Bad Boy

by Grant

17 Dec 2020 6317 readers Score 9.4 (234 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Seventh Grade

Daniel climbed out of his mother’s Expedition, told her goodbye, and strolled into the middle school to start his seventh year of grade school. He strolled up to the doors feeling anxious in a way that seemed worse than the day he had came to school for the very first time for first grade. Back then, it was the usual anxiety of meeting new people and entering something he had no idea what to expect, from what his teacher would be like to what the expectations would be, and could he keep up. Now those anxieties were different. He knew he could easily keep up with the studies, having excelled in all of them, and he knew that teachers could be read, gain some understanding of what they expected in their classes, and he thought he knew most of his classmates. But therein lie the problem.

He had come to know he was different. He remembered how the other boys had behaved in sixth grade, at times leaving him out, and over the summer, he had felt this difference grow, become something that needed to be kept secret. There was a lot of things he didn’t understand, but what was happening to him, he grew more aware of it as the days passed. It was at the family reunion in Jackson that his awareness became fully realized. One of his cousins brought her boyfriend, a boy of fifteen with blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect teeth. Daniel had found himself looking at the boy, feeling a jealously toward his cousin he knew was wrong. She was happy and he should be happy for her. But his attraction toward the boy awakened within him this acknowledgment of his sexual attraction, one he would be unable to express.

By third period, sitting in English, he saw what he feared. Billy flirting with Rachel, and Matt holding Brenda’s hand under their desk, and over by the windows, Marcus, Sean and Angela laughing at something Traci had said. He saw this natural pairing: boy and girl. He knew he couldn’t do it and feared any reveal of his sexual attraction. He knew the cruelty that could be unleashed. The bullying that one would have to endure. He looked back to the boys in the last seats when he heard Tyler’s voice, mocking in tone, as he made some disparaging comment about a classmate. He didn’t want to be on the receiving end of their taunts.

When did the roles become so established? When did Tyler, Aaron and Ryan become the bad boys of the class? And when did he become the loner, the introvert who drew further and further away as the weeks passed? It was not like this in elementary when he fit in with the others and Tyler and his gang of two were just rowdy. But they were twelve and there were the beginnings of changes occurring to some of them. Daniel felt it, and knew it meant things would never be the same.

It was after lunch, the bell rang to signal it was time to get their books and head to fifth period, when it happened. The event that would establish all future events of the school year. The event that would set its tone. The event that would establish one more hierarchy in their class.

Daniel had rushed to his locker, having waited till late to go through the lunch line, and quickly grabbed the text books for his last two classes, composition notebook, and a couple of pens, stuffing the later into his pocket. He headed down the corridor, weaving in and out of the others, everyone trying to get class, some still unsure where to go. He had been barely aware of their presence so focused on making his way down the corridor, that it was too late to react when the hand swung out knocking his books loose. They scattered on the floor while Tyler, Aaron and Ryan began to laugh.

“Hey faggot; you dropped something,” Ryan exclaimed, and the three boys laughed harder.

Daniel stooped to pick up his books, Aaron kicking one further away while all the other students just stepped over or around them, none bothering to help. He burned with embarrassment, realizing one of his fears would come true. He would be singled out this year. One of the weak ones to be tormented. He gritted his teeth, grabbed up the second book, and stood, continuing down the corridor. He did not look back as he heard the laughter that was at his expense.

Tenth Grade

Another school year, and another change of school. Daniel climbed off the bus, falling in behind those in front of him as they made their way to the doors. It would be his greatest test, this new school that was twice as large as the middle school, for it served a larger area, bringing in the middle school from Butler. It doubled the class sizes. So, with more students, there were more personalities to learn. Personalities he would have to figure out quickly, learn which to avoid, and which were safe. He considered none of them friendly.

He entered the corridor and immediately saw Tyler with Ryan picking on a new target, a boy from Butler. Aaron was no longer a part of the little gang. His parent went through a divorce where his mother took him and his sister to Birmingham. It was a small relief to Daniel, one acquired by Aaron’s misery. He felt guilty about it when he had seen Aaron lashing out last year, getting into more and more trouble. The rumors about his family had gone through the school quickly, so everyone knew. His father cheated on his mother.

Then Aaron was gone right before the school year ended.

As for Tyler and Ryan, they did not say anything toward Daniel as he passed them, still focused on the boy they had pinned between them. Daniel wanted to help the boy when he saw how near tears the boy was getting. He knew how he felt. The first day of a new school and you are targeted. He knew how it seemed the torment would never end, until the day it did. Tyler and his gang had evidently grown bored with him, or his attempt at being invisible, the one off to the periphery, had finally began to work. Either way, ninth grade had been endurable. He wondered why they left him alone. He did not feel any different than he had on that first day of seventh grade, but he had not considered the changes a couple of years could allow to happen. He was in line for lunch one day when Matthew had approached him. He had been shocked for of all his classmates, Matthew had never been his friend. But he quickly realized it was something much more important to Matthew than some friendship. The basketball team needed more players, and he pushed Daniel to join the team. It was then Daniel realized he was now one of the tallest boys in their class. Only Charles was taller. He had said no, truthfully telling them he had to help his dad after school. Something Dylan, his older brother by two years and he both had to do. Their father’s construction company was finally gaining real success, having more and more work lined up, and the boys were expected to help after school for a couple of hours, cleaning up construction sites, unloading material from their father’s truck, or the trailer he used on occasion.

Daniel had been surprised to realize he was taller than Tyler, and working for his father, had a body trying to fill out, for it was gaining some muscle. He was no longer the skinny kid whose books could be easily knocked out of his hands.

