Did Ya Hear About Phil?

by Slutty Texas Btm

25 Jul 2020 2503 readers Score 9.4 (87 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

About five years out of high school I reconnected with two classmates on Facebook. I’d heard from a girlfriend that Mark was gay. Hell, I wish I’d know back then, would have made things easer. She got us together and we clicked really fast. He in turn told me about Arron, he I’d always wondered about but wasn’t sure. None of was attracted to each other back then and still weren’t. Not that I’d have turned ether of them down it’s just it never crossed my mind. So anyway, Marks in Austin and Arrons in Chicago and I’m in Dallas so it’s not like we see each other much. We’ve had a group text for like four years now that no one needs to see. We have a fucking rip roaring good time trashing people we know from back then and just sharing our lives. It good to have buds like that and I just love those guys. One day we get a text from Arron.

Aaron... Did y’all hear about Phil?

Mark... Phil who?

Cris, (me)... I don’t remember a Phil

A... Lived out near Cris. Last names starts with an L. Dropped out Junior year. Hot, blonde, ripped, bedroom eyes, tall....dumb as a post. Did I mention HOT

M...yep, stoner, hot and stupid

Me...Leavell...Phil Leavell. I remember, stoner for sure, I don’t think he was all that dumb just always stoned. why, he murder someone”

A... Made a fortune, invented some car gadget

M...conference call...can ya talk?

So we got on a conference call and Aaron is filling us in.

“First of all, he’s still fucking hot as hell. Those big blue eyes looking out under those half closed lids. God he had my ass puckering back in school. He invented a gadget that goes between the car seat and the console so things don’t get lost. That one I think he sold on some infomercial and made a killing”

I remembered he was really into cars and anything car related. Mark just remembered he was hot.

Phill Leavell was in our class but was two years older. He flunked and was held back twice. His parents lived on a farm not far from the house we lived in and freshman year we road the school bus together. I was only fifteen he was seventeen but his parents wouldn’t let him drive because he was always getting in trouble. He was in my gym class and I’m the only one of the three of us that had ever seen him naked. Not only was he ripped but he was fucking hung too. Didn’t see it hard but I saw it every day in my second period gym class. He was the only reason I didn’t mind having to change clothes and shower at school. I was nothing to look at back then. I hadn’t gotten my growth spurt yet and was a tad chubby but Phil was fine. His hair hung in golden ringlet curls all over his head. When he stepped out of the shower all wet it hung to his shoulders. He never had to do a thing to it, just ran his fingers through it, raking it back off his face and let it dry. Perfect head of sun kissed curls. His smooth body was ripped from working on his dads farm and deeply tanned from running around all summer in nothing but cutoff jean shorts. He was always smoking pot and forever in trouble so right after our third year of high school started he dropped out and we never saw him again. I hadn’t thought of him in years. So Aaron saw him on the hicago morning show, talking about how he got into inventing car gadgets. He was in town for something and did the talk show. Aaron said he’d recently moved back to Texas to help out his mom so he figured he was ether in Dallas or close by. Mark wondered why the sudden interest in Phil.

“Here the kicker, he’s gay. You fucking believe that? Oh and he goes by Lip now”

“Cris, you should look him up and check him out. I wanna know everything”

Mark started laughing, giving Aaron shit about always being horny and him the only one of us married. Mark and I were still playing the field and nether of were really looking. We all laughed and talked a little longer but I needed to get back to work so I signed off. About a month later, I’m out to see my parents and mom’s telling me all about Phil. Turns out his mom and mine are in book club together and she pretty much told me the same thing Aaron did. She said she gave him my card and he would be calling me. Just what I need, my mother trying to set me up with a guy. Heaven help me. I was pretty sure I’d never hear from him so I promptly forgot about it.

A few months pass and I’m in my office when my assistant hands me a message from a Mr Lovel and a number. Said he’d called when I was out and wanted to talk to me. I didn’t place the name and told Jeff to get him on the phone for me.

By the way, I’m Quentin Criswell and I go by Cris. In school I was Quinn but in my fraternity they dubbed me Cris and it stuck so now almost everyone thought of me as Cris Criswell. I own a very successful art gallery and have done very well for myself.

“Cris, I have Mr Lovel on the line”

“Hey Quinn, remember me?”

I hadn’t been called that since high school so it took me a second. My parents didn’t even call me that anymore.

