Night Terrors: Death Game

by Jayce Marvel

23 Aug 2019 1905 readers Score 7.6 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Night Terrors is an erotic horror anthology I'm working on.  As of the time of posting on GayDemon, Death Game, the first story, is complete.  Each story in the anthology will be mostly character and plot driven, with the erotic making appearances in most chapters, but not dominating the chapters.  Each story can also "feature" a specific kink.  So, if the particular kink of a story isn't good for you, stay tuned, as the next one might be right up your alley.

Death Game - Part 1


I felt around in my pocket and pulled out the plastic card that was in there.  The invitation that had come with it said that I had been invited to an exclusive party for the hottest gay men in the city.  I was definitely skeptical about being called the hottest, but I wasn't going to fight it too hard.  If the party promoter said I was hot, that was his truth.  Most of my days were spent haphazardly put together in scrubs as an emergency department technician, so how I looked was of little importance.

I had already parked in the hotel underground lot, and was steeling myself to get out.  I looked down at the golden key card in my hand, and remembered the line at the front entrance as I passed.  A lot of guys wanted to get in, and here I was with a free pass.  I calmed my nerves and got out of my car. If so many guys wanted in, it had to be something that would be memorable.  Some of the guys in other cars were also getting out, all of them with golden cards, and all of them amazingly attractive.  

A group of us got into the elevator and hit the button for the lobby, not sure what to make of the other guys yet, but all of us checking each other out at the same time.  When the doors opened, there was a table with five baskets.  Each basket was filled to overflowing with dog collars of colors specific to each basket.  The first basket was labeled “Strict Bottom” and was filled with red collars.  The second was “Vers Bottom”, with pink collars.  “Full Vers” had purple collars.  “Vers Top” had pale blue collars, and “Strict Top” had royal blue collars.  A sign hanging over the table said “No entry without a collar fastened around your neck.”  I couldn't decide between a pink or a purple, but finally chose pink.  I did like bottoming more.

Station two in the grand hallway was an arrow pointing to a locker room.  There was a glass wall separating the entrance section from the next section, meaning we had to go through the locker room and come out the other side.  When we went in, there were bouncers who said that we were to empty our pockets, including phones and keys, into lockers, that could only be opened using our key cards.  All of us were watched, and we weren't let out the next door until we had locked our belongings inside.  We were informed that it was an open bar, and everyone was pre-screened to be legal, so our wallets would be unnecessary.  Our keys were to go in so that we could be tested before leaving whether we could drive or needed a cab, and our cell phones were to ensure that no information about the party would be leaked to the outside world.  There would be celebrities in attendance who needed their secrets kept.  

The other reason, the bouncers said, was that anything other than the key card would look bulky in our pockets, and we needed to have the cleanest lines possible to win the prize.  I hadn't known there was a prize.  When I asked, another guest laughed, “this is a competition to be the hottest, sexiest man in the city.  The winner gets a million bucks.”

“My invitation didn't mention a competition, just a party,” I told him.  “Maybe I'm just a guest and not a competitor, then.”

He smiled at me, his teeth straight and perfect, but with a definite menace.  His eyes were a lighter blue than the collar he wore, which signified he was a strict top. “You're sexy, and I think I'm going to fuck the hell out of you, but not before I win this competition.  Don't try to win, and I may even let you kiss me while I fuck you.  I'm Darren.”  Despite his attitude, the thought of him taking me like a fuck toy made me hot.

“I'm Cam,” I replied.  Darren replied by grabbing the section of my cloth belt that was hanging down, and pulling me out of the locker room, toward the main event.

Down the main hallway, there was another glass wall, with a party going full swing on the other side. In the center of the glass wall was a revolving door with an electric lock.  Only one person would fit at a time, and the lock was obviously for the key cards.  I fastened my collar around my neck and walked to the lock, inserting my card and stepping into the slot, receiving a quick swat to my jeans covered ass by Darren.  As soon as I was fully inside, the whole section began turning, floor and all, and I was deposited on the other side amid thumping music and writhing bodies.

Darren was through moments later, and he dragged me to the dance floor.  The man was dressed as if he'd looked up “high school quarterback” and chosen the first thing he saw.  Sneakers, loose jeans, clean white t-shirt, and even a letterman jacket, all added to a look that worked wonders on him.  He spun me so I was facing away from him and danced up close, grinding himself into my back side.  As he did that, he bent his head down and started kissing my neck.  My dick reacted immediately, and my hole became hungry.  I wanted this man inside me, STAT.  I pushed my ass back into him to let him know I was ready.

