Rescott Brothers

by Zane McGuire

2 Sep 2020 3317 readers Score 9.6 (92 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I put the camera down and met his gaze. We stared at each other for a long time, and I was waiting for him to either get freaked out and storm out in a huff, or to bust out laughing hysterically again. Instead, he just smiled and unsnapped the last button.... "Why'd you stop taking pictures, bro? We're not done yet... not by a long shot..."

I took a deep breath. My heart was pounding in my chest, matching the slow, rhythmic throbbing of my aching cock in my jeans. "What's going on here right now, Dan?" I asked, trying to keep a steady tone.

"Just taking pictures, Nate," he responded in an equally even tone. "What do YOU think's going on?" He put both hands behind his head and leaned back against the mirror. I couldn't help but let my eyes gaze upon his incredibl body. His massive hairy chest was heaving slightly (was his heart beating fast, too?) and his jeans were now fully unbuttoned, his fly pulled wide apart, exposing the full thickness of his pubic hair. just beneath, I saw his bulge pressing sinfully against the inside of his left thigh. Was it my imagination, or was it starting to grow?

As sweat began to form on my brow, I returned the camera to my eye and started snapping again. Through the lens I could tell he was staring at the bulge in my own jeans. "It's true," I acknowledged. "I can't deny that this is... stimulating me. You know...I mean the situation, not... um... YOU, y'know? I mean, we're brothers..."

"Right," he nodded. "The situation, of course. And that's good," he said with a smile.

"Is it?"

"Yeah, bro. I mean, if it's turning you on, it means I'm doing a good job, right? It means the pictures are gonna be hot."


He did a few more poses, front and back and I took about thirty new pictures of his ass alone. His tight jeans framed his mammoth butt perfectly and I found myself longing to see what was under them. He'd made it perfectly clear that the photo session was going to be shirtless and suggestive only, but I mean, he'd already shown off quite a bit when he was wearing the red shorts. Would he possibly consider going further? I figured it couldn't hurt to ask, right?

"So, um, you wanna... lose the jeans?"

A bead of sweat slowly rolled down the side of his face as he considered it for a moment, and met my gaze. "I... I don't know, buddy. I, uh, sort of didn't put anything on under the jeans this time, so I'd be... you know..."

"Commando, right, I forgot," I lied, immediately flushing red and regretting that I'd asked the question.

"Yeah...And that would probably be kind of... weird, right... I mean, not that this whole thing isn't kind of weird..." He rambled, laughing nervously.

"Of course." An awkward silence fell between us. He scratched his head and turned away, walking toward the dressing room. After a few steps he stopped and turned back to face me, scratching his chin. His eyebrow was raised playfully and he smiled.



He placed his thumbs into his belt loops. "Do you WANNA see me take my jeans off? Is that what you were asking me just now?" We stared at each other again for what felt like minutes. I could feel the blood pumping in my ears, knowing that the answer to this question could take our relationship in an entirely unanticipated direction.

Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! I wanted to scream.

Instead, I cleared my throat and said "You're right, it's probably too much. I mean, what you've done so far has been awesome, but you don't want it to be in bad taste, right?"

His grin faded. "Right," he agreed. Was I imagining it or did he sound disappointed? I was probably reading too much into it. Wishful thinking. He nodded and quickly snapped his jeans back up. "Okay, buddy, I guess we should move on to the final act, huh?"

"You got it."

He disappeared into the changing room again and I tried to calm my nerves. Jesus, this was intense. Here I was, taking shots of my brother nearly completely naked, with an obvious hardon in my jeans and he wasn't freaking out! In fact, he seemed to think it was all perfectly natural. I had never felt so aroused and yet terrified at the same time.

"Hey Nate," he called from the dressing room.

"Yeah, Dan?"

"There's something I want to ask you about, but I don't want you to freak out. It's just something that's been in the back of my mind for years."

Suddenly I felt very freaked out! "Oooookay. Go ahead."

"Well, um... do you remember when I was nineteen and Lauren and I had moved into the apartment over Dad's garage? When I was working for old man Sanderson at the brewery?"


"Well, there was one time that summer when I was home alone and was coming out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist and I was brushing my teeth when I could have sworn I saw..."

Oh god... I swallowed hard and felt a twinge in my stomach.

"...what appeared to be someone standing at the apartment door, looking through the window."

"Oh... yeah?"

"Yeah. And for some reason that I'll never understand, it really sort of... I dunno... excited me to think someone was watching me. So I pretended not to notice and I let my towel drop."

I laughed nervously. "Freaky. I guess it must have been a shadow or something, huh? Once an exhibitionist, always an exhibitionist."