“Forgive me, I’m at a disadvantage. No ones called me that in years. Help me out here”

“Dude, so formal. It’s Lip Leavell, I mean Phil Leavell. From high school”

“Oh hey! How the hell are ya? I hear from the grapevine you’ve moved back in the area. Arron Brymer from our class saw you on the morning show in Chicago”

“Man that was months ago. What was he doing in Chicago?”

“Lives there. We talk all the time. He's with a publishing house and married to a real nice guy. Working on adopting a kid at the moment. What about you?”

“Well, I’m not adopting any kids, I can tell you that” he laughed out loud “I guess you’re wondering why I’m calling after all these years”

“Let me guess...my mother gave you my card and your mother’s harassing you about it. Am I close?”

“Sorta, pretty close. Not mom, my grandma”

“Oh I adore your grandmother. How is Eloise? I haven’t seen her in a few years”

“She good, getting up in years. She always liked you. You were the first gay person she ever met and changed her whole mindset about homosexuality. You made it easy for me to come out and easy for them to except. So I owe you one”

Eloise went to my church and at one point was my Sunday school teacher. I just adored her and she liked me a lot too. When I came out she was a little taken back but she reached out to me and asked me to come see her to talk. She had lots of questions and I was very honest with her.

“Phil, I mean Lip...I gotta get used to that”

“Same here. That Cris thing threw me a sec”

“Funny we both ended up with even shorter versions of our shortened names. Anyway, I didn’t even know you were gay until Aaron told me. I had such a crush on you freshman year”

“Hell, I didn’t even know I was gay back then. I stayed stoned so much I didn’t know much of anything. To funny you having a crush on me. I was such a fucked up mess”

“You were stoned but damn you were pretty. Aaron said your still good looking”

“Damn, what all did he tell you?”

I told him about the conversation with him and Mark and how he wanted me to go check him out. We laughed about it and he asked me to go to lunch the next day so we could catch up. The next day I’m walking into the restaurant and I’m shown to a nice table in the back. He stands to greet me and I’m stopped dead in my tracts. He’s hardly changed in the nearly twelve years that’s passed. He’s still fucking hot as hell.

“Oh my god Lip! Aaron said you were still hot, he didn’t say time had stood still! You look amazing!”

He gave me a big hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek and we sat down. Our 11:30 lunch lasted until after 4:00. We sat talking in a nearly empty restaurant and had a wonderful time. He’d already tipped the server a massive tip because we sat too long but when we got up to leave he handed her a 100 dollar bill and another fifty to the hostess for not rushing us. He followed me back to my gallery and looked around a bit before he made his exit. I couldn’t believe how perfectly lovely and charming he was. The stoned out teenager I knew a decade ago didn’t exist anymore except for the fact that he still look just like he did back then. My God he was good looking. The next day, a delivery of white flowers was made. They were huge! The card attached read...

Thank you for a wonderful time.

To think I was just trying to make

my grandma happy. Can I see you again?


I turned around and called my flower guy and had him whip up something exotic with a note that read...

Anything to make Eloise happy!

I’d love it.


When he got the flowers, he called me.

“Hey, thanks for the flowers. You didn’t need to do that”

“It’s nothing, I had such a good time yesterday. I wish we’d been friends in high school. We talked more yesterday than all the years we lived near each other”

“I gotta be honest. I asked you to lunch to make grandma happy. I didn’t expect you to be such a great guy or so hot looking. Weren’t you kinda chubby in school?”

“Yep, I was. Didn’t slim down until after you disappeared. Getting taller helped but I started swimming and working out too”

“I really would like to see you again”

“Well we do need to keep Eloise happy” I laughed

He invited me to dinner at his place the following Friday night and of course I accepted.

That evening I’m pulling up to his high rise on Turtle Creek. We talked as he cooked and ate, it was all so easy. As we sat looking at the skyline he said...

“When you walked into the restaurant the other day, I was a little blown away. My only memories of you were the fat kid that lived near us that my grandma liked. When you walked in the other day, first thing I thought was dragging your ass in to the restroom and fucking the hell out of you. I know that’s pretty crass but I couldn’t believe how hot you turned out”

“Thanks for the compliment. Let’s just say if we had ended up in that restroom, I would have been one happy camper. I nearly jerked my teenage cock off my body thinking about you in gym class. I had such a fucking crush on you. I used to fuck myself with a cucumber pretending it was your dick. How’s that for grass?”

