Starting Over

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 4

As we got closer to the weekend, Sam reminded me that he wanted me to go with him to his friend, Chad’s place for a birthday party that he was throwing for his wife, Cindy. I was looking forward to meeting some of Sam’s friends.

I asked, “so, do I need to bring anything to the party tomorrow night?”

He smiled, “no, I got us covered, it’s pretty casual. Anytime I get together with my friends, I am only allowed to bring one thing.”

I teased him, “oh, they only trust you to bring the paper plates and napkins?”

Sam squinted at me, “no smartass, I am in charge of the salsa and chips.”

I laughed, “see, I wasn’t too far off. It’s ok, my friends always have me bring the chips or the napkins too.”

He puffed out his chest, “well, tough guy, the salsa is homemade, I make it from scratch, fresh the day of the party. It’s always a big hit.”

I smiled, “well, excuse me Bobby Flay, I didn’t know you were so talented.”

He gave me a kiss, “well I am, and if you want to come over in the morning, you can help me make it.”

I kissed him back, “or, I could just wake up here in the morning and help you.”

He raised an eyebrow, “hmm, why didn’t I think of that.” We shared a deep kiss. Mo had been laying on the floor near the couch, he raised his head and looked up at us, let out a big yawn, and I’m not sure, but I think he rolled his eyes at us.

We got up the next morning and went to get the ingredients for Sam’s salsa. We spent the rest of the day cutting tomatoes, peppers, and onions. Sam put in his secret spices and by midafternoon we had two gallons of salsa cooling in the fridge. He was right, it was the best salsa I had ever tasted, he said, “if you want to save a little, you better take it now, there won’t be any left after the party.”

We took a shower together, we sort of got carried away and we were almost late for the party. I just couldn’t get enough of Sam’s naked body, and he seemed to feel the same about mine. We reluctantly got dressed and headed to the party.

Sam introduced me to all his friends, they were all just as nice as he is, and welcomed me with open arms, we had a great time. He was once again correct, there were only two empty salsa bowls to take home after the party was over.

A couple of weeks later, I took Sam to a gathering with all my friends. I helped him make another batch of salsa and it was a big hit with my friends. My friends all liked Sam, just as his friends had liked me. My only concern was, as Sam was talking to them, he still was only going back the same five years. If anyone asked about high school or college, he would quickly change the subject. This was really starting to concern me. I wanted to know more about that time in his life, but I didn’t want to push too hard and risk losing him all together.

We went back to Sam’s place and after we took turns sucking and fucking each other, I spent the night, just as we had been doing about 4 nights a week. We woke up the next morning and after Sam let Mo outside, we lay in bed talking.

I said, “I’ve been thinking.”

Sam asked, “about what?”

I turned to face him, “we spend about every other night at either your place or mine, right?”

He shrugged “yeah, I guess that’s about right.”

“Have you thought about changing that?” I asked.

He gave me a confused look, “what do you mean?”

I shrugged, “maybe we could make it every night.”

He was still not sure what I was saying, “every night?”

I smiled, “I’m asking you to move in with me.”

He leaned up on his arm, “really, are you sure?”

I nodded, “yes, I want us to live together, there’s no reason for you to keep paying rent on a place you are only at half the time. I have a back yard for Mo to run in, and I really like waking up in your arms every morning.”

I gave me a quick kiss, “yeah, that is kind of nice, isn’t it?”

“So, what do you think?”

He smiled, “sure, why not.”

I rolled on top of him for a kiss and hug, “well, what is that I feel on my leg? It feels like us talking about this moving in together has got you excited.”

He pulled me tighter, “oh, like I don’t feel your hard pecker against my leg too.”

A few minutes later we were tasting each other’s cum flow down our throats. I said, “just think, pretty soon we can do that to each other whenever we want.”

He gave me a kiss, “I’ll give my landlord notice first thing Monday morning.”

A few weeks later we were moving Sam’s things into my house, or I should say our house. I made room in my closet, we decided what furniture to keep and what to sell. By the end of month, Sam’s place was empty, and we were carrying the last few boxes. I was going inside with a box and saw a car pull up, Sam turned and talked to the driver for a few minutes, and it drove away. Sam seemed a little upset after the car pulled away, he noticed me watching.

He came in the house with a box, “just a guy from work, I might have to cover for him next week.”

I smiled and nodded and went back out for another box. I noticed a photo album in the box that I had carried in, I saw an old newspaper clipping. The headline read, “Central High School’s Cross Country Team takes Home Gold.” I looked at the picture and saw what appeared to be a teen-age Sam and three others holding their gold medals. I read the caption and the name that is listed under Sam, was Josh Wilks. Another clipping falls out, I unfold it and read the headline, “Local Teen Killed in Car Accident.” I start reading, 19-year-old Josh Wilks was killed in a I car crash this past Tuesday. Just as I was reading the article, Sam walked in with another box.

He asked, “what are you reading?”

I held up the article, “just this article about a cross country team winning gold, this guy sure looks like you, but they have the name listed as Josh Wilks.”

