My Hometown Stud

by pan4allluv

5 Jun 2020 4820 readers Score 9.4 (132 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Diego and I weren’t ever really friends in high school. We barely spoke and if we did it was always cordial and friendly. When we graduated he was one of many people I deleted off all social media so I could have a clean slate for college. But just because I unfollowed him didn’t mean he unfollowed me. 

Diego was an athlete. He was on varsity soccer and football. He was the star on the soccer team and the kicker on the football team. I know what you might think, kicker…must be a small guy. Diego was anything but small. In high school he stood at a nice 6” 1’ and was around 160 pounds of muscle. He had a rock solid torso, arms for days and thick eyebrows that expressed more than he could say. He was popular but had a close knit group of friends that he exclusively hung out with. He wasn’t amazing at academics but kept his grades at a consistent B’s and C’s.  He was well liked among teachers and often would have his name chanted at football games before a kickoff or field goal. 

After he graduated he started working at the local Walgreens to make money for community college classes. His family didn’t have a lot of money and the few sports scholarships he got didn’t cover enough for him to go college full-time. He was stuck at home. 

Around my junior year of college I started noticing Diego was one of the few people that would always “Like” my posts and watch my stories on Snapchat. I didn’t think anything of it since I assumed he probably just enjoyed seeing someone’s life who didn’t stay in our hometown. One day I got curious and I checked his instagram profile out. It looked pretty average: Workout pic, pics of him with friends, pic of him with girl friend, etc. I moved over to his tagged pics and found something peculiar. The picture was him at a bar with a friend but in the background was a blurry rainbow flag and a shirtless bartender. The location tag was called “The Bulge.” I was shocked. I clicked out of the pic and went back again just to make sure I was seeing this right. To the average person this pic was just a photo of two friends at a bar. But to my investigative eye it was a pic of a supposedly-straight Latino stud at a gay bar having a good time. Consider my interest piqued. 


A few months later I was home for Christmas. As usual I saw the 2 hometown friends I always saw and spent time with the family. After New Years I was home alone bored out of my mind. I had hit my holiday plateau and was just loafing around doing nothing.

One morning I finally decided to get out of bed and hit the kitchen for some breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen I had found a note from my Dad.

“Abe please grab my prescription from Walgreens. I added $20 to your checking account so you can get it and some lunch on me. Love you, Dad.” 

I rolled my eyes. I have once again been designated as the errand boy. I put on my sweats and  grabbed my coat. Who cares if I don’t shower, it’s Walgreens not the Oscars. When I walked in I went straight for the pharmacy and grabbed my Dad’s meds. I started to make my way to the exit when I turned around and ran into roller cart full of cat food. I collapsed hard and the cans dispersed everywhere. A worker ran around the corner and found me trying to stack the cans back on the cart. 

“I’m so sorry!” I said. 

“Oh it’s no problem. I shouldn’t of left the cart there.” She assured me. 

“Diego I need someone cover the the front. I gotta big spill on 7.” She said into her headphone radio.

Her radio rang back. “No problem.” 

As I was stacking I felt myself blush. I don’t know why. I never had a crush on him in high school or anything and I hardly knew him. I guess I felt embarrassed because someone I creeped on was near and I had developed this weird internet crush on him. Also I had created a huge mess at his work place and that was just plain embarrassing. 

As we finished stacking I grabbed the meds and thanked the clerk. I walked towards the front and as soon as I turned the corner out of the aisle I collided with someone. I fell forward and the other person fell back. We landed together coincidently in the missionary position. I looked down and there lay Diego. He looked flustered and super cute. His hair was shorter than it was in high school but it really suited him and highlighted his razor sharp jaw line that looked like it was made in a fire. I realized I was staring at him a little too long and I jumped up quickly after I came back to reality. 

“I’m so sorry!” I said, offering him a hand up. 

“No problem man.” He said wiping himself down. “Hey, man!” He said realizing who I was. 

“Oh hey Diego. How are you doing? I said asking like I didn’t watch his insta story of him eating at Pizza Hut the night before. 

“I’ve been good man. Just been working here and getting my degree online for business. What’s up with you?” He said maintaining perfect eye contact. 

“Nothing much, just home for the holidays.” 

