The Cabin in the Woods

by Grant

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I bumped Noah on the arm and pointed across the conference room, up toward the left front. It didn’t take a second for him to notice to whom I pointed. Even from the back, face in profile, we both knew it was Daniel. It’d been eight years since we had laid eyes on him, nine since we had that seminar together, the one that took us to the cabin in the woods. It came back to me, that semester in Forest and Ethical Dilemmas, a small seminar class of only nine of us in Junior year. The semester was half over and the professor gave us a weekend assignment. He divided us into three groups and that is how Noah, Daniel and I ended up together that weekend. Each group was sent to a different area of the Conecuh National Forest for surveying. There had been several factors we were to examine, all of which was to be presented during the following week. 

“Should we go speak to him?” whispered Noah and I shook my head no.

The last time we spoke to each other, or more to the point, the last time Daniel made accusatory remarks toward Noah and I then stormed away, was forever embedded in my memory.

‘You shut your fucking mouth, Caleb. You just shut the fuck up. Keep your filthy thoughts to yourself. I was drunk and you and your boyfriend took advantage of me. You just stay the fuck away from me.’

I remembered how he walked away, stumbling with his fury. His entire body had been shaking with his anger. I’ve never seen anyone so mad. But then again, I’ve never seen someone in so much denial.

The man whom we came to hear speak, Dr. Richard Nielson, strode across the stage to the podium, checked the mic and began to speak. He words filled the room, but I didn’t really hear them. My eyes were focused on Daniel and the only words I could hear were those spoken nine long years ago.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Noah turned down the narrow dirt lane that led into the Conecuh, winding it way through the pine, then along a creek lined with hardwoods. Our gear filled the back of the ten-year old Grand Wagoneer, a handed down Jeep that had been his mother’s. Daniel sat up front with Noah, talking non-stop, about the class assignment, bitching about how much time it would take, about the baseball team loosing on Thursday to a team they should have beat, and about girls. He was the class jock, flexing muscle and his mouth constantly, reminding everyone how popular he was with the girls.

I sat in back and for the hour and half drive I listened to Daniel’s rant while studying Noah and him. I compared them, much as I did with other guys in one class or another, in the cafeteria or in the dorm. I made judgments about which guys I would do, which ones I felt an attraction toward, and which ones I didn’t for whatever reason. I found most of the time that reason was less about looks and more about personality.

It was why I found myself more attracted to Noah. Daniel was more attractive, with his blonde hair and nice skin tone. And he was muscular from his days playing football and baseball in high school. He made sure everyone knew too, wearing t-shirts two sizes too small or tank tops that revealed his arms and shoulders. I knew we were about the same height, around five-eleven or so, but that is where the comparison ended. I had black hair and fair white skin and a body I considered too skinny. No matter how much I ate, how heavily saturated with fat the junk food was, I could not gain weight. I knew riding a bike everywhere I went was part of the reason I kept the weight off. And the fact I detested a weight room, knowing how I would look with my skinny arms trying to do a workout, didn’t help. So, Daniel looked perfect, but that mouth got in the way. Too much bravado for my taste. So that is why I looked at Noah more, studied his features till I could close my eyes and still picture him. Thick wavy black hair that could use a decent barber, but still, he looked good the way it fell over his forehead and around his ears. Then there was the neck that at first seemed too long, but it fit him, with his long lean body. He was tall, a few inches taller than Daniel and I. His shirts hung loosely on his body and tight jeans accentuated his long legs.

Then there was his personality. He was quiet, shy to the point he could be a mystery. He seemed to hold back what he was really thinking, but his eyes said so much. Dark brown, so dark that you couldn’t see his pupils. But you could see his expression, those looks of amusement, anxiety or fear, or see them laugh when only a small chuckle escaped him. And yet, there seemed to be something in them not spoken. Some hidden thing he kept to himself. And for an hour and half, riding in the back seat I made that secret what I wanted it to be. He was gay and closeted like me, and this weekend we would get separated from the jock and finally discover each other.

A real fairytale and pure bullshit, and I knew it. With the assignment that required us to get started as soon as we arrived and would take us most of the day on Saturday and some time Sunday morning, the chances of me getting Noah alone was nil. Zero.

Noah slowed down then stopped. I sat up and saw we were at a fork in the lane.

“Caleb, which way? Left, or right?” asked Noah.

“Let me check” I replied as I dug into my backpack for the assignment synopsis, which included directions to the cabin we were to stay at for the next two nights. “Right…go right.”

I saw the terrain had changed, the land having more grade to it. We came upon a small stream that the lane crossed, gravel used within its bed to allow for passage through. We drove along the lane, running parallel with the stream till we came to a lake. It was a small lake, no more than ninety or hundred acres in size. We passed a picnic area with a pavilion and pier that stretched out forty or fifty feet into it. It was a facility for the Forestry Service staff and their families. As we circled around, I saw two cabins on the other side of us.

“Is it one of those?” asked Daniel as he pointed toward them.

“No, our cabin is further down. And it’ll be on our left, closer to the water” I replied after checking the directions again.

Noah eased along the lane, occasionally slowing for a rutted-out section, bouncing us through it. After curving around a rise in the grade and out of site of the picnic area, we came to the cabin. Its back was toward the road, the front with its porch facing the lake. We knew what to expect, which was not much. The cabin had no electricity, no bathroom. The compost toilet was visible above the lane to our right. Even within the shelter of a cabin, we’d still be roughing it.

