My Twin Bodyguards

by Slutty Texas Btm

26 Feb 2020 11899 readers Score 9.4 (205 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Being the new kid sucks, I was dreading the first day of school. I’d started high school with most of the same kids I’d started first grade with and now a month before my Junior year we up and move to Texas. My dad took a new job and it was to much money to pass up so off we went. No telling how this was going to turn out. We were from Boston, I’d gone to a very progressive school and no one cared I was gay or that I was adopted or even that I had two dads. I was a popular student and my friends loved hanging at my house. My dads adopted me as a baby but my sister was three and my brother was five but I’m the oldest. I’m also the only one in the family that’s white. One dad is from Brazil, his name is Paulo, the other is Chinese American his name is James my brother David is African American and my sister, Eden is Indian and me, I’m Adam, I’m the token slice of white bread. Needless to say we turn heads when we walk in a place. I’m the only one in high school so at least I won’t have to explain us to a bunch of idiots asking stupid questions. Needless to say, I planed to keep a low profile when school started. It was bad enough some the neighbor we’re all giving us the eye behind closed curtains. Most hadn’t spoken to us but one busy body did come snooping and she was hardly across the street when the woman next door nearly cut her off getting to our front steps. My dads and I were out in the yard with the movers when Amy got to us. 

“Hey y’all! Welcome to Penrose Place. I’m Amy”

The other woman is checking out the things being unloaded as she walked up to us. Looks my dads up and down but only speaks to me. 

“I’m Mrs. Andrews are your parents available?”

Got her figured out. Bet she’s gonna be a problem but we’ve seen her kind before. This was gonna be fun. 

“Hi, I’m Adam, let me check” I turn and look at my dads who have huge grins on their faces. “Dads, this is Mrs. Andrews from across the street, are you available?”

Amy who was standing with them looked like she was going to bust out laughing. Mrs Andrews looked like she was going to have a stroke. My dads just introduced themselves politely as she stammered and tried to figure out how to get away. Shortly she made her exit and Amy nearly lost it. 

“Oh my god, that old bat is so damn rude. Don’t worry about her, you won’t have to deal with her much. I think you freaked her out. Your realtor is a friend of mine and told me all about you and your family. His husband and I have known each other since we were little kids. Have you met Jessie yet, he’s a doll and a great cook”

“Not yet but we look forward to meeting him, we really like BJ a lot. Oh and he told us about you and your family too. It’s great to finally meet you. Come on in for a bit”

I loved her thick southern accent and her attitude. She was pretty and blonde and easy to smile and quick with a laugh. We were gonna love her, wonder what the family was like. 

“Honey, you don’t need me in the way as y’all are setting up the house. I just wanted to welcome y’all and say hi. I was gonna wait till the movers left but I saw that old cow headed over and had to get here before she did and soften the blow. We are pleasant to the old heifer to her face but we don’t go out of the way ether. She’s an old bitty but they show up all over the place. I think y’all will be happy here. Oh here’s my number if y’all need anything. Why don’t y’all plan on having dinner with us tonight. Nothing fancy, just casual that way you don’t have to worry about it and you can meet my bunch. Not taking no for an answer and I’ll see y’all at 6:00. See y’all then” 

She was saying all that as she’s walking away so who could argue. My dad, James said..

“Guess we eat at 6:00. I think I love her. What a woman. Wonder what her husbands like”

To movers got everything in and set up and they unpacked and got everything put away, we mostly just directed and answered questions but by late afternoon everything was done for the most part so we cleaned up. My grandparents had my brother and sister back home and they would be arriving at the end of the week. Papai,(Portuguese for daddy) that’s what we call Paulo pulled out a nice bottle of wine and at six o’clock we walked next door and rang the bell.

“Y’all come on in” Amy yells from somewhere in the house. “I’m back here just follow your nose”

The house was fantastic and I was checking everything out as we walked to the back to a huge open kitchen and den with a big eating area. I loved this house! This really good looking dark haired man about mid 40 something is coming down a back staircase and comes to greet us. 

“Hey y’all, I’m Kent. We’ve heard a lot about you, so nice to finally meet ya”

He shook hands with my dads and the wine was opened. Amy questioned 

“I thought BJ said y’all had three kids?”

“My parents are bringing them down this weekend from Boston. Just the three of us for now”

“Kent, we should do a cookout when they get here so his parents know they don’t have to worry about them. What do ya think?”

