
by Connermt

5 Sep 2020 1051 readers Score 9.3 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I watched Ryan walk by like I did several times a day, every day. He was the apex of perfection: tall, caramel skin, wide shoulders, narrow waist, short hair, long eye lashes, firm bubble butt, nice manly voice (gruff but not too gruff) and a dimpled smile that could melt butter. And he was a nice guy on top of all that. He was very amiable; everyone that knew him liked him. He was gregarious without being over bearing and smart but not pretentious.

The only real issue he seemed to have (at least to many of his female colleagues) was that he was single. Most of the women we worked with are married so they felt the need to fix up all single men that worked with us. They all knew I am gay so, even though some of them tried to fix me up with guys, their ‘magic’ didn’t really work on me. I guess I was a lost cause to them: a project out of their league. Which was fine by me. That said, one of the more ‘eagle-eyed’ women noticed my fascination with Ryan.

“Do you think he’s gay?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe. But he’s only been here a few weeks – maybe he’s not too keen on announcing his personal life to a room of strangers?” I replied.

“I think he’s gay” she responded. “Maybe I should ask?”

“Are you crazy woman?!? That’s not something you ask someone – especially when they’re a newbie like him!” I told her. Like most women-on-a-mission, she didn’t listen and I watched her stroll over to him. I cringed. To me, it was uncouth to ask such a thing to a relative stranger. I couldn’t watch so I went back to my report.

“I was right” I heard over my shoulder.

“What?” I questioned.

“He’s gay” she replied.

“He told you that? That he’s gay?” I asked.

“Yup. Told ya’!” she said as she trotted away towards her desk in triumph. I watched her walk to her desk in disbelief then turned my eyes in Ryan’s direction. He was looking right at me. Not only did she ask a question that was, in my mind, inappropriate, but she also outed myself to a stranger. A sexy stranger. A sexy stranger that I fantasized over many a night. But she was wrong to do so. Right?

I was able to finish the day with no additional drama. As I approached my car I heard someone call my name from behind me – a voice I didn’t recognize. As I turned around I saw Ryan coming my direction.

“Mark! Wait up!” he called as he trotted towards me. I could see he wasn’t carrying any extra weight as the only thing bouncing as he ran was his ample chest muscles. It took an honest couple of seconds for me to free myself from gazing at his chest and focus on his face, which was, if I’m honest, just as good, if not better than, his chest.

“Hey” I replied as he got closer. He slowed to a fast walk, then normalized his approach. I’ve never spoken to him directly since we were in different departments so I didn’t even know how he knew my name. I’m kind of a wallflower at my job.

“Hey….Mark.” he started. “Your friend Julie said I should introduce myself. I’m Ryan!” He stuck out his hand for a shake. Damn that Julie! What did she say?

“Good to meet you” I replied. “How’s the new job going?” I asked innocently.

“Fine fine. Still learning!” he replied starring at me intently.

“So Julie said we should talk about….what exactly?” I asked.

“Oh yeah, right!” he said. “Well, she said we should, maybe, hand out sometime.”

“Oh. Okay. Um…well we could go for drinks sometime……I’m sorry, did she say why? Not that I wouldn’t mind” (God I wouldn’t mind) “just curious.” I said.

He laughed. “ I understand totally. She caught me off guard as well.” he replied.

“Yeah, she can do that to you” I admitted with a chuckle.

“So, umm…” Ryan wrung his hands constantly.

“So yeah. We can do drinks. What are your plans this weekend?” I asked.

“I work my second job Friday until ten o’clock, but I’m free Saturday night” he suggested.

“Okay, well, here’s my number” I said as I pulled out my phone. “What’s your number and I’ll send you a text with my info and we can figure something out.” His phone vibrated with my message.

“Great. Thanks. I’ll call you!” he said enthusiastically.

A couple days passed with us making eye contact and smiling throughout the day. I caught him noticing me more now that he had my info. And I noticed his fantastic body more than ever. Anticipation I suppose.  

“So how’d it go?” Julie asked at my desk right before lunch Friday.

“Let’s talk about it over lunch. Bitch.” I said with a smile. She replied in kind. During lunch we dished the details.

“He was instantly in to meeting you” she said. “He kind of jumped at the invite!” This made me curious, excited and anxious all at the same time. But I didn’t want to cause any undue stress mentally so I changed the subject.

Saturday morning, I woke up excited. I got my haircut, cleaned the apartment and the car, had lunch, then took a shower. I considered man-scaping thoroughly but decided a partial ‘scape as I didn’t expect anything more than drinks and maybe a kiss.