“Alright boys,” came a voice over the loudspeaker.  “Are you ready for the main event?”  A large cheer rose in the room.  I guessed my plans to get with Darren were on pause.  “Most of you know about the competition tonight, but some of you were left in the dark.  You're about to compete for a million dollars and the title of 'The Hottest Gay in L.A.'.  If you weren't told, it's because our recruiters thought you were too modest to admit to yourselves how hot you really were.”

I felt my face blush.  I was glad the lights were low so no one could see me.  I was actually in the running as a competitor.  It was surreal.  The house lights turned on and we could now clearly see everyone.  I was taken aback by how sexy everyone was.  Darren let go of me and stood apart, so he could be seen clearly.  I understood.  He was trying to win.  Like he said, he was still planning on taking me once this was over.

I looked around a bit more and noticed a platform with a DJ on it.  I also recognized the DJ as Billy Bubbles.  He was only a local celebrity, and was very out about his lifestyle, so I knew he wasn't one of the ones that we were protecting by stowing away our cameras.

I peered around more, trying to see around all the taller guys in the room, and noticed an actual leading man.  Conrad James wasn't just a star, he was a Hollywood elite.  He had chiseled good looks, a rocking body with muscles that weren't too overdone, and a charisma that would make any housewife drop her panties.  And he was here.  Gay.  Available for sex.  He had on a light blue collar, too. Nice!

“Some of the men we invited didn't show up, so we hand selected competitors from the crowd outside.  If we selected you, congratulations!”  I could see that Billy was reading from a script, which meant he wasn't actually part of the 'we' that were running the show.  Just a hired talent.

“Now, it's time for round one. Everyone with a dark blue collar, grab someone to fuck.  Pick your favorite now, because they might get eliminated and you'll lose your chance.”  Darren had grabbed me and held me tight in his embrace before the last sentence was complete.  Good.  “We're going to be filming you having sex, and you'll earn points based off of how hot your scene is.  There are 128 of you, and 64 will be eliminated this round, so do your absolute best to be sexy – a million bucks is riding on it.  Go to the wall over there to get your room keys and then up to your rooms to start the fun.”  DJ Billy pointed to the far left wall of the room where there were a bunch of hooks with keys hanging from them.  

Darren dragged me, by the hand this time, to the wall to get a pair of keys and then down the hall to elevator bank.  We were in the first group to go out, since Darren was so sure of exactly what he wanted and how to do it.  While other pairings were still being made, we were already off the elevators and unlocking our room's door.

Inside there was a table with a bottle and a note on it.  The bottle was plastic with a long nozzle.  I knew what it was for, but Darren took the note to read it anyway.  “This is a special formulation of enema we've created to make this experience intensely memorable for our pairs,” he read out loud. “It doesn't just loosen, it dissolves any foreign matter in the anal cavity.  Then it adheres itself to the walls to act as both a lubricant and stimulant.  It will turn your anus into a fuck-tunnel of joy that not only feels great for the bottom, but also sucks the top harder than he's ever been sucked before, leading to the best orgasm of his life.”

“Is this for real?” Darren asked.

I shrugged, but took the bottle.  “Any specific instructions?” I asked.

“Empty the entire bottle into the anal cavity, and wait three minutes.  For an even more amazing thrill for the bottom's pleasure, rim them first.”  Darren chuckled.  “I was already planning on that.”  I blushed, but in the best possible way.  Knowing that he wanted me to get something out of it as well made the whole thing more personal and intimate.  I was starting to feel very glad Darren picked me.

He pulled me to him and started kissing me tenderly, moving from my lips, to me ear, then down my neck.  I was moaning the whole time as he went.  He slid my tight t-shirt up and off my torso, leaving the collar on.  “You look sexy with just that,” he told me in a low growl.  I didn't think my dick could get harder, but it pulsed and sent a message to my ass that it wanted this man more than anything else right now.

“Oh god, fuck me, Darren,” I moaned.