“Wow you Texans are sure friendly! That’s so kind of you”

“I’m a Texan, my over the top wife is from New Orleans. It’s in her DNA to entertain and feed everyone. But really, we’d love to have you”

“We’d love to. Sounds like fun”

“Kent holler at the boys, dinners almost ready”

He walked out back and crossed the yard to the garage, opened a door and yelled up the steps and came back in. 

“They’re coming. Adam, what year are you? Eleventh?”

“Yes sir, I am”

“So are our boy’s”

“Boys? Twins?”

“I’m sorry, you haven’t met them yet, have you”

Just as he said that, the back door bursts open and these two hot looking teen versions of the Kent walked in. Coal black hair and deep blue eyes and the thickest lashes. They’re the same hight as me, so about six foot tall but that was all that was like me. I’m honey colored blonde with dark eyes with a slim build. Those two were looked more like linebackers. They had really broad shoulders, tapering down to small waists with muscled bubble butts. These guys were hot. 

“Y’all this is Chase and Chance, boy’s say hello to our new neighbors. This is Adam, he’s gonna be in your class and his dads, Paulo and James”

They shook hands with my dads and said hello and then asked if I wanted to play X Box with them. But Amy told them to go wash up, dinner was ready. We all sat down tor dinner and it seemed they all talked at once. Papai loved it because that’s how his family in Brazil was so he jumped right in. Dad was more a listener and I was just trying to keep up. I was glad to see they didn’t have a problem with gay people, no one seemed to even care. I liked these people, they seemed great. Maybe this wasn’t gonna be so bad after all. Dinner ended and the guys took me to the room over the garage to hang out as our parents talked. No sooner than we were alone the questions started.

“You don’t talk much, do ya?”

“Kinda hard to get a word in around here. My ears are ringing from all that”
The laughed, “Sorry, we’re a little loud I guess but Palio seems to keep up with us. What’s it like to have gay dads?”
“Well, they’re just my parents. What it like having mixed parents?”

They looked at me like I had three heads.

“What’re you talking about? They’re both white?”

My turn to laugh, I had to explain I had same sex parents and they had one of each. You would have thought I told the funniest joke ever. They busted out laughing like crazy people. 

“You’re a smart ass, mom said you had a mouth on ya, she told us about that old hag across the street. We’re gonna get along just fine. So what’s your story, you gay too?”

“I am, that gonna be a problem?”

“Not with us, we don’t care. We got a handful of ass hats at school you might get shit from but if you need any help dealing with um, let us know”

“Someone I should be watching out for?”

“I kinda think you’ll be able to handle yourself just fine but some people are just assholes. You never know what some fools will do”

They put me at ease and we spent the rest of the evening getting to know each other. My problem was they looked so much alike I couldn’t tell them apart and damn they were hot. I needed to keep it under control. They sure made T-shirts n gym shorts look sexy. These guys were built, little wonder, they talked about working out and sports all night, I didn’t care I was loving the eye candy. 

The remainder of the the summer I’d see them coming and going and rarely alone. They were always side by side, god they were hot. Life was pretty uneventful. We got to know the city a little and got settled in. A week before school started, dad took us all to get registered for classes and we finished up our back to school shopping. Monday morning I woke up feeling apprehensive, no telling what the day would bring. I’d gotten my schedule and a tour of the school so I had a good idea where to go so with a map in hand I headed into the fire. I got a few smiles and a lot a stairs but I powered on. First period was American literature with Ms Adams.. I found a place to sit over near the windows and it seemed everyone was watching me. A girl in the desk behind me said hello and introduced herself as Vivian but said Viv was what everyone called her, we talked before the bell rang. She kinda gave me the lay of the land and we hit it off pretty good. I think I’m gonna like her, she was as sharp tongued as I was and as big a smart ass. We compared classes and with little exception we had most of the same classes. That’s a relief, I thought. I gazed around the room scoping out the others and my eyes stopped at three guys on the back row. I knew instantly they were gonna be trouble. All were bigger than me by a long shot and all had kind of a “I’m a hot shit” look abut them. I made a mental note to give them plenty of space. Right after class started, there was a knock on the door and Ms Adams walked out into the hall only to poke her head back in and called my name to come out. It was my dad, I’d forgotten my wallet on the breakfast table and I’d need it to get lunch today. The three of us talked a second at the door and he pecked me on the cheek and said goodbye and I took my seat. I didn’t think a thing about it but I saw one of those guys glaring at me as I walked back in. He leaned over to his buds and said something and they all looked my way. Oh well , fuck them, I thought. Class went on and then when the bell rang, Viv and I got up and headed to the door. That guy stopped me. 