But the truce was short lived, and Daniel laid in his bed for nights afterward, wondering why he had done it. The one thing guaranteed to put him back in the crosshairs. A week after classes started, he saw Timothy, the boy from Butler once again being bullied by Tyler and Ryan. He had walked by intent on just getting to class, but he couldn’t’ do it, not again, and he stopped, turning on Tyler, the one he knew was the instigator.

“Leave him alone.”

“What?” Tyler replied, laughing. “You want us to leave your boyfriend alone?”

“Why don’t you stop being a prick for once in your life,” said Daniel, moving up closer, letting Tyler feel the difference in their heights.

“Shut your mouth,” Tyler responded, pushing Daniel back.

“Hey, what’s going on here; break it up,” Mr. Harrison exclaimed as he rushed from his classroom and between Daniel and Tyler. “What’s going on?”

“They’re just bullying someone again,” Daniel replied, then he rounded on Mr. Harrison, “and why were you not out here sooner stopping it!”

Tyler got three days detention. Daniel a full week.

Timothy was left alone for the most part, for Tyler and Ryan came after Daniel. But never in a direct way, but in some underhanded way. Trash pushed through the vent of his locker. Nasty comments written in his textbooks or composition book. Rough play against him in P.E. Spit balls to the back of the head in some class.

Daniel endured it, telling himself it was normal. That every school had to have a bully and someone for them to target. But he knew it was bullshit.

Twelfth Grade

Daniel entered his last year feeling like there was a light at the end of this very long tunnel. One he had been in since he was six years old. He was seventeen years old, six foot two and weighed one fifty-five. He had been flirted with in eleventh grade, even asked to the prom by a girl from the senior class. But he kept to himself, holding his secret close, protected, away from prying eyes.

But he looked. Quick glances at some of the other boys. At arms gaining muscle, chins shadowing with stubble of a beard trying to come in and faces losing the soft roundness from being a kid. Faces that grew angular, masculine, with strong jaws and features more expressive. He cut eyes at guys who took off their shirts or glanced at bare asses in the locker room. But he never approached anyone, not Henry or Bradley or even Lucas, the first guy to come out gay in their school, daring the others to taunt him. Daniel saw how things were changing in their school, especially the support Lucas received from some classmates. It made him wonder why he stayed closeted. But he knew. It was too easy. He wondered if there existed an attraction toward Lucas, would he have dared to come out. But there were so many differences between him and Lucas, one being Lucas clinging to his religion as if it were some life raft. It was something Daniel came to reject, feeling it did more harm than good, especially for anyone who was different.

After a week, Daniel realized Tyler and Ryan were more subdued. Something was going on between them and it was noticeable to everyone, none more so than Daniel. There was no physical bullying, just a few crass comments on occasion aimed at some classmate.

A couple of weeks later, the sheriff showed up with an arrest warrant for Ryan, and then it was just Tyler, and Daniel almost felt sorry for him, the way he was now a loner too. He sat in the back of every class not saying anything unless a teacher dared to ask a question of him. Daniel kept his distance, sat up front and focused on the instruction, knowing it was required of him if he were going to escape.

It was three weeks prior to graduation, everyone talking about the prom from the weekend before, sharing photographs and gossiping about who did what, or whom, when Daniel came out of the lunchroom earlier than usual, for he wanted to check out a book in the library. He needed it for his last term paper in English. He was not paying attention when he pushed the door open and started to swing around it when he ran into Tyler, who was finally coming in for lunch. They ran into each other with a full body bump. Chest to chest. Stomach to stomach. Even knees banged together.

“Fuck,” both exclaimed as they staggered backwards.

“Watch it, asshole,” Tyler added when he realized it was Daniel.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you coming in,” Daniel replied, and he was sincere, for he knew he was at fault. It brought Tyler up short to hear the apology.

“Well…watch it next time.”

Daniel nodded and rushed past. He was near the library when he realized how Tyler had accepted his apology in his own way and had not acted out. He opened the door to the library and for a second looked back toward the cafeteria door, thinking of the changes in Tyler he had noticed over the last few months.

He did not understand Tyler. How someone could be like that. The need to lash out at others. He had heard the rumors about Tyler’s family. A mother that had left five years prior, a father that some thought was abusive. There had been an older brother, one that left home at seventeen. Then he considered the person. Black hair, brown eyes that were hard to read, and a nice build that was average in height and weight. Tyler was attractive, even with the small scare under the right eye. Tyler swore was from a fall against the corner of a coffee table, but rumors persisted otherwise. Daniel knew in a different time and place he would think of Tyler in other ways.

Summer After Graduation

Dylan was home, having graduated from college, where he had majored in Construction Management. Once again, Dylan worked alongside Daniel and their father building houses. They nailed up wall framing, tilted it in place and anchored it to the floor structure, they carried 2 X 8’s for ceiling beams, handing them up to one of the crew to nail in place, and they did the odd tasks that kept the construction moving forward. For Daniel it was a drudgery. A backbreaking menial chore that reinforced his desire to become an architect, not a contractor. His father tried to persuade him otherwise, saying the money was better on the construction side. But Daniel was not to be swayed. Dylan was joining their father in construction, and it could him to take over one day, continue Falcon Construction into the future.

They helped finish up a house in the Mayflower neighborhood and moved with the crew to a new site just south of Butler. The concrete masonry foundation walls and piers were in place ready to start the floor framing. There had been a shipment of lumber to the site but after walking it, their father determined they would be short of 2 X 10’s to complete the job. He called the lumberyard in Greenville and put in an order.