Inside we saw our accommodations for the weekend. One room, with a small counter at a window on one side and built-in platforms for sleeping bags along the other side and along the rear. There was a wood stove to the right of the counter, something we would not be using since it was getting to be warm outside, the days of spring upon us. Daniel took the first place, tossing his backpack and sleeping bag on it. Noah went to the next one and I took one of the spots along the rear wall, one that allowed me to watch Noah.

We made one more trip from the Jeep, bringing in the canvas bag of gear, a cooler of drinks and hot dogs to grill, and a couple of bags which had the buns, chips and snack foods to get us through the weekend.

“We might as well get the gear we need and head out. We have enough daylight to get one area surveyed if we hurry” said Noah as he rummaged in the large canvas bag.

“Anyone want something to drink before we go?” I asked as I grabbed me a soda from the cooler.

“Yeah, toss me one” Daniel replied.

“Me too” added Noah.


 The sun was below the horizon and light was fading fast when we finally made it back to the cabin. Noah lit the two lanterns in the cabin, one hanging from the roof trusses in the middle of the room and the other over the counter. We had to move quickly to get cleaned up, which was a quick dip into the lake. The water was cold, and we each emerged shivering, lips blue and our wet boxers clinging to drawn up cocks. We didn’t dawdle, racing back to the cabin, quickly drying off and into clean clothes. Noah was the first dressed and he headed out with charcoal to start the grill while I went to the cooler to get the hot dogs and condiments. Daniel paced the room like a wild animal trapped then finally went out to the grill with Noah.

After a full morning and early afternoon of classes, then the drive down and three hours out in the woods, we were exhausted. Noah drifted off to sleep first, softly snoring, not loud enough to disturb us. Then I saw Daniel drift off. I killed the two lanterns and made my way back to my sleeping bag, the room faintly illuminated in a slivery moonlight. I lay there for a few minutes looking at the dark silhouette of Noah. If only Daniel wasn’t with us, would I have a chance. Would Noah be willing to at least experiment with messing around. I knew Daniel had slipped two bottles of whiskey into one of the bags and I wondered if that would loosen up Noah, get him pliable, willing to take a walk after dinner tomorrow night, just the two of us. My fantasies were running wild with the possibilities, even though I knew that is all they were.

The next morning, we woke early, having gone to sleep early. The sun was just breaking the horizon when we sat around the picnic table for our breakfast of instant coffee and pop tarts.

“We should make sandwiches for lunch and take a cooler, so we don’t have to come back here” said Noah as he wadded up the foil wrap of his pop tart.

“Agreed” Daniel replied as I nodded in agreement.


 Having worked quickly and efficiently, we returned to the cabin about five that afternoon. Plenty of time to grill hot dogs then go down to the lake. It was so quiet in the woods, only the sound of bird song and insects, and the occasional breeze through the tree canopy. None of the forestry staff had come to the lake, so we had the whole place to ourselves.

Hot dogs cooked and everyone back around the picnic table we ate in silence, all three of us starving from our exertions. Chips were passed around and drinks retrieved from the cooler twice, as we ate till our appetites were sated. Noah and Daniel sat facing the lake and I on the other side had my back to it. When I finished eating, I turned on the bench and leaned against the table looking out over it.

“Hey, there’s an egret on the other side” I said, pointing across the lake.

“Yeah, I saw it earlier” Daniel replied as I heard him get up and rummage in a bag. “I think we need something to take the edge off after our very busy day.”

I turned to see him pouring whiskey in three cups, then filling them with soda.

“Cheers” Daniel toasted as he passed one to each of us.

One drink led to two, then three, then…

Needless to say, we over did it. We staggered and stumbled as we cleaned up around the picnic table, giggling foolishly. Noah nearly fell coming down from the porch and Daniel began to talk, rambling on about girls, our assignment and parties he had attended. Back inside the cabin we put everything away and stopped Daniel from pouring more drinks.

“Let’s go swimming” said Noah as he struggled to remove his shirt.

“Good idea” Daniel replied, slipping his t-shirt over his head.

The room was well lit, more so than late yesterday, and I watched Noah from the corner of my eye, the long lean torso that had more definition than his clothes revealed. As I worked my jeans off, I kept glancing at him as he removed his own. I saw him look up and freeze, his expression one of confusion.

“What are you doing?” Noah asked, facing toward Daniel.

I looked over and saw Daniel was naked. He tossed his boxers on top of his jeans and looked back at Noah.

“No one is around, and I don’t want to get any more clothes wet. What’s the big deal? Haven’t you skinny dipped before?”

“No…I haven’t…but” Noah stammered then he looked my way as Daniel headed out the door. And it happened. The moment that began to break down the silence between us. The unspoken things hidden from the other. He smiled at me, an amused smile, then shrugged his shoulders. I smiled back as I watched him remove his boxers.

Daniel’s cock has been thick, hanging loosely over the sac. Noah’s hung longer, thinner, much the same as his body was tall and lean. I found myself looking at it. The arrow shaped head and the wrinkled skin along the shaft. Looking up, I saw him staring back at me causing me to look away.

“Come on Caleb, loose the shorts and let’s go” said Noah as he headed out the door.

I slipped them off, feeling my nakedness. It felt different. Strange to be like this with just Noah and Daniel. I felt my cock stir and wondered if I would embarrass myself by getting hard in front of them. I tossed the boxers down and headed to the lake.

Daniel was in the water up to his chest and Noah was wading out, water up to his knees, then mid-thigh and finally his waist. Arms out, he dove into the dark waters of the lake. I followed his path, waded out to about the same point and dove in behind him.

