Tales from the Cove: A Thug's Struggle

by Hunknown

3 Oct 2020 1373 readers Score 9.6 (40 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt



~ Back to the present ~

The large house, “The Cove”, was still in front of Derek, across the road; the business card was still in his hands and the lamp light was still casting his yellowish cone on the guy.

And it was still raining.

Buck… He wondered what happened to his buddy, since he left. That evening, that unforgettable evening when they made love, was the last time he saw him. Almost a year had gone by since then, and still Derek couldn’t understand what were his true feelings about what happened with Buck.

«Why am I here?» – Derek wondered with a sigh – «That cop, Alex, can certainly not explain me what I myself can’t understand…”

He extended his hand, and was about to throw away the crumpled business card, but at the last moment his fingers refused to let it fall on the wet asphalt. He raised his gaze for the millionth time on the house, whose now lit-up windows looked so warm and inviting, like… home.

“I have to see him. I have to see Alex, talk to him…” – he said to himself resolutely, standing taller.

But his feet didn’t move, and he stood still, motionless, in the faintly illuminated sidewalk, under the rain.


~ A suspect stranger ~

“Sir! There’s something you should see!” – young Charlie said, storming into the suite that he shared with Alex. The bulky guard raised his eyes from the tablet he was holding in his hands and stared with a guilty expression to his boy Charlie, the young, lively, talkative boy he loved crazily.

“Watching porn again, sir?” – the boy asked with an impish tone, getting closer to his muscular, hot man – “Because… maybe… you could enjoy a much more… tangible entertainment”.

“Yeah, you’re right, kid” – Alex replied, turning the tablet off and stifling an urchin smile – “There are so many hot men in this house, and none of them can resist me. Maybe I’ll spend the night with Kale, or Beau… I feel so horny, kid, I need a firm, tight ass to split open, and those men know how to take a huge tool such as mine…”

“Oh… Right. Kale, or maybe Beau… Of course, sir…” – Charlie said in a low voice, as all his irrepressible energy had suddenly vanished.

Alex couldn’t hold any more his laughter: “Ha ha ha! Come here, kid!” – he said holding the boy in a strong bear hug and raising him from the floor, so that their faces were at the same level. He looked lovingly into his boy’s eyes and added with a wink: “I have the strong suspect that it’ll be your ass that I’ll fuck tonight…”

Charlie found again all his energy as quickly as he’d lost it: “I love you, sir!! You’ll see, it will be…” – he tried to exclaimed, but Alex silenced him with a passionate, ravenous, open-mouth kiss.

When their lips parted, Charlie smiled ecstatic, but soon his smile faded: “Talking about suspects, sir, come to the window, there’s something you should see!”

They moved to the window, located on the second floor, and looked down on Main Street. Under a lamp, in front of the house, there was a guy with his head covered with the hood of his sweatshirt. The light rain had become heavier, and the hood, just like the whole sweatshirt, was soaked and clung to the guy’s upper body.

“I first noticed him a couple hours ago, sir” – Charlie said under his breath, as if the guy could actually hear them talking – “He does nothing, he just stands still there, under the lamp. Occasionally, I saw him moving, as if he was about to come here, or maybe going away, but then he returned to his spot. So I thought I should’ve told you…”

“You did well, Charlie” – Alex replied with a professional tone, taking the jacket of his uniform from a hook – “I’ll take it from here”.

He quickly went downstairs and opened the main door. He looked across the street and his eyes met the guy’s, who winced, but didn’t move. Alex waited for a moment, but then he realized he had to go to him, as the guy apparently had no intention to come any closer to the house.

“Fuck!” – he murmured, crossing the street under the heavy rain, until he was in front of the mysterious guy. When he looked straight at his face from a short distance, Alex thought that he might have already met that guy, he looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember who he was. He looked at the muscular torso, clearly outlined under the drenched sweatshirt, and his shoulder-long dark brown hair, wet and clinging in locks on the guy’s face.

“May I help you?” – Alex asked with an authoritarian, almost menacing tone, and the guy opened his mouth a couple times, but apparently he was too tense, or scared, to talk. Instead, he extended his trembling hand, still holding the business card, and gave it to Alex.

The guard looked at that small piece of paper, now drenched and faded; it appeared crumpled, and torn in pieces, but the pieces had been stitched together with Scotch tape. At a closer look, Alex recognized that business card as his own, and suddenly he opened his eyes wide: “Derek?”