“Daniel, the order will be ready by the time you can get there. Take the truck and go get it.”

“Yes, sir,” Daniel replied, walking toward the 3500 Chevy with the fifth wheel trailer already hooked to it. He pulled out his keys, which held one for the truck. It was something their dad made sure both Dylan and he had on them all the time.

The truck filled the narrow lanes of the secondary roads with its dually rear axle and trailer, and he drove carefully toward Greenville. It was a forty-minute drive and one he would enjoy for the respite from the job site it gave him. It also gave him time to think, to let his mind wander to fantasies he dare not think when around others. College was a little over two months away, where he would enter his freshman year in Architecture. He considered it his first step to a life of his own choosing, one where he could live as he wanted. College was to be the first step, a coming out where he no longer lived a secret life, afraid to be openly gay. He imagined how it would be, living in the dorm with other guys, knowing there had to be others who were the same. There would be first dates, first kisses, the first time to have sex, and many more times afterward.

He began to picture young men, some from television or a movie recently viewed. Then he thought of some of the guys from high school, those he found attractive or secretly wished they had been like him. He pictured them in those moments that said something of their personality, imagined the scenes where he took notice of them in a way that spoke to his desires as a gay guy still looking for someone. Each one surfaced in his mind until one rose vivid that he tried not to consider. But he had felt an attraction toward him, no matter how much strife had been caused in the years of middle and high school.

L & M Lumber sat on the edge of town, just past a sweeping curve that made pulling out in a loaded truck dangerous. But it had been there for decades, the fourth generation now running the yard. The front office and showroom was painted red, mimicking the image of a barn, even though the surrounding communities didn’t have a red barn on any of the farms. Behind it was the yard, with open sheds lining the perimeter stacked full of lumber in various sizes.

Daniel pulled into the gravel lot, parking to the side, and went inside to sign for the order and have them prepare for the loading on the trailer. Mr. Miller stood behind one of the salespersons, looking at invoices when he walked up to the counter.

“Excuse me, but do you have the order for Falcon Construction ready?”

“Yes,” the salesperson replied, and she swiveled around to Mr. Miller. “You have the invoice.”

“Oh, yes, I just saw it. It is…this one,” Mr. Miller replied, holding it out to her. “I’ll call Tyler and let him know this young man is pulling around,” he added, slipping out a radio as he walked back to his office.

Tyler?  Daniel immediately thought of Tyler from high school, but dismissed it, for it could not be the same person. He took the invoice from the salesperson, signed his name, and handed it back.

“Just pull around to shed 12,” the salesperson said as she took the invoice.

“Thanks,” Daniel replied as he stepped back, then headed for the door.

Easing through the gate, Daniel glanced to his right, knowing shed 12 was near the far end. He saw the back of a forklift pulled into it and knew his order was being pulled. He drove down the gravel yard until at the shed, seeing this Tyler from the back, at the controls of the forklift. A ballcap was pulled low on the head and the company coveralls concealed the body within. Daniel stopped where the trailer aligned with the shed. Another guy of the yard came walking over putting on gloves, and he approached him.

“I’m here for the Falcon Construction order,” said Daniel.

“Tyler has it on the lift. We’ll have you loaded up shortly,” the guy replied.

Daniel gave the guy a quick appraisal, sized up the stocky build, the unshaven face and easygoing demeanor, thinking, yes, he could fool around with him if given the chance. He noticed the name sewn into the tag on front: Scott. The forklift backed away from the shed and slowly turned, the rotation away from where Daniel stood. When it was facing the trailer, he saw it was Tyler from high school, and for a few seconds he felt those old anxieties well up.

Get ahold of yourself; he can’t act out here.

Daniel watched Tyler ease the forklift forward until the lumber was hovering over the wheels of the trailer, in easy reach for unloading. Scott climbed in the trailer and Tyler followed him, and they began to slide the 2 X 10’s off two at a time and stack them neatly in the trailer.

Daniel could not help but notice how Tyler seemed to be avoiding making eye contact with him. But every so often, he saw a quick glance his way, and he knew the tables had turned, that Tyler seemed anxious about him being there.

“You guys must be busy, for you got a load just yesterday,” said Scott while Tyler and he moved two more boards to the trailer.

“Yes. We’re starting a new house today,” Daniel replied.

“So, you’re working in construction?” asked Tyler, not looking Daniel’s way.

“Just for the summer.”

“Oh, so it isn’t a full-time job?”

“Hell, no. Dylan and dad can have it.”

“Huh? Falcon is your dad’s company?”

“Geez, Tyler, you didn’t know,” interjected Scott, chuckling to himself.

“Yes, but I’m not staying in construction. Dylan is going to take over when dad retires.”

Tyler didn’t ask any further questions, and it was Scott who began to banter on about their next pulls for the morning and made reference to what they had to load next when a flatbed pulled into the yard. He complained about it being plywood sheets, something neither liked to handle.

Setting the last two boards on the trailer, Scott and Tyler stood up straight and stretched.

“Tyler will help you tie it down. I need to go get Mr. Hanks order ready,” said Scott, jumping over the side of the trailer and walking toward the flatbed.

Tyler backed the forklift away from the trailer as Daniel pulled out the straps and began to secure the stack of lumber. From the corner of his eye, he saw Tyler come up to the other side of the trailer.

“I got this; go one and help Scott with the next order,” said Daniel not looking up to face Tyler. He saw the lower part of the body standing still for a few seconds, hands flexing open and closed, then it turned and walked away. Daniel really did not need help. It was faster to do it himself. But he also did not want to be alone with Tyler. It was dangerous, in a way he did not want to consider.

