everyone think? You'd kill my street cred as being a good mythological owner."

"Honestly..." Rex said, nuzzling his face into his chest. As he rested his head against his chest the familiar smell of lavender sent a wave through his body. He couldn't deny that he wanted to stay wrapped in his arms and encased in his scent for a lifetime. Leo definitely wouldn't mind holding him in his arms a little longer. He rested his head on top of his taking in the scent of Rex's strawberry scented body spray.

"Damn you smell good!" he said, inhaling his scent, not really realizing he had said it loud enough for him to hear.

"Huh?!" Rex asked coming out of his haze. He gazed into his eyes, thinking he was nothing but a forbidden fruit. He tempted him more and more, but he wasn't about to let anymore of his emotions leak out of him.

"I-I-I said that out loud didn't I?" Leo asked, with an embarrassed smile.

"Just a bit. Thank you." Rex said, fluttering his long white lashes at him as he looked down with a coy smile.

"Yeah, you're welcome." Leo said, with a nervous laugh. Unlocking his arms from around him, he released him from his tight hold, feeling more nervous than he usually did around him, "Sorry about that. You were probably wondering why the hell I was still holding onto you?!?! haha...." He was trying to keep his calm, but it was becoming harder and harder. Rex smiled thinking that the question of why Leo was still holding him hadn't even flickered through his mind. All he wanted to know was how he could stay wrapped them longer and never be released.

"Oh, no it's okay." Rex said, taking a few steps back from him. Which would've been enough breathing room if his necklace wouldn't have gotten caught on Leo's cable knit sweater.

"Whoa there! Seems as though your necklace got stuck." Leo said, with a laugh as he tried to untangle it.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't mess your sweater up..." Rex said, watching him struggling to free the fabric.

"It's no big. Looks like your necklace likes me, though. The fabric doesn't want to let go either."

"Let me see." Rex said taking over. Leo moved his hands out of the way and watched as he easily untangled the necklace from his sweater.

"That was easy.... I was making a real mess." Leo said, rubbing the back of his head with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh, just a bit. But this necklace has a mind of its own."

"Obviously... It's a nice necklace. Is it new? I didn't take you for a dinosaur lover."

"Blimey, something you don't know about me! I'm shocked! No, no, no, flabbergasted." he chuckled, happy to know there were some things he still didn't know about him.

"There're a lot of things I still don't know about you, Uni. But I'll be sure to pay even closer attention to your finer details."

"Uh-huh. Anyway, I'm a major dinosaur lover."

"So, you love dinosaurs, but you can't believe there're mythical creatures? Ironic much?"

"No... I'm a realist, unlike you. I need proven facts to believe, and what do dinosaurs have? Oh, that's right, proven facts." Rex said, with a smug smile.

"Boy bye! What if I told you that those fossils are all fake? That the government and media are just saying they were real to impress the masses? Any dummy can make up facts about something that lived over how many millenniums ago! Who gonna check them?"

Rex let out a laugh,

"Are you mental? Why go through that much trouble and brain cells to fake all of that? That's ludicrous! Pure conspiracy, if I've ever heard it." he said, continuing to laugh.

"Fine! Since you're so inclined to believe they're real. How about this; Dinosaurs are relics of the future that we're mistakenly dropped off in the past. BOOM! Mind blown! That's the truth." he said, raising his ams up wide in the air.

"You need help... Professional, psychiatric help." he said, shaking his head at him with an amused smile.

"Boy bye! Ain't no straight jacket straight enough or tight enough to hold me!"

"Oh, I'm sure there's not. You're way too crooked."

"The king is complimented." Leo said, taking a bow.

"You realize I just implied you're crazy, right?"

"Crazy is the new genius."

"I can't even take it..."

Leo chuckled, flashing him a playful grin,

"Now that Dino's not hooked onto my sweater can I have a closer look?"

"Sure..." Rex said, unhooking it from around his neck. He handed it to Leo who observed it closely, taking in all the little details.

"So, where'd this little trinket come from?"

"Behr gave it to me on my birthday."

"I see... So he got to know the secret and I didn't?"

"You're such a dork! Of course he would know.... I just thought of my costume for Halloween! A T-Rex! Brilliant! Don't you think I'd make a cute dinosaur?"