“You… you remember my name, sir…!” – the guy said, with trembling voice, and out of the blue he threw himself into Alex’ strong arms, holding tight to him like a lifeboat in the stormy Ocean.

“Hey, hey, kid… Whatever happened, you’re here, now…” – Alex said with a comforting tone, and when the guy finally raised his face from his chest, the man couldn’t say whether his cheeks were wet with rain or tears. “Of course I remember your name”.

A surprised smile appeared on Derek’s face, but soon it faded – “But it’s your job, after all, you’re a cop, you’re supposed to remember things…”

“I’m not a cop” – Alex said – “I used to be. I’m a security guard now. Long story. Maybe one day I’ll tell you, if you hang around… But why have you been standing here in the rain for hours? Why didn’t you knock on the door?”

Derek shrugged his shoulders and didn’t reply. “Come inside, kid” – Alex then said with a warm smile – “I grant you it’s much more comfortable… and dry!”

~ A different Derek ~

The guard led the way inside the house, and then upstairs, to his suite. There, he looked at the guy’s clothes, as wet as his own, and said: “First off, let’s take away these clothes, or we could get a cold”. He started undressing, but the guy didn’t move. “Oh, come on! Don’t be shy, I’ve already seen you naked” – he exclaimed jokingly, and Derek seemed heartened, as he slowly started removing his clothes, following Alex’ example, until they both were stripped to their underwear. But when Alex took off his loose white briefs, Derek shyly kept them on.

Alex went to the bathroom and came back with two big towels; he gave one to the guy and they both started toweling off. Inside the house, the temperature was warm, and they sat down on two armchairs, facing each other, wearing only the towel over their underwear.

The guard looked more attentively at the almost naked guy and was quite surprised by what he saw. “You are… different that I remembered you. I almost wasn’t recognizing you with that long hair. You were a skinhead, back then…”

“I… I didn’t cut my hair any more since the day we met, sir…”

“Oh!” – Alex replied, a bit surprised – “And tell me, have you kept your promise not to go around attacking people with your gang?”

“I don’t even know where my baseball bat is…” – Derek replied with an uncertain smile – “Probably it’s still at my old place, where I left it almost a year ago”.

“And how did you build up those muscles?” – Alex joked, looking at the guy’s chiseled pecs and his bulging biceps – “You were so skinny! Did you hit the gym?”

For the first time, Derek laughed and replied: “No, sir, I can’t afford it. In the last nine months I’ve worked in a shipping company, down at the Docks. Moving by hand hundreds of heavy items a day has… a positive side effect”.

“Indeed!” – Alex smiled – “I’m quite impressed, kid. Apparently, you really changed your life, you even have a job!”

“Well…” – Derek said, uneasy – “I used to have it. I had to quit.”

Alex was surprised and inquired: “Why?”. But the guy pursed his lips, looking at the floor, and shook his head.

“OK, enough chit-chat” – the guard then said – “You stood in front of my house under the rain for hours, unsure what to do, and I can easily guess why. It’s about what I told you that night, right? About your… sexuality, I mean”.

“Yes, sir…” – Derek admitted – “Your words had been etched in my mind since then. ‘Explore’, you told me, ‘Do what you feel’. I was afraid of what I felt, back then, and still I am, to tell the truth.”

“I’m glad you remember what I told you” – Alex said with an affectionate smile, and Derek at first reciprocated, but soon frowned and added: “I remember everything you told me, sir, word by word. ’You’re not a good fuck’, you told me, ‘so thin and pale, with that shaved head and covered with those ugly tattoos’. At first I paid your words no mind. But those words were the ones that most tortured me in the following months. I didn’t want to be ugly, I didn’t want to disgust people. I…” – his voice trembled, but his eyes were firmly anchored to Alex’ – “I wanted to be a good fuck…”

Derek stood up, got closer to Alex, still sitting in his armchair, and let the towel fall from his hips to the floor. Then, slowly, lowered his briefs and stepped out of them, standing completely naked in front of the guard’s puzzled eyes.

“Well…” – Alex said, squaring Derek’s fit body, his wide shoulders, his healthy tan and his long hair that added to an overall imposing masculinity – “…you’re definitely different than you were back then. Much better, I say! You should be proud of yourself, kid!”

