An Accidental Meeting

by Danny Galen Cooper

27 Dec 2020 4045 readers Score 9.3 (110 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The party at work had been a disaster. I rested my head against the headrest in my car and closed my eyes. What had I expected? What had I hoped for? I had hoped that Thomas from accounting would notice me. I had noticed him at a presentation about two months after beginning work at Starwood Industries. He was always friendly, saying ‘hello’ and the like, but I wanted him to see me, not just another employee from work.

Instead, I saw most of my co-workers in a state of inebriation. Lisa was hanging on Thomas, and he was eating it up. So much for my thoughts that he might be interested in me. In the six months that I’d been working there, he’d never said a word about a girl, girlfriend, or dating. Several of the others were paired up, but no one really even talked to me.

I hate parties. From the first one that I went to in eighth grade to the few I attended in high school and college, I’d never felt more alone than when I was with a large group of people. I’d even attended a few all guy parties, but I never met anyone there whom I wanted to go home with or date. This party was no different, except that I was more frustrated with my life now than ever before.

I opened my eyes. I didn’t want to go home. I’d probably feel less alone if I picked up something to eat and went home to watch a movie or read a book. I put the car in drive, but I found myself headed toward an adult book store I’d been to a few times before to buy a few toys. I pulled into the parking lot about fifteen minutes later, but I remained in my car for another ten minutes as I debated going in. I didn’t need another toy, and I didn’t want to go into the arcade.

The arcade was a sure bet of getting blown, maybe even finding an ass to fuck; it was also a sure-fire bet of guilt and emptiness afterward. Would blowing my wad be worth it? I decided to visit the bar next door. It wasn’t advertised as such, but everyone knew that gay men were welcomed there. I was surprised at how few people were in the place. Two guys who appeared to be the leather-type were playing pool, and the four men at the bar appeared to be watching a baseball game. Except for the guy on the end, he had scanned the door when I came in and then looked back at his drink. That end of the bar was in the shadows and as he was wearing a baseball hat, I couldn’t really see his face.

The men watching the game appeared to be in their fifties, and they were spaced out. I could either sit among them or sit next to the man at the end. I decided on the man at the end.

“Anyone sitting here?” I asked just to be polite.

A smooth, tenor voice replied. “No. you’re welcome to it.”

The barkeep was quickly attentive. “What’ll it be?”

“Grilled cheese sandwich and a rum ‘n Coke,” I answered.

“Those any good? The sandwiches?” asked the man who appeared to be in hiding.

“I thought so the last time I was here,” I told him.

“I’ll have one, too,” said the man. “The name’s Rob.” He reached out his hand.

I shook it; his hand was warm, soft, strong.

“I’m Kyle.” I smiled. I could see him a little more clearly. He looked vaguely familiar, the way the cousin of a friend might look.

“Is that your real name?”

I smiled again, this time keeping my lips tightly closed. “It’s my real name.”

“Sorry. It’s just that I was supposed to meet someone here about forty-five minutes ago. His name was Kaleb with a ‘K’, but I don’t think he’s coming.”

“Met him in a chat room?” I asked because I was curious. This man was nice looking. Dark hair, clean-shaven, very strong chin. The face of a man you’d be proud to say was your boyfriend. I wondered whether his personality matched. And, why did a man who looked like that need to meet guys in a chat room?

“Yep. I wanted to meet somewhere public. He wanted me to come to his place. This seemed safer.”

“Think he stood you up, or do you think he’s one of these other guys here?”

Rob smiled for the first time. He had a great smile with straight white teeth. “If one of them is Kaleb, he lied in his profile.”

“I wonder if he’s that first guy.”


“Six-two, one-sixty, athletic build, brown hair, brown eyes, eight inches, uncut.”

“Is that what you see?”

“Don’t you,” I asked.

“I see five-seven, two-twenty, balding, hairy, four-inches, cut, hasn’t bathed in a week.”

I laughed. “That will never get him a date.”