He turned me around and continued kissing my neck as he ran his hands up and down my chest and stomach, even going over my bulge several times.  He pulled open my belt and slid it out onto the floor.  Then his hands went back up to my chest with the lightest of touches that sent electricity racing through my body.  I think I might have made puppy noises.  He circled my nipples lightly as he nipped at my ear.  I was panting with pleasure.  His left hand stayed and lightly pinched my nipple, rolling it around a little between his fingers as his right hand traveled back down and slid into the front of my jeans.  There was no underwear inside to stop him.  As his fingers encircled my cock, my eyes rolled back into my head.  He only caressed it gently, to keep me from cumming too soon, since I was already getting there.  His other hand slid down to meet the first, and they moved to the waistband of my jeans.  One by one, I could feel the buttons slowly pop open.  He was teasing me.  I loved it.

He lowered my jeans to the floor and I stepped out of them.  Then he moved the bottle over on the table and lifted me onto it so I was facing him again.  He laid me down onto my back and moved to lick my hole.  He was priming it for the enema bottle.  That was unnecessary, but very sweet of him.  He pulled off the top cover and used the tip of the bottle to play with my hole, using his other hand to slowly jack me.  I'd always done this part in private, since it was just a pre-sex cleaning for me, and usually gross to people.  Darren just had this way about him that made me comfortable with everything he wanted to do.  I'd have to get his number when we were done here.

He squeezed the liquid from the bottle into me gently, filling my hole.  It was cold for half a second before it started warming my insides.  I could feel it heating up as it worked its way deeper inside.  The warmth spread down my legs and up my chest, eventually filling my whole body with a tingling heat. What was that stuff?

I peered down to see Darren smiling at me.  He was touching me, but every touch was an explosion of pleasure, like I'd never been touched before and was dying for any human contact.  “You're fucking adorable, Cam,” he told me.  Then he leaned down and kissed me like we were reunited lovers, kept apart for an eternity.  I didn't think that was part of the liquid that was inside of me.  That was all him.  He was starting to like me.  A lot. “Let's do this together, Cam,” he whispered into my ear.  “Let's win this whole thing as a team and use the money together.”

I nodded.  I was starting to get choked up with emotion and couldn't seem to make an audible sound.  “I'm going to go down on you now,” he breathed.  “Get ready for the pleasure train.”  The words were a little goofy, but endearing at the same time.  He turned me over so my feet were on the floor.  I was facing the tv, and I could see his reflection in the glass.  He stripped himself quickly and bent down behind me.

When his tongue touched my hole a wave of ecstasy flowed through my body, spreading from my ass hole.  Every muscle in my body went slack and I thought I'd pass out from the overload of pleasure.  I wanted him inside me, now more than ever.  I needed my hole filled.  I could feel his face pressing against my ass as he really dug in there, and his hands were gripping my thighs tightly.  He was really getting into it as much as I was.

Then I felt an odd sensation.  My hole was stretching, but it didn't hurt at all.  In fact, it felt amazing, like a good morning stretch.  He was putting something inside that wasn't his tongue, or his dick.  It also wasn't his fingers, since I could feel both hands on my ass cheeks.  Then it hit me that he was trying to push me away.  He was trying to pull back, but struggling. I couldn't see what was happening, and I was starting to get scared.

The television turned on.  It was showing us from a different angle.  Darren's head was completely inside my body, and he was fighting to get back out.  I tried to push back, but it didn't help.  I tried to call out for help, but no sound came out.  I hadn't been chocked up with emotion before.  My vocal chords had been paralyzed!  His shoulders reached my hole and I expanded again.  It should have been severe pain, but it felt amazing.  My dick was rock hard and oozing.

His shoulders slipped in and within moments, his arms were pinned down so he couldn't use them to fight back any more.  I was horrified at what I was seeing on the screen, and even more horrified at how much my body was loving it.  His entire chest was inside me, and his arms were in to his elbows.  I watched his rippling abs slide into me, pair by pair, fascinated and aroused, then they were gone.  Only his hands and his body from the waist down remained.

His disk bounced for the camera.  Such a beautiful thing, large and proud.  I'd wanted it inside me, but not like this.  Never like this.  As it disappeared, base first, then length, then head, I mourned for the loss of such a beautiful and majestic creature.  Only his legs remained, and, even though they kicked a little, they went in with little fuss or fanfare.  