“Well, I’m not!!” – Derek exclaimed, with a suddenly angry expression on his face – “You forced me to acknowledge I was not a good person, inside and outside! I changed my appearance, I stopped doing everything I used to do, and I even tried to… look at things differently, I tried to follow your advice, to ‘explore’, but… but I only fucked up my life!!”

Derek got closer to Alex, still naked, and pointed an aggressive finger at him, making the guard immediately jump on his feet to face him.

“Once I had a life, bad as it was, but I felt comfortable with it! And then, out of the blue, you came and threw me out of my life, showing me how miserable it was! Well, thank you so much, sir!! Now I have no more a place where to live, I have no friends, and I… I don’t even know what I am, if I’m a man or a fuckin’ faggot!!”

The guy lashed out at Alex, visibly on the verge of an emotional breakdown, and yelled at him: “I want my life back!!”


~ Clear and loud ~

He shot a punch at Alex, but his hand never reached his target, as in few seconds he found himself with his arm painfully turned behind his back by Alex.

“Calm down, kid!!” – the guard said with an authoritarian tone, holding Derek from behind, locked in a hammerlock.

“Fuck you, cocksucker!” – the guy defiantly yelled, trying unsuccessfully to get free – “You’re a filthy fag! Leave me alone!!”

“I said calm down!” – Alex replied, now angry – “You’re really pissing me off, kid!! You don’t come here, in my house, to attack me and yell me obscenities! Now stop fighting back!”

“Or what? You’ll beat me? You’ll arrest me? Or maybe you… you will fuck me in the ass, like you faggots do to each other??”

A light bulb lit up in Alex’ head, and suddenly everything was clear for him, and he knew what the guy really wanted from him. Still holding the guy tight, he said in a calmer tone: “You know I act by the book, kid. I’m not going to lay a finger on you…”.

With one hand, he quickly opened the towel cinching his waist and let it fall to the floor. He then pressed his limp fat cock between Derek’s ass cheeks and stood still. The guy suddenly froze, feeling the guard’s manhood slowly coming to life and gently brushing his most guarded portal.

“No…” – he murmured, but his tone was anything but convincing, and for a long moment they didn’t move, Alex still with his cock, now half hard, buried between the guy’s buttocks, and Derek almost holding his breath, expecting Alex to shove his rod into his hole at any moment. But Alex didn’t move a single muscle.

The tension, in the room, was palpable, Derek was breathing heavily, and Alex, still holding him from behind, peeked down at the guy’s crotch and flashed a knowing grin: Derek’s cock was at full mast and throbbing in anticipation.

“You know the drill, kid” – Alex then said in a low voice – “You have to ask for it. Clear and loud.”

A whine escaped from Derek’s lips, and he pleaded: “Please…”

“Clear and loud, kid!”

Derek swallowed hard and put a great effort in saying with strained voice: “W… Will you please… f… fuck me, sir?”

“Is this what you really want, kid? You are free to go whenever you want” – Alex stated, releasing the guy, who turned around massaging his sore arm.

Derek couldn’t find the strength to repeat the explicit request, but looked straight at Alex and nodded affirmatively, adding a simple: “Please…”

“Ok, kid, lay on the bed, while I take some lube and a condom”.

“I have them! I brought them with me!” – Derek exclaimed, before realizing the real meaning of his words. Alex giggled and said with an affectionate tone: “Why am I not surprised? But I don’t think you have a condom my size” – he added, pointing to his huge tool – “I’d better use mine. By the way, from what you said, I guess you have already yielded your ass to a man, right?”

“Fuck no!” – Derek exclaimed, in a momentary rush of anger, his old self kicking in – “I’m not a fuckin’ fa…”

He didn’t finish the phrase, and hastened to add, in a much more submissive tone: “I’m sorry sir”. And then, looking at Alex’ inquisitive glance, he said: “No, sir, I’ve never done that. I’ve fucked other guys, occasionally; had some oral sex, too, but not… that. Never.”

“OK.” – Alex said, wearing a condom on his now hard cock and climbing on the bed, where Derek was lying on his back – “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle. And remember that you can stop me anytime. Now bend your legs and hold them against your chest”.


~ New horizons ~

The guy hesitantly complied, and for a fleeting moment the situation, and especially his position, with his ass completely exposed and offered to another man, felt awkward; but then he looked at the bulky guard, at his friendly eyes and his confident demeanor and felt he could fully trust him, and put himself in his hands. Literally.