The water was just as cold as before, but it didn’t feel it. Daniel began to roughhouse with us, pushing Noah under, then grabbing me from behind. “You’re going under Caleb” he uttered as I felt his body pressed to mine, then the twisting and push to take us both under. We raced each other, swimming back and forth, we watched how long Noah could stay under (a terrifyingly long time), and we kept pushing each other under. Finally exhausted by our exertions, we quieted down and swam leisurely back and forth. I swam in water up to my chin, watching Noah float on his back, face, chest and cock visible above the water line. The cold wasn’t bothering him either.

I wanted Daniel to leave, to let me have some time alone with Noah. I wondered if given the chance I could do it. Pretend to horse around with him so I could touch him. Hold our bodies pressed together, letting him feel my erection. I was half hard, thus the reason I wasn’t floating on my back or wading up in shallower water. I wanted it to go down, my aroused state to subside. I wanted it to increase. I wanted to get fully erect. I wanted to feel Noah, to touch him, and he touch me.

“I’ve had enough” Daniel called out as he waded out of the lake and kept on walking straight toward the cabin.

I wondered if his cock was partially erect like mine. Did swimming naked, roughhousing with us get him aroused? Looking over at Noah I saw him roll into the water and come up a few feet away. Only his head was above the surface.

“Maybe we should go in?” Noah asked, and I wondered what he would have said if I had replied ‘not yet’. What if I had kept him at the lake, just the two of us? Would anything have happened? I don’t know, for I was too cowardly to try anything, especially with Daniel at the cabin where he could be watching us now.

“Okay” I replied.

We waded out side by side and I glanced over at Noah as his body was slowly revealed once again. His cock hung long, longer than before. His skin was goose bumped all over and this skin glistened wetly in the late afternoon sunlight. On dry ground I followed Noah along the narrow foot path to the cabin, up the steps, across the porch and through the screen door into the dark interior.

“What the fuck” Noah whispered, stopping suddenly in front of me causing me to bump into him. I looked over and saw Daniel laying on top of his sleeping bag, still naked, water droplets covering his skin. He was stroking his cock which was fully erect. He held it straight up and we could see its full length. The head flared out wide and his hand moved over it and circled around before stroking back down to the base.

“Daniel?” Noah uttered.

“Come on, man…don’t do that” said I as I stepped up next to Noah. I know how it sounded. I could hear it myself. Faint weak voice, so unconvincing in my reprimand. I didn’t want him to stop, even if it was Daniel. There was something about him being so brazen, offering up this opportunity. I felt it, how it made my aroused state increase. I didn’t need to look down to know my cock was getting erect. I glanced over at Noah and watched his cock bob up and down as it grew thicker, longer, rising up as he got erect too.

“Oh, come on, what’s wrong with just doing something to feel good?” replied Daniel as he kept stroking his cock. Noah and I stood frozen in place; he staring at Daniel and me looking at one then the other. I watched Daniel’s hand move on that thick shaft, then cut my eyes over to Noah and watched his cock rise a little higher. “By the look of things, I don’t think you guys are against it. Noah, you’re sporting a real nice hardon there. How long does that damn thing get, anyway?”

I fidgeted in place, so tempting to take myself in hand. I watched Daniel take his cock by the base and hold it straight up, waving it back and forth.

“One of you want to help me out? Come on, it’s just the three of us. I want tell anyone.”

“Daniel, you should stop” Noah uttered in a strained low voice.

“Stop? Why? You’re horny too. You should do the same. Come on, Noah, do it” Daniel uttered in a low conspiratorial voice, then he turned his attention toward me. “What about you Caleb. I’ve seen you looking at us. Watching Noah and I change clothes or Noah down at the lake floating on his back. You like what you see don’t you? Come on, you want this, don’t you?” Daniel taunted me, waving his cock back and forth.

“That’s enough” Noah whispered as his cock rose higher, angled up hard. It must have been nine or ten inches long. I wanted to wrap my hand around it and do for him what Daniel was asking.

“Or maybe you guys want to do something else” Daniel uttered with his voice lower, softer, not so taunting. I watched his hand move from his cock, work over the tightening sac then downward. Daniel spread his legs and ran his hand down between them till his fingers were rubbing at his hole, circling it, then raking up and down over it. “Maybe this is what you want? You want to fuck me? Noah?  How about you, Caleb? Does your fantasies have you fucking someone instead of getting fucked yourself?”

His taunt struck a nerve, attempted to reveal my secrets, my desires that were as he taunted. I stepped forward one step and felt my own erection flop back and forth in front of me.

“You want me to fuck you? Is that it? You want me to fuck you, Daniel?”

He was drunk. We all were, but not drunk enough. I watched his middle finger sink into his hole. I watched him fuck himself with it, piston it inside his hole. “Yeah, Caleb, why don’t you come over here and stick me.”

I started to move to Daniel when Noah grabbed my arm. “What are you doing?” he asked when I looked back at him.

“What he wants…I’m going to fuck him” I replied, and I know I sounded as defiant as I felt. Noah let go of my arm and I moved to Daniel. I climbed up on the platform between his legs, stroking my cock till it was hard as a rock. Noah had followed me, now standing my Daniel’s side. He was openly stroking his own cock. I saw Daniel eyes go from me to Noah. The way he looked at Noah told me it was him Daniel wanted. He wanted Noah just as I did. It made me feel jealous. I moved on him quickly, not giving him time to reconsider. I grab each leg behind the knee and pushed his legs up and over. I leaned over his prone body and pushed my cock at his hole where his fingers had been earlier. I watched him grimace with pain as I pushed through his tightness. It squeezed my cock, painfully, but I kept pushing till the head had breached his tightness. Daniel threw his head back and moaned, then cried out as I pushed deeper. He turned toward Noah, reached out, knocking Noah’s hand away and took his cock, stroked it then tugged on it, guiding Noah closer to his head.