“You’re that fag with the Chink and wet back fag dads. I heard about you and your sick ass family. You need to go back where you came from, faggot”

I just looked at him with a side eye as I passed and said...

“Maybe some other time. Got another class to get to. See ya!”

I turned on the ball of my foot and walked away with Viv in tow. She was cracking up and looking back to see his reaction. He was pissed and fuming. I’d seen his type before. I never let um see me sweat and I never shown fear. Most of the day was ok, I only had two other classes with those idiots. Viv was telling all her friends how I dealt with him. The ass hats name was Jackson Davis, he was a frequent visitor to the principals office and avoided by most of the student body, I dubbed him Jackie D. His two henchmen were Danny and Steve,  Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb as I  called them, they were mostly just his hangers on. I could deal with them. Viv warned me to be careful, said they couldn’t be trusted. I just poo pooed them off. I also had several classes with those hottie twins from next door. I noticed the times they were in class when Jackie D and his idiots were around they never said a word, looks like they were scared of those pretty boys. This was going to be interesting. The guys already had their friends to hang with. I didn’t expect them to pal around me all day but they were always nice to me and stopped to talk. Time went along and almost every day I had to hear some shit from Jackie and I just antagonized him with some smart mouth quip. It just pissed him off he couldn’t get under my skin. I’d see him in the hall and he call me fag and I fire back flippantly something like, “you can ask all you want but I’m never going out with you. Definitely not my type, I like my guys hot and smart” I’d say it plenty loud enough to be heard by everyone. He’d nearly lose his shit every time. My popularity was growing, I was the first non jock to stand up to him and I did it with a smart mouth and wit. Every kid they’d ever mess with sought me out and I was making friends all over the place. This went on for several months and by homecoming in November Jackie was just seething to get his hands on me. He really never crossed my mind and I only said something when he said shit to me. To me he was an annoying pest and I was sure I could handle him. I was so wrong, the night of the homecoming dance it all came to a head. Trying to piss me off, Jackie nominated me for homecoming queen and it backfired on him. I ran with it and was having a ball never thinking I’d win but I did. All those kids that he and his henchmen picked on voted for me and I took a huge majority of the vote. All the candidates were presented during halftime festivities at the football game that Friday night. All the girls in evening gowns and me in a new designer suit were escorted by our parents onto the field, the local TV news team had cameras on hand as they wanted to be present if I by chance won. When the crown was put on my head the crowd went wild. All the girls surrounded me and were hugging and kissing me. It was so much fun. The boy that got homecoming king just ran with it and took my arm and escorted me to the center of the football field along with the rest of the court. It was so much fun and I was smiling so hard my face hurt. The next night at the dance we were all laughing and having a great time. Me and Viv had been dancing and were hot so we took a break and headed out to get some air. That’s when shit hit the fan. Unbeknownst to me, Jackie and his henchmen were watching me, they followed us out into the courtyard. Jackie grabbed my arm and jerked me into a dark corner. He grabbed my crown and stomped it to pieces and punched me in the stomach as Steve and Danny held my arms. 

“You fucking faggot, I’m going to beat you to a pulp. You come in here fucking up everything and causing trouble”

He spit in my face and punched me again. 

That’s when I here Viv yelling

“Over here”

Then I heard running, they let go of me and I fell to the ground, curled up in a fetal position. I had no idea what was going on and I didn’t care, I just knew he wasn’t hitting me anymore. 

“Ok, break it up boys. Get off them, NOW!” He yelled. It was our principal 

“What the hells going on out here?” He’s yelling

Viv told him what happened as she was seeing to me. Someone helped me up and got me over to a bench. 

“You ok buddy? Do ya want me to call your dads?”

I look up finally and it one of the twins then the other one shows up with a bottle of water. 

“Is he ok? Moms gonna kill us if he’s hurt bad”

“I’m ok guys, thanks for looking out for me”

“We didn’t do a very good job. Let our guard down for five minutes and that fucker jumped you”

“We’re sorry, that should’ve never happened”

“It’s ok, I just wanna go home”

Viv talked me into staying, said it showed I wasn’t taking shit of those assholes. I agreed and she helped me get fixed up. Seemed like half the dance was outside trying to see what was happening. She straightened out my clothes and fixed my hair, took my arm and we walked back in that dance. When we walked in everyone started clapping for me. I still wasn’t sure what the hell had happened, it seemed like it was so fast. I stayed almost an hour but I really wanted to go home. I’d road with Viv so she got me in the car and back home. She told me the whole nasty story. When they grabbed me, she ran to find my body guards. 

