AsianMuscleGod vs Blonde Tarzan JackedStud

by sexyalphawrestler

22 Dec 2022 1011 readers Score 8.8 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Contender Match Begins

The two Alpha Dogs moved towards center ring.  The AsianMuscleGod was the first to raise his sculpted arms, challenging JackedStud to a test of strength.  The Blonde Tarzan at 6’6” had a height advantage over the 6’4” Chinese-American.  He smirked and raised his arms as well and the two Muscle Hunks engaged at mid-ring.  AMG pressed into JS as hard as he could.  His 54” pecs rubbed up against the Blonde Behemoth’s 55” chest.  Both wrestlers grunted loudly “NNNGGGGHHHHH!” as they battled for domination.  Slowly but surely Wu’s strength began to wear down JackedStud and the normally cocky Alpha Heel suddenly dropped to one knee then the other as the AsianMuscleGod pressed down on his bodybuilder frame.  Master Han grinned at his pupil’s show of strength.  Daddy Dom Sal shouted encouragement “YOU GOT THIS STUD!”

The AsianMuscleGod kept JackedStud in place and taunted “You are a weak little Bitch, Mr. Taylor!”  He dropped JS’s hands and immediately spun around 360 degrees until his right foot SUPER KICKED The Blonde Tarzan’s jaw.  THWAP!  “UUUUGGGGHHHHHH!” groaned JS as his whole body crumpled sideways onto the canvass.  He was seeing stars and the match was less than a minute old.  

Woozy, JackedStud was kicked again, this time onto his back.  He felt two hands grasp his ankles and slide his body towards AMG’s corner.  His legs ended up straddling the ring post.  Master Wu vaulted from the ring then turn back to grab JS’s calves.  With a huge yank on both legs, AMG drove JS’s big balls into the ring post.  THUD!  “AAAGGGGGHHHHH!” screamed the battered Blonde Behemoth as pain shot through all his extremities.  But Master Wu decided a second ball bashing was in order.  He reached again for Jack’s calves and PULLED them hard, again SLAMMING those smooth nuts in the post.  THUD!  “OOOOHHHHHHHH FFUUUCCCKKK!!!” yelled JackedStud as Tanner Wu was nothing like the near twink he had been in 2020.

As JS’s muscled body writhed in pain, Master Wu grinned from the floor outside the ring then jumped up on the apron and confidently stepped back into the ring.  “Oh, Mr. Jobber, I’m so sorry your big muscles are so useless.  Did I ever tell you how much I like your long blonde hair?  Very sexy, really.”  As he said this, the AsianMuscleGod reached down and grabbed Jack’s yellow mane.  He then dragged the somewhat bigger man on his back to center ring before yanking him by his hair to his feet.  AMG then bent the unsteady Alpha Heel over and wrapped his thick arms around his neck.  Then he DROPPED to his knees, PLOWING Mr. Taylor’s face into the mat in a perfectly executed DDT.  BAM!  This time JS just groaned on his chest until AMG kicked him once more onto his back.

Dandy Dawson’s eyes were bulging.  He hadn’t expected the massive wrestler and Super Heel to be squashed.  But that was what AMG seemed hellbent on doing.  Without hesitation, Master Wu positioned himself above JS’s head then wrapped his 34” quads around the Blonde Tarzan’s neck and started to squeeze hard in a sitting HEADSCISSORS.  “GGGGHHHHGGGGG!” gasped Jack as he felt his air supply choked off.  “Let’s go for a short ride Jackie!” said the cocky Asian wrestler as he ROLLED OVER twisting JS onto his pecs while maintaining the tight headscissors. Now almost in an up dog yoga posture, AMG lifted his quads along with Jack’s body before SLAMMING his face into the canvas.  BAM!  Jack’s cry of pain was muffled but the AsianMuscleGod lifted his big quads one more time and again PLOWED JS’s face into mat.  The ring shook violently as AMG ROLLED OVER  twisting JackedStud onto his back.  He squeezed Taylor’s neck even harder, which caused the Blonde Behemoth to emit gurgling sounds.  

Finally relenting, Master Wu released his scissors and grabbed his opponent’s long golden hair, yanking him onto his feet before bending him backward and locking on an inverted headlock.  JackedStud felt his nose and mouth get wedged into AMG’s sweaty right armpit and rubbed against his black pit hair.  He then dropped to one knee while extending the other one and yanked JS backwards into a DRAGON SLEEPER!  This was a hold that would either KO the BLONDE TARZAN or force him to submit.  Master Han beamed with pride as Daddy Dom pondered what to do.  JackedStud was trying to breathe but his face was smothered in Tanner Wu’s wet pit.  His 10” cock now tented the front of his red Speedos as he was weirdly getting off on being dominated by the AsianMuscleGod.

“TAP OR GO OUT, MR. TAYLOR!” demanded the Asian Alpha.  Jack’s arms flailed but then slowed down as he became dizzy.  His left hand fell onto AMG’s extended quad.  He started to tap the Asian signaling his surrender when he heard his tormentor suddenly gasping for air.  As he was released from the Dragon Sleeper, he looked up to see Daddy Dom Sal firmly holding the AsianMuscleGod in a REAR NAKED CHOKEHOLD.  “HEY, HEY!!!” shouted Master Han at Sal, “YOU CHEATING FOREIGN DEVIL!”  Daddy Dom just smiled back and pulled AMG back into JackedStud’s corner.  “AWWWW, MASTER HAN, REMEMBER THIS IS NO HOLDS BARRED!” Sal said malevolently.  

AMG fought to break the chokehold but then felt his left forearm grabbed by a somewhat recovered Blonde Giant.  Before he knew it, the Asian Hunk was WHIPPED into the opposite ropes.  As he ricocheted off them, AMG flew back towards the Alpha Heel and his trademark CLOTHESLINE into Wu’s 54” pecs.  Down went Tanner on his back.  SPLAT!  “UUGGHH!” 

Then a rejuvenated JackedStud laughed and adjusted his big dick.  He hovered above AMG then sank to his knees on each side of the Asian wrestler’s chest.  JS then pulled down the front of his waistband and hooked it under his large shaven balls.  Tanner Wu was now staring upward at the longest semi-hard cock and biggest set of balls in the TSWF.  He deeply inhaled the Blonde Tarzan’s masculine scent and felt his senses being overwhelmed.  His 8” uncut cock had a mind of its own and pressed upwards against the fabric of his white Speedos.  Everyone in the room could see how horny AMG had become, just like that day in the shower stall back at SUNY Geneseo.  

Would history repeat itself in Sal’s gym?

(To be continued.)

by sexyalphawrestler

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