The clerk who had helped me earlier came around the corner and spotted Diego. 

“Diego, who’s covering the register?” 

Diego looked panicked. “Shit, I gotta go. It was nice seeing you Abe.” 

“Nice seeing to you too man.” I said pathetically. 

I got in my car and sat quietly. “Nice seeing to you too man?” I said alone. 

“Jesus, I’m the worst.”


After my catastrophe at Walgreens I drove home and sulked in my room. Not only was I now bored, but I was embarrassed and destined to be alone forever. Who would want to be with someone who couldn’t even talk to their crush. To be fair he is straight, taken, completely off the market and showing no signs of interest. Or was he? I decided to hop on Instagram and direct message him to amend any damages I might of caused and to see if any interest was around. 

Hey, sorry about today. So nice running into you. Would love to see you again.

“Love to see you again?” Lay off dude, way too strong. 

Hey man, sorry about today. Hope I didn’t get you in trouble.

“Oh my god, he’s a man. He can take care of himself Abe. Jesus.” 

Hey Diego. Good seeing you today. I owe you a drink sometime. 

“Perfect!” It was concise, straight to the point and left it totally up to him. 

I hit send and almost in ten seconds he replied. 

“Haha no problem man. Good seeing you too!” It read. 

What the fuck does that mean? “No problem?” Does that mean he doesn’t want to get a drink? Maybe I should be a little more forward? I hesitated to answer. What the fuck was I suppose to say now? 

“If you’re free tonight I’d be down to grab a drink somewhere.” I hit send. I didn’t think I just sent it. I ran away from my phone and hid. I didn’t get too far until I heard the subtle ding of my phone. It was a message. But was it from him? I walked back coyly to my phone. I turned it upside down and saw it was a dm on insta. I unlocked my phone and his reply was there like a shinny golden beam. 

“I’d be down. Where and when?” 

I screamed into my pillow. “HOLY FUCK HE WANTS TO MEET UP!” I jumped up and tried to retain any semblance of composure. After a minute of deep breathing I went back to our messages. 

“8 pm….the Bulge?”

I thought long and hard about this reply. It was ballsy but it would send a clear message. I erased it and thought about a more subtle approach. 

“9 pm, BWW?” 

That was way more safe. Buffalo Wild Wings was the most straight place two dudes who casually knew each other via Instagram and high school could meet up. 

I hit send. I felt defeated, but I was almost 100% sure that he would love that idea. His reply came faster than any of the other times. 

“Sounds good man. See you soon.” 

Soon. I wanted to cry. For the first time in a while I was actually looking forward to doing something in my hometown. 


We sat quietly at the bar. The conversation had run dry and it was clear the only things we had in common was high school and the fact that both of us were dudes. When he walked in he gave me a handshake and ordered a beer. We talked about where we were in life and he told me he was engaged! He met her at church. He rarely goes but his mom makes him go every Easter and Christmas Eve and this year at Easter they got seated next to each other and rest is history. She’s pretty but not like drop dead gorgeous pretty. She wants kids and he likes the idea of having a family so he proposed after six months of dating. I could tell he was settling and that he probably wanted more but felt pressured to settle down from his mom. I mean he’s 21 for crying out loud, what does he need to settle from? Puberty? I decided then and there it was time to steer this meet up in a more juicy direction. 

“So did you date a lot before you met Maria?” I asked earnestly. 

“Uh not really. I mean you knew Alexis and I broke up like a year after we graduated right?” 

I had no clue. I didn’t even know who the fuck Alexis was. I take it she was someone we went to high school with. 

“Oh sure. I think I heard that.” 

“I mean it just didn’t work out once I had left school. And she was only a junior so it made it hard for us to hang outside of her school and my work schedule.” 

“Right totally. But like you never like went on any dates with anyone after her or before Maria?” I was trying real hard but I doubt he knew what I was getting at. 

“Uh nope. I mainly just work and hang with friends.” 

“Cool.” I could feel the life draining out of my face and onto the floor. This night was going nowhere and so far I could tell the pic of him at The Bulge was just a fluke. He wasn’t gay or bi curious or anything. He was just a boring straight dude. 

“I’m gonna piss and then head out. Is that cool with you?” 