When Alex’ fingers, coated with slick gel, first touched his anus, he furiously clenched it, out of pure instinct. The guard’s warm voice came to soothe his anxiety: “I won’t force you, kid. If you really want me inside you, relax, and welcome my fingers like old friends, hug them and let them in…”

There was such a comforting intimacy in Alex’ touch and his soothing words! Derek suddenly felt a rush of… something for that bulky man, so bigger than him and yet so tender and gentle. Old friends… There were old friends knocking at his back door, and he let them in. His anus slowly relaxed and a single finger, timidly, entered his inviolate hole; and then a second finger was added, and Derek was almost surprised that there was no pain, it was more like a kind caress. A caress… Derek couldn’t remember to ever have had one in his life, and now this man was caressing him in his most private and sensitive place, and felt his heart throb.

Alex felt the tight muscle suddenly relax and open up for him even more, and smiled tenderly at the guy while adding a third finger, then a fourth: he knew he owned a massive tool, and he wanted to prepare the guy’s ass as much as he could, so not to give him much pain during the first penetration.

Derek’s cock was rock hard, and due to his position, with his legs bent over, it rested on his almost hairless groin. “You’re ready, kid” – Alex said in a low voice, kneeling behind the guy’s splayed ass – “Are you sure you want it?”

“More than ever, sir” – Derek replied under his breath, and soon stifled a gasp and held his breath when he felt the wide mushroom head firmly pressed against his hole. It was surprisingly hot and for a fleeting, disturbing moment the word “faggot” flashed in his mind, making his ass ring involuntarily tighten. He looked up at Alex, who was motionless, with a warm and comforting expression on his face, patiently waiting for Derek to let him in. Slowly exhaling the breath he had held, Derek relaxed, and felt the thick meat slowly crawl its way inside the tight portal. A sharp pang of pain suddenly hit his fundaments and Derek chocked a scream, looking at Alex with scared eyes.

Alex immediately stopped. “Shh… Shh…” – he whispered, placing his big hand on the guy’s chest and massaging it tenderly – “Relax. We have no rush…”

Derek felt like a child brought to a mysterious place, hand in hand with a caring, protective father. Or, at least, he imagined it would feel like that being cared for and protected by a father, as he never had one. What he knew for sure was that he loved that big man, who was keeping his lust restrained, waiting for him to take his time.

As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Derek relaxed, his anal rings opened up to welcome the huge intruder, his legs tightened around the man’s waist and his hips tilted up, rushing to meet the hot stiff pole. There was another, less intense pang of pain, but Derek didn’t care, he felt like new horizons were opening in front of his eyes, and he offered himself to Alex completely, totally, finally without any hesitation or fear.

Alex buried himself into the warm, relaxed hole to the hilt and stopped. He lowered his head to Derek’s, until their faces were inches apart, and grinned: “It’s done, kid”. Derek flashed a trembling smile, looking straight at the guard’s strong, manly features, and instinctively raised his head a few inches, to let their lips meet.

It was just a peck on the lips, nothing more, but in the following years the guy would’ve remembered that moment of pure, overwhelming intimacy as one of his fondest memories.

Slowly, with great care, the big cock started moving back and forth into the slick chute, and Derek widened his eyes with amazement, as he’d never imagined it would’ve been so pleasurable, so enthralling! He felt alive, proud of himself, and – incredibly enough – he felt… a man!

“Yeah, kid” – Alex smiled, looking at the guy’s unmistakable expression – “It takes a man to do what you’ve done. And here is your reward…”


~ Something unforgettable ~

With that, Alex started fucking the guy at a slow steady pace, carefully checking him: by now, he knew for sure that Derek was not feeling any pain, but he wanted to find that special spot inside him… He pushed deeper, tilting his hips up, and when the guy uttered a chocked whine and his eyes widened, Alex knew he had reached his goal.

He made use of all his practice, his sexiness, his physical prowess to give to the guy the most memorable experience of his life. Over and over, his thick, long cock invaded with powerful tenderness Derek’s delicate linings, hit his pleasure button deep inside him and receded, to then invade it again, like an ocean wave making love to the golden shore.

Just few minutes of such tender, relentless, delightful fucking were enough for Derek to be lost into his pleasure, gripping tightly to Alex’ muscular biceps and tossing his head from side to side, moaning almost continuously. The rhythmic pression over his prostate made his own cock ooze pre-cum that pooled on his abs and into his belly button.

