The Mutant Companion

by PCLatex

27 Jul 2019 847 readers Score 9.3 (20 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Building Trust

Devlin Pfeiffer de Vire MacChoiligh, sixteenth Earl of Fontlebois, paced the garden path slowly, deep in thought. His affection for his companion, assistant, friend, ran far deeper than he allowed himself to show. He wanted to build upon it, to show his affection, to share it openly, but held back, afraid of acceptance because of his position, rather than for affection. Experience in his youth — and he was still, just, under thirty — had taught him that his title, his wealth, and the position it gave him, also meant that many would accept any offer he made them for what it gave them, even when they did not truly share his feelings.

Instinctively he knew Joffrey was different, yet the fear persisted. A fear that, in offering a deeper relationship he could lose Joffrey entirely. He knew the young man’s history, and he knew, or thought he did, what Joffrey’s deformity offered. A mutant himself, though in a different manner, he also knew what it meant to be forbidden to breed, forbidden normal concourse even had he wanted it. He needed to talk to someone. Someone he could trust implicitly. Turning, he made his way back to the house.

“Konrad, I will travel to Fontlebois Holme tomorrow. I must see Nurse. Make the arrangements please. I do not intend to stay, and will return the day after.”

“I shall do so, my lord. Will Mr Joffrey accompany you?”

“Not this time, Konrad.” Devlin paused, placing a hand on the Steward’s sleeve. “I do not wish to repeat the mistakes of the past, Konrad, and I do not wish to drive Joffrey away either. He might take fright if I press him.”

Studying his employer, Konrad Konsbruck nodded. He knew his lordship’s story. It was one of tragedy, his mother dying in his childhood, followed by his father’s rejection of his son blaming him for the death of his wife, then, when the child’s mutant status became apparent, the extremes to which the old man had gone to save his son, and then to hide both his mutation and the boy’s true identity when he’d reintroduced him as the heir. His Nurse, already a mother figure, and the other staff had become surrogates. Then, just as he reached maturity, his father had died, leaving Devlin in possession of a vast fortune, large estates and an ancient title. The boy had done well to cope, and to adjust to the restrictions and the responsibility. After a few difficult relationships, he’d shut himself off from close relations with anyone, until now.

In the management of the estates and the wealth he had done better, perhaps, than he might have had he followed his father’s nature. As it was, he’d taken after his mother in many things, but being both himself a mutant, and having seen at first hand how the estate’s employees lived, he’d taken a different path. He’d early learned that his Nurse, and later first tutor and teacher, was a mutant, and officially male, though he lived as a woman, both because, like Joffrey his mutation gave him that form, but because Devlin’s father believed him to be. Peter Culdrose, always Ms Culdrose to the world, had been employed by the deceased Countess, herself fully aware of his mutation. The late Earl had simply never bothered about the staffing of the household, despised inferiors and regarded mutants, with the exception of his son and heir, as an aberration. His wife had quietly filled the staff with precisely those outcasts, a model the current Earl continued. 

“How may I help you, sir? You have only to ask. Shall I speak to Mr Joffrey?”

“Do not drive him away, Konrad. That is all I ask.” He looked down, staring at the carpet. Softly he almost whispered, “I love him, Konrad, but …”

“I understand, sir. I will make the arrangements for tomorrow, and engage to ask Mr Joffrey to assist me in a little enterprise of my own.” 

Joffrey’s birthday was a turning point. The gift was indeed a small one, a token, no more, but it broke the ice and gave him the knowledge that he could overcome his fear of giving someone his affection. It helped Devlin as well, since it helped lower the barrier he’d set himself of not compelling Joffrey to give him friendship or affection. Now they could both begin to build a relationship as equals. He looked up as Mr Konsbruck approached.

“Good morning, Konrad. Is his lordship safely on his way?”

“He is indeed, sir.” Smiling, the Steward continued, “He has tasked me with something I believe you might be able to help me discharge. Would you care to assist me, sir?”

Joffrey was on his feet in an instant, the problem of an improved water filter pushed aside. “I’d be delighted to do so. How may I help?”

“He asked that I sort through the potential candidates for assistance from The Foundation. I have them in my office, if you would join me there, we may examine them together and you can perhaps guide my thinking on one or two of the more difficult ones.”

“It will be a pleasure. The Foundation, you say? I had no idea Devlin was involved with them.”

Konrad smiled. “He does not advertise it, sir. He established it, and only we, of his close household know that.”

The petitions to the Foundation were, in the main, for grants to permit access to education, or to establish a small business, but some, and these were the ones Mr Konsbruck passed to Joffrey, were appeals from the heart for help. Joffrey read them carefully, recognising in some, the sort of situation he had himself escaped. The situations described in them seemed, to his understanding, intractable. Perfectly within the existing laws that allowed families to have young men and boys like himself incarcerated out of public gaze and fulfilling a ‘useful’ function. Closing the last folder, Joffrey considered, his fingers tapping the top folder. Eventually he asked, “What can the Foundation do to assist these unfortunates?”