“Oh uh sure.” Diego said hesitantly. 

I paused. There was a slight sadness in his voice. Like he didn’t want me to leave. I backtracked and rethought. 

“Unless you want to get another round? And then maybe order something to eat?” I said hopeful.  

“That sounds great!” He said with a smile that could’ve made me cream my jeans then and there. He really wanted to be out tonight and with me! I hid my glee as I readjusted in my stool. 

I decided to reproach his dating life. I wasn’t coming off strong enough so I needed to set the vibe out. 

“I’m not sure if you knew this but I’m bisexual.” I said confidently but not loud enough to make it sound like I was advertising myself to the bar. His face didn’t change but I could tell he wasn’t offended.

“That’s cool.” He said kindly. “My cousin is gay too. She came out to us last month.” 

“Good for her. How old is she?”


“Wow, that’s young. I still haven’t come out to my parents or family so she’s…brave.” 

“Oh…well thanks for feeling comfortable enough to tell me.” 

“Yeah no problem. Have you ever thought about guys like that?” I asked almost wishing I could take it back.

“Oh um. Not really.” He said firmly but not offended. “I actually had a friend who worked at Walgreens and he was gay and…he asked me out.” 

“Oh was that weird?” 

“Not really, I just…I didn’t know if I was sending like a vibe out or something but he told me later he had like a huge crush on me since he started there.”

“I mean it could just mean that he thought you’re an attractive guy.” I interjected.

“I guess. I turned him down but a few weeks later one night. We kinda got drunk doing inventory and it was really late and no one else was there and he kissed me.” 

“Oh shit. What did you do?” I said nearly cumming at the idea that he had kissed a guy before. 

“I mean it was really quick and he apologized and I apologized and we just acted like it didn’t happen.” He said almost like he wished he could go back to that time. 

“Did you like it?” 

“What?” He snapped quickly. 

“Not like that… I mean was it like enjoyable.” 

“First off I’m straight. So I didn’t want him to kiss me in the first place. So no, I didn't."

It fell silent. I stared at my drink while Diego looked at the TV. I felt like I crossed a line and pushed too much. Diego looked up with the brownest eyes you’d ever seen. 

“It was a kiss. I could tell it meant a lot to him and later he told me I was his first kiss. And I guess technically it was a first for me too. I didn't want him to be scared that I would overreact so I just let him down easy." 

“Oh, that was really nice of you." 

“He was a good kid. Just turned eighteen and he didn’t really have any friends and he wasn’t out to his parents yet. I think I was the only friend he had."

“Well I think you’re a good person. It sounds like you handled that really well.” I put my right hand on his knee softly and stroked the top of his knee with my thumb. He flinched and looked down and I removed it carefully. He wasn’t upset. I think in that moment he needed some comfort. I felt like that really wasn’t the end to the story but I didn’t want to push it. I smiled at him and he looked away and blushed. I was falling hard and no one could catch me. 

He looked over at me and gave me a half smile. I reciprocated and then took a big drink. 

“I think I'm gonna need another drink.” He said like he was about to go into battle.

“Same here.” 


It had been more than a week since our BWW meet up and I was feeling anxious. The night had ended fine and we said we’d hang soon but you know that’s usually code for “See ya never!” It was a late Friday night and I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling fan. I checked my phone, it was 11:07 pm. I was the most boring person I knew. Diego hadn’t liked any of my newest posts on Instagram or even viewed my stories. I felt like he was avoiding me and that made me really anxious. Had I scared away a new/old friend and potential lover? I laid in bed letting all these ideas boil in me till I couldn’t stand it. He had given me his number at the end of our last meeting and I had put it in my phone faster than you could say “suck me dry.” 

I unlocked my phone and clicked to his contact. I stared at it and the let the blue light of his name and number fill my room. I hit call. It rang once. Then twice. Then a third and then like my soul, it disconnected and sent me to voicemail. He had screened my call. I felt everything within me collapse. I stared at the phone internally screaming. I had disconnected and skipped the whole voicemail portion. If I wanted to leave a message I would’ve just texted. I should’ve just texted but part of me wanted to hear his voice again. 