I watched my cock sink into Daniel till my abdomen was pressed against his ass. Looking up I watched Noah’s cock disappear through his lips. Then we both began to fuck. I pulled outward feeling the tightness tug at my cock, then I shoved back in, as I heard Daniel’s taunt play over and over in my head. He grunted around Noah’s cock which piston through his lips. The platform squeaked beneath us, its rhythm aligned with my own, thrusting into Daniel’s depths and pulling outward till nearly free. Over and over and over, I drove inward, feeling the tight ring of his opening milk my shaft, then the soft heat of his hole envelope it. I could hear Noah’s cock moving noisily through Daniel’s lips,  with a suctioning sound escaping at times. And I could hear Daniel moan and grunt, Noah grunt at times with his push inward and my own grunts as I felt that tight hole slowly loosen to my fuck.

Then Noah and I slowed. It was as if our anger at Daniel’s taunts had dissipated, evaporated into thin air. We looked up at each other as our hips found a rhythm, one we shared, each pushing inward then pulling out at the same time. Daniel became just this sexual aid between us, something that tied us together. He leaned toward me and soon we were kissing.

As Noah’s lips touched my own, I kept moving my hips. I wanted the sensations I had been feeling to continue. My cock moving within the heat of another. From the sounds of Daniel’s mouth on cock, I knew Noah was doing the same. We used Daniel, made him this connection between us. It drove my arousal to a feverish state. I soon wanted to cum. I needed to cum. I thrust harder with my hips, pulling away from Noah, smiling at him as I did. I watched Noah’s cock piston in Daniel’s mouth as I thrust my own into Daniel’s ass. I pushed into his depths, over and over till the surge of release caused me to push inward and hammer my hips against his ass. I jammed my cock into him till I erupted, spewing my load into his depths.

Daniel began to choke, to gag and I saw cum blow back out of his mouth as Noah shoved forward and shuddered with release.

Then everything went to shit. Daniel saw us kiss again. An intimacy he couldn’t tolerate, not between Noah and me. I thought he was jealous, just mad it was me and not him Noah was kissing. He shoved Noah back, knocked me over into the floor and rose up bellowing with rage. He cussed us, accused us of taking advantage of him, to luring him into the sex. He pointed his accusations at me more than Noah, made me the devil in his twisted re-imagining of events. Then he dressed quickly, telling us to stop looking at him, not to look at his cock. It was deranged the change that came over him. He stormed out of the cabin, letting the screen door slam closed.

At the window I saw him climb into Noah’s Jeep, getting into the back seat. The door closed and for a moment I saw the silhouette of his head moving around inside, then it dropped down out of sight.

“What the fuck was that all about?” Noah asked as he came up next to me pulling his t-shirt on.

“I thought he was just jealous at first, but…”

“I know. He really lost it. You think he’ll stay in the Jeep all night?”

“You think he’d really come back in here with us?”

“You got a point.”

“Fuck him; I’m getting ready for bed.”

Noah slipped into his sleeping bag and I crawled on top of mine. I laid awake for a long time and by the way Noah stirred and shifted around, I knew he was still awake too. But we didn’t say anything. I think we both felt like anything that happened now, with Daniel close by, was asking for trouble.

Sunday was an endurance test for the three of us. Daniel grunting responses or worse, barking orders on what we were to do and not do. We rushed through the last survey, our data more guess work than field observation and by ten o’clock we were packed and on the road.

This time Daniel sat in back with me up front with Noah. For the entire drive back to campus I could feel his eyes boring into the back of my skull. The tension was stifling, and I played music to drown out the silence. We didn’t talk, not even Noah and I. We knew anything we said could set Daniel off on some rant or recrimination.

As soon as we got back on campus, Noah pulled in behind the Forestry building so we could unload the gear, Daniel climbed out and stood by the Jeep. He looked loss, unsure what to do. All I knew, I wanted him to leave. I couldn’t take much more of his presence. It was unnerving the way he hovered, eyes blank at times and at other times filled with hatred and judgment.

“We got this, why don’t you go on to your dorm” I said to him as I pulled out the canvas bag. He looked at me as if he were seeing me for the first time, nodded his head and walked away. I heard Noah take a deep breath when Daniel was out of sight.

“Finally,” I uttered.

“Tell me about it. You think he’s going to cause trouble?”

“I don’t think so. He’s so ashamed about his sexuality I doubt he’ll want to talk about it, even if to accuse us of something.”

“I hope you’re right.”

I picked up the bag to take it inside, but I stopped and looked over at Noah holding the door open.

“What about you? You okay with what happened?”

He smiled at me, nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m good. I’ve wondered about you and…I’m glad it happened. Are you?”

I smiled, unable to control expressing my relief. “I’m good. How about we put everything away, go get cleaned up and go grab a pizza or something.”

“That is the best idea I’ve heard all day.”


 The town was busy for a Sunday night, students congregated at bars, restaurants and the movie theater. It was a clear sky, the temperatures dropping slowly making for a pleasant night out. Noah and I walked side by side, meandering around others on the sidewalk as we headed back to campus.

“What are we going to do?”

“Tonight, nothing. Our roommates are both home for the night”, I replied to Noah’s question, the frustration evident in his tone.

“This is crazy.”

“Doesn’t Mitch have a lab on Tuesday afternoons?”

“Yes. You could come over and…”

“When does he leave for the lab?”