Alex had no rush, he kept pumping his hefty tool into the guy’s quivering hole for a long time, slowly, making him delirious.

“Oh, sir… Oh, sir…! I didn’t know… aaaahh…! Fuck, it’s wonderful…!” – Derek slurred, keeping his eyes shut and enjoying the exquisite, unknown sensations radiating from his sensitive ass – “May… May I touch myself, sir? I can’t resist any more, I need to cum so bad!”

“Of course you can touch yourself” – Alex said with a knowing tone, spotting the clear signs of an imminent climax – “but if you don’t do it, it will be even more amazing…”

Derek opened his eyes and looked at Alex, puzzled, as in his entire life he had cum either fucking a girl or jacking himself off. How else could a guy blow his load? But he trusted the man so completely that he had no hesitation, and immediately moved his hand away from his cock.

“Good boy” – the guard growled – “Leave everything to me… You feel it, don’t you, kid? The pressure raising in your balls, the tension in your groin…”

Derek by now was sweating profusely and breathing heavily, and briefly nodded.

“My cock is filling you to the brim, uh?”

The guy’s breath became rugged.

“And soon I will flood your tender hole with my manly juice…”

Derek started moaning loud.

“Yeah, I will make you cum like never, kid…”

Alex started pounding harder and deeper the writhing, almost breathless guy.

“And you will cum, boy… You will cum for me… NOW!!

“OWW… FUUUUCCKK!!” – Derek screamed out of his lungs, feeling his own untouched cock explode in a shattering orgasm.

“Yeah kid!!” – Alex echoed him, hitting himself the climax – “Here it comes! NNNGGHH!!”

Derek felt Alex’ cock throbbing hard inside him, soon followed by the warmth of his sperm; he felt his insides flooded by Alex’ juice, while his own cock was flooding his chest and abs. The guy was writhing hard, blabbering incoherent words, and Alex shoved his cock a couple more times deeper than ever into the now loosened and slick hole.

Slowly, their pelvic contractions slowed down and then stopped, and Alex looked down at the guy, at his long disheveled hair, at his heaving chest, at his parted and trembling lips, and smiled: he’d given to the guy what he had promised, a fuck that he wouldn’t ever forget.

Panting himself, Alex lay on his back next to the guy and waited for him to catch his breath. And then he glanced at him with a great affection and said: “Now you know how it feels”, and Derek smiled back at him with grateful eyes.

“Now, kid, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want, but… what happened at your workplace? When I asked you why you had quit, you just frowned and shut your mouth…”

A sudden sorrow veiled the guy’s eyes. “I liked that job, sir. Oh, it was tiring and the wage was ridiculous, but it was my first real job, and that money, little as it was, surely helped a lot. When I was hired, I was nothing more than a skinny guy covered with tattoos, but month after month I built up some muscles, and one night, while I was preparing the warehouse for the next day, the boss came in and said ‘I never noticed how hot you are, boy!’, and started grabbing his crotch. He came closer, looking at me with lustful eyes, and it was more than clear what he wanted from me”.

Derek swallowed hard and continued: “But I had never… you know… done that with anyone, and the mere idea to be fucked… to be raped by that disgusting man made me feel sick. He was much taller and stronger than me, he grabbed me from behind and chocked me with his muscular arm, and with the other hand he roughly pulled down my loose jeans. I pleaded him to stop, I told him I didn’t want to do that, but he spat on two fingers and unceremoniously shoved them into my ass”.

Alex looked at the guy with compassion, and Derek concluded: “I fought back as it was a matter of life and death. I grabbed an iron tube from a crate next to me and blindly swung it over my head. I hit him hard on his forehead and that made him loosen his grip enough for me to get free. I pulled up my pants and fled away without ever turning back.”

“I’m so sorry, kid” – Alex murmured – “After that bad experience, I hope that I didn’t…”

“You’ve been wonderful, sir” – Derek interrupted him with an adoring smile.

They heard a polite knock and the door opened. Derek turned to see who was coming in, embarrassed for being seen naked in the bed with Alex, and picked up his wet sweatshirt from the floor to cover his crotch. But suddenly he gasped and widened his eyes, and in fraction of second he jumped off the bed. “Oh, shit! Oh, shit!!” – he whined, alarmed, recognizing them.

They were the tall black man and his young black lover that he attacked with his gang, a year earlier.

To be continued…

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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