Soon we will be together

by Daniel Berasaluce

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Chapter 1

You’ve been fucking me for a year

That morning at breakfast I decided I should inform my brother Ferdinand after all, and as he was having his coffee, I suddenly told him out of the blue.

-I know you’ve been fucking me for a year, Ferdinand.

For a moment there was silence, since my brother was choking with his coffee.


-I had to tell you, cause I don’t want you to think that maybe I think that you’ve been abusing me, for in fact it’s also been pleasant for me, so why not tell you?

Ferdinand Bosley, my brother, is 30 now and he’s a postman but since now he’s on holidays, he doesn’t go to work today and that’s why I seized the opportunity to tell my brother today.

I’m his elder brother, Neil Bosley, 32 and I’m unemployed now and am looking for a new job, better if it’s something related to my studies: computing.

-Well, I’m totally blushing now, Neil, for I could never expect that you knew but since you know, I want you to tell me.

-I’m not angry at you, Ferdinand, just think that I know since the very first night you decided to fuck me, on May 21st last year, just as it is today, so it’s been exactly 365 times that you’ve fucked me. So if I were angry at you, I would have told you on May 22nd last year and I never told you, so everything’s ok. So that day, a year ago, you had been celebrating your birthday. So first of all, congratulations, Ferdinand, you are 30 today and you’ll soon see that my respect for you is my birthday present.

-Thanks, Neil -he told me with moist eyes.

-You’re welcome. Well, let me remind you that even at our age, we still share the same bed for you never wanted us to sleep in two different bedrooms and the truth is I have so many nightmares that I found it a perfect agreement to still sleep with you.

-Well, Neil, before you go on, let me tell you some things. First, I’m gay, as you must have guessed by now.

-Hug me, Ferdinand, of course I love you and being gay or heterosexual is the same for me.

-Thanks, brother. Well, I’ve always lusted for you and before May 21st last year, sleeping next to you, and once you fell asleep every night, I wanked looking at you. I had to do it. Oh, I know it is unforgivable to wank over your own brother.

-It would be unforgivable if it annoyed me but it does not: if you feel like wanking over me, you can go on, but knowing you have my blessing.

-Oh, thank you, Neil.

-Let me tell you what I felt that night in May one year ago.

-Tell me, brother.

-I was asleep for I returned home from the park where I was celebrating your birthday with you and some friends an hour before you did. I was asleep, I was saying but even so, I noticed you coming to our bedroom. You smelled strongly of alcohol. It was a very hot night and I was sleeping in just my briefs. I felt you stripping so you also came into our bed in just your briefs, when suddenly I felt how you dropped my briefs.

-Oh, shit.

-Don’t reproach yourself. That’s the very first moment I should have told you something but never did and even being exposed naked there I never thought you’d go as far as raping me. And of course you never did, even if you fucked me.

-You could think that I was raping you, Neil.

-Strange rape then, if you’ve done it 365 nights so far and I’ve never asked you to stop. Let me go on.

-Of course, I want to know more.

-So I could have told you something but once my ass was exposed to your lust, you started touching it and let me tell you that you touch so well, that so far I said to myself: “strangely I want Ferdinand to go on. His hands on my buttocks are heaven.”

-You continued groping my bum erotically for about three more minutes but then I also noticed that you had just pushed your tongue in. You were also tasting your brother’s ass. So let me ask you, Ferdinand. Did it not disgust you?

-Well, since you know I also rimmed your ass, I’d better add that the taste is absolutely great.

-So rimming it is called. Well, not every night, but many more you have been licking my ass and it was such great fun that I preferred not telling you anything and keep on pretending I was asleep.

-I guess I was drunk that night, Neil, but my behaviour has been unjustifiable for I’ve been doing it for a year.

-If your behaviour has been unjustifiable, then mine too, brother, or think about this: why on Earth did I never tell you anything during a whole year? Well, I’d rather go on.

-Now you also let one of your fingers in my ass.

-Shit, Neil, did it hurt?

-It wasn’t hurting me and it was curious how much fun you were giving my ass that night, first touching it, then rimming it, and last with one of your fingers inside. Well, Ferdinand, it was just then that  I was sure that sooner or later, you’d also stick your dick in and fuck me. In a sense I was frightened, but also in a sense, I was yearning it. Hard to explain. And of course by that time, I had already decided that it would not be rape. I’d allow you and if it became unbearable, I’d ask you to stop and I’m sure you would have stopped just then. So I was enjoying your finger, only night you’ve finger-fucked me by the way, and fearing and desiring your dick at the same time, till it finally came in: you were fucking your brother!

-Shit Neil! And now what?

-The moment your dick came in, I went rock hard, though I guess you didn’t notice. I suppose the first time one is fucked must be painful, but that wasn’t the case, Ferdinand.

-I couldn’t see your dick, Neil, but I could see your eyes and curiously as I was fucking you, I thought I could feel fun in them.

-It was fun and I was about to cum. I really desired yelling in pleasure, but of course I did not for I still wanted to pretend that I was asleep and you should continue fucking your brother, for that’s what you wanted and at the same time, that’s what I wanted. I thought as I was being fucked: “my poor brother’s drunk tonight but I’d like him to fuck me every night. This is so much fun.” And indeed, Ferdinand, I’ve never had such sexual fun! It’s so hot to be fucked up your ass. It’s so hot to have such a hot brother who likes my ass so much. Finally that first night you bathed my ass in spunk and soon later you finally took your dick out of my ass and fell asleep. But I couldn’t. You’d given me such unexpected fun that I had to go to the bathroom and rub one out remembering what fun it had been to be fucked by my brother.

-Ok, Neil, I’m starting to understand you, but allowing me to do it to you for a year?

-After that morning, I had to be very prudent, trying not to betray the fact that I knew what you had just done the night before and with secret desires that you went on doing it to me. And fortunately you fucked me every night so I think that even if you had been drunk that first night, you must somehow remember what you had done, for you repeated every night, once and again and again and again…

-You should curse me, Neil. But ok, let me first say clearly that I really lust for you and your ass is so special, so sexy that I couldn’t help it. Once I’d entered it one night, I had to go on, always thinking you were asleep.

-And me always pretending I was asleep and desiring you also fucked me that night. As I said before, you sometimes rim my ass, always touch my buttocks with real lust and finally I have that every night wonderful moment when your dick is finally shagging me. So Ferdinand, I don’t wanna pretend anymore. I love your dick and now that you know that I know, I wanna ask you to fuck me, that simple, and not necessarily in bed. I want you to fuck me here and now, please, Ferdinand, I’m begging you. Give that great pleasure to your brother. Fuck me now.

-Ok, Neil, I will.

by Daniel Berasaluce

Email: [email protected]

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