And finally, as his feet, toes squirming, entered my hole, I started to cry.  Deep down I knew that this man, whom I had both just met, and was already developing feelings for, was dying inside of me.  My dick started to orgasm, but I was too busy sobbing to care.  Darren was gone.  I had killed him.



Conrad James pulled into the hotel's underground garage, fully in disguise.  In fact, it wasn't until he had picked up his light blue collar and went into the locker room that he thought about taking it off.  Some of the other guys had looked at him sideways, having his hat, sunglasses, and scarf covering him when it wasn't even remotely cold or bright.  When the bouncer in the locker room explained to his group that there would be people there who wanted their identities protected, Conrad took his disguise off.  The group in the room gasped.  Conrad smiled his most charming smile at them and closed his locker.  Then the squealing started.

A few of the boy-toys in red and pink collars basically started screaming and throwing themselves at him, and a very fit and good-looking guy with a dark blue collar gave him a wink and a grin.  Conrad hoped that things would calm down and he'd be able to enjoy the night.

“Please,” he said to them.  “I want to have fun tonight.  If you think I'm hot, please think of me like a hot guy you're just meeting and have never seen before.  I just want to be part of the crowd tonight.  Can we do....” he trailed off.  

Walking through the door from the lobby to the locker room was a creature of pure beauty.  The boy was cute beyond words, with dark hair, thin glasses, and perfect mocha skin. The boy looked at Conrad and there was instant recognition in his eyes.  He looked down, embarrassed.  Conrad walked up to him. “What's your name?” he asked softly.

“Jonathan,” he said so softly Conrad almost couldn't make the words out.

“Jonathan,” Conrad repeated. “Would you please be my date for the evening, Jonathan?” he asked.  Jonathan looked up, sparkling blue eyes watering a little, and nodded wordlessly.  Conrad took his hand and accompanied him to his locker.  When the boy was done, Conrad took his hand and they walked out to the revolving door.  The other guys Conrad had been talking to were casting angry glances at Jonathan behind his back. Envy was an ugly thing.

Conrad let Jonathan go through the door first.  When he was out of earshot, the gorgeous top from before came up behind Conrad and grabbed his ass.  “You may be smitten with that Hershey's kiss,” the man growled in his ear, “but it'll me my dick in your ass before this night is over.  I'll turn that light blue collar red.”

Conrad responded by using his key in the lock and going through the revolving door.  On the other side, he scooped up Jonathan and whisked him to the dance floor.  The boy was a great dancer and extremely nimble.  At one point, Conrad picked Jonathan up and they danced with Jonathan's legs wrapped around Conrad's waist.  That was when they kissed.

Throughout the evening, though, Conrad spotted the other man eyeing him, waiting for him to let go of Jonathan for the briefest of seconds so he could sweep in and take Conrad.  Then the music stopped, and the announcement for the competition occurred.  The fact that he was going to take Jonathan upstairs was a no-brainer.  He grabbed a room key and headed toward the elevators, physically carrying Jonathan, who was giggling.

Just as the elevator doors were about to close, the other man stepped in.  The doors opened back up as programmed, which gave the man the opportunity to step in next to Conrad.  Conrad was about to shift farther away, when he felt a sharp poke at his neck.  “What did you just do?” he asked the man, feeling his knees buckle as he dropped to the elevator floor.

“Quick acting muscle relaxant,” the man said.  “I told you I'd take your hole one way or another tonight.”  He Grabbed Jonathan by the arm and shoved him out of the elevator, throwing Conrad's room key after him.  “Find another top for this round, cutie.  Conrad James is mine.”  He let the doors close on the boy in the hall, who was sitting wide-eyed on the hallway floor.

Conrad tried to say something to the man, but couldn't speak.  The drugs made him unable to move even his mouth.  When they reached their target floor, the man lifted Conrad's legs and dragged him down the hall.  His shirt rode up and he could feel the carpet rubbing his back.  If this man wanted exactly what he said he wanted, Conrad knew all he'd have to do is keep a level head, and all that would happen to him would be getting fucked.  He was sad about losing Jonathan, and was mad at this guy for what he was doing, but there was no fear.  He had a gut feeling he'd get out of this encounter alive.