“Yeah, well, being honest hasn’t seemed to get me one either.”

The bartender, who appeared to be in his thirties, put my drink in front of me with a smile and a wink.

I took a big swallow. “I’d take you home.”

Rob didn’t say anything. He sipped his drink and looked down at his cup.

We were silent until our sandwiches arrived, and we both said “Thank you” at the same time.

“I’d like that,” said Rob.

I took a bite of my sandwich; it was as good as I remembered. Now that I offered and he’d accepted, my heart started to race. Was I being stupid?

I parked my car in front of my apartment; that was one of the things I like about this place. Rob pulled up next to me. I’d texted him my address, so he knew where I lived. I had his number, so maybe this was safer than my brain was giving me credit for. I stood in front of the car and waited for him to join me. I noticed that he pulled his cap down after getting out of the car. He followed me a few steps behind.

A thought occurred to me as I unlocked the door and saw him glance around. “You’re not out, are you, Rob?”

A guilty look before he slipped inside ahead of me confirmed my thoughts. He stood just inside the doorway as if trying to decide whether to actually come in. I closed the door and turned the latch. “It’s OK, Rob. If you need to leave at any time, just turn it to unlock it. But I hope you’ll stay. I’m not really out either. My sister knows. My parents disappeared on a trip to Europe when I was in college, so I don’t know if they suspected.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be so nervous,” he said. “It’s just that you’re really handsome, and your smile makes me kind of horny. Shit. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“You think I’m handsome?” I turned to look directly at him. “I think you’re handsome, really handsome. I’m just an average looking guy.” I smiled. I held out my hand and touched his arm. “Why don’t you come in and sit down? I can make us some tea. I’ve got some bottles of water. I also have some root beer. I drink it when I have pizza.”

“A bottle of water will be great.”

We went to the kitchen, and he sat in one of the two barstools I had at the counter. I gave him the water bottle, and he immediately took a big drink and a deep breath. “I was hoping to get a blowjob when I agreed to meet that guy at the bar, and when you invited me here, I was thinking the same thing, but now that I’m here, I think I’d like to go out to have dinner with you. Maybe I don’t know what I want.”

I sat opposite him and put my hand on his knee. “It’s all good. You don’t have to figure things out right away.”

“But I’m thirty fucking years old. You’d think I’d have some things figured out.” He sounded angry with a touch of bitterness.

“Rob, it’s tougher for guys like us, and there are no timelines.”

He put his hand on mine and grabbed my fingers. “Thanks for that.”

I swallowed hard; his hand felt so nice on mine.

“Is this OK?” he asked.

“It’s more than OK.” I brushed his bangs to the side. “What do you do when you’re not making my heart beat faster?”

He smiled in response. “I…” He looked me directly in the eyes. “Journalism. I’ve never told another guy what I do.”

I stood up and stepped closer to him. I put my hand behind his head and pulled it to my chest. I wanted him to take his cap off.

He stood up, but he didn’t let go of my hand. I think I should go; maybe we can have dinner next week.

“Why not tomorrow?” I asked in a whisper.

“Maybe.” He pulled me to the door.

“Don’t leave yet,” I was still whispering with my lips next to his ear. I gently rubbed my lips against his ear. “Please.”

He backed into the door. The tiniest moan came from his lips then he moved our hands to his crotch.

I placed my lips over his and released his hand. I slipped my hand into his jeans and behind the band of his underwear. My fingers found his semi-hardness, and he moaned again. As I moved my fingers around his shaft, he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. My movements were restricted by his Hanes, but I did my best. He pulled the elastic band down and pushed his tongue into my mouth.

I felt dizziness spread through my head, and I began to jerk his dick back and forth. He began to thrust into my hand. My left hand pressed against his chest. He opened his mouth a little wider and grunted as he ejaculated three large wads of cum onto the floor.