Around 4pm a text came in from Ryan with the location and time. I excitedly confirmed and arrived a bit early. I got a seat and while I waited I did the obligatory breath and hair check. I order a drink and as it arrived Ryan came around the corner. He looked amazing. His tight polo shirt showed off his body while his khakis did wonders for his ass.

“Hey man how’s it going?” he asked as he sat down.

“Great! Good to see you outside of work. How was work last night? What do you do again?” I asked.

“I bartend at O’Malleys. And it was good. I enjoy it. It pays well. Oh and by the way, this night’s on me!” he offered.

“That’s great and all, but I can’t ask you do that” I replied.

He leaned in closer: “Well if I pay for drinks I thought you could pay for dessert” he said with a slight smirk. I wasn’t sure what that really meant. Did he want a cookie or did he want some man meat? I starred directly in his eyes. He didn’t even blink. I have to admit it was a turn on – all his dominance he was portraying.

I laughed as I broke my gaze. “Well, okay I suppose.” I replied. I sat back in my chair as his drink arrived and smiled.

Over the next several minutes we talked and the conversation flowed quite naturally. I learned he was new to the area and had no friends or family. He was actually 34 (to my surprise – he looked years’ younger) and was indeed gay.

As the night continued, we seemed to grow closer figuratively and literally as he moved his chair closer to mine. We broke out the photos of our family on our phones and bonded even more. The next thing I knew he had his hand on my knee under the table. His touch made me tingle from head to toe.

Once the check came, Ryan did, indeed, pay for the whole thing. I smiled as the sever returned his card.

“I guess it’s time for dessert!” I replied. “What would you like? I know there’s a coffee shop down the street…”

He ran his hand up my leg to my inner thigh. “Coffee would be fine. I have some at my place. Care to follow me?” he asked. Absolutley, I thought to myself.

“Sure. I’ll follow you” I said as I immediately regretted not fully man-scaping early in the day. Once we arrived, we went in and got settled.

Ryan twisted his neck. “Last night was a long night. I had to barback also” he said. “My neck and shoulders are so stiff.”

“Allow me!” I said as motioned to the floor between my feet where I say on the sofa. He sat down between my feet. I could smell his cologne and commented on how great he smelled.

“Thanks for noticing. It’s new and wondered how it worked with my skin” he said.

I placed my hands on the back of his neck and started massaging his shoulders and beneath his hair line on the back of his head. I could feel the muscular undertones beneath his smooth skin.

“Your skin is so smooth!” I said.

“You’re full of compliments tonight” he responded.

“Just being honest” I replied. As I worked his shoulders he reached around my shins and started rubbing my legs as he moaned.

“God you’re good at this. And I love your legs!” he admitted.

“Thanks. But my legs? Nothing special about them I think” I noted.

“They’re hairy. I love hairy whites guys” he said as I started to work down his spine.

“Well thanks” I responded. I continued to work his back as he rubbed my shins. The juxtaposition of his love for my hairy legs and my fascination with his smooth, soft skin turned me on enough to get me hard. I didn’t want to mention it as I didn’t want to seem to be ‘that guy’.

Eventually he stood up showing his massive hardness in his khakis inadverntly as he excused himself to use the bathroom. I used this time to rearrange the ragger I had in my own pants. He returned several minutes later.

“I had to change in to something comfortable” he said as he walked back in to the room. He was wearing shorts and a t shirt. “I hope you don’t mind” he asked.

“Not at all. I kinda’ like what I see” I said to my own surprise. He was taken aback slightly.

“Good. I’m glad. I like what I see, too. Fact is, I’ve thought you were sexy as hell ever since I started working with you” he said. “I just never wanted to say anything because, well, it’s work and I wasn’t sure what your deal was so….”

“You didn’t see me starring at you for weeks?” I asked.

“No!” he said with a laugh.

“Well, I undressed you many times throughout the weeks. Just so you know” I said with a smile.

“Come with me” he said as he grabbed my arm and led me to his bedroom. He turned off, the light and shut the door. He unbuttoned my shirt and ran his hands through my chest hair. ‘Damn sexy hairy white boy! My weakness!” he said.

He removed my shirt then pulled his over his head. He stood there, almost shyly, as I took in is brown-skinned body. His wide shoulders bookended his flat but muscular chest with a slight dusting of brown hair across the top of his chest. A very faint trail of hair ran down the middle of his stomach and accumulated around his bellybutton.

