Lee Dickson

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By making sex a routine, we eliminated routine sex.

31 Votes

Bone tired

17 Mar 2016 2117 readers comments 11 Min Read

He bites one cheek, then the other, and then tastes my hole. I can tell he means to go slow, but we're both too hungry. I push back onto his scruffy face and he darts his tongue into me.

Topics: Anal Sex, Hairy men, Relationship

25 Votes

Sex. Every. Day.

16 Mar 2016 1451 readers comments 4 Min Read

His delicious obsession with the ring of coarse black hair around my sphincter, its feel on his tongue and the sight of black strands plastered along the girth of his big pink dick on each withdrawal; my stoic love now wraps these intangibles in words rumbled hoarsely into my ear. And I am fucked at both ends; my ass with his glorious cock, my mind with his rich baritone.

Topics: Anal Sex, Relationship