I closed my eyes to fall asleep and began counting. One, two, three, four, five, and then all of a sudden my phone started vibrating. I knew on the other end of that call was a hot blooded Latino man who was looking for some strange. I grabbed my phone and hit answer like it was a button that was going to give me a million dollars. 

“Hello?” I said not too eager but with plenty of energy. 

“Hey. Sorry I didn't answer, I had been on the phone with Maria for like an hour so your call was a good excuse to finally end the conversation." 

“Oh no problem man.” Man? Really? I recoiled at my own words. 

“So what’s goin’ on?” He said kind of slurring his words. Was he drinking? 

“Oh not much just uh hangin’ out at home with the rents. You?” 

“Just got home from work. Maria was gonna come over but she’s too tired so I’m just chilling here home alone.” My heart nearly skipped a beat. He was alone and horny I could tell. 

“Oh where is your fam?” 

“My parents are out of town for the next few weeks. They went to Mexico to see some relatives and they took my brother with them.” 

“Ah that’s cool. A little family vacation is always nice.” 

“Yeah, so I’m just chilling here with some tequila.” 

“Sounds like my type of party.”

“What are you doing?” 

“Nothing dude, I was just calling to uh…see if you were around and wanted to go out or something." 

“Yeah sure man. I’m a little too drunk to go out but if you wanna come over here you’re more than welcome to. Drinking with another person is way more fun than alone." I nearly fainted at the the thought of being at his home alone with him. I couldn’t even get out the words. 

“Uh sure, that uh sounds cool. Text me your address and I’ll be there soon.” 

“Aight, see you.” 

I hung up the phone and raced to the shower. If this was gonna happen I was going to be clean and prepared for all possibilities. 


I got to his house in thirty-five minutes flat. Luckily he lived closer than I thought and it took me ten minutes to get to his house. He texted me that he left the door unlocked and to just come to the living room when I get there. I got to the door and wanted to knock but instead I followed orders and walked straight through. The house was small but felt spacious. His mom definitely wasn’t one for clutter or meaningless furniture. I walked in and took off my shoes immediately, I locked the front door and walked into the living room. The lights were dim but I couldn’t tell if that was from a dimmer or just lack of lighting in the room. He was sitting on a large couch in his jeans without a shirt watching TV. His body was even better than I remembered in high school. Back then he had the abs and the arms but now he had filled out a bit more and I could tell he weighed easily over 180. His torso was rock solid and matched his large thighs and arms. I wanted to get lost in those legs and have them suffocate my face till I died in his crotch. God I was horny and he looked ready to fuck me up.  I wanted to scream in ecstasy. This was really going to happen wasn't it? 

“Hey you found it.” He said unsurprised yet pleased to see me. 

“iPhone maps. Saves my life everyday.” I went for our normal handshake and he reached for my arm and brought me in for a bro hug while he was sitting on the couch. My body fell slightly on-top of his and my hand grazed his chest and I nearly crumbled. It was hard a rock and yet his skin was soft as butter. Did he moisturize or was he naturally this smooth? His natural scent gave me a semi and I realized how good a person could smell just by one wiff. I could also smell the tequila on his breath. He was definitely buzzed if not tipsy. Perfect.

“Save any for me?” I asked jokingly. 

“Yeah man, here ya go.” He tossed the bottle to me. 

“No glasses or anything?” 

“Nah man, I don’t want no fuckin dishes. Chug it." He was feeling himself. I really could not handle the heat he was radiating.  

“Gotcha.” I took a swig and cringed. This tequila was on a whole nother level of potency that I had never experienced. He sat there quietly watching and then sighed rather dramatically.  I plopped down next to him on a smaller sofa chair. 

“You okay?” I asked hoping for a rant. 

“Yeah man I’m all good. It’s just…..nah. It's nothing." 

"What?" I pried. 

"It's girl shit man. I don't wanna bore you." He said blushing a bit. He started turning red and looked away. I wanted to grab him and hold him till he felt comfortable to tell me. Instead I said, "Just fuckin' tell me." Subtle. 

"Fuck....Maria she just like, I mean we’re fucking engaged and I’ve only fingered her once and kissed her boobs like twice. I mean she won’t even fuckin’ give me a hand job and that’s like the easiest thing to do.” 