"I guess..." Leo said, with a shrug, pursing his lips to the side with an unimpressed look, "You'd be a cuter unicorn... But go for it, reptile boy." he said, placing the necklace back around his neck.

Rex just smiled, as he reached his hand up to Leo's face. Leo grabbed his hand and pulled it over to his soft, bee stung lips.

"I'd better let you go, or I might end up kissing all over you." Leo said, with a sly smile, trailing his lips up Rex's arm.

"L-L-Leo..." he said, feeling overwrought. Leo's lips against his skin made him want to lose all control. He wanted to sink into temptation. "You should probably stop... Someone will see." he said, giggling lightly as Leo started kissing him up his neck. Planting a few kisses there he moved to his right ear, taking a playful nip.

"You really want me to stop?" Leo whispered in a raspy voice. Rex closed his eyes, leaning his head against Leo's shoulder, not wanting him to stop. He took a deep whiff of his scent as he gripped his sweater with a deep breath.

Leo flashed a cocky grin in the crook of Rex's neck, feeling more than amped to continue his kiss attack as the sound of a big group of kids came into earshot. They walked passed the chain link fence not paying any attention to them. Knowing that Rex was probably freaking out, he decided he'd better stop. He gave him one last kiss on his neck before giving him a parting kiss to his forehead.

"You busy after school?" he asked curiously, "I really want you to see me off tonight."

Rexalynn stepped back as he answered with a low, "Yes... Fish and I are going costume shopping. But I can come over after. I'm sure you need someone to recheck your bags. I also heard about you betting on the costume I'd pick..."

"You heard about that?!" Leo asked with a laugh, "I wanna go costume shopping! Please!! Please!!!..."

"Okay, okay..." Rex said, as they headed towards the back entrance.

"I guess I really better let you go. I'll pick you up after school. I don't know how Fish's getting there though." Leo snickered.

"Behave... He can take his car. So he'll be there."

"Alright, calms the hell down... I'll be back to pick you up. So don't even think about trying to ditch me, 'cause this lion will hunt you down. You can run, but you can't hide." he said, leaning up against the wall.

"Well, Mr. Lion, I'm a dinosaur. Not just any dinosaur, but the king of all dinosaurs, a Tyrannosaurus. Who do you think would win?"

"That's a good ass question. I ain't never thought about that before. But really, all a T-Rex is, is a big headed lizard with scrawny useless arms and sharp teeth. Big deal!!" Leo shrugged, thinking a lion definitely had the upper hand.

"A T-Rex could seriously beat a lion's ass. It could always stomp it with its large feet."

"Mmmm, nah... By the time its foot came down it'd already be out of the way."

"I'm not going to argue with you. I say the T-Rex wins. So it's final."

Rex said, reaching for the door handle, with a laugh.

"Ahh I see, so if you say it it's true?"

"Pretty much."

"Is that so Mr. King."

"That's so." Rex said with a laugh, "We'll discuss this more later. The bell is about to rang. I really have to go." he said, kissing him on his cheek, "That reminds me... This totally slipped my mind, but I may have called Mrs. Darlington to ask if today was a good day to come over. She said we could come over anytime before 10. I told her we'd might be over in the evening because you're going out of town, and wanted to see Aerrow before you left. I hope that's okay?"

"Oh, yeah sure!" Leo said, "I definitely want to see the lil'fella before I set off. I think we should head over there first, then go to the costume shop. That sound coop?"

"Certainly. I think that's doable." Rex said, "Oh, let's not ask about her possible connection to Fawn today. Maybe, if we're invited again, we'll ask then."

Leo sighed, shaking his head in compliance, "Sure, sure.... Whatever you want, Uni. Anywhos, don't you just want to skip today? We can go get ice cream. I know your sweet tooth is crying. Tempted, yes?"

"Thank you. No, I don't want to skip, you bad influence. You're a horrible example, Leonardo... I'm going in now. One-Four-Three."

"I love you, too!" he said, with a big grin, "Eh, I know I am! I can't help being a misfit. It just comes naturally, you know?..."

"Uh-huh..." Rex said, giving him a smile as he opened the door to go in.

Leo grabbed him from behind by his waist, and whispered into his ear, "Remember, if you try to run... I'll catch you." He kissed the back of his head and before Rex could retort, Leo was already sprinting off across the field.

by Shyann Lee

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024