“Damn” I said as I took it all in. He seemed to like the lustful compliment.

“My thoughts exactly” he said as he reached out and ran his fingers through my chest hair and then down my fuzzy stomach until be cupped my bulge.

“The only thing better than a hairy white boy is a hairy white boy with a big dick. And it seems I found one” he said as he squeezed my throbbing cock. I signed with satisfaction and leaned in an kissed him. His mouth was more  hot and wet than any guy I’ve been with in memory. His tongue darted around my mouth filling every available space. He grabbed the back of my head with one hand and put the other in the small of my back and pulled my body in contact with his. I could feel my chest hair rubbing against his smooth chest.

I started sucking on his neck as our chests rubbed together. I wrapped my arms around his ample shoulders and ran my hand down his spine and back up. I couldn’t believe how smooth and firm his skin was; his lats flexing as he squeezed me tightly. The more I chewed his neck the more he groaned with pleasure.

Leaving his lats I worked my hands back down his back and slide a hand between his belt and his ass. I found a surprisingly fuzzy, hard round rump. I released my vampire like grip on his neck and moved down to his chest. I licked as much of it as I could before he grabbed a hand full of hair and pushed my head down towards his stomach. I resisted slightly but totally enjoyed tasting his salty skin. When my tongue made contact with the peach fuzz he had on his flat and slightly ab filled stomach, instincts kicked in.

I followed the peach fuzz south until my tongue found firmer hairs and, eventually, a black forest of delight that cumulated around his belly button. Once there, I ran my hand from his furry butt around to the front of his pants and hastily undid his pants. When they fell, to my delight, I was left with a boxer full of big black cock. Unlike me, he manscaped expertly. I combed his pubic hair with my teeth, making around to his inner thighs. I licked and sucked his thighs to the point he could hardly stand. I had hairy thigh on one cheek, and cum filled ball sac on the other. I could smell his scent; a combination of musk and body wash.

I reached under his giant low hangers and found his hole with my finger. I circled his hole with my finger as he sucked in a breath of air between his clenched teeth. I remember looking up past his belly fuzz and seeing his eyes looking down at me with a sight of approval. As our eyes locked together, I push a finger in his hole without hesitation. His face was one of surprise and pleasure.

Eyes locked, I stood up pulling my finger out of his warm hole. He reached down and removed my pants, allowing my intensely  hard cock to spring from my boxer briefs.  He cupped my balls with his hands and rolled around my balls in his soft hands. My cock dripped pre-cum as he played with my nut sac. I spun his around and wrapped my arms around his chest, my hard cock sliding expertly in his furry crack. I could feel my pre-cum wetting his lower back as I pinched his brown nipples.

I pushed him down forward on the bed. He positioned himself on his hands an knees with his furry crack in the air. I wanted to slide my cock in him, but first, I had something I wanted to do. I bent down and started massaging his ass with my mouth. My tongue, lips, everything were everywhere. I kissed his cheek and found my pre-cum spot. I cleaned that off for him, and ran my tongue down his crack spreading his cheeks with my hands until I found his hole. I plastered my face in his ass and ate his hole for all I was worth. As I worked his hole thrusting my face in his ass crack, his balls started to bounce off of my chin. He screamed louder and louder, gripping the bed for balance as I forced myself on his man hole.

I reached around and found his hard cock. I squeezed it and rubbed his pre-cum over his gigantic, cut dick head. I was amazed at how soft his skin was everywhere, even when his dick was hard and throbbing. I could feel his heart beat in his cock and around his engorged hole. As he fell forward catching his breath, I heard his say something.

“What?” I asked.

“Fuck me” is all I heard.

I was happy to help out. “I have no condom” I told him. “Or lube.” He reached over to his night stand and tossed a rubber and a bottle of lube in my direction impatiently. I suited up the standard way: lube my dick, slip on the rubber, then lube up my receptacle. For good measure, I made sure I slapped his cheek roughly a few times. His ass jiggled and held firm at the same time. I leaned in to him and slapped the top of his ass with my wet cock. It made that wet slapping noise that’s a precursor to a fun fuck.

I positioned my covered head near his hole as he reached underneath and assisted with the assault. It was ironic to see those strong hands guiding my thick dick to a hole I was about to destroy. As I pushed in to him, I feel him actively squeezing my dick with his ass muscle. He breathed out one giant breath as another inch went in. I stopped when I felt a bit of resistance.