When they reached a door at the end of the hall, the man set Conrad's heels against it and used his key in the lock, only opening the door a crack so he could quickly grab Conrad's ankles.  That was telling.  The man didn't want to bend down to pick up Conrad's legs again.  He was getting tired.  When the drug wore off, Conrad would be able to overpower him and get out.  He was going to have to act like he was paralyzed for longer than he actually was so he could get more strength back, but acting he could do.

Conrad was dragged to the bed and hoisted onto it.  The man grunted with the strain of it.  Conrad smiled inwardly, since he couldn't physically.  Once up there, he could feel the laces of his boots opening while listening to the man breathe hard.  His boots were slid from his feet, followed by his socks.  Conrad's belt was unfastened next, and his jeans opened.  He felt his legs get lifted and his pants slide off, being pulled down from the ankles.  His briefs followed soon after.  His t-shirt was already bunched up around his chest from the dragging, and the man pushed Conrad's arms above his head to slide it off the rest of the way.  

Finally, the man crawled on top of Conrad, straddling his torso, and bent down to kiss him.  Conrad took pleasure in the fact that he couldn't kiss the man back, so all he got was unresponsive lips.  His close to his face, Conrad could see signs he knew well from Hollywood parties – the man was coked up out of his mind.  That explained a lot.  The man smiled and sat up, pulling off his shirt, showing a torso of lean muscle.  It was too lean, it was clear that the man had been a regular at a gym before, but was now in the process of wasting away.  His muscle was still there, but the ribs were starting to show, and there looked like there was no fat left to smooth out the deeper valleys.  There were also track marks on the man's arms.  This man was going to be dead in months if he didn't get treatment.

The man took off his own collar and fastened it around the top of his right bicep, so it wouldn't slide down, then took off Conrad's lighter collar and did the same on his left arm.  “Hot,” the man said, leaning down to kiss Conrad again, with the same results from last time.  He growled a little at not getting a response again, and angrily slid back.  The man whipped off his own sweat pants, and lifted up Conrad's legs.

The pain from the swift entry was powerful.  There was no lube, no prep, just instant ramming.  Conrad would have screamed if he could, but it was impossible.  This man went straight into violently fucking him, and seemed to know exactly how to position himself to get the hardest thrusts.  How many men had this man raped this way?  How many ass holes did he leave searing in pain, while their owners were helpless to cry for help?  Conrad was used to going through pain and hardship in order to prepare for roles, and he knew he could take this...but the others?  He knew there would be men, maybe even boys, out there who would need years of therapy because of this man.

It didn't take long.  In fact, the man came inside of him with a comical swiftness.  Conrad chuckled a little.  The drugs were wearing off!  Unfortunately, the man noticed that and fished another needle from his pants pocket.  How had he gotten those past security?  He jabbed it into Conrad's neck. “Laughing at me?” he spat.  “I'll show you what happened when people laugh at me!”

With a renewed vigor, the man turned his head to scan the room.  He stepped back and grabbed something from a table.  He held the enema bottle to where Conrad could see it, popping the top off as he did.  He jammed the tip up Conrad's ass and squeezed.  When it was empty, he threw it aside, and then started jamming the fingers of his right hand into Conrad's hole.  It hurt at first, bat was quickly being replaced by a strange pleasure.  The man shoved his fist in and out, punching Conrad's insides with an angry force, getting deeper with every punch.  It should have been excruciating, but it wasn't for some reason.  In fact, it was feeling amazing, and better with every punch.  The man was punching to the point where Conrad could feel the elbow passing his sphincter.

Then it happened.  After a couple of minutes, a tingling happened inside Conrad, and the man's next punch didn't stop at the elbow.  In fact, Conrad felt the collar that was up by the man's shoulder graze up against his hole.  “What the fuck?” the man exclaimed.  Conrad could feel him trying to pull back, but his hole wouldn't let go, and the sensation was sending waves of pleasure through him.  Every time the man pulled, it felt like a thousand tongues licking his hole at once.  And, when he stopped pulling, he went in a little deeper.  He fought against it, but was being pulled in against his will.

His cheek pressed against Conrad's balls as he was being pulled deeper, and Conrad heard a sharp snap. The TV across the room turned on, and Conrad could see everything that was happening.  He had forgotten that they were being recorded. The man's head was hanging limp, his neck broken, and he was being pulled deeper inside Conrad's ass.  He was dead.  The next pull yanked the man so severely, that his head tilted back, looking sideways over his own left shoulder and straight at the screen.