“I don’t remember you even being in that class” he laughed

“I don’t expect you to, I was just 15. Fat kid trying not to be seen but I have to tell you, I was sure watching you. I think yours was the first grown up man cock I’d ever seen”

He kinda laughed about that. I told him Aaron has been enamored with him also.

“Well, I’m seeing you know and I like what I’m seeing”

“I’ll tell you a little secret. We all kinda thought you were ah... well...”

“Dumb? You weren’t far off. I started smoking pot in like the sixth grade. By the time I was in high school I was doing harder shit. I was angry all the time. That’s why I was always in trouble. The fights and shit. Totally fucked up”

“You walked around school like you owned the place. I was scared shitless of you but so turned on at the same time”

“I thought I was hot shit, what I was, was stupid. It’s a wonder I didn’t end up in prison”

“The proverbial bad boy. My fantasy man. You can imagine my surprise when you called me. Coulda knocked me over with a feather”

“I was a fucking joke. No idea what you saw in me” he laughed

“It’s sounds so shallow now but honestly, you were so beautiful and so sexy. ....You sure turned your life around though. Look at you now. The class bad ass thug is worth a fortune and living in a high rise on Turtle Creek...La De Da!”

“I worked hard to clean up my life and image. For the most part, I live a pretty respectable life”

As we sat there on the couch together looking out the window I reached over and put my hand on his thigh. He put his on mine and pulled it up to his swelling covered cock.

“I’ve not completely shed all my bad boy image. I still have a few thing I keep in the shadows”

“Oh really? So tell me, what part of that old bad boy is still around. Anything you wanna tell me about?... How bad are you?”

He pulled me into a kiss which turned into quite a make out session. Before long I was straddling his lap and we were making out like teenagers.

“Since we’re being crass and all, I want to ask you something”

“Ask away. Anything you want”


“Careful what you ask”

“Look I’ve already told you I wanted you to fuck me....”

He didn’t say anything, just started taking my shirt off as I sat on him. He slipped it off and started playing with my erect nipples. His hands were all over me. He had me turn around and stand between his open legs and took my shorts off and soon I was completely naked. His hands are moving over my tight lean body and he took my hard cock in his mouth. Then he had me stand on the seat over him and he leaned back and held the globes of my ass open and pulled me to his open mouth. He chewed on my rose bud and sucked on it to make it protrude further. My mind is spinning out of control. All of a sudden, I’m that 15 year old freshman boy with my fantasy boy, the one I dreamed about, is eating out my ass. A long strand of cock snot is drooling from my piss slit, making a slimy pool on his shirt. He’s still fully clothed, I haven’t seen his big cock in about 15 years. I reach down to the big hard pole that’s running under those jeans. I tug on the button to get in those jeans and he pushes my hand away. Then I grab my own cock and again he stops me. He lifted me up and helped me back to the floor and stands up. Taking me in his arms, he’s kissing me again.

“You’re making me crazy. I’m so nervous, I feel like a kid again”

“You are no kid. You’re a hot sexy man and I can’t wait to be inside you but good things come to those that wait. Come with me”

He took my hand and walked me to the bedroom, he lay me back on his bed and started shedding clothes. First his shirt came off, revealing that smooth muscled body I jacked off to as a horny kid. It was beautiful, more defined than it was when he was 17. This was no boy, he was 30 now but even more sexy than ever. I reach for my cock again.

“No no, hold off. You’ve waited this long, don’t waist it doing it yourself. I’d hate to restrain you...sorta” he gave me a wicked grin “pull your knees up closer and spread um. I wanna see that hot little hole”

I was seeing some of that bad boy I remembered and it was driving me wild. My own cock was dripping like mad on my flat stomach so I swiped up some and smeared it on my hole and pushed out so I could slip in a little. I watch as he finally dropped his jeans and stands up straight in all his glory. His body is amazing. Totally smooth from his nose to his toes. Nothing but a big shiny cock ring. I’d never seen him hard back in school but that thing had to be over nine inches long and about the size of a Red Bull can only thicker. He got closer and knelt on the bed. He watched a second and said...

“You like playing with your hole”

“Yes” I whispered

“Keep doing it. You look incredible, I like it when you put your own slime in there. I bet you’ve even fingered your own cum up that hot cunt”

My eyes keep traveling back-and-forth from his hard cock up his beautiful sleek ripped body to his handsome face framed with all of his golden curls. God he was a walking fantasy.

