The enslavement of ding-dong

by Kevin's Path

1 May 2018 3036 readers Score 8.7 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Darius pulled up a chair for himself in front of the high chair and sat down across from his newly awakened slave. Darius had been feeling very nervous and apprehensive about this meeting. Recall that Sanjay never actually saw Darius’ face when he was captured in the dark parking lot. Darius felt as if they’d already done a lot together, but he realized they had never actually talked face-to-face, and the slave had been unconscious or barely conscious for most of it. Darius always had trouble with social introductions and making first-impressions. He would worry about ticcing and saying inappropriate things, which would likely cause him to tic.

And, what do you say to someone in this type of situation?

“Hi there. I’m the guy who kidnapped you in the parking lot. I don’t how much you remember about that, but I’d like to introduce myself. I’m your new master, and you’re going to be my slave. In case you were wondering, don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you or eat you. I won’t expect you to do anything useful such as housework or laundry. I’m just going to keep you in bondage and use you for sex and punish you often and make you use your penis as a bell ringer. That’s basically the whole deal. It’s really not complicated.”

And, Darius essentially told the slave all that, but in his anxiety and stage-fright about it he forgot about the noise-canceling headphones. He finished the whole spiel, and the slave was looking at him blankly, having not heard a word of it. If Sanjay still had any eyebrows they would be wrinkled in consternation; so, it’s good they’d been removed. Darius realized the error. Then, there was another interval of time while Darius fumbled with his new headset microphone, which he was unfamiliar with. He bluetoothed the headset with the noise-canceling headphones so that that the slave could now hear its master’s voice when speaking.

“Can you hear me now?”

The slave grunted, “nguh.” Much better.

Darius explained all this for the second time – bondage, sex, punishment, bell ringer, all that. He had really done very well explaining it the first time, but he got flustered and started ticcing and wincing the second time. Towards the end he started whooping and exclaiming “pussy faggot” in between sentences. “Pussy faggot” was one of his worst inappropriate utterances, which he would occasionally feel compelled to say to completely straight-acting men or waiters in restaurants. But, it actually kind-of worked here.

He felt relieved when this first really awkward moment with the slave was finally over. It is hard work being a master, always feeling like you have to be on and ready for show-time. Darius was new to it and would need to practice more. The slave now had the right type of confused and horrified expression that he’d been going for; so, that seemed pretty good.

What now? Well, he’d been thinking a lot recently about realizing his fantasy of taking the slave and fucking him like a beast. However, he’d never actually fucked someone like a beast before, or fucked anybody anyway before. So, he realized he was not quite ready for that yet. He needed to work up his courage a little more first. On the more practical side of things, the slave probably did need to be fed something now other than piss-water, and its body probably should be exercised, because it has out of necessity been kept immobile for a long time to this point.

And, oh, he almost forgot!

“Slave, I know this is a lot to take in, but you will have plenty of time here with me to think about it all and learn to understand. You don’t need to understand everything now. But, I do want you to know that I am very impressed with you, and I plan to enjoy your naked body and playing with your big brown nipples.”

He said that because he was feeling a nervous compulsion to tweak and squeeze the slave’s nipples. This is also something that he has occasionally felt compelled to do to straight men in inappropriate circumstances, but here again, it kind-of worked. He continued to talk to the slave while squeezing and milking its nipples.

“I decided to name you ding-dong, because I’m turning your slave-penis into a bell-ringer in place of its former use as a male sex organ. You have none of the rights and privileges of a man. You don’t have a man’s penis. You have a slave-penis, and it is to be handled accordingly. I want to show you how that works.”

Darius removed the horizontal metal bar across the slave’s hips that prevented him rising. The slave remained fixed to the high chair at his ankles, stomach, chest, neck and wrists. He told the slave to push with his feet and raise his hips off the seat of the high chair slightly. The slave had to arch its back and pop its hips forward while pushing its wrists into the stock holes and pushing up with its feet. It could only see what it was doing by looking forward into the mirror. It suddenly felt the weight of its cock with the twelve bells and the cock cage hanging on it as its hips came up. It didn’t hear the penis bells because it could only hear its master’s voice through the voice activated headphones, but it could see its slave-penis in the mirror and understand the meaning of what had been done. It could also acutely feel the piercings of the walnut-sized sleigh-bells pulling on its very sensitive cock head and the hazelnut sized bells pulling on its stretched flared foreskin. Its pierced meat felt very sore and sensitive.

