Jason, my Somnambulist Boss

by Robert Foley

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The next morning at breakfast, Jason and I immediately had to act like we only shared an office and never a bed. Several attendees of the conference were having breakfast at the same time as we waved them good morning.

I was in the morning-after glow when I suddenly noticed the difference between what Jason was having and what I was having.

“Can I ask you something?”, I said softly, to make sure no-one else could hear.

“Always”, Jason said just as he took a bite of his fruit salad.

“I realize that for months I had assumed you thought I was fat. Why else would you take away the donuts in the office?”

Jason quickly looked around to see if nobody was listening.

“Babe”, he said in a surprised tone. “Did you really think that?”

I was immediately aware that I started blushing because he called me ‘babe’. But I ignored it.

“Well, everyone in the office is really in shape, and, well, I’m…”

“Stop that. You have a great physique.”

“So why…?”

“First of all”, Jason interrupted me. “I know Zahra brings in donuts every morning anyway. Fine. I just need to not see them every time I enter the break room.”

“So it’s for your own sake?”

“I used to be a fat kid… I probably get a bit over-the-top about my weight sometimes. If you’re going to date me, you might as well know.”

Jason looked down at his food. I could tell it wasn’t easy for him to open up about this.

“Your body is flawless, babe”, was all I could think of to say. It made him smile.

Friday morning was the last portion of the conference. We had the afternoon off and then a massive dinner for all supervisors and their partners. It was likely there would also be dancing, which was uncomfortable to think of.

But first, we had to get through a speech about the plans for Hamilton & White to develop into the future. There were plans of opening another office, making it the 30th.

“Now I’ll have you know, Tulsa already has a number of successful firms”, Mr Hamilton said. I was looking at him in a very different light since I heard Jason’s story about him. I realized I barely listened to what he was saying. Jason and I were sitting in the very last row. I wanted to turn to him to give him a knowing look, but then I saw Jason’s face had turned all red and he was breathing heavily. I saw a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

“Are you OK?”

Jason didn’t say anything but looked down at himself. His black trousers were tented and wet.

“…which is about a third of what there is now”, Mr Hamilton said, and I saw Jason’s eyes roll back as he moaned softly. He was having an orgasm. The magic word! I totally forgot! Jason had been a fantastic hypnotic subject, but this can’t have been enjoyable or comfortable for him. He really had no say against his subconscious mind, which was telling him to cum every time he heard the word ‘now’.

“Go to the bathroom, I’ll be right there to bring you a new suit!”

He nodded and walked past me as he stumbled out the door. The smell of his semen was present. Mary, who was sitting on the other side of Jason, asked if he was OK.

“Yeah… just… wardrobe malfunction.”

“Oooh!”, she exclaimed, putting her hands together.

I smiled.

“I have to go get him a new suit. I’ll be right back.”

I went up to the room and quickly took a suit that was still on the hanger and went back down. I found Jason in one of the stalls of the bathroom on the third floor.

“Thank you so much”, he said.

“Well, sort of my fault though”, I admitted. I stood by the sinks and I looked at myself blush in the mirror as I said it. I heard Jason change into the new suit.


“I gave you a trigger to cum when you heard a certain word.”

“Fuck, that’s hot.”

“You think so? I thought you’d feel embarrassed.”

“Well, mostly it was hot”, he said as he opened the stall and came out holding his soiled slacks. “I can’t believe Mr Hamilton got me to orgasm after all.”

“Wait, go back”, I said. I pushed him back in the stall and closed the door.


“Put down the seat and sit down.”

“Huh?”, Jason was confused, but he did as I told him. Once he sat down, I snapped my fingers.


Jason’s body fell back against the wall and seemed to be slipping off the toilet, so I held his shoulder to balance him.

“You will no longer have an orgasm when you hear the word ‘now’. From now on, the word ‘now’ will not make you cum. Nod if you understand.”

Jason nodded.

“3… 2… 1, eyes open, wide awake!”

He woke up and seemed to be unaware of where he was for a second.

“Oh. Hey”, he said. “Did you put me under?”

“Had to remove the suggestion”, I smiled at him. He smiled back.


“You bring back the dirty clothes to the room. Come back to the conference room. I told them you ripped your pants.”

I gave him a quick kiss on the mouth and left the stall.

Jason was the butt of a few jokes later that morning, but he took it well. Thankfully they didn’t know what actually happened. When lunch rolled around, we were free to do whatever. We went to the 9/11 Memorial, which was quite emotional. We shared where we were when we heard.

Later, we were all invited to a lovely dinner in a private room in a restaurant. It was quite a formal affair, there was a live band and everyone was dressed up. Jason wore a bowtie and looked adorable and sexy at the same time. It wasn’t always the most interesting of conversations. I tuned out quite often and found myself looking back at these past few days and how I would be able to go back to Cedar Rapids with Jason, our relationship so different than when we left.

After dinner, the live band got louder and we were invited onto the dancefloor. I didn’t feel like it, I only wanted to dance with Jason and knew I couldn’t. Jason, on the other hand, was asked by several of the women, mainly partners of supervisors, for a quick dance. He obliged, clearly embarrassed by some of the attention he was getting. I loved watching him. Mary eventually asked me for a dance, even though it was really a way for her to talk to me in private. She said it was nice to see me again and to give everyone back in Cedar Rapids a big hug for her. I promised I would do so. Right before her husband came to steal her away from me, she whispered into my ear.

“I see what’s going on.”

She looked at me to see my reaction, which was probably a confused look.

“You and Jason.”

I was frozen stiff.

“And I love it! Hey Ben, honey! You need to take me away from Erick, he’s putting the moves on me!”

And just like that she was gone. I didn’t see her when I left that evening.

The next morning, Jason and I left for the airport and flew back. When we landed, I went to my house, emptied my suitcase and packed it anew with clean clothes and went to Jason’s. That evening, I cooked for him and he took me to Belle’s Basix. It was a great night.

A few weeks later, I was partying at Cedar Rapids PrideFest with Jason, Jake, and Ted, all of us shirtless. We had a big group hug and I got slightly emotional. I had chosen my own family. And it was the greatest thing.


by Robert Foley

Email: [email protected]

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