Daniel did not understand how a person’s sense of time could be so contradictory. The day’s out in the hot sun framing a house, then inside running wire, or installing batt insulation seem to drag. The more his muscles ached, the more he sweated and felt hunger pains, the longer the day seemed to be. But as a season, the summer flew by, and before he knew it, he was preparing to leave for his freshman year of college.

There had been a few more trips to the lumber yard, but most of the time he either saw Tyler from afar or not at all. On the last week before leaving for college, Daniel went in his dad’s truck to get a few 2 X 4’s for blocking in the walls. It was after lunch, the day blistering hot. He rode to the lumberyard with the air conditioning on high. It was so cold, mist came out of the vents and made his bare arms goosebump, but he did not turn up the temperature. By the time he pulled into the gravel parking lot, he was starting to shiver.

He signed the invoice, pulled around to the yard and down to Shed 4 as instructed. He had told himself not to expect Tyler, for having not seen him on his last two trips, he assumed Tyler quit or more likely, got fired. He could imagine him smarting off to some customer or doing something to a co-worker. When he swung the truck out from the shed and turned around to back into place, he saw Tyler, standing by the stacked the lumber. Tyler held a couple of boards, ready to slide them into the truck.

Parked, Daniel climbed out as Tyler started loading the boards. He moved to the rear fender and watched as Tyler pulled two at a time, swung them around and slid them in the bed. Tyler had loaded a few boards, keeping his head down and not saying anything. He lifted two more, swung around to load them, and this time he looked. There was a noticeable hesitation, a moment when Tyler had stared at Daniel, then he lowered his head and slide the boards into the bed.

Daniel wondered what Tyler had seen that was different about him. Arms leaning on the fender, he looked toward the front of the truck and in the large mirror on the door. He saw someone he almost did not recognize. His brown hair had blonde streaks in it, and despite the sunblock, his skin tone showed his outdoor labors. But the thing he noticed most, with the sleeveless shirt, was his biceps had gained muscle over the summer. His arms no longer looked like sticks. He did not have the bulging biceps of someone who went to a gym, but they were showing definition. He flexed the left one, saw it bulge thicker and he smiled at how he looked, and by the fact Tyler had noticed. But what did it mean to him? Was it just surprising to see the object of his tormenting no longer a skinny kid, or was it something else?

“Daniel!” Tyler barked.


“I said you’re loaded up and can go.”

“Oh, thanks Tyler,” Daniel replied. He moved to the driver’s door, swung it open and climbed in. As he pulled the door closed, he heard Tyler call out.


Daniel opened the door and leaned out, looking back at Tyler standing at the rear of the truck.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Look…I…” Tyler stammered, looked up showing a frustration on what to say, then he looked at Daniel with an expression that Daniel would think of often in the coming months. It looked sad. “I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry…about everything back in school.”

It brought Daniel up short and he stared at Tyler, not sure he heard right. An apology from Tyler was so unexpected. But he saw the expression, one seeking some forgiveness, and he smiled, unable to continue to hold onto his anger.

“Thanks,” Daniel replied, then he closed the door and pulled away, wondering what kind of life Tyler had now that they were out of high school.

The Holidays

Daniel helped Dylan set up chairs and two tables in the garage. They had gotten them from the fellowship hall of the church their mom attended, preparing for a large family gathering. It was the Saturday before Christmas, and relatives were driving in from as far away as Houston, Savannah, and Coral Gables. Their mom had been in the kitchen since yesterday morning, preparing one dish after the next. The house smelled of baked turkey, chicken and dumplings, baked pies and candies made with pecans gathered from the three trees in the backyard.

Once the garage was set up, Dylan took off for his home, the Godwin place a couple of miles away, to get changed. Daniel went into the kitchen to get something to drink, for he had not stopped since lunch. He was reaching for the handle on the refrigerator when his mom stopped him.

“Daniel, I forgot to get bags of ice. Run into town and get three bags.”

“Okay, but let me…”

“And hurry, I want to get everything ready before anyone arrives.”

He knew not to argue when she was so focused. He spun around and headed out to his car, a used Focus that promised good gas mileage. He had gotten it last summer with his parent’s help. It was already dark, making it seem later than the five-thirty that lit up on the dash when he started the engine. He pulled out and accelerated, shifting through the gears, enjoying the feel of the nimble little car.

He drove into town, telling himself to rush to the convenience store, grab the ice and head back, but he saw the old drive-thru ahead on the left and the idea of a ice down soda became something he had to have. He swung in, pulling into the lane for the drive-up window that was just past the small dining area. There was no outside menu board, or neatly designed lane, or a dedicated staff for the window. Someone behind the counter would step over and take your order and pull it together while you waited. There was a minivan at the window, but bags were being handed out and Daniel knew he would soon be at the window. He fiddled with radio, then sat back, head against the head rest.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw someone was at a table by the window. Without thinking, he turned to look. He froze. Inside, sitting alone was Tyler. Daniel saw he was eating a burger, taking a slow bite then chewing. He had on a coat that looked too bulky for the weather and there was stubble along his jaw and chin. He looked tired and lonely and Daniel found himself watching him. Another slow bite from the burger, then a couple of fries, dipped in ketchup. Tyler ate so slowly it was as if he had all night.

The honk of a horn from behind, and Daniel realized the minivan was gone. He sat up to ease forward. As he began to move, he glanced over one more time and saw Tyler looking back.

Bags of ice in the rear footwell away from the heat coming from under the dash, and his cup drained of all the soda, Daniel negotiated the familiar two-lane roads rushing back home.

