A Forbidden Mutual Attraction

by Paul François

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Léo and Julien are two 17-year-old boys born in the remote Northern Ontario community of Longlac, Canada. In spite of their different family and religious background, they are strongly attracted to each other.

It is in 1814 that the Hudson’s Bay Company set up a trading post on Long Lake. Maps from the 19th century give this relay post the name of Long Lake House. In 1920, the name Longlac appears. It is a rare Ontario example of a toponymic translation from English to French. According to the most recent census, the population of Longlac is 1,316; there are 602 people who speak both English and French. This community is situated on the Trans-Canada Highway, a 12-hour drive north of Toronto.

Léo is from a catholic and very conservative family, whereas Julien is from a liberal family which likes to party and goes to church only at Christmas and Easter. At primary school, Léo admires Julien who excels in all sports. Julien tries to include Léo in his circle of friends but to no avail. Shy and a loner, Léo would love to become Julien’s friend but his mother doesn’t encourage it; she even openly disdains Julien’s family.

Julien and Léo now attend the public high school Château-Jeunesse (Youth Castel) offering courses in French from grade 9 to 12. Léo blushes when he has to take a shower, to get naked in front of his classmates; he has no reason to because he is very well-hung. Like Léo, Julien is cut but hairier. He struts naked without embarrassment, slapping his towel on the butts of other guys He is always the life of the locker room. The two 16-year-old boys examine each other discreetly.

During the Physical Education course, Julien asks questions about what the Catholic teacher calls “the sin of masturbation”. He doesn’t understand why something that does no harm (on the contrary) can be a sin. He likes to jerk off, to beat his cock until it shoots loads of creamy jizz. No teacher will tell him to stop solitary pleasure. Julien also asks question about the Church’s ban on homosexuality, about Longlac’s general opposition to gay rights, Gay Pride, and same sex marriage. The teacher does not let himself be mollified by the example of the current Ontario Premier, the lesbian Kathleen Wynne.

Julien invites regularly Léo to have lunch with him at the cafeteria. He finally accepts and is stunned by the outright declaration that Julien gives him during their first tête-à-tête: “I won’t beat around the bush, Léo, I find you very good-looking, gorgeous in fact.” Léo feels exactly the same about Julien. He is obviously too shy and too "Catholic" to offer him a similar compliment. His heart pounding, he smiles nervously, imagining his mother scolding him for confessing such an abomination. In the course of their lunch, Julien caresses Léo’s hand and that triggers a strange but welcomed sensation. Both boys devour each other with their eyes. They find themselves in uncharted territory and the feeling is awesome.

One day, Léo and Julien walk together after school. They live in the same area and that seems natural. Léo’s mother notices the two boys side by side as they part for their respective street. She is not pleased and does not waste a minute to scold her son:

“I forbid you from associating with this… thug, this… scoundrel, this… representative of Lucifer."

“We were just exchanging notes about the upcoming chemistry test.”

“That’s his way of seducing you, of leading you to wallow in places of perdition for your soul.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mom. We didn’t discuss any religious matter. Julien is just nice and friendly with me.”

“Nonsense! Be careful, my son, he wants to entertain thoughts known to be impure or immoral. Don’t let him influence you, Léo. I recommend that you raise this matter during your next confession. Until then, stay away from him, in and outside of the school.”

Léo retires to his bedroom, lies down on the bed, tries to control the tremors that shake his body. He doesn’t understand anything his mother told him. He manages to calm himself down by thinking of Julien’s caressing hand. As far as he knows, holding hands is not a sin. Before preparing dinner, his mother calls the school principal for a special request… At night, she tells her husband about the boy hanging around their son. He tries to calm her down, but to no avail. In the morning, Léo’s father offers to drive his son to school. On the way there, he says: “Your mother only wants what is best for you. I know Julien is a nice guy. Don’t take it too hard, son.”

A soon as Léo enters Château-Jeunesse high school, he is summoned to the principal’s office. “Your mother called me and we agreed that you must refrain from talking to Julien in the school and on the playground. He has been informed of this decision.” Throughout the day, the two boys look at each other from afar, displaying a sad expression. During the short period in the locker room, Julien corners Léo and arranges to meet him at the public library the next day after school. “You can tell your mother that you have research to do for your essay on Michel Tremblay[1].”

When Léo and Julien meet, they avoid entering the library together. Once in the reading section, they sit at a table where no one can really see them. Julian puts his hands on Léo’s thigh and triggers a sensation never experienced and almost intoxicating. The library is chosen because a fire exit opens onto a discreet alley. They use it to sneak out and hide in a shed. Julien hugs Léo and kisses him gently on the neck, then passionately on the mouth. The two boys get hard. “This is a sign that we love each other, Léo. We are both gay and no one can change that.”

In the heat of the action, Leo dismisses all the tedious talk about the sins of impurity and lets Julien caress his crotch, take out his cock from the bulging jeans, and massage it exquisitely. Excited like never before, he does the same with his lover's dick. It doesn't take long for the cum to bubble and spurt out simultaneously in an apotheosis of lust. The two boys embrace and kiss each other tenderly. Julien and Léo have to regretfully return home, without being seen together. They arrange to meet the next day at the same time and same place.

When Léo arrives home, his mother finds him cheerful and asks how his research on Michel Tremblay went. “Can you show me what information you collected?” Leo almost panics because he has nothing to produce. He quickly makes up an excuse: “I left my notes in a locker at the library because I’m going back tomorrow.” The mother seems proud of her studious son.

Julien and Léo meet at least two or three times a week and explore their bodies a little awkwardly at first, then with confidence. Julien is the one who takes the lead, who introduces his lover to cock sucking. He is pleasantly surprised when Léo licks his balls and says: “You’re a lot hairier than me and that turns me on.” One day, the two young lovers hide in a barn and their 69 is interrupted by a noise coming from the corner where the straw is piled up. They move forward discreetly and see the farmer lubricating the hired man’s ass with grease before shoving his cock in, pounding hard and deep, triggering loud moans of pleasure. When the two men leave the barn, the two boys have only one idea in mind. “Let’s get the grease, says Julien. I want to feel your long rod inside me!”

This is a different ball game, so to speak, and it’s by trial and error that Léo succeeds to penetrate Julien’s hairy butt. Their first ass-fuck is nothing to write home about (Léo’s mother would drop dead, lol), but practice makes perfect. Top or Bottom, the two boys feel the same attachment, the same bond. They fornicate as often as possible in various hiding places. One day, Leo comes home and his mother notices a stain on his fly. “Where did that grease mark come from, boy?” Not really knowing what to answer, Léo panics on the spot, so to speak, then responds with the tact that has become second nature to him: “The chain on my bicycle came off and I probably must have gotten dirty by putting it back on; don't worry, I'm going to wash my jeans.” His mother sighs and urges him to be more careful in the future.

Julien and Léo are eager to leave Longlac for Laurentian University in Sudbury, the first for a bachelor’s degree in political science, the second for a bachelor of arts (major in French-Canadian literature). They will live in the same students’ residence, kissing, sucking and fucking as often as they want.

[1] Michel Tremblay (born 25 June 1942) is a well-known French-Canadian author whose novels and plays stirred up controversy by portraying the lives of the working-class and by attacking the strait-laced, deeply religious society of mid-20th century Québec.

by Paul François

Email: [email protected]

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