“Wait, what? Body guards?”

“Sorry, you weren’t supposed to know that. Didn’t you ever notice they never said a word to you if Chance and Chase were around?”

“I figured they were scared of them so yeah, I noticed”

“Chase asked me to let them know if things got out of hand when they weren’t around”

“Wow, I had no idea. Wonder why? I did hear one say something about their mom was going to kill them if I was hurt”

When I got home my dads were asleep so I just went to bed. The next morning Papai is sitting on the side of the bed shaking my shoulder gently, waking me up and dad is looking over his shoulder with a worried face. Turns out the twins told Amy and she called to check on me and told them what happened. None of us had a clue those boys were looking out for me. Amy had a talk with them when school started, she was aware of Jackson and his boys from other moms from school.  I was pretty sore but I was fine, mostly I was pissed because he smashed my crown. Later that day I went over to thank them for looking out for me. Amy greeted me at the door and hugged me then sent me out back to the room above the garage where the boys hung out. The guys were just hanging out watching tv in gym shorts and t’s, looking hot as always. 

“Hi guys, thanks for everything. I can’t believe what all you did and have been doing to keep me safe”

“Viv opened her mouth, didn’t she? You weren’t supposed to know about it”

“Girls can’t keep anything to themselves”

“I’m glad she told me”

“You sure didn’t make it easy to keep him off you. You got a mouth on you and you were really pissing him off”

“Look, he always started it, I just didn’t back down”

“We know and it was pretty funny. You were always getting him. He’s kinda slow ya know”

“For a scrawny gay boy, you sure balls”

“No shit, big balls”

“Bet yours are bigger” I’m thinking to myself. I still had the hots for them. They jerked their heads around my way real fast. 

“What the...”

“He said it!”

I looked at them confused 

“Said what” I asked

“Adam, you got something you wanna ask us?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Dude, we heard what you said. Ya said we had big balls”

“Oh my god, I did not”

“Adam, we know you’re into us. We’ve seen you looking. We’ve seen it before. Remember that guy at the mall last week?” He asked Chase. They were laughing 

“Oh man he nearly fell over himself checking us out. To fucking funny”

It just dawned on me, I said that out loud! Here I was thanking them for helping me and I say something stupid. I gotta get out of here. This is so embarrassing. I start working toward the door.

“Guys, I need to run. I gotta do something at the house”

“Come on Adam, we  know you don’t need to do anything. Just hang out with us. Come sit, we can have a little fun”

They always made me crazy because I couldn’t tell them apart. They even had the same hair cut. I think Chase said that and as he did he reached down and grouped his cock. I was all eyes. I jerked my eyes up to his face and he’s grinning at me. He looks at his brother and said..

“We should have a little fun, don’t ya think. Besides that, Adam wants to find a way to say thank you. I bet we could come up with something”

Chance, sitting on the couch, starts to spread his legs and lifts one up over the arm rest and his cock and balls are exposed up the leg of his shorts. He grabs his junk and flops it around at me.

“Look, Chase and I were talking about this the other day. If you’re up for it and we think you are. This could be mutually beneficial to all of us”

“Yeah, ya see, for a guy, you’re kinda cute. We think it might work out well, you being just next door and all. You could suck cock for us and maybe other things. I mean if you’re interested”

“Ah…..are you guys fucking with me?”

“Look Adam, we just kicked a guys ass for messing with you. We already like you and you don’t have to da anything you don’t want to. We just wouldn’t mind if you do. I hear guys are way better at sucking cock than girls are, something about only a guy knowing what a makes a guy feel good” 

I notice Chance is full on stroking his hard cock as he’s talking to me. Chase comes over and puts his arm over my shoulder and softly said…

“He might be dreaming of you sucking his cock but I’d love to fuck your little ass. I’ve always wanted to try that”

I’m just looking at them, the skepticism written all over my face. 

“Dude, if you’re not into it, it’s cool. We just thought you’d go for it”

I walked over and dropped to my knees before him. I didn’t even wait for him to pull his shorts off, I just pulled his hard cock out and sucked it down my throat. . 