The next few days were busy with visits by family and friends, a formal dinner each night, the table extended to its full length to accommodate everyone. But in those moments of solitude, Daniel pictured Tyler staring back. It haunted him; the way Tyler looked so lonely. It was absurd to think of it, this person who tormented him all through middle and high school, but there had been the apology, the tone showing a sincerity that Daniel did not have the heart to question.

The last Friday of December the new year to begin the next Wednesday, and Daniel was in the office with his dad. While his dad worked on the last of the books for the month to pass on to the accountant, Daniel was in the back room used by a couple of guys to do takeoffs, where he was organizing the drawings. He put away those for completed projects, hung the sets for those in construction, and laid out the bidding sets on the table. It was getting late, already past six, when he went back to his dad’s office.

“Dad, I’m heading out.”

“Hey, Daniel, are you still going into town?”

“Yes, sir. I want to get wiper blades, oil and filter for my car.”

“Are you eating in town or coming home for dinner? Your mom called and said the Harrelson’s are coming over.”

Daniel frowned, unable to conceal how much he disliked them. His dad smiled, shaking his head.

“I take it that is a no to dinner at home,” his dad replied.

“Yes, sir.”

His dad laughed, then sat back.

“Well, go on; get out of here.”

Daniel drove toward town, his dad’s office located in an industrial park on the south side. The main road was busy with other workers heading home, and at Mill Springs Road, he turned. It was slightly longer in travel but a lot quicker to cut through the neighborhoods, and Daniel went to the end of the street and turned toward town. The road was a mix of small housing developments and a few holdouts who were still farming plots of ten to twenty acres. The road made two ninety degree turns going around the Greene property, a pecan orchard the road skirted around. Daniel negotiated the first curve, accelerated to the next, braked, then swung down low taking a tight line. He felt the inner wheel bounce over the rough edge of pavement, then level out as he began to straighten up. He came out of the curve a bit fast and immediately hit the brakes.

Ahead on the shoulder, a car sat with flashers on. Daniel slowed, eased to the center of the road. He recognized the car as an old Chevrolet Impala by the large circular taillights within an even larger plastic panel. As he passed, he saw the hood was up, then he saw Tyler leaned over the front.

Daniel hit the brakes, reversed back to where Tyler was on the side of the road and pulled onto the shoulder in front of the old Impala. He saw Tyler turn around, and he took a deep breath before climbing out.

“What’s the problem?”

“I don’t know. Why did you stop?”

“To see if you needed help.”

“Seriously, Daniel? Well, I’m waiting on a tow truck, so I’m good.”

“How are you getting home?”

“I’ll walk from the mechanics shop.”

A red tow truck pulled up, coming from town, crossed the road and pulled on the shoulder behind the Impala. It straightened up, then reversed back to it.

“After he gets your car loaded, I can take you home.”

Tyler watched the driver approach, not responding to Daniel.

“Are you Tyler Jones?” the driver asked.

“Yes, sir. Can you get it to Ace Repair?”

“I can put it down in their parking lot.”

“What do you need from me?”

“Driver’s license and credit card.”

“Do you take debit cards?”

“Sure,” the driver replied taking the card and license Tyler held out after digging them out of his wallet.

As the driver processed the card, Tyler turned to Daniel and frowned, looked down at the ground, then back up.

“Are you serious? You’ll take me home?”

“Yes. I’m just running into town for something and there is no rush.”

Tyler nodded his head, then took the receipt from the driver and signed his name.

“There are some boxes in the back seat I need to get out,” said Tyler, addressing the driver and Daniel.

“I’ll help,” said Daniel following Tyler to the passenger side rear door.

Standing behind Tyler, Daniel took a box and a can of paint. Tyler came up with two bags. They went back to Daniel’s car and put everything in back. In the light, Daniel saw the box held a medicine cabinet and the paint was a green color, a smear of the color on top.

“What is this for?” asked Daniel.

“My landlord discounts my rent for any improvements I do, and I get this from work cheap, but Mr. Miller writes up an invoice for the regular amount.”

“You’re renovating your apartment?”

“Yeah…it was a bit rough and I worked out a deal to get discounts for improvements. The owner even wants me to do the other three when I finish mine.”


“It saves me money,” Tyler replied, turning back to the tow truck where the driver was hooking the cable to the underside of his car.

Daniel followed Tyler’s directions through town, going into the section known for run down houses and old apartments. He had not driven through the area in some time and was surprised to see some renovations occurring to the houses.

“People are moving back into this area?”

“Yes; the houses are cheap. Turn right at the next street.”

Daniel turned and just before entering the next intersection, Tyler had him turn into a drive on the right. It was an old four-unit apartment building, with small porches on front for each unit and a door in the middle that accessed an interior door to each one. Parked in back, they retrieved everything from the back of the car and headed in. The hall was cheap vinyl tile, with a few missing and several obviously loose, and the walls were scarred and marked up, in dire need of painting. Tyler seemed to be embarrassed by it and he sped up to get into his apartment.

“I’m to paint out here once I get the units finished,” said Tyler as he rushed into his apartment.

Daniel was not sure what he expected. The building gave the impression the apartments would be rough, with damaged walls and everything falling apart. But he knew Tyler had been doing some work on it, so there had to be some improvement, but it was Tyler and he expected it to be sloppy work. When the door opened, he was stunned to see the interior. It was a living dining area with a small kitchen open to it. The walls were painted a light taupe, the trim and ceiling white, and the cabinets in the kitchen where a glossy white, appearing freshly painted since the doors were laying on the countertops, missing all their hardware.

