Amethyst Cove Chronicles

by tklwriter

10 Jun 2022 400 readers Score 9.4 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Warehouse

The threat to Kit's life and seeing the teen almost lifeless was too much for Felix. The half-witch closed his eyes and took deep breaths as he fought past the pain and ticklishness. His tickle magic was useless, although Felix rarely used it in a fight unless he had to. Feelings of rage and hate rose inside of him. Being of light magic, neither Felix nor Kit ever felt hate or experienced being enraged. The twenty-two-year-old reached deep into his soul's core and tapped into his power's full strength.

Johnny and Ryan rushed into the room, intending to free their mates. However, Jethro heard their approach and turned his attention to the new arrivals. The warlock sneered and threw his chains at the cousins. Meanwhile, at the same time, Bart was recovered and silently crept up behind the teens and threw his lightning orbs. The orbs transformed into ropes and wrapped around Johnny and Ryan, right as Jethro's chains reached the duo. The cousins shrieked in pain as the combined power of the warlocks sent pain and electricity coursing through their bodies. Johnny and Ryan fell to the floor, writhing as they desperately tried to fight against the dark magic users.

Once the warlock's attention was focused elsewhere, Kit's healing magic began to revive him. He closed his eyes and felt the strength coming back into his muscles. The teen did partial shifts to reverse the damage done by the energy blasts and fire chains. Finally, the half-wolf was strong enough to break free. Kit felt every bit of Ryan's distress through the bond they shared, and anger flowed through him like crazy. Kit had no choice but to exhaust the remaining magic from the force field protecting their home. Feeling strong enough, the teen got off the table, and though he was a bit shaky, Kit stood firm on the stone floor. A tingling sensation started rising from his bare feet and reached the tip of his ears and tail.

"Nice work, Bart." Jethro chuckled and increased the searing pain in the chains.

"Not so bad yourself." Bart snickered and knelt at Johnny and Ryan's wriggling bodies.

"I wonder if they're as ticklish as the other two." Jethro cackled and rubbed his hands together.

Bart smiled and got right in Johnny's face. "So, mister pro, what ya got to say now?"

Johnny's magic started siphoning the power from the chains and the energy ropes. He grinned and touched his hand against Ryan's bonds. "I think you're both in some deep shit."

The redhead's eyes glowed so did Ryan's. Working in synch, the teens cast a spell that sent Jethro and Bart flying into the wall behind them. The warlocks grunted and fell to the concrete floor when they hit the solid surface. The two shook their heads, got up, and threw more magic at the teens. Ryan and Johnny prepared themselves and were ready to launch a counterattack when a force field suddenly appeared around them right as the chains and orbs reached them. Johnny, Ryan, Jethro, and Bart looked around in confusion.

"Don't ever fuckin' touch my lifemate and my brothers again."

The power behind Kit's growl shook the warlock's bones and made the building rumble. The teen closed his eyes and found the tone he wanted. He opened his eyes, drew in a deep breath, and released an earth-shattering howl. Even in the force field had Ryan and Johnny covering their ears. The cousin's stared at Kit in astonishment. They'd never felt so much power or force coming from their pup.

Without Kit's forcefield protecting them, Bart and Jethro's bones began shaking and rattling inside their flesh. The men fell to their knees as fear consumed them.

Kit slowly advanced closer to the cowering, shaking pair. However, the strength it took to maintain the protection around his family and the bone-shaking howl drained the half-witch much faster than he anticipated, especially in his weakened condition. As he became weaker, so did the forcefield and the howl's effect. After another minute or two, the teen's magic and reserves were exhausted and completely depleted. Kit's eyes closed, and the wolf teen fell in a motionless heap on the floor. The cousins and warlocks were trying to recuperate and figure out what to do next.

Ryan was the first to recover, and in a flash, the red-haired teen had his arms wrapped around Kit's unconscious body. His tears splashed on his mate's hair. "Please, be okay, pup. I love you, sweet boy." Ryan softly whispered in Kit's ear as he cradled the fallen teen and kissed his lips. He softly chuckled when the teen's tongue slipped through his lips and lightly licked Ryan's. "Under the circumstances, Pup, I'll let that slide." Ryan hugged Kit tightly but not so tight he'd cause any harm.

Johnny got to his feet and glared at the warlocks. He placed himself like a shield in front of Ryan and Kit.

"Do you really think you're powerful enough to stop us, Red?" Jethro asked as he and Bart prepared to attack.