“Oh I’m sorry man.” I watched his ab muscles levitate up and down as his breathing got heavier. He had a small patch of curly dark hair in the middle of his chest and his nipples were  light brown circles that weren’t too big but not too small. It was cold in the room so they were hard and begging to be sucked. His happy trail started at the base of his naval and spread to the bottom of his torso. I wanted to investigate with my tongue so bad. 

“She just like thinks it’ll make it more special for our like wedding night and like I don’t disagree but like I’m out here busting my ass and I deserve like a lil' something now and then right? I mean not like all the way, but I gotta bust every now and again." 

“Yeah sure.” 

“Thank you! I mean if you had a significant other you would make sure they were taken care of after long days of work right?” 

“Uh yeah totally. Everyone needs some relief now and then.” 

“That’s what I’m saying! I mean if like... we were together you would like…treat me right, right?” 

“Uh sure? That’s a stretch but I think…” He interrupted. 

“What would you do?” He said looking at me with his big brown eyes. His breathing had gotten slower and he sat up for the first time and locked in on me. My knees got weak. 

“I dunno. I mean..I don't really no what you would like and I...sorry. Whew, what I mean is..uh. I'm not sure what I mean, fuck sorry." 

“Nah you’re right sorry. I’m making this weird.” He leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of tequila from my hand and took a large swig. I felt like I had embarrassed him so I got up and grabbed the bottle back and took a large gulp. This time sitting directly next to him on the couch. He leaned back and let his head rest on the top of the couch closed his eyes.

"I just wish she knew how much I've passed up to be with her." 

"Like what?" I asked leaning in a little closer. 

"Nothing. Sorry." He opened his eyes slowly and kept looking up. He sighed. I could tell he was in a lot of pain and I felt awful for making it weird. He had given me an open and I had choked. Here this man was sitting essentially half naked in front of me asking me what I would do to him if given the opportunity and I blew it. I knew if there was any chance of anything happening tonight I would have to make a move and make it strong knowing there's no going back. If he got mad and hit me or whatever I would have to take it and run away fast. 

“I think…I think that if I had a guy like you, I would make sure he knew exactly how much I appreciated him.” I slowly took my left hand and rested it on his right knee like before. This time he didn’t flinch or look down. He let it rest. 

“Mm” He said soft and low. “I knew it.”

I took my thumb and I began to stroke the top of his knee back and forth, up and down. 

“Like this.” I took my hand and moved it further up his leg. I let it venture to the lower half of his torso. I followed the trail up to his chest and nestled my fingers in his chest hair patch. He lay there still not moving, barely breathing. I turned my body towards his and took my right hand and placed it on his chest identical to the other. I rubbed his chest and felt him tighten up as I applied more pressure. His whole body was hot. I felt his nipples and wondered if they could get harder. I grabbed the left one and squeezed softly. He let out a breath and I saw his dick jump a little through his jeans. He liked his tits played with and I could tell no one had done this to him in a long time, or...ever. He slowly opened his eyes and moved his head down and looked me in the eyes. 

“Fuck.” He said quietly. 

“Something like this I guess.” 

He smiled and took my hand and placed it on his crotch. Rock solid. Just as I had expected. I leaned into his chest and started sucking his nipples. They were hard and soft. He let out a moan so loud I forgot no one else was home so I stopped scared. He yanked my head back to his chest. I could hands move across my head and play with my hair. I couldn’t believe what was happening but I left it all occur. He pulled my head back and brought his lips close to mine. For a second he sat still, passing air and letting the moment of suspense have its time. His tongue was the first to make contact with my lips and he swallowed my mouth whole like he was dog lapping water out of a basin. I opened my mouth and let the taste of tequila enter. His tongue was large and gave the inside of my mouth proper exploration. His hand grabbed my face and then moved to the back of my head where he began to stroke the back of my hair behind my ear. I quickly organized my hands to unbutton and unzip his pants. Once he felt action below the belt he lifted his pelvis and assisted me taking his pants off. His underwear were black mesh speedo and they were warm like a furnace. I looked down and saw an erection bulging out of them like a swimmer ready to explode off his platform at race. I kissed my way down his neck and onto his left nipple again. I sucked it hard till I felt the pressure of his hand moving me down past his naval and onto his solid cock. He had removed his underwear while I was pleasuring his nipple and had unsheathed a bush and cock beyond my wildest dreams. He was uncut, tan and at least 8 inches. His bush was untrimmed and dark. He had those pubs that were tiny curls and wiry, almost like his crotch was sculpted by Michelangelo. His dick had a subtle front curve that tickled the back of my throat but didn’t gag me. I moved off the couch and onto my knees in front of him. I took his cock deep inside my mouth and came back up to stroke it and lick the shaft up and down. I looked up and saw him writhing in pleasure and gripping both his tits. I reached up and smacked away his left hand and grabbed one for fun. It was amazing to watch him squirm. 