“Shit, you’ve done a lot of work. It looks nice,” said Daniel, as he set the box and paint down on the dining table and looked into the kitchen.

“We had some cabinet hardware discontinued, so I got it, and the paint is a can someone decided they didn’t want, so Mr. Miller gave it to me.”

“What needs painting?”

“The bedroom.”

“You did all of this on weekends?”

“And at night. If I can’t sleep, I just stay up and do something. I’ll probably do the cabinet hardware tonight.”

Daniel would never be able to say why he did it. He just blurted it out without thinking.

“You need some help?”


“You need some help?”

“What…why would you help me?”

“I don’t know, but…why don’t I go get what I came for, pick up fried chicken from The Coup and come back and help put on hardware. Unless you don’t want me around.”

“NO. That’s not it. I just…” Tyler was stammering, surprised by Daniel’s generosity. “Sure…it would be nice to have someone…to help.”

Daniel caught the tone, the loneliness behind it and he wondered what Tyler’s life was like since high school. He saw him pull out his wallet.

“Hey, I got it. You’re about to give your mechanic a few dollars,” said Daniel, smiling as casually as he could, trying to make light of his willingness to pay for dinner. Without waiting for Tyler to reply, he headed out the door, leaving him standing with his hand in his wallet.

Tyler set the bolt in the last cabinet pull as Daniel picked up the empty plastic bags to toss in the garbage.

“Finished!” Tyler exclaimed as the stepped back admiring the finished cabinets with all the doors back in place and everything with a new pull.

“Wow, it does look good,” said Daniel, looking at how the chrome hardware stood out against the white cabinets. He glanced at his watch and saw it was still early, just a little past nine. “What’s next? Painting the bedroom?”


“What’s next?” Daniel replied, smiling at Tyler with his surprised expression.


“Yeah, why not. Do you have some old clothes I can put on?”

“Yes…I have…you sure?

“Tyler, I have nothing to do until it is time to pack up and leave for college. And this is nice to just do something and see the immediate improvement. Don’t you think?”

“Yes. I’ll get you something to put on,” Tyler replied, then headed to the bedroom.

Daniel followed and saw there was only a bed and one small round table sitting in the middle of the room. The window was taped off and the floor was covered in brown paper. Tyler had told him the living and dining furniture had come from his grandmother, who had put all her old furniture into the barn whenever she bought something new. There had been two dining sets, three sofas, two bedroom sets in the barn along with numerous chairs, tables, and lamps. Once the bedroom was finished, he was going to go back and get furniture for the bedroom. It explained the older style of furniture, how it did not seem to be something Tyler would have chosen. But the apartment felt inviting.

Tyler went to three boxes sitting on the floor and pulled out a pair of cargo shorts and a gray t-shirt. Both were worn, frayed at the hems, and the t-shirt had holes along the neck and one at the stomach, but for painting, Daniel considered them perfect.

Daniel stood by the bed and began to unbutton his shirt and he noticed Tyler cutting eyes toward him. The shirt fell open and he slipped it from his shoulders and pulled his arms free wondering if Tyler liked what he saw. Instead of putting on the t-shirt, he undid his jeans and worked each leg free. He stood for just a second in his boxer briefs letting Tyler look at him. The briefs fit snug, the white fabric concealing nothing, not even his slight arousal at being looked upon by Tyler.

“I’ll go get the rollers and paint ready,” Tyler exclaimed, going out of the room in a hurried manner.

Daniel slipped on the shorts surprised to find they fit, for he always considered Tyler bigger, more masculine, but the 30-inch waist spoke to his projecting on other boys a sense of greater maturity, with his past insecurities. The t-shirt pulled on, he found it hung loose, the neck and arms stretched out of shape. The worn fabric was soft against his skin, and he felt his masculine nature. The rub against nipples and caress against his stomach, and he imagined it was Tyler touching him, fingers lightly grazing the skin. Frustrated with his own fantastical imaginings, he grabbed up his clothes and headed to the living room to put them somewhere safe from the painting.

Going down the short hall, he felt the way the shorts hung low on his hips, he wondered if they would stay up, but after a few steps felt them settle into place, the waistband just above his cock, and once again he imagined sexual play with Tyler, how fingers could easily slide beneath the waistband and touch him.

Entering the living-dining area, Daniel saw Tyler pulling on a t-shirt, quickly concealing the lower back that had been visible when he first entered. Tyler had quickly changed clothes, putting on a pair of worn jeans with paint already on them, obvious from painting the living and dining room, and a t-shirt more worn and stretched out than the one Daniel had one. Paint smeared its front, and the hem was barely hanging on, ripped from the body of the shirt in a few places. When Tyler turned, Daniel saw the knees were visible as well as the white boxers where another hole existed near the crotch. He turned away, setting his clothes down, knowing if he continued to stare it would make him aroused beyond what was comfortable.

“You ready to get started?” asked Tyler.

Oh, yeah, Daniel thought, then he turned to the hall and headed to the bedroom, “yep, let’s hit it.”

They started in the corners diagonal from each other and worked clockwise around the room. Neither said much for a long time, each focused on trimming the wall along the baseboard and ceiling. In the kitchen, Daniel had asked about Tyler’s job at the lumberyard, wondering if he also worked in the hardware shop. Tyler told of getting the job through a cousin, assigned only to the lumberyard. At first, he spoke hesitantly about his life after high school, but as he settled into the telling of it, describing the need to leave home, finding the apartment and the deal he had with the owner, he began to reveal his desperation at creating a life that did not follow the path laid out before him by his circumstances. His voice grew low as he told of his future plans, none more than a few years out. It was obvious Tyler was trying to find his way, and Daniel kept quiet letting him talk.

