Flashback: What Do You Call Nude Guys Showering?

3 Apr 2018

Flashback: What Do You Call Nude Guys Showering?

It's a gaggle of geese and a pride of lions and a murder of crows. So what's a group of nude guys showering? How about a stark? As in stark naked? I'll try it in a sentence.

"Hey stark! Can I join you all? I'm sure you have plenty of sexual tension to work out and that's what I'm here for." Yes, that would work fine.

The solo bodybuilder goes from dunes to kitchen to living room quite easily. He's very versatile. Let's hope he doesn't spill on his white underwear. It would be a shame if they were to be stained with something that didn't come out of a penis.

Flashback: What Do You Call Nude Guys Showering?

Watch Naked Guys Getting Off in Public

The guys sitting on the bed of the pickup truck are doing their best to add to the value of the vehicle. Clearly, this is a vintage ad for a used truck and distracting from the fact that it has thousands of miles on it is best. The men, however, have only hundreds of miles on them. They aren't worn out yet at all.

The guys at middle and bottom right look like they could be cousins. Both have solid builds and if they had matching hairdos (and mustaches) they would be more cousin-like. Or considering one is from the '80s and the other likely the '60s, perhaps uncle and nephew. It's good to carry on the family trade.

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