“Knew he’d go for it. Damn he can suck some cock”

I couldn’t believe I was doing this with them. I’d beat my meat so many times since I met them thinking about doing just this. Before I knew it I had both guys naked standing in front of me taking turns fucking my face. It was thrilling, these guys were so hot and and sexy. By far the best looking guys in school and they were sharing my mouth as they fucked my face. Before I knew it, one was blowing his load down my throat, he was no sooner finished and the other one is pushing him out of the way so he could do the same thing. I sit back on my heels and look up at these two naked teen gods, I’m still fully dressed I didn’t even pull my cock out. 

“I didn’t know you guys were gay”

“We’re not, it’s just sex. It fees good. Didn’t you like it?”

“Yes, I guess.... I feel a little used”

The had gotten dressed and plopped down on the couch again, I’d gotten off the floor and took a seat in a chair. 

“I don’t know why, you’ve wanted this and it looked like you loved what you were doing. Looked like a win, win to me”

“Me too”

“But I didn’t even get to cum, I didn’t even take my clothes off”

“We didn’t tell you not to. I figured it’s the way you wanted to do it”

“Yeah, I thought it was kinda weird myself”

“Ok, I guess so. How’s this gonna work. Do you just let me know when you want me to come suck you off?”

“Adam, dude, if you don’t wanna mess around with us, don’t! This is not a one way thing. We told you before, we like you. Damn I thought you liked us too. Why can’t we be friends with benefits”

“Chance and I talked about it. We were trying to figure out how to approach you with it. I mean you live next door, our parents are friends and we all like each other. Were all guys and I’m betting you’re as horny all the time as we are, right?”

“When you put it that way...”

“Of course he’s right. Here’s the best part” he opens he’s arms and gestures towards the room. “We have our own private party pad. Mom n dad never come up here and you can see the lights on when we’re in here from your house. You can just come over any time you want. That way we don’t get surprised by your little brother n sister walking in on us at your house. This is perfect!”

“So I can just come over and suck your cocks when ever I want?”

“That and other things if you want”

“You weren’t kidding me then?”

“About trying out your ass? Hell no!”

A breeze could have blown me over, I was so shocked by this. They wanted to have sex with me...both of them! What a deal! This was a gay boys wet dream come true. Well needless to say, I agreed to the arrangement. They were always together so it was always gonna be a three way. The setup was perfect, it was a finished out garage apartment with a little kitchen and full bath so we could even clean up. They weren’t allowed girls up there so it was always just guys. Mostly it was just them when I’d come over. They would let me know if they had company so nothing was said by mistake if I came over. It was great!

Things at school changed a little, after my attack the twins stayed closer around me and every once in a while we would do a quickie in the boys room. It progressed from sucking cock to them fucking me pretty fast. The first time was a little awkward but I loved it. One day, I came over again and it started the same way. I’m giving head but this time I’d taken off my clothes so I could play with myself.  I’m up on the couch sucking cock and the other one try’s to finger me but he was dry and I jumped from the pain. These boys were well above average in the cock department so I needed to work up to this. At this point I had only been fucked a few times by a boyfriend back in Boston and he wasn’t anywhere near as big as these two were. 

“Damn, it’s an ass, not a hole in the wall. They don’t start out wet, ya gotta use something to lube it up. At least use some spit. You could hurt a guy like that and if I’m taking those big fuckers, I’ll need a lot”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. What do you want me to do?”

“What all have you done with a girl?”

“Well, everything, why?”

“It works the same way with a guy, pretty much you just got to get us ready. Have you ever eaten her pussy?”

“Yes but I’m not eating your shiter, that’s nasty”

“Get over yourself, you think I didn’t take care of that? I’m as clean as can be”

“I don’t know about this”

“Boys, I’m gonna give you both a lesson in boy pussy and you’re gonna listen and pay attention”

I rolled back against the couch and lifted my leg to show them my pink puckered hole. I flexed it so it looked like it was blowing a kiss. They liked that. I wet my fingers in my mouth and played with it and that got them going. I noticed they were getting wet from pre-cum. I told them to use that to slick up my hole. Soon I had both boys scooping it up and smearing it on my little rosebud. I asked if they’d ever tasted their own cum, they had. I finally got them to lick it off my hole and then they were taking turns eating my ass out soon I was open enough to take them. 

“Ok boys. Which one of you wants to fuck me first?”