“Oh fuck yeah, squeeze that tit.” He whimpered.  

I let go of his cock with my other hand and reached for the other tit. I tweaked them while licking his shaft up and down. 

“Fuck, fuck, let go or else I’m gonna cum.” 

I quickly let go cause there was no way this was going to be over this soon. He looked down and ripped my shirt off. I had planned not to wear too many layers in case a moment like this occurred and I needed to strip quickly. He leaned forward while I stroked him and began sucking his balls and grabbed my left nipple. I moaned loudly. I hadn’t had anyone do that in ages and it felt like pure heaven. All of a sudden he pulled me up and threw me on the couch while he fell to his knees. He ripped off my basketball shorts to discover I wasn’t wearing any underwear. Like I said, I planned ahead. He smiled and moved right along to eating my dick. He moved around it unsure how to handle it since I’m cut. He took the whole thing in his mouth and I could feel the heat from him mouth warm the base of my cock. I’m a grower and I grew at least five inches in his mouth very quickly. He pulled back coughing. 

“Damn Abe, you got a choker.” 

I smiled and yanked his head back onto my dick. He jerked my cock and slapped it on his face on each cheek. He licked my balls one at a time, then took each one inside his mouth. His face was warm and feeling it between my legs was the only place I ever wanted to be. He pulled back and began on my thighs. He started kissing up my body up to my lips. He straddled me and thrusted his tongue once again into my mouth. 

“I want to cum on your face” he said in between tongue baths. 

“Why not just cum in my mouth?” I said. His eye lit up and he hopped off me back into our original position. I moved down to his cock which was still has hard as it had been to start off with. I was slightly confused since I had briefly forgotten he had an uncut dick. I looked at it and began jerking it off and watching the foreskin bunch up at the top. He nodded and moaned and I applied more pressure to the top. 

“Bite it.” He said heavily. 

“What?” I asked.

“The skin. Just nibble on it.” 

I turned red, then blue then pink and was completely astonished and turned on by this request. I leaned down and bunched the skin up against my lips. I felt the rolls of foreskin enter my mouth and I began to gently nibble on his skin. 

“Harder” he moaned. I bit down harder and began to enjoy this new chew toy of mine. 

“Slide you tongue under the skin now” he demanded. Who was I to say no? I brought the foreskin down and wrapped my tongue at the top and brought it all back to the top. I rounded the circumference of his dick a few times and bit down on skin when all of a sudden I felt his cock get extremely tight and a jet of liquid hit the back of my throat. I feel his body shake and heard him scream. 

“Oh fuck! Take it, fuck yeah!” 

He stopped shaking and I thought it was over. His cock feels softer and harder to handle. I look up at him and make direct eye contact. I swallowed his load with the most dramatic swallow gesture I’ve ever made. His eye rolled back in his head and he smiled. 

“Fuck Abe, that’s the hottest shit I’ve ever seen.” 

I look down and notice two large wet spots on the floor. In all the ecstasy of the moment I guess I came all over the couch. I lean down and wipe up some of my cum off the couch. 

“Do you know what this is?” I asked naughtily. 

“My cum?” 

“No it’s mine, which means you owe me a facial.” I took the small puddle of cum in my hand and stuck it in his mouth. He smiles and left the puddle on his tongue. I kiss my way to the top of him and dive my tongue onto his where we share my load together. We kissed and he grabbed my ass hard. 

“So I guess that’s what you would if you had a significant other?” 

“Nah, I would’ve let them cum in my ass.” Diego’s head drops and I feel his dick re-energize like a creature come back to life. 

“Fuck, round two?”

“Maybe next time.”