Sam set the box he is carrying down and takes the article, “yeah, that’s my cousin Josh, we were the same age. Everyone thought we were brothers, we looked so much alike, even our teachers couldn’t tell us apart.”

I said, “yeah when I first looked at it, I thought it was you until I read the caption.”

He nodded, “we were very close, a month after that picture was taken, he was killed in a car wreck.”

I could see how upset Sam was getting, I said, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to upset you.”

He shook his head, “it’s ok, that was over five years ago. That’s where I got this pendant, all his teammates ordered them, and it didn’t come in until after the accident. They knew how close we were, and they gave me his.” I had noticed that he always wore that necklace but had never asked him about it.

I took his hand, “you know, it might help to talk about it. I mean if you ever want to, I’m here and you can tell me anything.”

He wiped a tear away, “yeah, I know, and I appreciate that, but that part of my life isn’t the easiest to talk about and I would rather forget about most of it. I hope you understand and trust me, someday I may be ready to talk about it, but not now.”

I folded the paper and handed it to Sam, “of course, I trust you. The offer will always be there, whenever you want to talk.”

We finished moving Sam’s things in and I didn’t ask him any more questions. I did trust him, and I could tell that talking about his past was painful, so I decided we would just move forward.

Once we had everything put away, I gave Sam a kiss, “I’m all hot and sweaty, I’m going to grab a shower, care to join me?”

He raised his eyebrows up and down, “do you really have to ask?”

I took his hand, and we stripped as we headed to the shower. I grabbed the soap and lathered up every part of Sam’s hard body, paying special attention to my favorite parts. His chiseled chest, round solid ass, and the most beautiful cock I have ever seen. I was soon on my knees and licking it clean, Sam holding my head as I worked my tongue between his nuts and his dick. I loved the taste of his cum and loved even more sharing it with him when we kissed.

We finished our shower, and both fell right into bed, both of us exhausted from the day of moving, Mo joined us of course.

It didn’t take long, and we were all into our new routine, Sam and I started a few home improvement projects. My grandparents had not made any updates on the house since it was built, so we installed some new flooring and painted most of the rooms. We had just been to Home Depot and were carrying in the supplies for our next project. I took the first load into the house and let Mo out into the back yard, I came back to the front door. I saw the same car that was here the day Sam moved in. Sam was talking to a guy that I didn’t know, the conversation seemed to be somewhat animated. I stopped for a minute to watch them, the stranger saw me in the door and waved his hand, got in his car, and left.

I walked back to Sam’s truck to help with the rest of the supplies. I asked, “who was that?”

He laughed, “oh, it was just some guy wanting to know if I knew Jesus. I told him we were going to a party with him this weekend.”

I laughed with him, but I could tell Sam was a bit bothered by the visitor. I didn’t press the issue, but I was hoping he would want to talk about it later. We went to work on our latest project and were pleased with how it turned out.

I said, “since we just about have the house fixed up, how about we have a little party, kind of a housewarming party now that you are all moved in?”

He grinned, “sounds fun, we could invite our friends, do a cookout in the back yard.”

I hugged him, “that’s perfect, let’s start calling everyone.”

We made our guest list and made the calls, figured out our menu and made our shopping list. The party was going to be in two weeks, so we got the yard ready and borrowed some tables and chairs.

The week before the party, we finished painting the last room and did a deep cleaning of the house. We were of course going to make Sam’s famous salsa. The morning of the party we got all the burgers made and ready to be grilled. We had all the other side dishes prepared and ready.

Sam said, “hey, we better get to the farmer’s market to get the stuff for the salsa, if we want to have it ready in time for the party.”

I smiled, “ready whenever you are.”

As good as his salsa was, it was even better when we got the ingredients fresh, we were even planning on tilling up a small spot in the backyard to plant our own garden next year.

We arrived at the market and were picking out all our produce. I took a box of peppers and onions to Sam’s truck, while he was picking out a couple boxes of tomatoes. We paid for them and wanted to take a walk around to look at a few other things at the market. The vendor let us leave the boxes under his table, until we were ready to leave. We walked around the market for about another half hour, I ran into a couple of friends from high school and was catching up with them.

Sam said, “I’ll take the tomatoes to the truck, when you are finished talking, meet me there.” He handed me Mo’s leash as he walked away. I saw Sam load the first box and come back to get the second, I said my goodbyes to my friends and started to walk back to the truck.

Just before Sam got to the truck, an old beat-up SUV pulled up next to him and two guys jumped out and started to talk to Sam. I had never seen either of them before and I didn’t recognize the car. It was mostly white but had a red front fender and a blue back door, it looked like one of those older Chevy Blazers.

I said to Mo, “come on buddy, we better go see what your master is up to.”

I worked my way through the crowd and before I could get to Sam, the guys shoved him in the back seat, one crawled in with him and the other jumped in front and took off.

I started to run to get to Sam, the car sped away as I yelled for them to stop. I got to spot the car was parked and saw Sam’s phone on the ground. I picked it up and watched as they drove away.

I saw Sam turn to look at me, I can’t be sure, but I think he mouthed to me, “I’m sorry.”

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

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