“Usually a little before noon, for he goes down to the cafeteria for lunch then heads over to the lab.”

“And it last two hours?”

Noah looked at me smiling, his head nodding up and down. We waited at the intersection to cross, standing among others who were looking at their phones more than the crosswalk light. When the light changed, we strolled across the road and made our way onto campus. Our dorms were in the same section, but I was in the one that faced the campus and Noah was in one that faced the road separating the campus from the town.

In the Commons, we stood next to each other in silence for a long time. It was an awkward moment. Other guys were around us, hanging out at the benches or coming by heading inside. I wanted to say something about what happened. I wanted to take his hand and let him know how I felt, what I hoped would happen in the future between us. I wanted to kiss him goodnight.

“I guess I better get inside. You want to grab dinner tomorrow night?” It was the best I could come up with.

“Yes, I’d like that, and on Tuesday come over after your class and we can…hang out” Noah replied, smiling sheepishly in the end. I couldn’t help it. I laughed.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”


 I saw Mitch come out of the dorm and head toward the cafeteria. I was impatiently waiting on a bench in the Commons. When he turned moving away from the dorm and me, I felt it was safe to head in. It was irrational, I know, for I could have just gone on up, told Mitch I was there to borrow notes or to study. But for some reason I held back till he was gone.

On the second floor, it was like walking down the corridor of my own dorm. Some doors open, some closed. The sounds of music, video games and televisions mixed in the corridor for a white noise where nothing was decipherable. At room 236 the door was closed, a barrier to everything going on the rest of the floor, and hopefully one that would conceal what was going to be happening later inside. I knocked, rapping my knuckles on the door twice and waited.

Noah opened the door, revealing he was wearing nothing but gym shorts. His hair was messed up, and his fair skin seemed to glow in the dim light. I looked at his lean muscular body finding my desires for him rising.

“Come on in” Noah whispered. I moved past him and heard the door shut and lock behind me. I didn’t know what to say, how this should play out. It wasn’t a date, with the rituals of conversation, the ‘getting to know you’ stage and maybe, if everything went well, something more intimate. We were in some ways past all that, but in other ways, we still didn’t really know each other. Not really. We knew superficial things about each other, but nothing that was personal.

I moved to the window and looked out at the brightness of the day.

“I saw Mitch heading to lunch.”

Noah came up behind me and I sensed his movements. Then I felt him arms around my waist and his body pressed against my back.

“Forget Mitch” Noah whispered, then his lips touched the back of my neck. I reached back and put my hands on his waist, then slid them downward feeling nothing but bare skin.

Noah’s hands moved upward, pushing my t-shirt up letting them rub over bare skin. I felt their warmth, the gentle caress of each one as they moved over me. I shivered with the touch. My breathing became labored and I felt my heart racing in my chest. The kiss on my neck moved to the side, upward to my ear. His tongue bore into it, swirled around its curvature. Then teeth nipped at the lobe making me shudder.

I slide a hand between us, raked it over his stomach, down through the soft hair of his pubes till I felt it. I felt the thickness of it, then the growing length as I traced my fingers along it. Noah pushed against my hand, moaned in my ear and moved his hands down my torso. They manipulated my crotch, dug into the fabric of my jeans toying with my own cock. I was growing erect and it began to hurt, trapped as it was in my jeans. I wanted free of them and as the thought came to me, I felt those hands undo my jeans, tug the zipper down and work jeans and boxers down my thighs till everything fell around my ankles.

My t-shirt pulled upward, and I raised my arms to let Noah pull it off. I stepped out of my jeans and turned to Noah. I looked at his nakedness, no longer afraid to do so. I put my hand on his chest and felt the heat of his body, the smooth softness of his skin and I wanted our contact to be more than a mere touch. I leaned forward. Kissed him on the mouth, the neck, and down till I had my lips pressed over the left nipple. I sucked at it, tongued the hard nub of it then bit down. He shuddered and held my head tightly to it.

“Caleb.”  Just a soft whispering of my name and he led me to his bed.

We lay entangled, arms and legs seemingly everywhere, hands over every part of the other, and our mouths, exploring the other’s, kissing flesh, licking it, tonguing at its curves, manipulating nipples, ears, necks, lips. His hand took me, stroked till I was pushing through its grasp. I cried out, ‘fuck’ and ‘Noah’ as his hand slid between my legs and touched me, raked over my tightness making me shiver. I rolled on my back spreading my legs, opening up to his ministrations. I wanted him to touch me, to make this connection through penetration. A finger pressed against me, then bore through my tightness and sank into my depths. I uttered ‘yes’ as it moved within me. I pushed up with my body then down with my ass trying to get that finger deeper. As two fingers pushed in me, we kissed, tongues dueling. When three stretched me open, twisting and turning in my hole I cried out, begging him to fuck me.

My legs rested on his shoulders as he moved over me. As I folded in half, my ass raised up from the bed. His cock touched me, pressed against me, teasing me, making me want it.

“Please…Noah…put it in me” I pleaded, and I felt the push then the penetration. His cock stretched me open and sank slowly into my hole. I shuddered with the initial pain, then pushed upward for more.

Noah shifted and sank all the way into me. I felt the fullness of his penetration, every inch of it. Then I felt the tug outward, and the slow push back in. Slowly, Noah fucked me, drove into my depths fueling my desire for more, a need for him to fuck me faster.

“Fuck me…harder” I uttered as I ran my hands down his back and cupped each ass cheek. I pulled him into me. “Noah…fuck me.”