When Felix opened his eyes, they weren't their usual light color. They were dark gold, almost brown, and quickly advancing toward black. The half-witch took a deep breath and summoned cold from the Arctic. He slowly blew the air out of his lungs, freezing the chains till they were brittle enough for him to break. Felix stood up and looked around. Finally, his gaze fixated on Kit's unmoving body then he saw the warlocks threatening his family. He closed his eyes and summoned a whirlwind that surrounded him like a forcefield. "I warned you both that you'd die if you hurt my wolfpup."

The darkness and malice in Felix's voice made the young men yelp and shiver. Ryan and Johnny turned to look at their brother/mate and gasped.

"John, what the fuck?" Ryan wasn't much of a cusser, but if there was ever a time that called for cussing, this was that time.

"Bro, I'm afraid to even think or voice what my feeling is." Johnny gulped. The redhead instantly tried to connect mentally and emotionally with his mate. Johnny stumbled because of the sheer force of the pain, rage, and hatred emanating from the half-witch. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

Ryan continued to protectively embrace Kit as he looked up at his cousin. "What's wrong, Johnny?" He was getting more nervous and scared, not for himself but over his oldest brother. Ryan finally realized how much he loved Felix and looked up to him.

"I can't even get through to him. Felix is so consumed with pain, rage, and hate. I've never known him or Kit to feel enraged and hatred."

"That's cause our magic is of the light and gives life." Kit whispered in a brief moment of consciousness before passing out again.

"Rest, Pup." Ryan lowered his head and kissed the younger teen. "What can we do?" Ryan asked just before gasping as an energy ball flew over his head.

Johnny threw his hands up. "I have no fuckin' clue, Ry. I could siphon enough magic from him to make him helpless and pass out, but I can't even think about getting close enough."

Bart and Jethro were using their most strong magic, trying to take Felix down, but nothing penetrated the whirlwind's shield around the half-witch.

"How the fuckin' hell did these bastards ever become so powerful so quickly? Jethro asked.

"I know, the f***** were weak and pathetic as kittens." Bart added.

"Because you jackasses got them to experience feelings unknown to them, which made them tap into their full power. That's something neither Kit nor Felix has done." Johnny said.

The teen ducked when an entire wooden bookcase flew over his head. It rammed into Bart and Jethro and flung their bodies like ragdolls not just into the wall but through it. The unconscious warlocks lay on the floor. Suddenly, two tornados formed under them, rapidly spinning and raising their bodies up to the ceiling.

"Shit, John, Felix is gonna kill them. We've got to do something." Ryan said as he tried thinking of a way to get Johnny close to Felix.

Johnny suddenly turned, faced his cousin, and snapped his fingers. "I think I've got it."

Felix's eyes grew darker as he increased the speed of the tornados causing the warlocks to rise faster. In addition, the half-witch sent lightning bolts shooting at them. Bart and Jethro's bodies were quickly approaching their breaking point. Soon, they'd be unable to breathe.

"Well, spit it out, Johnny. We don't have much time to save them."

"Use your telekinesis to part the whirlwind surrounding Felix, just enough for me to get through."

"John, for me to do that, I'd have to tap into my..." Ryan couldn't finish the sentence.

"I know, Ryan, but there's no other course of action." Johnny closed his eyes and wiped his tears as he placed his hands on his slightly younger cousin's shoulders. "Ry, Lix needs to be stopped to save all of us. Not to mention his soul. He'd never forgive himself if the warlocks die at his hand out of uncontrollable rage and hatred." Kit's exhausted himself protecting us. We've got to save our mates." Johnny lovingly embraced Ryan. "I have faith in you, Ry. You can do this."

Ryan closed his eyes and fought against his rising anxiety. "Let's do this before I lose my nerve." The redhead's eyes glowed deep violet. He squinted, and when his eyes opened, they were black.

"You're doing great, Ry. Just keep the control. You're in charge, not the magic." Johnny encouraged.

Ryan raised his arms and spread them out to his sides. Slowly, the whirlwind separated, creating a narrow opening. The teen increased his power as beads of sweat dripped down his face. "Hurry, I can't hold it."

The opening grew large enough for Johnny to slip through. He struggled against the strong winds that threatened to lift him into their swirls. Finally, the red-haired witch reached his mate.
"Please, forgive me, my love. It's the only way. I love you, Felix." Johnny softly whispered.