“I want you to thank me for explaining everything to you, ding-dong, and I want you to do that by ringing your slave-penis four times in two quick staccato bursts repeated in succession.”

Sanjay thought, “He wants me to ring my penis four times, or two times, or what?”

It was a confusing direction. He started to move his hips around, then stopped because making the bells move was excruciatingly painful.

“No slave. It should be ring-ring, then pause, then ring-ring, which is your way of saying “thank you” and “master” in any situation where you are free to move your hips.”

Sanjay was reluctant to try again after feeling the soreness of his piercings the first time. Darius was unruffled. He went back to squeezing and tweaking the slave’s nipples while the thing thought it over. He could always punish the slave and cause it even more discomfort, but persuasion and encouragement might be better. He understood that this was difficult for it.

“I know your piercings are probably hurting you now, ding-dong. But, I promise I will take good care of your slave-penis and that the wounds will heal. You have a very impressive hefty piece of meat down there, and I’m confident it can handle this.”

He made a decision to actually kiss ding-dong on its bald forehead after he said this while continuing all along to milk the slave’s nipples. There was a long pause. The slave decided to try to reason with him.

Sanjay tried the grunting thing instead: “nguh-guh nguh-guh?”

 That made Darius laugh, but he said, “No. Shush. I don’t want any of your little noises right now. You will talk to me by ringing your slave-penis. That’s what it’s hanging down there for. So, do it. Do it now.”

The slave arched its back and popped its hips toward Darius twice rapidly, which caused the very sensitive three walnut-sized bells and three hazelnut-sized bells to all jerk hard together twice on both its penis head and foreskin. This produced a discernable ring-ring. It paused, and then it felt the full effect in its nervous system in waves of pain as if it had been kicked full-on in the penis. The slave gasped and breathed rapidly, pausing for a long time waiting for the pain to go away, but it didn’t completely go away. It knew it was going to be compelled to finish this, one way or another; so with the pain of the first double-ring still echoing, it finally repeated the same double-thrust move again before it had time to chicken out. This produced a second ring-ring. 

Sanjay gasped repeatedly sucking air through his ball gag and through his nose, and he felt nauseous and beaded up with sweat. This was his penis, his most sensitive private personal male organ – a finely tuned instrument. His super-sensitive head and the lining at the edge of his foreskin were designed for him to experience exquisite sexual pleasure, not for coerced self-torture. He felt sick and needed to sit back down in his high chair.

“He is taking my violin away and making me bang on it with a sledgehammer and laughing at me,” is what he thought.

Darius replaced the horizontal metal bar across the slave’s hips. It was a good beginning! He felt a tremendous sense of fulfillment from getting the slave to do that, and it really surprised him how good it made him feel. He was getting such a hard-on from this. He’d never felt such a strong connection to someone before. Correction: something before; remember not to grant it any status as a real person.

As much as he really enjoyed being with the ding-dong, he decided to take it back to the storage closet for now. He realized that it was not yet healed well enough to endure much physical exercise of its body in the way he wanted. He said a few more things to the slave while he was wheeling him back down the hall.

“ding-dong, you were a very good and obedient slave today, and I’m very happy with you. I feel really good about this. I wish we could do more today, but I realize that your slave-penis is still very sore and that you need to sit still and rest it.”

He wheeled Sanjay into the narrow slave storage closet so that he was again facing right up against the back wall. He couldn’t look behind him and could no longer see his master in the closet doorway. His penis was still hurting. He couldn’t look down below the neck-stock either, but as he continued to look at the wall he felt his master’s hand reaching around from behind and handling his belled genitals to apply some ointment to the penis piercings followed a cold anesthetic topical spray, which made the pain go away.  He sighed audibly and felt insanely grateful for that relief.