“A great deal, but it must be done cautiously and with the utmost discretion.” Keeping his eyes fixed on Joffrey’s face, he paused. “Some of what is needed requires a degree of risk, even of stepping outside the law as it exists at present. That need not concern you at the moment. Nothing of that can be traced to The Foundation or his lordship.” He smiled gently. “Do you know how your mother managed to extract you from the place you were in?”

Surprised the Steward knew anything of this, he started to object, then realised that if Mr Konsbruck worked for the Foundation, he would certainly have seen his story in its files. Frowning, Joffrey nodded. “I pressed her on many occasions — indeed I still do — but she has never revealed anything beyond the fact she received assistance from someone directed to her after she’d approached a distant relative for assistance.”

“Then I shall say no more at this time, Mr Joffrey.” The steward indicated the folders. “What do you suggest could be done?”

Standing, Joffrey began to pace. “If it were in my power, I should arrange their removal, and a disappearance such as my own.” He stopped. “How does the Foundation receive these appeals?”

“Through our agents. Some of whom are like yourself living in society, others are residents in the houses of recreation, and wish to remain so. They, however, know there are some who do not wish it, and when one such emerges, we are informed.” Konrad watched the young man. “You would wish to assist these young men? May I suggest you discuss it with his lordship? I think I know his mind on it, but it will be well for you to hear it as well.”

Joffrey understood. He smiled. “I shall do so, Konrad. Now may I help you in preparing the rescues?”

Mr Konsbruck laughed. “You may certainly assist me with responding to the other requests, Mr Joffrey. The “rescues”, however, are the responsibility of a team of specialists we engage and who, for security, never meet any of us. If you are in agreement with me, I will issue the necessary instruction to our courier.”

Joffrey nodded. “Yes, yes!” He hesitated. “Do we meet those the Foundation assists at any time?”

“Not formally. Of course one might encounter them in the normal course of business, but it is policy not to make known any prior knowledge of a situation. Only those directly involved in arranging their relocation, new identities and all that goes with it, ultimately know who they are and where.”

That made sense, thought Joffrey, remembering his own odyssey. The law favoured the houses of recreation entirely, regarding those who ran away from the life they had imposed upon them as criminals. This was one of the reasons he had been fortunate. His mother’s agents had been very efficient. He’d been ‘vanished’ and then given a completely new identity, no easy matter, and rehabilitated. He sorted the folders in front of him. A name prodded his memory. “This one. Supplicant E. The name of the committing agency. It is the same firm that dealt with my case. I suspect they may be part of a wider network.”

Accepting the folder, Konrad studied it. “I believe you are right. Many of the worst cases we get involve them. Hmm, this warrants further research I think. In the meantime I will assign this to the first priority and a specialist team. Thank you, Mr Joffrey. You may wish to discuss our conversation with his lordship. He may take you into his confidence.”

Joffrey found an opening over tea the morning following Devlin’s return.

“I had a most interesting discussion with Konrad yesterday. He sought my advice on some appeals to The Foundation.”

“Ah.” Devlin sipped his tea. “So he has let you into my little secret has he?”

“Only in part. He has not told me a great deal more than I might have guessed.” Joffrey watched his companion pour another cup. “I asked if I might be involved in some of the work. He suggested I should talk to you.”

“He thought you might.” Devlin replaced his cup. “Perhaps it is time to tell you a great deal more about myself.” Pausing, he gathered his thoughts. “I told you that I too am a mutant? It is true, and it very nearly cost me everything we enjoy. You see, though I am the only son of the family, my being a mutant, by law, forbids inheritance. My father, having sired no further children was forced to engage in a number of subterfuges to rid himself, of a forbidden mutant, and reacquire me as a legitimate heir.” Staring out of the window he continued, “I think my father knew that he was incapable of siring any further children, or at least children who would not be mutants. So, I had to ‘die’ and be ‘reborn’, without the stigma, as his heir.” He paused. “I suppose it was fortunate that my ‘mutation’ is a rare one, and easily disguised.”

Devlin told the story of his separation from the family, of being moved around the world from estate to estate until finally he could be brought back to Fontlebois as a long lost son of a relative with all the right papers and identities. “I determined then that I would dedicate myself, and my wealth, to curing our sick world, and to overcoming the laws that discriminate so cruelly against those unfortunate enough to suffer as we do.”

“My poor, Devlin.” Joffrey reached out and held his benefactor’s arm. “I know the pain you must have endured, and I admire the path you have taken. I will do all I can to support you in any manner you need.” 

Devlin smiled. “I know, Joffrey, and what I have endured is nothing to the journey you and so many more have suffered. Be assured I will never ask you for anything you do not wish to offer.”

“There is, I think, nothing you ask of me that I would not willing give, Devlin.” He felt the pressure of his vulva swelling, glad he was still in his night attire and dressing gown, as was his employer and friend. “Nothing.” He made a decision, and stood, letting his dressing gown fall open as he turned to face Devlin. “So I offer you the ultimate intimacy, Devlin. Take me, use my genitals as they are created. Show me your pleasure in taking me, and give me the pleasure of your filling me with your sperm.”