“You’re a sexy man. I like watching a hot sexy man like you turn into a pussy boy”

He got between my legs and pulled me down flat on the bed. He pushed my knees up next to my ears, my ass is sticking straight up in the air and told me to hold my ass open for him. Then he did something no one‘s ever done before. He took his dripping cock and started stroking it until it was dripping even more. He got over my open hole and let it drip into me a little while. He pulled back and slipped his finger in and spread our combined natural lubes. Then he spit in me several times then he slid two spit covered fingers in me and banged me a little while as he kissed me. He shifted over me and all of a sudden he’s in me, balls deep, no condom, no warning, he just slipped straight in. He took my breath away. It didn’t hurt but it damn sure surprised me. Also we hadn’t talked about condoms so I was a little surprised when he took me bareback but it felt so incredible, I didn’t really care, I prefer it that way. After that first initial plunge deep in to me, he held still until I was comfortable with his big cock. Then he started slowly long dicking me. He would pull almost all the way out, pause for a second and then ram it back in. Other times he would pull completely out and make me beg for it. I was losing my mind. At one point, he pushed all the way in deep and just stay there as he lay down on me.

“When I decided I’d soon be fucking your hot ass, I did a little research on you. Looked you up on Grindr and a couple other apps you haunt. You’re a nasty boy. We have a lot in common”

He gave another hard thrust as he said it.  

“I cleaned up my life but I’m still the bad boy you had the hots for in bed. Saw how you like it raw and loaded. Total nasty pussy boy. We’re gonna get along fine”

He jammed in hard again and unloaded in me. As soon as he was finished he just jerked his cock out of me and rolled over and got up and casually walked over and checked his emails on his phone.

"HOLY FUCKNG SHIT!!! He just left me!!! He just shot the biggest load up my ass and got up and walked away! I was losing my mind here. I’d been on the edge of cumming for the last hour, he wouldn’t let me touch myself and my cock was so hard it hurt and fucking walked away. I jumped up and took off after him. I was pissed, big time. I ran into the living room and he’s laying back on the couch looking at his phone. Leaning back, legs spread wide and still hard as a rock. His big cock was sticking up like a god damned flag pole. It was still wet from being up my ass, cum is still on the head.

“You bastard!”

I yelled at him. He just glanced up at me, dead pan look on his face and he said...

“Fuck yourself pussy boy” and glanced back his phone.

I just stood there flabbergasted, I couldn’t believe it. We just had a wonderful evening together, the most incredible sex and now this. He’d kept me on edge for the last two hours. He would bring me close and stop over and over again. I had a serious case of blue balls and my hand wasn’t what I wanted. I’m getting madder and my fists are balled up. He looked up at me again and said...

“Thought a nasty pussy boy like you would already be taking care of it by now”

He glanced back at his hard cock and flexed it a few times.

“I told ya ta fuck yourself....Ya need an engraved invitation”

That fucker! I practically ran across the room and slammed my sloppy cunt down on his throbbing cock. I’m frantically fucking the hell out of myself. He dropped his phone and put his arms along the back of the couch and smiled at me.

“That’s it, make me breed that perfect little cunt again. That’s what you’ve been wanting bitch”

I’m frantically banging away and he reached over and pinched a nipple real hard. I screamed and he slammed up hard at the same time. My ass slammed down hard on him and I started exploding cum all over us. A big spurt hit him in the side of his face and I could feel him unload in me at the same time. I just collapsed on top of him, my head laying on his shoulder breathing hard like a painting dog. His arms wrap around me and he stroke my hair, calming me down.

“Damn you’re a fucking hot piece of ass. I could get used to this”

“You’re an asshole”

“That’s true but you loved it”

“I can’t believe you did that to me”

“Just thought I’d give you a little taste of that bad boy you lusted after”

I popped him in the side of the head and laughed.


“You’re the one that wanted a bad boy. I was just giving ya what ya wanted “

I kissed him and he lifted me off his still hard cock. I looked at him questioningly.

“Popped a little blue pill before. I kinda planed ahead. Wasn’t sure what I was gonna pull but I had to do something. I tell ya, walking away like that was hard. I coulda kept going. You’re fucking hot”

“So now you’re gonna be sweet. You’re going to give me whiplash. Did you really check me out on those apps?”

“Fuck yeah. I wondered what you were into. I was kinda hoping you weren’t as strait laced as ya seemed. You’re not as wholesome as you look. I like that”

“We won’t be shearing that information with your grandma. Will we”

by Slutty Texas Btm

Email: [email protected]

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