“nguh-guh nguh-guh”

His master gave him another kiss on the back of his naked skull from behind. He set up another bottle of piss-water to replace the empty one he’d consumed earlier. Sanjay saw with apprehension that this one was darker yellow than the previous bottle. His master also attached a second hose to the drain spout coming from the junction at the end of the penis impaling rail and gave the slave permission to relieve itself at will through the hose into a piss bucket on the closet floor.

“So, because you’ve been so good today, you have permission to wait for as long you’d like before you start to gulp down your next bottle of piss-water. You must swallow it all once you start, and you must thank me immediately before you drink and then also immediately after you finish it all. I promise I will come back again some time later after you’ve completed that task, and I will bring you something to eat.”

Darius felt reluctant to put his toy away right now, but he reminded himself that he could see and hear the slave whenever he wanted to from multiple angles by streaming video. He shared this pleasant thought with the slave, rubbing its skull to reassure it.

“I want you to know that you’re never alone, slave. I’m able to see and hear you with a streaming video connection and can always see everything. There may be times when I will turn out the light in the slave closet. You are permitted to sleep at those times, but know that I can still see you in the dark also with an infrared camera. You don’t deserve any privacy, and I expect you to be good and quiet and obedient all the time. There are no breaks. I’m also telling you this because I want you to feel good about yourself and happy that I want to pay so much attention to you.”

Darius disengaged the headset microphone. He locked the door and left the slave alone to look at the wall in silence. There wasn’t even a sign on the wall to look at now. It was just a blank wall. Sanjay didn’t want to drink the piss-water. But he was hungry, and his master said he would return with food after. He would have to drink it eventually, but he resolved to wait.

He had a lot to think about. He didn’t feel good and happy about being on camera all the time, even in his sleep. He felt he was a real person, and if he was going to be locked in a closet, then he ought to at least have some privacy in here.

There was something not right about this guy. He looked twitchy and nervous at times. He seemed to be mental. The guy was treating him like an object, playing with his nipples like he is a toy and talking about his body, telling him he wasn’t a man and messing with his cock.

Sanjay started to fall asleep. He didn’t want to think about what was happening to him anymore. He wanted to check out. His bleary eyes began to flutter shut, and his breathing slowed and deepened. He had paid no mind to the casual comment about being permitted to sleep when the light was off. The light was on now.

Darius was busy online looking up recipes for slave gruel, because he had a fantasy about making a slave eat gruel. He thought that if he could make some now and enact that fantasy with the ding-dong, then it would just be the perfect ending of a perfect day.

He was happy to find in his research that gruel is extremely simple to make. There are more complex recipes, but oats mixed with boiling water until mushy can be subsequently cooled to room temperature or colder in a refrigerator. If the consistency turns out to be too solid, then dilution with more water will cut it down to something more like an insipid puddle. What could be simpler?

When he was finished making it, he was now eager to feed it to the slave; so, he checked in on the video monitor to see if it had downed the piss-water yet. He was a little bit crestfallen to see that the slave had not started on it yet. He couldn’t really watch the slave all the time, but the video was recording; so, he could always look back and review. If the ding-dong had by now forced itself to swallow this second more concentrated four liter bottle of piss water, then Darius would have gone back and reviewed the record to see if it really did thank him both before and after chugging it as instructed. Now he was stuck waiting. He didn’t feel he could punish the ding-dong because he had, after all, rewarded it with freedom of action to choose when it wanted to chug.

He felt now that he might have screwed up and made a newbie master mistake. What if the slave decides to just sit there hungry and stubborn? What should he do then? Maybe, it was foolish of him to allow the slave any freedom of choice at all. He wished he had more experience in these matters. The reality of owning a slave seems to be so much more demanding than the fantasy of it. But, it had made him really hard earlier today, hadn’t it? That was way better than a fantasy.