“More. I want it all, you sexy big dicked white boy!” he yelled. “Do it, boy!” he commanded.

A big black stud of a man begging for my dick? Yes please! I pushed in more and he resisted so I just fell in to him putting my entire body weight behind my big dick’s assault. He pounded his fists in to the beg and screamed but I didn’t stop until I was full in, my balls resting against his hairy ass.

I waited for him to get comfortable but he started to pull away. I grabbed his wrists and pulled them back to my sides, causing him to fall on his face. I held his wrist in place to keep him from moving and started to thrust in and out of his ass. He cried in pain at first but soon he was on cloud nine by the look of his eye rolled back in his head. With each thrust forward I pulled his wrists back. We soon got in sync, working as a well oiled machine, literally.

After a few minutes of him trying to escape, I let him pull away. He removed himself from my oiled shaft with an audible pop. As he fell forward I smacked his ass again – just for fun. He rolled over and I got to see his third leg in person. I wanted a big black cock for a while and he didn’t disappoint!

“Come here, white boy” he said patting the bed. I sat down next to him as he stood up. He pushed me back on the bed and crawled on top of me, kissing me as he climbed my horizontal body. He positioned his ass over my cock and slide it up inside him in one quick motion. I felt him squeezing my shaft and he bucked up and down like a cowboy in a rodeo. After a few seconds, he just went off! Slamming down on me so hard I thought I’d have bruises afterward. His hairy sac making a wet plopping sound as he landed on my groin over and over again knocking the air out of me.

He screamed and moaned like a tortured demon. The more noises he made the more I liked it. After a couple of minutes his balls drew up close to his body causing his hard dick to slap on my stomach. The thudding noise it made as it slapped on my stomach accurately represented its thickness. While his cock was very long with a big mushroom head, it wasn’t overly thick. As he arched himself back, bracing himself on my hairy thighs, it made his big black cock stand out all the more. I reached up and grabbed his cock interrupting its slapping motion. Using his one pre-cum, I lubed up his monster and started stroking it.

He looked at me and angled himself almost horizontally while keep my big dick inside his tick ass. I held on to his one eyed monster. Its caramel colored skin of his cock flushed red as I held on tight to his dick, stroking it smearing his leaking juices for mushroom head to hairy base.

“I…haven’t…came in…a while…” he said between each of his downward thrusts.

I pulled his sweaty face towards me with my free hand and kissed him passionately. He made a noise that was between a cry and a moan, sat up straight and let loose. His first blast of cum landed right in the middle of my chest, wetting my hair. I felt his ass squeeze my dick so hard I thought it might snap my white monster in two. I held his dick tightly feeling every pulse in my hand. Hot white liquid spilled out over and over again, covering my chest hair with white gold. I punched his heaving chest in delight and he continued to empty on to me.

That was about all I could take. I reached around and pulled my dick out of his ass as his body continued to convulse. I ripped the rubber off my dick, which was soaked in my own pre-cum. With one hand on his shaking cock as it slowly ceased is magic I used my other hand to give myself two strokes, which is all I could muster. I unloaded my own balls up his back. I couldn’t see my cum, but my muscles have never contracted so hard in my life! I could tell when each shot hit his back as he twitched in delight. Once I finished, I slapped my wet cock against his hairy crack and rubbed his sweat covered chest and it heaved with each breath.

“My god that was amazing!” he said as sweat ran down his chest and abs.

“Yes it was” I replied trying to catch my breath. “I think I’m gonna’ have Ryan shaped bruises on my thighs!” I said with a chuckle.

“Oh I’m so sorry. I just get so into it I can’t control myself!” he replied.

“No it’s fine. More than fine. It was hot. You’re hot. That big cock bouncing around on me…” I said as he reached down and smeared his sac juices around in my chest hair. It still contained the heat from his insides. As he rose up from me, his body was in full view and it was glorious.

“I think we both need to clean up” I suggested. As he turned around and walked towards the bathroom, I could see my cum running down his back and starting to drip off his hairy butt. My white juice juxtaposed against his brown skin was sexy as hell.

To save water, we showered together. He lathered up my chest and removed all his cum while I massaged my cum off of his back. Stepping out we dried off and I watched his meat still partially hard, swing between his legs. This was one hot man!!

As we dressed we made plans to meet up again the following week. What happened that weekend, and the following weekends, were things of wonder. Maybe I can relay that message at some point in the future.

by Connermt

Email: [email protected]

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