Laurie Page

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I was born in the district of Croydon, in south-east London, England. After primary school, the family moved to Aberdeen in the north-east of Scotland as my father had been re-assigned to supervise the reinstatement of warehouses and docks which had been devastated during the War. I was educated at Aberdeen Grammar School. We returned to England some four years later and I continued my education at Thurrock Secondary School. I was just about to turn 15 when I first went to this establishment and by the end of my first two weeks I had been seduced (willingly, I might add) by a young male teacher who taught me about the joys - and possible woes - of sex between males, beside the maths he was supposed to teach. At the end of Summer term when I was about to reach the age of 16 I left school and obtained work in and around London with a prestigious law firm. In due course I was called up to serve in the Armed Forces for two years. This was in the period after the conclusion of World War II and the UK had introduced conscription for young men of 18 to 36. I applied for entry into the Royal Air Force and was fortunate to obtain that. By the time my two years was about to finish, I had been so interested in the RAF's liberal attitude to gays that I signed on for another five years, eventually expanding to 15 years, full time service. I reached the dizzy heights of reaching the rank of Sergeant by the time I was discharged at the end of my term. It was always said that if you were a sailor in the Navy you always had to stand with your behind against a brick wall or something equally substantial. The Navy had a reputation for being the place to go if you wanted more or less permanent sex. But I always found the RAF guys were much more organised and available and I had many a night when I was more tired when morning came than I had been the previous night!

Following that period, I had a number of jobs in places like West Germany (as it was then), France, and shorter terms in other European cities before being sent to the Middle East to work for an Anglo-French oil company in Turkey and Iran. I spent more than two years abroad after that in various positions (yes, including bending over and holding on to your ankles while a stunning Arab lad gives you a sturdy thrust or so from his big dick. It is generally quite true what legend says about Arabs having large dicks. Must be the heat or something that does it, dear! ) I have also worked for periods of between 18 months up to two and a half years in East Africa (mainly Kenya and Tanzania), South Africa (where I had worked on short periods during my RAF days), and occasional periods in Lebanon, Iraq, and Kuwait. Eventually I returned to Europe and found an interesting position in Amsterdam, where I encountered the founder of the Spartacus Gay Guide. He offered me a job and I worked for them for several years. Unfortunately, trouble arose as a result of a very misguided venture when they started up a magazine for paedophiles. This was too much even for the enlightened Dutch people and there were a number of pending court cases piling up. I left them before any of the cases came to court and returned to the UK. I was lucky in obtaining a very interesting position with a legal firm and stayed with them until I was made an offer to take early retirement in 1995. It was too good to ignore and I returned to the UK. By this time I had the freedom of time and money not to have to go to work unless I wanted to and when I joined the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE) I was able to give time to travelling around Europe to help establish connections with important bona fide gay organisations and eventually contacts with similar organisations springing up in USA, Australia and New Zealand. Sadly, I did not get any opportunities to visit The States or The Land of Oz but I did meet a number of courageous men - and some women - who were struggling to establish their respective organisations. 1967 was a miraculous year for many reasons as at last it seemed as if gay people might be able to live like human beings.

Hope that will give you some idea of my life up to the present. I have a partner (David) and we have been together for almost 35 years. Despite many interruptions, our relationship is still working. It has matured from two incessantly horny guys having it off with each other almost hourly to what I suppose is becoming the gay equivalent of a "mature" partnership.

21 Votes

Night Shift

23 Mar 2018 2260 readers comments 33 Min Read

My name is Nobby Clark and I think of myself as a lowly speck of humanity doing his bit for Queen and country - like shit, I am! I joined the RAF just to get away from the dirty minded freak who ran the kids ho

Topics: Piss, Anal Sex, Big Dick, Military, Face Fuck