Davy's Place

by Southpawguy

30 Sep 2023 698 readers Score 8.9 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


"Morning Bill" I smiled and sipped my coffee getting ready to face the day.


"Hey Dan" we fell into step as we walked through the doors.

"!'m..." Dan glanced around to see if there was anyone near, "I'm exhausted! I've been wanking all night thinking about that blow job."

"I know what you mean" I hadn't been much different and I didn't even get sucked off!

"What you gonna do?" Dan asked.

"I'm damn well gonna find Davy is what I'm gonna do."

"I bet. Me too, I'll race ya" he grinned.

The morning was spent getting on with boring shit and wondering what might happen at lunchtime, yesterday's events seemed unreal today.

As the clock ticked round, Dan came over looking conspiratorial "D'you reckon he's gonna want to do the two of us together?" he whispered, "I mean, are you OK with that?

I looked at him, thinking to myself how far out of my comfort zone that would be.

"He might" I replied." we might not get any choice about it."

"True" Dan nodded, "but it's weird right?"

"The last twenty-four hours have been weird mate, I dunno if it can get any weirder, but..."

"But what?" Dan glanced around to be sure no-one could overhear.

"Well, umm, it's just that..."

"Come on mate, spit it out."

"I dunno, I feel stupid."

"It's OK mate, what is it, tell me."

"I can't."

"I'm your friend, you can trust me" Dan looked worried.

"It's, it's..." I couldn't.

"Mate, come on" Dan nudged me.

"Well my dick isn't as big as yours, it's embarrassing." I blurted out.

"Oh", Dan looked like he was trying not to laugh, "Well, I mean... Is it... is it like really tiny?"

"No!" I almost spoke far too loud, "It's fine, it's... well... about average I guess."

"Well what you bothered about? I'm not bothered if you're not."

"Of course you're not, you've got the bigger dick! I hissed through my teeth.

Dan laughed "I'm sorry mate, I'm not laughing at you honestly" he moved in close and spoke almost into my ear, "We've been mates how long, over twenty years? I know it's all really out there at the moment, but we've got a chance to actually use whatever we've got instead of jerking off to boring porn all the time. I tell you, that blow job was fucking amazing and I don't reckon Davy is too bothered how big your dick is or mine, it sounds to me like he just loves cock, we should take advantage before we're too old and can't get it up!"

I blushed, I don't know why, maybe it was the first time Dan had really referred to our long friendship and the trust we had even though we never said it.

"Get it up? I whispered, "the problem was getting it down last night."

"There you go, don't worry about stupid shit like that, we're mates right?

"Yeah" I mumbled, touched by Dan's affection.

Dan moved away as Eddie from the delivery bay came in carrying a couple of parcels.

"Hiya, alright?" Eddie waved a clipboard, "got some stuff come in for you Dan, put yer paw-print on here would ya?" He held out the clipboard.

"Sure" Dan looked at the parcels and signed Eddie's form. "How you doing Red (Eddie had some of the reddest hair you've ever seen)."

"I'm pretty good, busy as always. How about you you?

"Oh I'm fine" I smiled, Eddie was a popular member of staff, always ready to help anyone, always with a smile and friendly word.

"Yeah, I'm not bad" Dan gave Eddie the clipboard back.

"I'm going over to Burger King for lunch" Eddie said, "wanna come?"

"Sorry Red" Dan smiled, "we've got plans already."

"OK, no problem" Eddie walked over to the door, "I'll see you later."

"See ya" Dan and I chorused.

The clock hit the hour, Dan and I glanced at each other and set off for the lunch room.

Davy was already there when we went in, "Hey guys" he smiled.

"Hey Davy" Dan sat down and I kind of froze for a second before taking a seat as well.

"You both good?" Davy gave no hint he even knew what had happened yesterday.

"Er, yeah" Dan said, "We were wondering, you know, if... if you know, you might, you know..." He trailed off, obviously not quite able to say what he wanted out loud.

Davy laughed, "c'mon Dan, you can say it, I know you can."

"I wanna blow job too!" it was out of my mouth before I even knew it.

Dan and Davy were laughing so hard that I couldn't help but join in, Dan was wiping his eyes by the end and we all took a moment to compose ourselves.

"Do you now?" Davy was still chuckling, "look guys, I don't normally do anything at work, it's too dangerous. We'd be sacked on the spot if anyone had seen us yesterday. The situation got the better of me I shouldn't have done it."

"Does that mean no blow job?" Dan leaned back to show the tent in his trousers and stroked the head of his cock through the fabric, "I bet you're just as bad." He looked over at me.

"Umm, yeah, pretty much", I adjusted my uncomfortable hard-on and looked at Davy.

"It doesn't mean no blow job, it just means no blow job here at work. Look, if you want, come over to my place after work and we can relax and take our time."

"Well er, where do you live?" I asked, my dick seemed to be taking out it's frustration by getting even more painful.

"You know Park Road?" Davy asked.

"Yeah, it's not far" Dan said "by the, erm, park."

"That's the one. I'm right at the end, by the park gates, number 45."

"I dunno if I can last that long" I moaned.

Davy laughed again "well go somewhere and have a quick wank, that way you'll last longer later on."

"Really?" I asked, a bit pissed off if I'm being honest.

"OK, OK" Dan rubbed his crotch and looked resigned, "something to look forward to I suppose."

"Exactly!" Davy grinned.

"Dan was wondering what it would be like to fuck you" I don't know where that came from either, it just popped out of my mouth and hung in the air with Dan looking at me wide-eyed.

"Was he now? Davy drummed his fingers on the table, "Well he might find out later."

Dan's eyes widened even more, "well I just mentioned it, it sort of crossed my mind, I mean you did say that..." he trailed off again.

"I did indeed"

I got the impression Davy was enjoying this game, if my cock hadn't been shouting at me from between my legs, I probably would have too.

"We'll see what happens later eh?" Davy started gathering up his stuff, "Seven o'clock OK?" He moved towards the door, "number 45 remember? By the gates."

"Ok, we'll see you at seven" Dan said, looking excited, "you do know this is really weird for us right? He asked Davy.

"Yeah, I get it, there's no pressure honestly, if you decide you don't want to or you need to think about it, it's really not a problem. No-one has to do anything they don't want to. If you change your mind, just call me and let me know, my number is in the staff list."

"Oh we'll be there" I was determined to at least even up the score with Dan.

"OK, see you later at my place", Davy left and the two of us looked at each other.

"Into the rabbit hole then eh mate?" Dan was still gently squeezing his boner, "I'm going to the gents to rub one out, this is agony, I'll be ready to go again by seven that's for sure."

"Into the rabbit hole" I agreed, wondering what the fuck I was doing.

Seven o'clock seemed an awful long way away, I'd have to go to the gents after Dan.

Number 45 Park Road, Davy's place. 

I felt like I was going to be the naughtiest boy ever and my dick was telling me not to wait...