"Yeah, a shadow," he said, pushing open the door. He stood there before me in sneakers, a pair of red nylon running shorts and nothing else. As he emerged, he tossed his jeans at me. "I actually was thinking it was more like my horny teenaged brother sneaking a peek at me."

I caught the jeans and hung them on the garment rack. "Nope, not me," I lied. "But, here's an obvious question: if you thought it WAS me, why did you drop the towel?"

"I dunno," he shrugged with a grin, standing very close to me. "Guess what you said is right, once an exhibitionist, always an exhibitionist. I mean that's definitely true. I AM a showoff for sure." He crossed his arms and licked his lips, staring deeply into my eyes. "I guess it's a shame it WASN'T you. You probably missed your one and only chance to see my hot ass on full display."

I cleared my throat and moved away from him. "You do like to flatter yourself, don't you bro? And where did those shorts come from? I don't remember seeing them in the clothes you brought."

"Another surprise from my duffel bag," he said. He made his way over to the weight bench. "I was gonna go with something more conservative for this last set, but when I saw you went to all the trouble of setting up this fake gym, I thought I might as well take advantage of it." I watched as he positioned himself on the bench, spreading his legs wide. "How do you want me, bro?"

Oh, so many ways to answer that particular question. "Just sit there for a bit, let me get some shots." I circled around him as he posed, flexing his massive arms and leaning back against the padded bench, lifting his leg, rubbing his chest. He did a few presses, and I watched as the sweat pooled on his hairy chest and his arms bulged under the weight. He grunted and groaned as he worked out. "Good... good," I said appreciatively.

"So," he said through gritted teeth as he returned the bar to position. "Are you seriously going to pretend like it wasn't you watching me through that window?"

I chuckled. "I don't know WHAT you are talking about, Dan. Besides, that was a few years before I came out, buddy..."

"Yeah, but it's not like I didn't have an idea. You know that."

"I plead the fifth."

"Yeah, well... I think it WAS you. And I think you came up there specifically to watch me."

"Oh do you?"

"I do."

"And you know what else, Nate?"

"What, Dan?"

"Earlier, when I asked you if you wanted to see me take my jeans off? I think you were lying when you said no."

I stared hard at him. "Well that shows what you know."

"Does it?"


"How so?"

I smirked. "If you remember correctly, I never said no. I said you were right, it was probably a bad idea."

He chuckled. "Touche." He got up off the bench and slowly started walking toward me. I walked backward, snapping shots of him. "So, if I were to say that I was gonna slip these shorts off... you know, strictly for the sake of the pictures... you would say... what exactly?"

"I'd say that would certainly turn up the heat and make for some very stimulating shots." I continued walking backward, taking pic after pic, enjoying our playful banter. He was full of shit, and I knew it, so I was gonna call his bluff. "But I don't think you've got the balls to do that, bro."

"Oh no?"

"No. You've already said, you don't want to do nude shots."

"Well," he said, coming to a stop. "Like you said... shows what you know. Maybe I'm not naked under these shorts." He pivoted so that his back was to me and slowly began to slide his shorts down, revealing the waistband of a crisp, clean jock. My cock began pouring precum into my jeans as he kept sliding them down, slowly bringing out his hot, beautiful, fuzzy ass. I almost forgot to breathe as I took snap after snap of my brother stripping away the last pretense that this was going to be an average photo shoot.

He bent over slightly, as his nylon shorts went further and further south, allowing me a peek at his tight, pink virgin asshole. Finally the shorts fell to the floor and he put both hands over his head, flexing his back muscles proudly.

"Never tell a Rescott he's too chicken to do something," he said over his shoulder. "You should know that well enough. So let me ask you again what I asked you earlier... how does my ass measure up to others you've seen?"

"Dan," I said, seeing no further reason to lie. "It's the hottest ass I've ever seen."

"Now that's more like it. Take lots of shots, bro, I'm real proud of what I've got going on back there."

"Oh I am, I promise."

He ran his hands over his hairy asscheeks, which were coated in a light dewy film of sweat. He knew I was watching, waiting for a chance to see his hot, straight manhole. "You're still hard, aren't you bro?"

"What do you think?"

"Good, good. It's the situation, right?" he teased.

"Yeah," I smiled. "The situation, naturally."

"You as hard as you were that day you watched me coming out of the shower?"

"No, man." I scoffed.

"Oh... still pretending it wasn't you?" He laughed. "Come on, Nate, you can tell me..."

"What I was GONNA say, bro, was, I didn't get hard watching you come OUT of the shower that day. But I DID get hard watching you cum IN the shower, ten minutes before that..."

Now it was his turn to blush. "Oh shit..."


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"Nate, this is a one time offer, buddy. If you don't look now, I'm gonna lose my nerve and put my clothes on, so make up your mind fast."

by Zane McGuire

Email: [email protected]

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