Blood poured from the man's mouth, dribbling over his left shoulder and coating what had been Conrad's light blue collar.

Conrad then had the good fortune to pass out and miss the rest of the man's demise.



Jonathan shook off his shock quickly, but not quickly enough to catch the elevator doors before they closed.  That man was going to rape Conrad James.  A small group of six men came down the hallway, laughing and hanging onto each other. “Please, help me,” Jonathan called out to them.  “Some guy just drugged Conrad James and took him up to a room to rape him.”

One of the men looked concerned and was about to say something, but his partner elbowed him.  The blond twink, with a serious case of resting bitch face, rolled his eyes. “Sorry sweetie.  That's part of the game.  Your celebrity crush didn't play hard enough and is going to be eliminated from the competition.  Find someone else for this round, or don't, I don't care.  Maybe you'll lose the round too and you can catch up with him on your way out.”

“But he's going to have sex with him against his will,” Jonathan said, aghast at this boy's demeanor.

“I've been roofied before, kid. Several times.  It's actually really fun.  Conrad James will survive, and he'll probably have a good time.  Relax and move on,” the bitchy twink told him.  With that, an elevator opened and the group of men slipped in.

Was he right?  Would Conrad be ok? Jonathan fretted a little more, and looked down at the room key in his hand.  He sighed and walked back down the hall to the ballroom, passing several couples.  When he got there, only a handful of men remained, most of whom had red or pink collars.

The men looked over to him.  “What's wrong?” one of them asked.  “Weren't you the guy who was with Conrad James?”

Jonathan nodded.  “Some guy poked Conrad with a needle and shoved me out of the elevator.”

“I can guess which one,” the man said.  “I was going to go for him, but he actually shoved me out of the way, never taking his eyes off of Conrad.  Did you see what floor the elevator went to?  We could still save him.”

Jonathan was taken aback.  This guy was willing to help, then he realized that he'd been talking to the bitchy queen and not looking at where the elevator was going.  He shook his head.  “I wasn't thinking,” he confessed.

“I think we may be stuck then,” the other man said.  “I'm Jason,” he said with a conciliatory smile. Jason was cute, but had a red collar, like Jonathan.

“Thank you for believing me, Jason. I'm Jonathan.  I think that my only choice now is to move on and hope he'll be ok.  Are only bottoms left?”

“A couple vers and some vers bottoms. I think there are enough to match every bottom with someone who is willing to top if the vers ones don't all pair off.”  Jason said that last part loud enough that it was an announcement to the group. Jonathan knew that tone.  It was a suggestion that bordered on an order.  The other men looked at each other and at the collars.  A couple pairs stepped away from each other and moved to talk to pure bottoms.

“Well done, Jason,” Jonathan said.

A very pretty white boy with sandy blond hair and puppy-dog brown eyes stepped up to Jonathan.  “I'm Ryan,” he said, leaning in to give Jonathan a gentle kiss.  Ryan had a purple collar.  He would do quite nicely.

“Well, Ryan,” Jonathan said with a playful grin.  “Are you ready to make a movie?”  He took Ryan's hand and headed back toward the elevator.  On the way, the blond bitch's words replayed in Jonathan's head.  Conrad would most likely come out unharmed, but he could have some psychological scarring. Jonathan just had to hold onto the 'unharmed' part in order to keep going forward.

They took an elevator to the floor that matched Jonathan's key and moved to the room.  Once inside, they didn't have much of a chance to do anything before a voice came over a loudspeaker in the corner.  “Boys, this is your host speaking. I'm going to need you to stick with making out for a little while so I can talk to another pairing.  If you wouldn't mind keeping your clothes on until I get back to you, it will be well worth your while.”

“OK,” Ryan called back, grabbing Jonathan by the collar and pulling him toward the bed.  He leaned in close to Jonathan.  “A little foreplay before the big event?  I'm in,” Ryan purred into Jonathan's ear.  Jonathan shivered with excitement.



DJ Billy Bubbles was packing up his DJ equipment when he noticed an envelope, white with ornate gold scroll-work, sitting on his bag.  When had that gotten there?  He picked it up and was about to open it when he noticed a familiar man striding up the dance floor toward him.  He smiled at the bouncer from the locker room.