Hovering over my body, Noah began to fuck with an urgency. He drove into me harder and harder. The bed began to squeak and shake, and I could hear the soft grunts and moans escaping from him. He raised up on his knees, held my legs by each ankle and spread them far apart as he hammered my hole. I pushed against the headboard and undulated with his fuck.

I could see how his body was responding. Every muscle visible beneath his glistening wet skin. His nipples erect, eyes glazed over and sweat trickling out of his hair, down his face. His rhythm became ragged, his thrusts harder, hammering up against my ass.

“Do it…pump it in me…come on” I urged him, knowing he was close. He stroked my own erection till his hand was slick and I was bucking my hips upward. Then he held my legs in a tight grip and shoved inward, hard, all the way, and shook and shuddered as he filled me with his load.

He looked exhausted. Breathing hard and his body wet with sweat, I assumed he’d need to rest a minute. I assumed I’d have to wait for my own release.

I was wrong.

He pinned my hands down over my head and moved over my waist, rubbing his ass over my erection. He smiled wickedly as he ground his ass on it, worked it back and forth till I thought I would cum between us.

He rose over my waist and held my cock up. I watched him lower himself to it, felt the pressure on the head as his weight pushed down. Then I felt the squeezing pressure on the head and watched as it disappeared inside him. It was agonizing how slowly he moved down on me. Inch after inch slowly squeezing through his tightness till after an eternity, he was sitting on my hips, cock buried in his ass.

He leaned over so we could kiss as he began to move on my cock. He moved his ass up then down, fucking himself on it. It was too much, and I wrapped my arms around him, rolling us over till he was on his back and me on top. His legs wrapped around my waist as I pumped my cock inside his hole, faster and faster, the stimulation driving me to a higher level of urgency. I wanted it to last. This fuck to go on forever. I wanted to cum. A primitive urge for release. I couldn’t hold back.

I slammed into him, hammered my cock inside him as I came. I shoved inward with each ejaculation till spent, exhausted, and covered in sweat. Collapsed down next to him, we held each other. I could feel the heat of his body. The hot slickness of skin against skin. After a few minutes, our breathing almost normal, he rolled up and stood by the bed holding his hand out to help me up.

“Come on, let’s go shower.”


 The warm spray cascaded over us as I pushed Noah against the wall, kissing his mouth, neck and down his chest. I toyed with his cock as I sucked on one nipple. Down on my knees, water hitting my head, I sucked his cock. It grew in my mouth, thickened and elongated till it was too much for my mouth. I worked it till fully erect and Noah was trying to pump his hips. He was ready, primed for our play. I stood, turned him to the wall. He braced himself with his hands and pushed his ass out, the cheeks spreading for me. I put my cock to his opening and pushed into him. Slowly, gently, sinking inch after inch into his hole till pressed tightly against his ass.

I closed my eyes focusing on the sensations felt by my cock. The tight ring of Noah’s hole milking my cock as I moved through it, the soft warmth that enveloped it when buried in him and how I could sense his shivering body as I did so. I fucked him slowly, savoring the feel of it. The water cascaded down my chest and around my cock, as it piston in his hole. There was no sense of time, of place. I didn’t worry about Noah’s cries or moans, nor my own. I didn’t know if the two guys who shared the bathroom with Noah and Mitch were next door, or not, and didn’t care if they were. All I can think about was Noah and the pleasure he was giving me.

Increasing my pace, I smacked up against Noah’s ass, rocking him against the wall. His moans grew louder, urging me on. Then he pushed back, forced me up against the opposite wall and ground  his ass on my cock. I stood still, hands flat on the tile wall either side of me and watched as Noah worked his ass on my cock. He moved forward till I could see nearly all of it, then he pushed back, till it disappeared inside him again. I watched as Noah fucked his ass on my cock. Even at his slower pace, it was too much. The sensations too great. Seeing my cock slide into him over and over fueled my arousal till it was too late. Cum surged through my cock and I came. My cock flexed in his ass with every ejaculation as he moved on it, not stopping till I begged him to stop.

When he stood, I saw his cock was hard, angled up, and I wanted it. I wanted him. He came up to me and pushed me tight to the wall as I raised each leg and wrapped them around his waist. He worked his cock to my hole and bore into me, penetrating deeply, pushing inward till I was begging him to fuck me. He fucked me hard, hammered his cock up in me as his lips moved from my own, down my jaw and to my ear.

“I’ve never wanted anyone so bad” Noah whispered as he shoved up in me making me cry out.

He kept me pressed against the wall, fucking my hole till he couldn’t hold back. He shoved upward hard and cried out against my neck. I felt his cock flex with his release, spurting wad after wad inside my hole. He jabbed at my hole with each ejaculation till he was spent.


 Mitch was due back any minute and I rushed to get my jeans on, then my t-shirt. I slipped on my shoes and scanned the room once again for any sign of our sexual play. The bed was messed up more than usual and I pulled the cover up till it looked more normal to me. The bathroom door opened, and Noah came out in those gym shorts that were too short and too tight. If Mitch has not been due to arrive, I might have pounced on him again.

I grabbed up my keys from Noah’s desk just as a key went into the door, the lock clicked open and the door swung inward. Mitch came in looking tired, tossing his backpack down on his chair. I saw the look, one that didn’t register who I was.

“Hey, I’m Caleb. One of Noah’s friends from Forestry.”

“Oh, hey, I’m Mitch, the guy stuck having to share a dorm room with him” Mitch joked as he opened his backpack taking out some books.

“Well, I have to go. A few assignments to do before the end of the night. I’ll call you later” I added when I turned to Noah.

