Flashback: Gay Visibility

20 Oct 2017

Flashback: Gay Visibility

Disclaimer: I know there's a large female audience for naked guy stuff, but that's not the entirety of course. So we can be quite positive that the massive amount of naked guy stuff from the past proves a massive amount of guys in the past masturbating to a massive amount of naked guy stuff. Thus gay visibility, sort of. Or at least the evidence of gay existence. Okay, homosexual existence en masse.

I will accept my Honorary Ph.D. in Sexual Archaeology now. Preferably from a decent school like San Francisco Tearoom University. And that doesn't even cover the folks who had no access to naked guy stuff at the time. Though swimming naked at the YMCA probably helped their sexual cause.

Flashback: Gay Visibility

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I do wonder, though, what the extent of the female audience was in years past. Playgirl used to proudly hail its female audience (and empower the female gaze) in its title, but I used to work in a shop that sold them and not once did a woman buy one, so maybe they were classy and practical enough to subscribe. As compared to guys buying it on the semi-secret.

There was a survey in Playgirl itself once identifying the gender of its readers (or course only asking for people to tick off male or female, which leaves out a lot of people). But anyway, I remember they at least admitted/published it was 11% male readers. Which of course just meant that of those who answered the survey, 11% were male identified.

The survey was really thrown off by Martha Stewart, a proud masturbator to Playgirl (she discusses this in every talk show appearance) answering the survey approximately 7,000 times. She was so proud of all the cock and ass she saw. That really threw off the results.

Well, no matter what, you're in good company masturbating to vintage porn. And you can use Martha Stewart Collection tablecloths to clean up afterwards. That's what they're for.

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