He was also going to have to do something now about the slave’s disobedience. The ding-dong had not been given permission to sleep, and Darius had not elected to knocked it out with gas today either; yet, its eyes were closed. It ought to have sense enough to know that during waking hours with the light on (and gas off) it is, of course, expected to keep its eyes open looking at the blank wall. Darius wants to be able to check in on it and see that it is fully alert, waiting expectantly for his return – perhaps frustrated and impatient to see him again – but, full of energy and eager to serve him in any way. The slave is showing him disrespect, and Darius wonders what he should do about it. How does he explain to the stupid thing that it has a wrong attitude when its wrongness is so obvious?

Darius fumed about this for a few minutes and reproached himself for not immediately knowing what to do. He was not a good master, because if he was, then he would immediately know. He looked again at the video stream. Oh, it is awake again! Its bleary eyes were coming open. Darius decided to – first of all – just simply turn on his headset and tell it what it did wrong. Give it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it really is too stupid to know not to do that.

“ding-dong, this is your master speaking to you. Can you hear me?”

He heard a sleepy “nguh” sound, and saw the slave becoming more worried and alert in the monitor. Its eyes darted around. It thought that its master was suddenly in the closet somewhere, because it didn’t know that he could put on his headset and link to its headphones from anywhere. Darius tried his best to sound firm and masterful about this.

“Slave, when I tuned into the video stream a few moments ago, I was very unhappy to see that your eyes were closed. Going to sleep without my permission is very disobedient and disrespectful. I thought that you were smart enough to know that, but I see that I was wrong. Maybe, I need to be much stricter with you.”

Darius had an idea to put the decision on the slave. He said, “Do you think I need to be much stricter with you?”

Sanjay didn’t have any number of grunts for “no,” and he wasn’t able to move his neck enough to make a convincing “no” sign with his head; so, he didn’t want to answer. He stalled for time with his eyeballs darting around as if the answer was in there somewhere.

“Slave, do you think I need to be stricter with you? Answer me now?”

“nguh nguh?”

Sanjay decided to try two grunts for “no.” He didn’t know what else to do. Darius had hoped that the slave might have enough sense to surrender itself for punishment and just say the right answer: “yes.” That would have impressed him, but he was already resolved that he would interpret the slave’s answer as “yes” regardless.

“Good. We agree then. I’m glad that you feel so emphatic about it that you repeated your answer twice. I will give you more limitations and less freedom to make decisions for yourself. Let’s start right now with you drinking your piss-water. You’ve waited long enough on that. When your master gives you something, don’t you think – slave – that you should show him gratitude, not just by thanking him verbally but, more importantly, by accepting it right away enthusiastically? I’m very disappointed in your attitude. From now on, you will drink your piss-water when I tell you to and only when I tell you to.”

Darius now raised his voice to the slave for the first time, yelling at the slave. He could see that there was a satisfying expression of worry in the slaves face now shading toward fear.

“So ding-dong, right now this minute, you thank me for giving you piss-water (you dumb faggot!)  and you swallow every drop!”

The slave’s face flushed a whole new color, and its eyes were going watery and red. It looked at the big bottle of piss-water. It looked very yellow, and there were some suds floating on the top now.

“Now, ding-dong! Do not make me tell you again!”

It practically yelled into its ball gag as if it were going on a kamikaze suicide run: “nguh!-guh!  nguh!-guh!”

“Really, what a drama queen. Just fuckin’ swallow!”

It sucked on the tube and could see the foul liquid siphoning out and traveling down toward its grunting stupid faggot mouth. It started wrinkling its nose and grimacing before it even started to go in. Once it went in you could see it panic at the foul taste. Its eyes rolled back, and it wanted to retch, but there was nowhere to retch to. He could try to vomit it back up the tube, but it would just come back on him. His mouth was full of it now, and it wasn’t going anywhere. A little bit leaked out around the edges of the ball gag down his chin, but no way could he expel it all that way. For a moment, he just stared wide-eyed holding it back and struggling not to gag. Finally, you could start to see the level in the bottle going down. On the video monitor Darius could see not only the slave’s tortured face, but he could also watch its belly swell up. His slave – filling itself with jugs of piss-water on command like a living water-balloon! Yes!