When asked, Daniel told of his enrollment in architecture, how his father disapproved, but it had not deterred him. He confessed about his dislike of laboring in the field, the swinging of a hammer his older brother jokingly referred to it, although they rarely used hammers. Tyler listened as he told of wanting to design the buildings, not build them. How he could create space in his mind, then describe it through drawings.

In the bedroom, the two of them rolling paint on the walls, moving across it at a steady pace, Daniel finally broached the subject he had not dared earlier.

“Do you hear from Aaron or Ryan?”

The roller stopped moving, then there was a sigh.


“Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring…”

“It’s okay. I know everyone is curious what happened to them, especially Ryan. When I found out he had been robbing convenience stores in the adjacent counties, I…” Tyler stammered, falling silent.

Daniel turned and saw Tyler was staring at the wall.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me.”

Tyler turned and Daniel swallowed hard to not respond to the expression that faced him.

“It’s kind of good to talk about it,” Tyler replied, smiling weakly. “He got nearly ten years, and no, I’ve not had any contact with him since he got arrested. I know we were assholes in school, and for that I’m sorry, but the armed robbery, Ryan actually using a gun like that…it was too much.”

“Has he tried to contact you?”

Tyler shook his head no.

“What about Aaron?”

“A cousin kept in touch with his sister and the last I heard; Aaron joined the army. We’ve not talked since he left.”

“Do you…have any other friends?” Daniel asked.

“Not really. I hang out with a couple of the guys from the yard sometimes, but one has a girlfriend and the other likes to drink too much.”

It surprised Daniel to hear Tyler talk about refraining from drinking too much and he wondered about the bullying. Why had Tyler taken part, even being the leader at times, when he now seemed so ashamed of it.



“Why did you bully some of us in high school?”

“Aaron and Ryan were my best friends and they liked to play rough and to show they were tough, and I thought I had to do it too. And I did it worse sometimes to prove I was part of our little gang.”

Daniel turned back to the wall and resumed painting, feeling Tyler’s eyes on his back. After a few seconds he heard Tyler resume painting too.

They were in the last corner for each of them, painting up to the point where the other started, and Daniel asked the one other question he had been wanting to ask all night.

“Are you dating anyone?”

“Huh?” Tyler replied, turning to face Daniel. “What did you ask?”

Daniel realized his voice had been so low, Tyler probably had not hear him.

“I was just asking if you were dating anyone.”

“Oh. No.”

“Why not?”

“Why? I don’t know. Maybe because I have a reputation and a lot of girls avoid me.”

“But it’s obvious you are not the same person you were in high school and…”

“Daniel, have you forgotten what part of town we’re in? My car is sitting at the repair shop, and I’m cleaning up this apartment to save on rent so I can get better wheels.”

“So, you’re struggling. Hell, half the community is struggling. But look at this place? It’s nice; nothing to be ashamed of.”

Tyler turned back to the wall, ran his roller in the tray, then put the roller to the wall, running it up and down, slowly, from top to bottom.

“So, there is no one you want to date?”

Tyler looked down, holding the roller against the wall too hard, and when he looked up, paint was running down the freshly painted surface. He grimaced, then worked the roller up and down working out the run.

“There hasn’t been anyone for some time. I’ve considered someone recently, but they are leaving soon, so…”

Daniel let the sentence die between them, as he stepped back looking over the first coat. He could see where it was drying that all it needed was one more coat. He laid the roller down and in a moment of mischievousness, stuck his finger in the wet paint. Crossing the room, he came up next to Tyler was had stepped back to inspect his painting.

“You missed a spot.”

“Where?” Tyler asked.

“Right here,” Daniel replied, wiping his finger on Tyler’s cheek then fast stepping it to the other side of the room.

“Hey,” Tyler exclaimed and gave pursuit. He chased Daniel around the bed until they stood on opposite sides, hands on knees, breathing hard.

“You can’t keep this up all night.”

“Wanna bet,” Daniel taunted, smiling over the plastic covered bed. Tyler looked down, as if to catch his breath, and Daniel did it too. Just for a moment, he looked at the floor and took a deep breath. Then he heard it, the squeak of the bed, the crinkling of the plastic sheet, and he looked up in time to see Tyler bouncing over it. He spun around to run for the door when arms encircled his waist, lifted him from his feet and pulled him back, the two of them crashing on the bed. They were laughing and gasping for breath, as Daniel struggled to free himself.

Then Daniel found himself underneath Tyler. Like his fantasies, he felt the body weigh down on his own. He felt they way the stomach undulated with each heavy breath and the radiating heat from it. His hands were pushed into the mattress and he felt the tight grip on each wrist. A push down, a shift of body and Tyler was laying on top, straight with his own body, legs between his own. It was as he imagined, and his cock flexed in the confines of his shorts as Tyler pushed against him. He opened his eyes slowly and saw the stare of Tyler’s eyes. Mixed in the mischievousness, there was a pleading to them. Some sense Tyler was seeking his permission, and he leaned up, boldly, without consideration, and kissed him.

Tyler pushed back, lips in full contact, then they kiss open mouthed, tongues dueling. Wrists were released and the hands were moving up Daniel’s sides, raking along his hips, waist and up along his torso, until one was running fingers through his hair. Tyler eased up, moved with an urgency that was shocking, and began to tug on the t-shirt. It ripped, and he pulled with determination, ripping it from Daniel’s body. He put his hands on the bare chest and rubbed it and Daniel saw the eyes following the hands, as if trying to remember every curve and form. One hand went down, raked along the top of the shorts, then the fingers slipped within and they soon were touching him, just a few grazes of fingertips, then the hand moved further within the shorts allowing fingers to take him. He grew more aroused, filling the hand with his erection.