“Okay” Noah replied, and I could see he wanted to say something else, but knew he couldn’t, not with Mitch in the room.


 For weeks Noah and I got together when we could. We hung out with friends at restaurants and bars, went to movies and when we were able, we’d have time alone, in his room or mine. It wasn’t nearly as often as we wanted, and each time was always limited. Mitch on Tuesday afternoons, my roommate, Alex, out with the guys to a bar or a baseball game, or the weekend Mitch went home for a family gathering, giving us two whole days.

But we sought more time.

That is why when Spring Break approached, I took a chance and called the Forestry Service at the Conecuh. I reminded them of our past survey and wanted to know if we could come back during our break for some additional studies. I made up some crap about further analysis for a special report to gain extra credit. I knew our schedule didn’t align with the grade schools in the area and it was too early for summer vacations to start.

“Well, I think we can let you guys come back. What was the name again?”

“Caleb…Caleb Hanks, and Noah Andersen.”

“Okay Caleb, you will have Cabin 7, the same one as before. How many nights?”

“I’d like Saturday night through the next Thursday night, if possible.”

“Let me…Saturday…Caleb, can you come the day before. We’ll be short staffed that weekend and if you can come on down on Friday…”

“We can do that.”



The ride to the forest seemed to begin so slowly. Trying to get out of town on a Friday afternoon with all the other students. The interstate backed up for a couple of miles due to construction, then the two-lane roads south, down to the Conecuh Forest. Once we were away from the towns and interstate, the drive began to pass more quickly. Landmarks from the previous trip came upon us more frequently. After nearly two hours we came upon the forest.

Noah eased down the narrow lane through it, the old Grand Wagoneer bouncing in the ruts and washed out sections, till we came to the lake. Two of the first cabins had forestry trucks pulled up to them and we knew we would not be alone this time. As we passed, I saw three kids swimming the lake.

“We’ll have to watch it with these families here” said Noah as we drove on past.

We circled around till we came to Cabin 7, the one below the road, closer to the lake. It was the one we stayed in last time.

As we unloaded our gear, we made plans for dinner, having brought steaks and hamburger in lieu of hot dogs. We were both starving, having rushed through lunch, and it was getting late. We fired up the grills and laid out the condiments and chips, and poured drinks, which we spiked with whiskey Noah was able to get from one of the guys at his dorm.

It was dark when we finished up, checking the grill and taking everything inside to put away. There was a moment where we hesitated. I almost asked if he wanted to watch some television before remembering there was no television. There was barely any cell phone reception. Noah moved up close, kissed me on the lips then suggested we go swimming.

“Now? Its dark outside?”

“I know” Noah replied mischievously.

I knew what he had in mind and we slipped off our shirts and shorts, keeping our boxers on. Grabbing up a towel we eased down to the lake. From our site we could see the burning flames from the firepits across the lake at the two occupied cabins, and at times we could hear voices, someone calling out or laughing loudly. At the edge of the lake, Noah in front of me, his upper body visible in the moonlight, I watched the boxers slide down his legs revealing his ass. Then he waded out into the dark waters, his body slowing disappearing till only his head was visible. I followed suit, slipping off my boxers and wading out toward him.

As soon as I stood in front of Noah his hands were on me. Touching my chest, sliding over my stomach, then grasping me in a tight hold. I flexed in that hand, grew thicker, longer, till I filled it with my erection. I couldn’t see Noah’s face, only his dark shadowed silhouette, but I could hear him, breathing hard; as hard as I.

I reached out for him, felt his cock brush my hand and I moved to hold it. I felt its girth fill my hand, the flex of arousal then it thickening and growing longer till my hand could no longer hold all of it.

The dark silhouette of Noah moved closer till our lips pressed together. He pulled up closer till my cock was nestled against his. We moved our hips, sliding them against each other as I slipped a hand around his waist. I worked my fingers down between the cheeks of his ass and toyed with his hole. He moaned into my mouth as I penetrated him, slid one finger into his hole as far as I could.

“Fuck…Caleb…yeah, touch me like that” Noah whispered as I toyed with his hole.

 “Let’s go back to the cabin.”

We waded out, the cold-water cascading down our bodies, our cocks hard, waving in front of us as we moved up on the bank. We grabbed up our boxers and towels, and went to the cabin.

 Noah lit the lantern over the small counter, casting the room in a dim warm glow with the corners in dark shadow. It felt comforting, the primitive nature of the small cabin. We could hear the insects of the night through the open windows and our own breathing inside. We strode over to the platform where blankets and pillows were piled up. We spread them out and I eased down on my back. Noah moved on top of me, sat on my cock and ground his ass down on it. He rocked on it bringing me back to full arousal.

“I want you inside me” Noah uttered as he raised up and held me up. I couldn’t see beneath him, but I felt it, the press down on my cock then the tight squeeze as his hole opened to me, letting me slip through. I watched his body ease downward, slowly, then move up and down taking more and more of my cock each time. I felt my cock squeeze through his tightness then enveloped in the heat of his body. Suddenly he was sitting on my hips with my cock buried inside him.

He began to move on me, raising himself up till only the head of my cock remained inside him, then lowering back down, impaling himself on it. I ran my hands up his thighs, then one up his stomach feeling the undulation of his breathing and the other over to his cock. I held it lightly in my fingers, toyed with the head then stroked the long shaft till Noah was bucking and rocking on my cock. He leaned back, his long lean torso capturing the light and I could see his cock with my hand on it. I held still and let him work his hips up and down. Down on my cock then up, pushing his through my fist. It aroused me so much. The feel of his ass moving on my cock, the way his position increased the pressure on the head. The feel of his cock moving through my hand, slickly, my fingers barely around the thick shaft. And there was the sight and sound of it all. His body moving on me, muscles straining with his exertions, and there was the heavy breathing, the grunts and moans; occasionally a cry out of ‘fuck’ as his ass moved down on my cock.