 “nguh-guh nguh-guh”

The ding-dong thanked its master again as required and then burped, but Darius could tell it didn’t really mean it.

Darius noted wearily, “You let some of it leak out around your ball-gag, stupid. We will discuss tomorrow how I should punish you for that.”

“And, slave?”


“You need to stay properly hydrated. Tomorrow morning, first thing, I will bring you another bottle of piss-water for which you will thank me sincerely knowing it is good for you, and you will drink it enthusiastically because it is gift from your master. Tomorrow night, last thing you do before I allow you to sleep, you will drink another bottle of piss-water with enthusiasm and sincere thanks. You will do this every morning and every night for as long as want you to do it.”

Darius disconnected the headset and left the slave alone to think about all that. When he checked back in a couple hours later, he was pleased to find that the slave, for all its deficiencies, was at least not sleeping now. In fact, it was spinning its eyes around in its head, blinking energetically, and then opening its eyes super wide while staring at the blank wall. The effect was somewhat comical, and Darius chuckled to see it. It seemed to be trying its best to keep itself awake and alert now so as not to get in more trouble. It was also fidgeting with its body. Its feet were twisting around and flexing in the stocks. Its hands were clenching into fists. It would shrug and roll its shoulders.  He turned up the sound and realized it was also maybe humming something faintly in its throat. He didn’t like that. On the one hand, he appreciated it was making an effort. But on the other hand, hadn’t he given it clear instructions already to be quiet?

He remembered he was going to feed it gruel before bed; so, he went down to the slave closet with the gruel to do that and then to also explain to it why humming musical tunes to entertain itself is disobedient and is a form of making noise.

Sanjay felt sick and disgusted after drinking that piss-water. It was much worse than the previous bottle and was truly foul and acrid and loathsome. The urine taste remained in his mouth, and he was still burping it up hours later. His stomach was bloated with this gross liquid. He had had no solid food for days. This was all too much for him. This man was so cruel and inhuman. Sanjay wanted to check out and not think about it anymore, because thinking about more of this happening tomorrow and beyond was unthinkable. That’s why he wanted to go to sleep, but now he understands he can’t sleep either without his master’s permission.

Why? If you’re going to lock me in a closet staring at a wall, then why can’t I just be left alone and sleep? His head hurt, and his eyes hurt, and he was hungry, and tired.

After struggling with this and starring at the wall for a while longer, he started to internalize it. It was cruel and inhuman, but maybe he deserved it. Maybe he deserved to be kept naked in a closet and videoed up the ass every minute for the rest of his life and thanking his jailor for doing it. He felt himself falling asleep again and thought, “You know you’re not allowed to do that, you stupid ding-dong.” He started goading himself and putting himself down, letting his master’s humiliating degrading comments get into his head. He started taunting himself and then referring to himself as “slave” or “ding-dong” or “it.”

“Keep your eyes open, ding-dong!”

“Drink your piss-water, ding-dong!”

“You’re a creepy little sex pervert, ding-dong!”

“Keep looking at this wall, ding-dong!”

“Your nipples belong to your master now, ding-dong!”

“Ring your slave-penis, ding-dong!”

“You’re only useful for sex, ding-dong!

He went on for some time like that, taunting himself, squirming, rolling his eyes to stay awake. He started faintly humming at some point as he taunted himself, humming in time with his self-taunts. It was a sort-of demented ding-dong march he was humming.

Suddenly, he saw a dish with a spoon. It was being pushed toward his neck from the left on top of the neck stock, which acted as a shelf for it.

“Can you hear me, slave?”


“As promised, I am here to give you some food. I need to take your ball gag out to feed you. You will continue to hold your mouth open after I remove the ball gag, and you will be quiet. Understand?”


Sanjay felt the gag being unbuckled from the back of his head and then the rubber ball slowly being pulled from his mouth. He wanted to close his jaw for the first time in several days, but he stayed open as instructed. His master, standing behind him, stroked and kneaded his skull with one hand and lifted a spoon toward his mouth with the other one. He put the spoon in Sanjay’s mouth.