We were both breathing heavily; I didn’t want to admit it, but I had cum in my pants. He was so fucking sexy and responsive. Rob pushed his cock into his underwear and pulled up his jeans. He grabbed my head with both hands and kissed me again, hard, passionately. He released my head and stared into my eyes.

“You’re fucking wonderful,” he said, then he turned, unlocked the door, and ran to his car.

As he drove away, I stared into the night until his taillights disappeared from my view. Then I locked the door and cleaned up his cum. It smelled different from mine, and I wondered what it would taste like. I wondered whether I would get the chance to taste it. Probably not.

I took a shower and rinsed the cum from my underwear. I’d never done that before. I hadn’t touched myself, and he hadn’t touched me, but the excitement of his presence had. I dried off and lay on my bed. I opened my Grindr app, but I compared each image to Rob’s, and the exercise seemed fruitless.

I needed to find a boyfriend. Or a fuck buddy. Someone who would lead me to the bedroom, not the front door. Someone who would lay on top of me, lay between my legs; someone who would rub crotches with me, whose weight would push me into the bed. Someone who would come inside me and who would want me to come inside him.

Even if it were only for fun instead of love.

I fell asleep with thoughts of being made love to.

A ding from the phone awoke me. My clock said 2:14. The message was from Rob.

Rob: I am so sorry. I haven’t been able to fall asleep because I keep thinking about how poorly I treated you.

Me: I’m glad you texted. I was worried about you.

Rob: I shouldn’t have run out. I was just overwhelmed and

Rob: [typing]

Rob: I enjoyed it so much that I wasn’t thinking clearly.

Me: Thanks for saying that. I think that if you had stayed I would have wanted more, and we just met, so more would probably not have been a good idea.

Rob: When we got to your place, I almost told you that I didn’t want a one-night thing.

Me: I want to see you again.

Rob: I’m not out. I’m afraid people will see us. I shouldn’t be, but I’m worried about my job. Do you think less of me?

Me: No. We can dress up in suits, and people will think it’s a business meeting or we can get take-out.

Rob: Tomorrow still good? You said something about tomorrow.

Me: Tomorrow works. Lunch? Dinner?

Rob: Yes.

Me: LOL, which?

Rob: Lunch, and if all goes well, we can suit up for dinner ??

Me: sounds like a plan

Rob: I feel so much better; I think I can fall asleep now. I’ll see you at eleven.

Me: Sweet dreams.

Rob: Same to you.

I put the phone down; my dick was hard. I had a feeling my dick was going to stay hard the entire time he was here. I reached down. What would Rob’s hand feel like? I pretended that he was holding me. I remembered how his lips felt. I gripped myself more tightly, the way his ass would hold me after I pushed myself into him. I began to hump my hand. His mouth was open; I caressed his lips with my tongue, and… My body tensed; I came. I began to jerk my dick with more force. I came three more times. Fuck, it was intense. It was my first time to fuck someone who wasn’t there. I could not wait to be on top of him, inside him, and most of all, to feel him inside me.

The next morning, eleven o’clock came and went. There were no text messages. There was no Rob. There was nothing. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I suspected cold feet. When five-thirty arrived, I knew he hadn’t overslept. I texted: “Please tell me you’re OK.”

I headed back to the bar; I was going to take home the first guy who said he’d let me fuck him. And I planned to fuck him hard, and bareback if he was willing. I chose a different bar, a more upscale one; I didn’t want to see Rob looking for another one-nighter. Fuck him, I told myself. The anger built inside my gut.

I walked into the bar like I didn’t give a shit. I ordered a rum and Coke, double on the rum. I sat to wait for my drink, and I scanned the room. Older guys in business suits; young guys looking for sugar daddies. No blue-collar types. A TV in the corner playing the Conservative News--NewsCon it was called. Then, something caught my eye, a report from Paris. I stepped closer to the screen. Bobby Martin was reporting, and fuck me if he wasn’t the spitting image of Rob.

by Danny Galen Cooper

Email: [email protected]

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