I felt so close, right at the edge, when he increased his pace, rocking his hips up and down faster and faster. I couldn’t hold back, and with fingers digging into his legs I pushed upward and came. I jabbed my cock upward as he kept pumping his hips. Then I was spent and begging him to stop.

He moved off my cock and down between my legs. I raised them, spread apart letting him move on me. He pushed up against my hole and bore into me. Slowly, inch after inch, stretching me open and stuffing me with his thick cock. I threw my head back and closed my eyes as I felt him slip into my depths. It seemed to go on forever, but then it didn’t seem long before I felt him fucking me. He drove in all the way and pulled nearly out, at times doing so. I felt every sensation, especially the push back in. I felt him shift positions then kiss my neck, up to my ear then along my jaw as his hips kept up their rhythmic movement. He kissed me on the mouth, and I opened to it. I put my hands on his waist to feel the undulations of his body. His skin was warm, clammy to the touch. He felt feverish from the heat of his exertions.

“Fuck me…fuck me harder” I begged him and felt his thrusts grow more intense. He was upright on his knees and smacked up against my ass with every push inward, rocking me on the platform. The sound echoed in the small room and I moaned and grunted in rhythm with it.

Hands took each calf and pushed them over, folding me in half and he fucked me harder, bouncing off my upturned ass. It felt as if his cock was boring all the way through me. It punched into my depths, over and over, while my cock leaked onto my stomach.

“Fuck…d-a-m-n…” Noah uttered as he shoved inward, jammed his body up against my ass. I could feel it, the way he filled my hole with his load. He shuddered with each ejaculation till spent, then he collapsed on top of me.


The rest of our time at the cabin we spent at the lake swimming, in the daytime wearing trunks and at night, concealed by darkness, naked. We hiked the woods and drove over to a small town nearby for dinner. Inside the cabin we rarely wore clothes, usually just gym shorts, for we were at each other constantly till we had to leave and head back to campus.

During the remainder of the semester, our relationship developed as best it could under the watchful eyes of our dorm-mates and others. When summer arrived, we knew we would be apart for a long time, but we made plans for a week at the beach.

Then the next year started and we set up to be roommates allowing our relationship the time to mature, to develop into something serious. We saw Daniel in some classes, but we avoided each other, neither risking a confrontation of any kind. When graduation came, Noah and I grabbed our diplomas and took off, not looking back.


Present Day

The discussion finally ended, and I led Noah to the door. I wasn’t sure why but bumping into Daniel seemed like a very bad idea. How would he react if he saw we were still together after all these years? Would he make a scene? The one on campus was one I did not wish to relive.  

I led Noah down the wide hall to the escalators, going down to the main street level. I didn’t look back. We were in the hotel across the street and it seemed like a safe house we needed to get to.

Noah made it to the door of the convention center first and held it open for me, then followed me out to the wide sidewalk where other visitors were milling about or waiting on a taxi. The cross walk was a hundred feet away or more and we headed toward it.


‘Was that my name?’ I wondered as I kept walking toward the crosswalk.


“Caleb, stop, let’s see what he wants” said Noah, taking me by the arm to get me to stop. I knew it was our names and I knew the voice.

Daniel walked up to us, a hurried pace, afraid we’d take off and I saw another guy coming up behind him.

“I thought I saw you guys leaving the conference. So…how have you guys been? I see you’re…still together.”

He was stammering and fidgeting, and I saw he was nervous, as was I.

“We’ve been good” Noah replied.

“Daniel…I…” I stammered, trying to figure out what to say. The other guy came up beside him and stood waiting. He was wondering who we were and why we were standing around silent.

“Caleb, listen. I’m sorry about what happened back in college. There was no excuse for it.”

He was apologizing, and I was stunned.

“And this is Paul. He’s…my partner.”

“Really” Noah replied, and I saw the grin, that foolish one he has when he’s right about something and I’m not. I’ve seen it far too often not to know it.

“Yes, and Paul, this is Caleb and Noah. We were in Forestry together.”

“You’re the couple. The one that…oh, I see” said Paul, then moving closer, hand out. “It’s nice to meet you. Daniel talks about you two sometimes and how he made an ass of himself.”

“Boy, you can say…”

I bumped Noah hard on the arm to get him to shut up.

“Daniel, you really threw me that day. I was terrified you’d out us. Back then, in Forestry, it would have been…”

“Bad? I know, but I was afraid you’d do the same to me. And I acted out badly. I’m sorry and I wanted both of you to know.”

“Daniel, our ride is here. Nice to meet you. Maybe we’ll see you around over the weekend” said Paul, taking Daniel by the arm.

“Yeah, maybe” I replied as I watched them head toward a car in the drop off lane. Daniel looked back once and I saw the guilt still on his face.

“Hey, let’s go. I’m starving and want to try that Thai place on Fifth” said Noah as he pulled me toward the crosswalk.


We didn’t see Daniel, or Paul, that weekend. But I wasn’t surprised. Sometimes there exist a past that is hard to move beyond. But we can let go of the fear, or shame, or the guilt of it, and over the remainder of our weekend at the conference, it seemed my recollections of that weekend at the cabin in the woods no longer had mixed emotions wound around it. Only the good times remained.

by Grant

Email: [email protected]

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