Straight boys are hysterical. They flipped a coin! I loved it. The thing about having sex with identical twins, I couldn’t tell them apart and that in itself was such a turn on. Anyway back to the fuck. They had eaten me out and slicked up their cocks and now one is kneeling between my wide open legs lining his long cock up at my hole and slowly he popped the head inside me. I made him hold on a little so I could get used to it and then he slowly pushed in a little more. I’m holding him from giving me to much to fast. I can’t believe how thick and wide these guys are to say nothing about the length. He’s got around half of that pussy wreaker in me and I’m working hard to relax to take it. 

“Fuck dude! So fucking tight. Way more than pussy!”

“Damn, don’t stretch it out of shape, fucker. I want some too”

“Take it easy, you’re killing me here! Damn you’re big”

I can’t believe some girl has taken this thing. I’m a six foot tall guy and I’m having a hard time. The biggest I’d taken before that was nearly seven inches and he wasn’t nearly as thick and here I have a matched set wanting up my ass. He’s working half that fat cock n and out of my ass, just getting me used to it. Every once in a while he would add another inch of cock then something in me just gave way and I opened like a blooming rose and he was balls deep in me. He just held it in deep, kinda grinding it in. It kinda made me see stars and took my breath away. 

“Wow! What’s it like, hows his ass feel?”

He looks over at his brother and grins. 

“Un fucking believable! Way fucking tighter than any pussy, that’s for damn sure!”

He looks at me as I’m pushed back in the cushions of the couch, my eyes rolled up in my head. 

“Adam, dude. Are you ok?” His voice and face are filled with concern. “Fuck, am I hurting you?”

“Shit, what did you do to him?”

I raised my hand to stop them as I caught my breath. I laid it on his chest a second to calm him and softly said...

“I’m ok, just gimy a second. So big...”

“Damn, you scared me. I thought I killed you or something. I’ll pull out”

I grabbed his sides to keep him still and quickly shook my head no. My body finally relaxed and I could talk again. 

“Don’t pull out. It feels so good”

“Good, you freaked me out whe.....oh fuck! Holy shi... damn!”

“What! What’s wrong?”

“He’s doing shit to my cock with his ass! Fuck! I can feel his fucking heartbeat inside his ass. To fucking hot. I gotta fuck him. I can’t hold still anymore!”

He grabs my shoulders and starts this upward piston like motion. I’m moaning and gasping as the big head of his cock bangs against my prostate sending sparks of pleasure shooting through me. I could feel loads of thick precum pouring out of my cock. It was like he was pushing it out of me and with the two of them discussing everything he’s feeling, I was nearly over the moon. What a fucking turn on. 

“Dude, it’s like he has my cock in some sort of slick soft compression device. His ass is gripping my cock when I pull out and opens when I push in. You’re gonna love this”

“Hurry up, I wanna try it!”

I’m milking his cock, just loving what he doing to me. Trying so hard not to cum. I want them both in me so bad. I squeezed him a little tighter and he’s pumping harder. I’m gonna make him cum so hard. 

“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum. Want me to pull out!” He moans

“Fuck no, cum in me!” I beg 

He takes a few more thrusts and he’s planting his jock load deep in my ass. He’s collapsed on top of me, his head beside mine, panting into my neck. Softly he tells me...

“Adam, that was fucking awesome. I can’t believe it could be that good. Thanks man”

“Dude, get off him. I wanna try it!”

I clamped down as he pulled out, keeping his load from running out. I felt so empty without that huge cock filling me. As he lifted off me and pulled away, my legs just flat out on the couch. It didn’t last long but it took a lot out of me, I was spent. The other twin, I think Chase, starts moving in on me. I held up my hand. 

“You gotta gimmy a sec. He wore me out, let me catch my breath”

He looked at me with those big blue eyes, lust all over he face. He kneeled down between my open legs and inspected my hammered hole. 

“Can I touch it?”

“Just take it easy on me. He really got me good”

I pulled a leg up again and he gently rubbed the tip of his finger over me. I flinched a little, he snapped back real fast. 

“I’m sorry! Didn’t mean to hurt you”

“S’ok, just tender”

He leaned in again but this time he shocked me. He gently licked across my battered hole. I gasped again and some cum slipped out. He didn’t stop. I’m gasping and my cock jumped up hard as a rock. Chance is flipped back on the couch beside me. I snap my head over to see if he’s watching this. He is and doesn’t look shocked at all. He said...