“Fuck…Tyler,” Daniel uttered as he threw his head back and closed his eyes.

The hand slipped from his shorts, then there was a tug at the front. The waistband loosened, then Tyler was moving. Daniel opened his eyes to see Tyler between his legs and he raised his ass letting him strip shorts and briefs from his body. He lay naked and it was as imagined. Tyler between his legs while laying exposed, ready for whatever Tyler wanted to do. He imagined a hand going between his legs and he spread them, encouraging Tyler to do it. To slide a hand down between them and toy with his opening, stretch him open then move on him, pushing cock into his depths. His cock flexed over his stomach as he imagined it while watching Tyler pull his shirt off, then work  jeans off, until he too was naked.

Daniel prepared himself, ready for Tyler to fuck him. But Tyler moved over him, straddling his legs, pushing them together. Tyler moved forward until straddling his hips and he watched with surprise as Tyler worked his ass back and forth. It rubbed his cock, making him more aroused. He pushed upward, feeling it flex with the pressure.

“Daniel…let me…” Tyler uttered in a breathless voice, and he rose on knees, took Daniel in hand, and lowered his ass to the wet cock. “Fuck!” he exclaimed while easing down, letting the cock stretch him open and slowly sink into his ass.

Nothing was as imagined. Daniel always pictured himself in the role of bottom, of taking another guy’s cock, but as Tyler’s tight ass slid down his cock, he watched intently, as it disappeared inside of Tyler and he couldn’t imagine their sex any other way. The way that tight ass milked his cock, squeezed down on the head, then inch after inch of shaft made him shiver at the manipulation. He didn’t want it to end, wishing he could feel that initial penetration over and over. He threw his head back and moaned, then uttered profanities as Tyler began to move up and down.

Tyler rode his cock until the bed protested beneath them and their breathing grew labored. Tyler began to sweat. It beaded up on his torso, then trickled down in rivulets. The room grew hot, and even Daniel was sweating, and his heart raced in his chest.

“Fuck,” Tyler uttered, and moved upward till Daniel nearly slipped free, only to plunge back down, ass smacking on hips. He became more physical, moving with greater urgency. Up, then back down, burying Daniel in his depths. “Fuck,” he uttered again, repeating the word over and over, until it was uttered breathlessly.

Tyler finally slowed, his body glistening with sweat, and Daniel sat up, wrapping arms around the slick torso. He held him close enough to feel hard cock drag up his chest, leaving a trail of slick. He felt the radiating heat and how feverish the body felt to his every touch. It moved up and down on his cock until he couldn’t take it, and he rolled Tyler to his back. He moved over him and began to fuck; hard, fast, hips smacking against ass, until he felt the surge of release. He thrust forward, burying every inch in Tyler’s hole and came.

Daniel slowed to a stop with cock buried in Tyler’s ass and he kissed the wet skin on the neck, moved to the jaw, lips feeling its hot slickness, until their lips were pressed together. He moved back to the jaw, feeling the stubble against his soft lips, and felt Tyler’s lips against his ear.

“Keep fucking; don’t stop…please.”

Daniel moved his hips, pulled his still hard cock outward a couple of inches, then pushed inward. Slowly, he worked his cock in the slick hole, until once again fully aroused. He rose on hands and knees and began to fuck harder, faster, driving cock deep into Tyler’s hole. Then he pulled out and saw Tyler look up with a disappointed expression.

“Roll over,” said Daniel, his cock bobbing up and down between his thighs.

Tyler smiled, then rolled to his hands and knees. Daniel moved up behind him, kicked his legs further apart, put his wet cock to the leaking opening, and pushed inward all the way.

“Fuck!” exclaimed Tyler and he dropped to his elbows, head down and began to grunt with every push inward.

Daniel held the narrow waist as he thrust cock into Tyler. His body smacked against him, growing louder and louder. The bed protested, squeaking, and rocking with their fuck. Reaching forward, Daniel encircled Tyler’s neck and pulled him upright. Body pulled back, torso stretched out, he kept fucking Tyler’s ass, as he ran a hand down the sweat slick chest and stomach. He pinched and twisted a nipple until Tyler shuddered against his chest, begging him to stop. He twisted the other one, making him plead once more. Then he reached down and took the hard cock and stroked it until his hand was wet.

“Cum for me…shoot it…shoot it,” Daniel whispered in Tyler’s ear, as he kept shoving his cock all the way in.

“Oh…oh…FUCK,” Tyler exclaimed, and Daniel held the cock flex, as cum spurt out, spraying the plastic covered bed. He felt Tyler’s release in his own cock, for the way the opening spasm around it as he pushed and pulled through it, and he couldn’t hold back. Cock jammed inside Tyler as deep as he could get, he came.

They lay in a pile of sweating torsos and limbs, trying to catch their breath. Tyler avoided eye contact at first, laying on his back staring up at the ceiling. But as their breathing settled back to normal, he looked over at Daniel and smiled.

“Now you know my secret.”

Daniel smiled back, leaned up and kissed Tyler.

“And you know mine.”

The next week passed quickly, and suddenly it was time for Daniel to head back to college for the Spring Semester. Neither knew what to expect. There had been no time to really get to know each other, to move past the preconceptions from high school. But there were plans for weekends together, Tyler coming up or Daniel coming down. How things would play out, neither knew, but they were going to find out, taking advantage of what time was afforded to them.

by Grant

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024