“Hey Honey Bear,” he greeted his boyfriend, Chris.  His gentle giant.  His honey bear.

Chris mounted the DJ tower in two strides, surprisingly nimble for someone of his size, and grabbed Billy into his arms.  “Hot night, huh, Bubble Butt?”  Billy's ass cheeks were soon cupped in his lover's meaty and familiar grasp. Billy Wong had taken the name Billy Bubbles because of his...well...bubbles.  They went over well on the scene.  Once people knew that his boyfriend was the giant bouncer at the door, they usually settled with enjoying the view, just how Billy liked it.

“A million dollar fuck competition? Way hot,” Billy replied.  “Oh, there's a letter on my bag.  I think it's from the host.  It's probably our checks.”

“Do you think the guy's name will be on them?  I'd love to know who we're working for,” Chris said. Billy smiled and grabbed the envelope, opening it quickly to find out.  It wasn't pay checks, but a letter.

“Billy and Chris, thank you for your excellent service tonight,” Billy read out loud.  “However, your evening isn't yet complete.  You see, when I said there were 128 contestants, that included you two.  Only 126 men have gone upstairs so far.  There's one room key left on the wall, and it's all yours. I've made an exception for your two so you don't have to switch partners every round, so don't worry about that part.  All you have to do is fuck like bunnies and do it better than the others, and you can win the million to start your family.  What do you say?  P.S.: Win or lose, I've already deposited double the fee I quoted to both of you into your bank accounts.”

“Holy shit,” Chris breathed.

“Shall we go show these chumps that a couple can out-fuck a pair of strangers any day?” Billy asked.

Chris grinned at him and threw Billy over his shoulder, fireman carrying him to the key wall, where he grabbed the last one and went to the elevators.  He gave his boyfriend a smack on the ass as they went to their own personal love nest.  Inside the room, they found the enema bottle and Chris read the note that went with it.  “Nice, but we'll save that for round two...or seven,” he grinned.

The two of them made love for hours, in every part of the room, and on every surface.  It wasn't until the three hour mark that Chris suggested using the special enema on Billy.  “I think it may be laced with something,” Chris said. “Maybe X or something like that.  We have water here, so it could be fun if you want to try it.”

“Sure,” Billy said, walking to the bed and laying back, raising his legs into the air.  He grabbed his knees and pulled them back to expose his hole, satisfied already, but always willing for more where Chris was concerned.  Chris squeezed the bottle into his lover kissing each of the tan cheeks lovingly before dropping the bottle into the trash can in the corner of the room.  He walked back over to his boyfriend, and crawled onto the bed with him, spooning him gently, his dick resting against Billy's ass crack.  It was the way they always slept.

“I love you, Billy,” Chris purred.

“I love you, too, Honey Bear.” Billy meant it, with every ounce of his soul.  “When we win this money, do you think we could use it for a wedding?”

There was a brief startled intake of breath behind him, followed by a sniffle.  “Are you proposing to me? Chris asked.

“I think I am,” Billy breathed. There was a stirring against Billy's crack as his man got hard again. Chris's dick slid into Billy's ass, and it felt better than ever. This was what he'd been wanting since he was a kid.  He giggled. “And I think I just put a ring on it.”

“How did you do that?” Chris asked. “You just pulled my dick into your ass, and...oh god!  Whatever you're doing feels amazing.  It's like your ass is blowing me, jacking me, and riding me all at the same time.”

“It must be whatever was in that enema.  Interesting formula.”  Billy took in a sharp breath as a spasm of ecstasy rolled over him.  “God, we're going to see if we can get more of this stuff.”

Chris let out a loud cry and set off all the alarms in Billy's head.  That wasn't a happy sound.  The TV turned on and Billy was shown something that broke his heart and sent him deeply into sorrow immediately.  Chris folded backward in half, his heels touching the back of his head.  His entire pelvic region was inside Billy's ass, and his body was sliding in deeper.  He could see the pain and terror in his lover's face, shown clearly in the television.

“Can you push yourself out?” Billy asked, but only got a gurgling grunt in response.  In the screen, he saw his lover's body spasm as blood poured from his mouth.  In moments, he stopped struggling and went slack, dead.

“No,” Billy breathed, followed by a pained howl of grief.

The television changed it's image from what was going on behind Billy, to two white words on a black screen.


by Jayce Marvel

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024