“You may close and swallow when I put the spoon in you.”

It tasted like bland room temperature soupy mush, but it was something other than piss. He saw in the next spoonful that it was an off-white watery paste. His master spooned the contents of the bowl into him in silence while Sanjay continued looking at the wall and eating. He realized how hungry he was and felt thankful for this mush, whatever it was.

Darius buckled the gag back in, and Sanjay remembered to thank him.

“Good slave,” he said.

“There are three situations that arise where I will find it necessary to remove your gag. These are feeding you; cleaning your face and mouth; and using your mouth for sex. There may be special occasions when I allow you to speak to me while either sucking my feet or my cock, but otherwise I expect you to be silent in all these situations.”

 “Slave, I heard you humming to yourself earlier. I thought I had clearly explained to you earlier and just now again that I expect you to be quiet. Humming is making noise. It seems to me that you were being disobedient again tonight weren’t you?


“Humming is also worse than just making noise, because humming is a form of self-pleasuring. You were trying to entertain yourself by humming to yourself, weren’t you?


“Slave, I already told you earlier that you have none of the rights and privileges of a man, because you are not a man. That, of course, includes the right to do any form of self-pleasuring. You are not allowed an indulge in things like entertainment. When you are not in use or permitted to sleep I expect you to sit quietly in your storage closet and look at the wall. I want you stay always alert, conscious, fully aware, waiting to be used by your master again. You will not hum or listen to music. You will not read. You will not listen to anything other than the sound of my voice. You will not play with computers. You will not watch TV. You will not play video games. You will not contact people. You will not look at porn. You will not fantasize about girls. You will not masturbate. You will not ejaculate your slave-penis. You will be punished for erections.

Do you agree to me that you now need to be punished also for humming and for pleasuring yourself in addition to being punished for sleeping without permission and not drinking your piss-water with enthusiasm and gratitude and for leaking the piss-water out around your gag?


“OK then. Good slave. It’s important for you to be honest with me about accepting blame for your failures and disobedience, and it’s important for you to submit to punishment and be grateful for the punishment. You deserve to be punished harshly and you will be punished. You understand that don’t you?


And you’re grateful for it?

“nguh-guh nguh-guh”

Sanjay heard nothing more for some time but felt as though this wasn’t over. His master returned and wheeled him out of the closet into the hallway. He sat in the hallway locked in his high chair for some time wondering what was happening. He looked down the hallway curious where it leads to. He wondered if there were any windows he could look out of to get an idea where he was, but he didn’t see any. He wondered if he was in a basement.

He felt himself moving again, but it was only to retrace steps right back into the closet again. The difference now was that there was a whiteboard fastened to the blank wall. Sanjay was wheeled right up closer to the wall than before with his face now just about five inches distant. His face was parked so close to the wall that the white board and its written contents now occupied his entire field of view.

When he elevated his eyes to view the upper edge of his visual field, he could see there was a title and that there was a numbered list underneath.


#1. Closes eyes to sleep without permission

#2. Not eager to drink its piss-water

#3. Leaks piss-water around edges of its ball gag

#4. Self-pleasures by humming to itself

#5. Makes noise by humming

#6. Thanks master with over-dramatic defiant tone

#7. Thanks master unconvincingly

Sanjay then became aware of two new big bottles which were being hung immediately to the right side and left side just above his head. The one on the right was attached to the hose plugged into the slave’s ball gag.

“I have pre-mixed all of your piss-water for tomorrow, slave. I know you are very eager to drink it all now, but you may not begin until the morning when I tell you.”

As Darius was locking the closet and then traveling upstairs, he remained connected to the headphones and said, “I will check in on you later. I want to be able to view your face in close-up and see that your eyes are continuously scanning that board in front of you and reading it. You will think about each item on the list and think of how to do better.”