For a moment Devlin hesitated, then he stood, his own dressing gown falling open as he embraced his friend. “Then let us do so as lovers, Joffrey.” He peeled Joffrey’s dressing gown, and then his own. “I must warn you though, that my penis is not a normal one.”

Kissing him, Joffrey smiled. “I had guessed, my love. Remember, it is I that sets out your clothing — and attends to your laundry.” He paused as Devlin lifted his nightshirt over his head exposing Joffrey’s leather thong, now moulded to his swollen labia. “I assure you I am capable of receiving you, however large or strange.”

Devlin’s nightshirt joined Joffrey’s on the couch, revealing a heavy leather pouch thong. “I am larger than normal, Joffrey, but that is not the problem.” He lifted Joffrey in his arms and carried him to the great bed. Laying him gently on the sheets, he released his thong, then did the same for Joffrey. Positioning himself, he let his finger’s explore Joffrey’s moist lips, playing gently with the minuscule penis now standing stiff and eager, though it faced backward toward the warm opening of his vagina, watching as Joffrey responded, the small jerks and tremors of his first orgasms causing him to moan softly. “My mutation, my dear Joffrey, shows in coitus. To be precise, once I reach ejaculation we will very likely be forced to spend a large part of the morning here …”

Joffrey smiled, reaching for his companion. “I can think of nothing more delightful, my dear Master. You have not asked, you have not demanded … So I give myself freely.” He opened his legs wide, raising his swollen crotch toward Devlin. “Fill my vagina, Devlin. Take it and use it. I am yours.”

Devlin entered him, sliding his large cock deep as Joffrey clamped his legs over his lover. As Devlin worked, Joffrey shut his eyes, enjoying the orgasmic events as they slowly built in intensity. Like a woman he did not experience a single climactic orgasmic event, but rather multiples of varying intensity as his partner slid back and forth in his moist tunnel.

Finally just as he reached the tipping point on the highest coital plateau, Devlin thrust himself deep and shuddered. In the midst of his own climax, Joffrey at first noticed only the flood of warmth as his lover’s semen flooded his vagina. Then he felt the swelling inside him. His eyes widened in shock. It felt as if a large balloon had inflated inside his vagina — only this one was solid. Immovable. And it triggered a response in himself. He felt his vagina tighten, gripping the shaft to which this swollen thing was attached, and preventing movement.

Above him, Devlin’s face showed ecstasy and concern. Lowering himself, he gasped, “Joffrey, I warned …” He shuddered afresh, moaning softly as he said, “I’ve never experienced it as intensely …”

Joffrey recovered his breath, smiling as another orgasmic tremor gripped his crotch. “Nor I, Devlin. Not as good as this.” Their mouths met in a prolonged kiss. “Promise me you will do this with me as often as you desire in future.” Devlin’s tongue cut off his speech. 

“Be assured I shall,” Devlin whispered as he carefully rolled them onto their sides. “I’m afraid we are joined like this for at least the next hour, my darling, possibly longer if you continue to grip my penis in this manner.”

“I am not in control of that, my beloved.” Closing his legs so he could increase the grip of his vagina on Devlin’s member, Joffrey nestled in his lover’s arms. A thought struck him. “Do you think we were made for each other? A new species perhaps?”

“Perhaps,” Devlin kissed him again. “But I do know that from this moment onward, this is OUR bed.” He reached over Joffrey and drew out the speaking tube. When he heard his steward’s voice, he said, “Konrad, Joffrey and I are, ah, indisposed at present …” He stopped as Joffrey squeezed him in a hug, clamping his legs firmly round his lover as he giggled.

Grabbing the speaking tube, he said, “The Master and I are in the midst of discovering how long his and my mutations can keep us joined at the crotch.” He grinned at Devlin. “And I think we both love it!”

Taking the speaking tube back, Devlin said, “Joffrey is right, we love it. Better send up some breakfast in an hour or so, Konrad.” Replacing the speaking tube, he glowered at Joffrey. “Minx. Very well, let us see how long this endures.”

Nuzzling into Devlin’s neck, Joffrey sighed, feeling the rising euphoria he always experienced after intercourse, and knew what was coming. “Devlin, my beloved, there are two things you need to know about having intercourse with me.” He hesitated as Devlin kissed his forehead. “First is this my dearest, though I have orgasms like a woman, I cannot ejaculate unless my penis is stimulated in a certain way — and if I don’t ejaculate, my hormonal balances will make me so sexually hungry I can focus on nothing else.”

“What happens if that is not dealt with?”

Joffrey hesitated, feeling the surging hormones making him slightly drunk already. “Then you had best restrain me, or we may need the services of Konrad and others to separate us.”

“No. That I will not do. Guide me in how to give you the release you need, Joffrey.”

With a sigh, Joffrey eased himself a little apart, feeling the pull as his lover’s swollen head remained locked inside him, and surprised by the elastic quality of the shaft as he moved. Then he guided his lover’s hand to his crotch and showed him how and where to apply his fingers. Devlin understood immediately, and gently massaged and teased the rigid member in its hidden crevasse until, with a long shuddering sigh, Joffrey reached ejaculation.