Space Force

by Danny Galen Cooper

13 Jun 2020 421 readers Score 9.4 (19 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Lunch went very smoothly. I was feeling great. Even with his super small penis, Jake had managed to insert it into my ass and breed me. I was feeling giddy, and my fellow scientists could tell. My good mood seemed to be contagious for most of them. Although I didn’t tell anyone why, I noticed Skip and Gregg trying to catch Jake’s eye. I ignored them.

Just as we were about to finish, a loud sound of bulkheads closing and locking could be heard. Orin stood at the front and announced that no one was permitted to leave. The mood in the room instantly changed. “I need everyone to remain here. I am expecting data from the FBI any moment now, and I want to share it with you.”

I heard the woman who always seemed to be present but whose name was unknown to me tell him that the main screen was ready. A panel moved to the side revealing a very large video display. At the moment, an FBI seal was on the screen. I looked over at Jake. He was smiling. One of his colleagues gestured to me, and he glanced toward me. When he noticed I was looking at him, he nodded with an assurance that everything was going to be alright. I immediately felt calm again.

The screen display changed to a message about loading an image. My eyes were glued to the screen. The door to the conference room opened and four MPs walked in. They remained at the doorway. An image showing Kira with a large stick or baseball bat appeared in front of us. Everyone looked over to her. Her face remained emotionless.

“She was going to kick me out of the program. My emotions got the better of me.” She stood and walked to the MPs. They applied handcuffs, and she offered no resistance.

Amanda Sanchez stood up. Her words were directed to Orin. “I didn’t know, sir.”

His reply was swift. “We have no reason to believe that you were involved. You will receive a new partner, and I know this puts you at a disadvantage for the first mission, but I have every confidence that you and your new partner will meet with success.

“Some of you were to have a training session here, but several things have been interrupted for this afternoon. Still, I don’t want to let the afternoon go to waste. Officer Kilgore, can I ask you to discuss the propulsion system of the spacecraft.”

“Of course, sir.” Shit. I wasn’t expected to give that session for another week. The doors opened.

Orin continued. “I’ve taken the liberty of having your tablets retrieved from your rooms. While this is a little impromptu, I know that Officer Kilgore will do an excellent job. For those of you who don’t know, he was on the propulsion design team. He received a patent for the engine technology when he was fifteen years old. You’re in good hands. Get yourselves a drink and get prepared to learn.”

I walked up to the front. “Can we push my latest presentation to the main screen as well as to their tablets?”

The unknown woman stepped forward. Orin introduced her as Officer Stephanie Coleman, O-2. “She was Officer Sinclair’s assistant.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry for your loss. It was honestly a loss for all of us.”

Orin agreed. “It certainly was.” Then he turned to me. “Your request to have the spacecraft named the Sinclair has been approved. I thought I’d let you announce it, Jacob.”

I saw Stephanie tense; her eyes moistened. Orin noticed it as well. “Stephanie will be staying with the program. She’s invested a lot of time into it.”

“I’m glad,” I replied, “I sensed her commitment. Let’s get started.”

“Your presentation has been pushed out and is running on the screen,” said Stephanie. “This button will advance to the next slide.” She handed me a small remote.

I turned to the teams and started. “First, I want to announce that the first space vehicle to Barnard’s Star will be named the Sinclair.” One of the Enlisted stood up; then another, then all of them. The Officers followed suit, and everyone began to clap. I was deeply moved, and it took me a little to compose myself.

“Next, I want to let everyone know that, although the configuration of the ship has changed slightly, the propulsion system has not.” Thus, I began a two-hour-long lecture on space-time, how the engine distorted it and allowed us to insert the vessel into hyperspace, where the speed of light limitations did not exist.

I could tell about an hour into the talk that people needed a break, so we took one. I put my remote down and went to get a drink. Jake had got one for himself and me as well.

“Wow,” he said to me. “You have a lot of stuff in your brain.”

Enlisted Martin Gill walked up to us. “Tell him your joke, Hunter.” The man was laughing as he moved away.

Jake rolled his eyes. “It’s really not that funny.”

“Well, you have to tell me now,” I said.

“OK, but it’s lame. When Officer Williams said how smart you are, Gill said, ‘He’s a fucking genius.’ And I said, ‘Not now, but he will be tonight.’”

“You’re right,” I replied. “That is lame. It might have been funnier if you’d said, ‘He might be a fucking genius, but I was fucking a genius just an hour ago.’ But the opportunity is passed now. Thanks for the water, by the way.”

Jake stood there. He wasn’t sure what to say. “OK.” He started to turn and go back to his table.

“Just a second, Enlisted Hunter.”

He stopped.

“I want you to know that watching you while I’m lecturing is really making me horny.” I leaned a little closer to him. “I can’t wait to slide my cock into your man pussy.” I saw a smile creep onto his face. “I’m going to drop the biggest load ever into you.”

“You fucking bastard,” he whispered. “You’ve got me so turned on.”

“Take your seat, Enlisted, and enjoy the comfort. Tomorrow you might have a difficult time sitting.” I took a drink and walked back to my remote. I hadn’t realized how much I could want someone until that moment.

I lectured for another ten minutes or so, then I asked each of them to send me their explanation for how we changed direction and speed of the spacecraft. I wanted to make sure no one had any misconceptions about the major points of what I had discussed. I planned to take care of evaluating their responses after I took care of my man.

When we got back to the room, I immediately closed and locked the door. Jake instantly had his mouth on mine. His tongue was probing. He pulled back and removed his clothes, and his mouth was back on mine. He grabbed my shirt and ripped the paper fabric, then completely pulled it from me. How I wanted him. He pushed me against the door.

His voice cracked as he said, “I can’t believe you get me so fucking horny and I have to sit there and listen to you talk about engines and shit, and that was making me even hornier.”

He pulled the rest of my clothes off and slid my fully-erect dick into his mouth. He had never applied such suction before. He slid his lips up and down my cock a few times before letting go and moving to the bed. He stuck his fingers into his mouth to collect a large amount of saliva, then laying on his back, he began to finger and lube his man hole.

“I know you want my hole,” he said. “Look at that precum oozing out boner.” He stuck a finger in his ass and moaned. “You just going to watch me play with my pussy, or are you going to fuck it?”

I moved forward and onto him. I pushed my dick into him. I hit him on the chest with my fists. “I fucking love you.”

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. “Fuck me, baby. Show me you love me.”

I pulled back and slammed my dick into him again. He moaned with each thrust. He tried to grab my legs. I pulled out and then slammed back in. His eyes rolled back.

“Yesssss,” he hissed. “Take me. I’m yours. You own me, Jason.”

“I fucking own you,” I repeated. “I love you. You’re mine.”

“You’re mine,” he said. “We belong to each other.” Then his body stiffened, and a rope of semen shot out the end of his cock straight up into the air two feet and hit my chin.

Seeing him come without anyone touching his cock caused me to shoot my load hard and fast into him. I continued to thrust long after I had stopped ejaculating.

Jack sat up; my dick slipped out of him, and he bear-hugged me. “Jason. My Jason.” He began to sob. “I can’t believe how much you love me. You’re the answer to every prayer I’ve made since I was nineteen.”

I kissed him.

“I wonder what it’s like to fuck in outer space with no gravity.”

“You’re such a horn dog,” I told him. “But, you know, I know how to disengage the automatic gravity.”

Jake’s smile grew big, and his dick got hard.

by Danny Galen Cooper

Email: [email protected]

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