Public Exposure: Muscle Daddies Pose Down

16 Nov 2017

Public Exposure: Muscle Daddies Pose Down

Enjoy these non-metaphorical muscle daddies in their natural environment. And if you think they aren't getting an exhibitionist thrill from their display, particularly the screencapped silver muscle daddy and his ass of many pleasures, then you're not thinking right.

Though I'll excuse you, as all the blood may have moved down for you as these guys cheerily strain in their impressive poses. 

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These are vaguely obscene if you think about it. The amount of time each guy looks in the mirror, certainly without putting any briefs on, is insane. Maybe some personal trainer can advise someone on the exact right amount of time to self-stimulate one's muscle brain in the mirror. 

The ideal time that gives encouragement for further muscle development, but not so long it detracts from valuable workout time.

Pause to consider being the workout partner of one of these guys. Or if lifting thousands of pounds thousands of times for thousands of hours is too intimidating, then I'm sure you'd do great at shaving, oiling, massaging, and feeding that muscle.

These guys do work so hard they deserve a lot of attention and respect.

So much so, that the only thing making this video not totally obscene is the audience. It would be best if it were an audience of just me (or just you) and I was on the stage with them, my pants at my ankles. 

See it's classy because at least someone's wearing pants. If ankles count.

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