Darius disconnected the headset and went upstairs to watch a movie. After the movie was over it was getting very late at night. He logged in and checked the video feed. The ding-dong was awake and its bloodshot eyes were wearily moving left-to-right, left-to-right, slowly repeatedly reading its list of faults written in giant letters right up against its face.

Darius continued to watch the video feed for a while from his bedroom while he got ready for sleep. He climbed naked into his bed. He had a big hard-on again. He’d been getting boners all day like a teenager. He put some lube on his cock and stroked himself and edged himself almost to climax and then edged back repeatedly. He teased his building orgasm for almost an hour before he finally came like gang-busters. He yawned happily and dozed for a moment. He grabbed his tablet off the nightstand and logged into the closet again. He set the closet light on a timer to switch off one hour from now, because he expected to be sound asleep by then. He set the closet light to come back on 6:00 am tomorrow because he was setting his own alarm to go off 8:00 am. He fell asleep after that.

In the closet, Sanjay felt so pissed and resentful. This fucking list? Really? Some of the items were really just the same act restated a different way. Sanjay was getting the idea that this guy was going to invent new cases of “ding-dong disobedience” all the time no matter what he did.

He so fucking hated this! This board was so close to his face it was making him cross-eyed to read it, and he was reading it – up and down, over and over again. This is so fucking stupid! I am a smart guy. I can read it once and understand it, and it is bullshit anyway! He was keenly conscious now of himself on video with no place to hide, having even his eye movements critiqued for good behavior. He wanted to crawl in a hole, but there is no hole. He was spooked by this ability of his master to suddenly appear in his headphones at any moment. He knew it was a trick, but it made him feel as if his master might be hovering in the air behind his ears all the time just out of his view, always watching and ready to comment.

Hour upon hour he kept doing this. He had unclear ideas of the passage of time, but he knew he was reading the board for a very long time. It felt unbearable, but he kept bearing it. He was finding that it really takes a lot of anger and energy to maintain the resistance in your mind.

He kept thinking, “I don’t want to drink that.” “I want out of this chair.” “I want these bells off my dick.” “I want out of this house.”

But, he kept coming up against the simple truth that he had no way to get anything that he wanted. Against his own will, his thinking started to shift away and soften from “I don’t want to drink that” to “How am I ever going to drink all that?” He was coming around in his mind to the idea that the only way left for him to get anything he wants is by doing the degrading things that make his master happy.

Without any warning, the light in the closet went off. Sanjay could no longer see the whiteboard in front of his face. When he looked around him, he could see nothing at all. When he listened intently, he could hear nothing at all. He didn’t think it would be this way and felt very alone. He had assumed that he would hear something again from his master – “Goodnight slave” or something like that at least. He realized he was relying on it.

But no. Sanjay realized that he was being turned off for the night just like a light switch with no more consideration than what you would give to the light switch.

The slave closed its eyes, grateful for unconsciousness, and fell asleep.

Time passed.

The light came back on. The sudden brightness startled Sanjay out of sleep and made his eyes hurt. He blinked wearily trying to get alert. He was lethargic and drowsy, having slept very deeply. Before he was even fully conscious, he felt a familiar pleasant sensation in his cock. He was getting some morning wood. He automatically began to reach for his cock, but he remembered where he was when his arms wouldn’t move. Undeterred, he sat in his high-chair using his imagination to at least think about stroking his cock. He loved to wake up with wood and masturbate on slow Saturday mornings.

Maybe, today is a Saturday. Let’s say that it is.

In his imagination, he stokes his big meaty uncut cock. He gently draws the foreskin up and down over his partially exposed penis head. He never rubs his penis head directly because it is way too sensitive. He likes the feel of his own foreskin sliding up and down over it the way nature intended. He rocks and bucks his hips as much as the cross-bar will allow. He closes his eyes to imagine his big stiff cock and his fist around it.

Sanjay’s penis begins to expand along its curved impaling rail, and his penis eventually also increases in girth enough to stretch his compression bands past a trigger point. When this happens Sanjay suddenly feels an explosion of vibration and sound in this groin. He hears something so loud it overcomes his noise canceling, and he feels intense buzzing vibrations near his penis. The buzzing goes on for a couple minutes, before dying down.