He laid his hands on his mate. His eyes glowed a vibrant violet as he siphoned the magic from Felix. The tornados dissipated, and the warlocks fell to the floor, battered and bruised but still breathing. The whirlwind also disappeared as the half-witch gasped and fell back against his mate's waiting body. Johnny's tears fell on the unconscious witch's cheeks as he lowered his head and kissed his mate. "I love you, Lix. More than you know." He gently laid the twenty-two-year-old man's body on the floor beside Kit. He and Ryan combined their magic and summoned a spell to take them and their mates back home.

The B&B

When they got back to the house, Ryan and Johnny noticed the forcefield was down. The cousins worked quickly and created a protective barrier that would work until Kit was strong enough to recreate his forcefield. Ryan carried Kit up to the top of the waterfall. Johnny was right behind his cousin with Felix in his arms. They laid their mates on the soft mossy ground cover and, using their hands, gently poured water from the fall over their respective boyfriends. At the same time, the two witches softly whispered a healing spell to help the recovery process.

Ryan looked at Johnny and smiled. "In case I forgot to tell you, I'm glad you're back." The red-haired teen giggled and squirmed when his sides were briefly tickled by Johnny.

"Damn, the one time I leave and you three get into trouble." As soon as it was said, Johnny was wriggling on the ground, hysterically laughing as his cousin tickled his pit hollows. "Okay, I give, for now."

Ryan giggled. He wrapped Johnny in a bear hug, and in a rare form, he kissed his cousin's cheek. Johnny pulled back and gazed into Ryan's teary eyes before returning the show of affection.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was the kiss for? You don't usually do that with me." Johnny asked as he wrapped his arms around his younger coven brother.

Ryan sighed as he leaned into Johnny's embrace. "Umm, I think I've just been affected by everything that's happened today." Ryan paused and wiped his tears. He was on the verge of breaking down now that he could process almost losing his family.

Johnny felt Ryan coming to terms with the traumatic day. "It's okay, Ry, don't stop letting everything go. You're safe, and I'm not judging your feelings." He softly whispered into Ryan's ear as he gently smoothed the teen's hair.

Ryan's dam broke, and he buried his face in Johnny's chest, sobbing. "We almost lost them, Johnny. Hell, we almost lost each other." Ryan said between his sobs.

"I know, Cus, but the important thing is we didn't. We survived and triumphed." Johnny smiled cause it wasn't very often Ryan let himself be this vulnerable. The eighteen-year-old was just happy he was there to comfort his cousin. "Ry, I know we're bio cousins, but I want you to know you're more than that. You're my brother."

Ryan pulled back and looked into Johnny's eyes, searching for any signs of disingenuousness. When he found none, he smiled and laid his head on Johnny's shoulder, grateful for the love he received.

"You're my brother too, Johnny." He paused. "I realized just how much Felix means to me. Kit as well. I don't think I could handle losing any of you guys."

"I know just how you feel. I don't ever want to be without Lix. You and Kit are the brothers I always wanted."

"Umm, can one of you mushy witch guys scratch my back?" Kit's soft request made the two teens jump and gasp, causing the wolfboy's raspy giggles.

"Kit!" Ryan exclaimed as he turned and peppered the younger teen's face with loving kisses and embraced him.

Kit's ears slightly twitched as he giggled boyishly and returned the affection. "Thanks for saving Lix and me, guys." Kit paused and coughed as he sat up. "Johnny, don't ever let anyone tell you you're not a strong witch." The teen sat in Johnny's lap. He smiled and kissed Johnny's cheek as he hugged him. Then he moved over and sat in Ryan's lap. "You, my strong hero, I'm very proud of you for setting aside your fears and using your magic."

"I love you more than I could ever express, Kitpup." Ryan wiped his tears. "When you're ready and have the chance. I want to have a therapy session with you, Kit."

Johnny nodded his head. "I think that's a great idea. I'll suggest it to Felix when he's awake." The redhead moved over to his slumbering lover and smoothed his light brown hair.

"Why do I need therapy?" Kit asked with an adorably confused expression, and his head cocked to the side.

"Pup, you were kidnapped, almost killed, and had one of the things you love that's also a weakness used against you. Not only was it used against you, but it was done as a form of torture." Ryan wrapped Kit's body in his arms. He smiled when his boy cuddled as hard as he could against him. "I just want to make sure you're okay and don't hold onto the negative feelings. I want you to remain my cute wolfboy as long as possible."

"What the hell hit me? I fell like shit." Felix started stirring.

"I'll tell you all about it, Lix." Johnny smiled and embraced his boyfriend. "I love you."

"I love you too, babe. I'm glad you're home."

The couples embraced each other and shared a long and passionate kiss before walking down to the house to celebrate being together and Johnny's coming home.