“I hope I didn’t hurt you. I got carried away. I’d never guessed fucking a guy would be that. Sure hope you’re gonna let us do this again”

He’s just chatting away like it’s just an everyday occurrence. I can hardly say anything. He even slid his tongue in a little. This was driving me crazy. He sits back on his heals and smiles at me. 

“I can’t believe you did that!”

“We’ve shared a few chicks before and I ate their pussy after he fucked them. So it was kinda the same with you. Besides, it’s kinda hot, don’t you think?”

“You guys blow my mind! In my wildest dreams I never thought this would happen”

“So you gonna let me fuck you?”

“Can we do it a different way?”

“Anything you want. I just wanna fuck”

“Can we move over to the daybed?”

“Like I said, anything you want” 

I had him lay on his back. Sitting on him was gonna be so much easier   He lay back propped up on a pillow with his hands behind his head. God he’s a handsome man and I have a matched set. Anyway, I stood on the bed a leg on ether side. I’m looking down on him and I lowered myself and just as his big cock head touched my hole, I opened myself up. As I did, some of his brothers load dropped out on his cock and I just slid right down on him. 

“Ok, that was fucking hot” Chase commented 

I put my hands on his muscled chest and started fucking myself.  

“Fuck, you’re right. His ass is fucking killer. You just opened up that ass and pumped it good and it’s still fucking tight! How do you do that!” 

I’m bouncing on that huge cock, enjoying the feel of it hitting my love button. 

“Don’t know but I sure love it”

I’m rocking my ass so hard, I work myself up and down some more. I can see in his face he’s loving this. He pulled his hands from behind his head and grabbed my ass. He’s slamming me down on his fat cock. 

“Can’t hold it anymore, need to cum in that hot pussy, man”

He thrusts up hard as he slams me down and I feel him swell inside and unload. He nearly yelling as he’s shooting off in me. My own load is firing across his chest, I fall forward just kinda resting on my arms over him. His big cock still deep in my ass. He’s grinning at me and said...

“Fucking hot, that was just fucking awesome!”

I fall over to his side still trying to keep his cock in me but it falls from my overworked hole. 

“I think you like our big cocks up that fucking boy pussy, don’t ya?”

He takes a couple of fingers and scoops up some of the load I shot on him and put them in my mouth. I suck them clean. He looks over at his brother with a satisfied look on his face and said....

“This worked out even better than I’d hoped”

“Totally agree. Adam, you ok with all this?”

I’d collapsed beside him, Chance is sitting at the foot of the bed looking at us and I’m exhausted. 

“Last summer when we met, it was all I could do not to stare at you guys. I gotta say it, I think you’re the hottest guys in school and I did fantasize about you but I’d really just tried hard not to think about it. Now, here we are, you guys nearly fucked me to death and I loved every minute”

“Well, I for one never thought when we met I’d be fucking you ether. Hell I never thought I’d fuck any guy”

“No shit, me too!”

“So you guys have never been with a guy before, ever?”

“We’re twins. We’ve spent almost every moment of our lives together. So what we’ve done isn’t much but we did it together”

“Yeah, we’ve beat each other off and we’ve tasted each other’s cum but that’s all”

“We’ve also had a couple of three ways with two of the girls we’ve dated”

“So now you’ve been with me. I know you guys got off and I’m pretty sure from all you were saying, you liked it. What do you think?”

“Gotta say it, your ass is amazing. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think it’s better than pussy. I mean, talk about tight!”

“Don’t forget, one of the best parts. Not only do we get to fuck you raw boned, we get to shoot in you too and you don’t get pregnant ether”

“Hell, you even asked for it. To fucking hot, seeing my load coming out of you on my brothers cock and then see it pushed back in that pussy with his cock. That’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, gay or straight and I’m betting you’re gonna be wanting more”

I have to say it was a hot fucking time and one we repeated over and over again. Once theystarxed fucking me it was happening all the time. I’d get a text that read, “PT?” It was was the code they came up with, it stood for pussy time and if I needed some or if one of them did that would go out and it was always to be deleted ASAP so no-one would know our ask questions. We fucked al over our high school among many other places around town we liked to meet at the mall and fuck in a dressing room or restroom. It was as much a game of hooking up as it was to just fuck. It got a bit tricky when they got regular girlfriends and when I got a boyfriend but thats another story

by Slutty Texas Btm

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024