 That wasn’t the type of explosion he was hoping for. He is fully awake now and alarmed because he has no idea what that was.

In his bedroom Darius got an alert signal on his phone from the closet app telling him there was a loud noise in there. He looked at his alarm clock and was annoyed to be bothered so early, since it wasn’t even 7:00 am yet. He logged in and saw that the slave was ok. The problem was that the little perv’s penis alarm had gone off. He wearily rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and connected his headset.

“Slave, can you hear me?”


“I was alerted about a loud noise in your slave closet, and I woke up early because I was concerned about you. But, I’m looking at you now and, you appear to be safe. Is that right?”


“Are all your restraints still in place? Nothing’s happened to them I hope. Try to wiggle around in your chair. Show me everything is secure.”

Darius enjoyed watching the naked ding-dong wiggle its legs and arms and torso to the full extent possible to prove to him that it couldn’t move much at all.

After a while Darius said, “Your bondage looks all good to me, slave. I wonder what it could be. ding-dong, did you do something to make that loud noise in there?”

Sanjay wasn’t sure what was going on, but he was starting to catch on that, no matter what the circumstance, the answer to any “Did you do something wrong?” type question would always be “yes”. He recalled the discussion last night about confessing disobedience and accepting punishment and being thankful for punishment.

“nguh,” he said.

There was a pause during which they both regarded each other.

“That is the right answer, slave. I’m proud of you.”

Darius disconnected the headset and went back to bed.

Sanjay looked apprehensively at his “DING-DONG DISOBEDIENCE” board. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to be nailed for, but he expected there would be more line items added now. The whole event also had killed his special private imaginary masturbation moment. He couldn’t get back there in his mind now.

Sanjay guessed that his master would probably want him to continue reading the board and would enjoy watching his eyes move back and forth rereading the same damn thing for the zillionth time; so, he started doing that again. He resolved in his mind that he was going to try his best today to do every degrading thing to make his master happy, because it seemed like the only way.

Darius decided at about 10:00 am that morning that he’d had his coffee, read the news, started some laundry, and was now ready to go down and play with his slave some more. He unlocked the closet.

“Can you hear me, ding-dong?


“We have lots of things to go over today, but before we get started, why don’t you show me now how much you love to suck down piss-water and how thankful you are to have another chance to do it.

“nguh-guh nguh-guh!”

Sanjay sucked and started the siphon, and then he just tried to get the whole thing down as fast as he could before we had time to consider the taste. He kept his lips tight around the ball gag to seal it so nothing would leak out the edges. It was still so degrading and horrible, but he approached it as if it were something he must do to survive – maybe, like sawing off an arm to get out from under a boulder. Sanjay consumed it all.

“Good slave! That’s what I like to see! You, love it so much, I think we should keep you fully loaded up with piss-water all the time. Don’t you?” said Darius.

“nguh-guh nguh-guh!”

 “That’s right you do! I think I might start a third bottle for afternoons.”

Sanjay saw its master’s arm come around its head with a Sharpie pen. He began to write additional ding-dong demerits on the board.

#8 neglects to thank its master when permitted to sleep

#9 neglects to thanks its master when awoken

#10 wakes its master with loud noise for no good reason

#11 tries to pleasure itself with its slave-penis

#12 neglects reading its board while pleasuring itself

Sanjay thought, “No way! He can’t possibly know….”

“The board is getting full, ding-dong. You are accumulating new faults rapidly. We need to do something about that right now.”

Darius wheeled ding-dong out of the slave closet and took it down the hall to another room. The first thing Darius did when they got in the room was take out his wind-up key. He inserted it into the semicircular faceplate above the slave’s cockring. He rewound the spring of the slave’s penis alarm to reset it.

“Slave, I’m sure you didn’t know that you have a penis alarm which makes a loud noise whenever you try to pleasure yourself with your slave-penis. But, you certainly did know that I told not to do it. I have now reset your penis alarm."