A Holiday to remember

by Declan

19 Nov 2018 4374 readers Score 8.3 (55 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

That first night was soon over and from that point we looked at each other differently. After the Storm the day was Sunny and gorgeous  so we decided on  Anglesey and Caernarvon for our day from our base Bed and Breakfast.  After breakfast we  decided on shorts and t shirts  taking a cardigan should it turn cooler as the day went on .   My mate drove and I did the navigating.  we crossed the Menai Bridge and decided on a short stop at Llanfair PG  the place with the unpronounceable welsh name .  We took some pics of each other by the railway platform sign and a  quick browse in the souvenir shops abutting the car park. then we set off for a circuit of the Island.  We intended to visit first Newborough warren and headed in that direction. took us about a half an hour to get there and drive through the pine woods having paid the toll and arrived at the carpark close to the beach.   Most of the people headed towards the rocky point. but we wanted to get away from the crowd and enjoy each others company.  We headed right through the pine woods  adjacent to the beach  and within about 20 mins found a small  piece of sand by the waters edge. shielded from both the wind and the popular beach some way to our left  we settled down on a nice rocky shelf and talked about the storm the night before and how we felt  about what had happened as we both ended up naked together.  Our shorts  both white footie shorts  started to tent  as we recalled and I leant over and tenderly kissed my mate ,  he was a bit shocked at first  but after a quick glance to check no one was around responded by opening his mouth to my tongue and we explored each others mouths.   We felt each other through our shorts ,  we both had on just thin cotton boxers or briefs under them so our erections  were easy to find .  I slipped my hand up the leg of his shorts and into his boxers whereupon he laid back allowing me to feel the full length and his lovely balls.   He responded by pulling the waistband of my shorts and putting his hand in my boxers feeling me  we were both starting to ooze precum at the touch of each other all the time our tongues deep in each others mouths swirling around exploring inside.    We were all alone in this area for a while  so our passion continued  until all of a sudden my mate said  "Im cumming  and his warm cream ran through my fingers as I tried to stop it seeping thru his boxers  and showing thru his nylon shorts  -he seemed to come for ages it running all over my hand  and soaked his boxers , fortunately I managed to double the material over his oozing cock but his boxers were soaked thru.  Take your shorts off quick I said before you leak into them.  He looked around we were still alone  and whipped them off he sat there naked from the waist  with his slowly  relaxing cock still  with his cum trickling out of it.  I grabbed the boxers and mopped up the remainder.  Luckily Id packed in a duffle bag a couple of pairs of boxers  as we neither of us had swim shorts with us on our holiday  the intention being to buy some if needed ,so thought  we could swim in a pair of dark coloured ones and keep a dry pair to change into after. 

  He  put on the clean boxers and pulled up his shorts  just in time as we heard voices  nearby and a party of scouts and guides  obviously on an orienteering exercise as they carried maps and were obviously on the look out  for various landmarks etc.  We decided  as they had taken over in a matter of minutes our quiet haven  to make our way back and continue our  trip around Anglesey.   We stopped briefly in Holyhead  which apart from some Roman walls and St Cybis  church  had very little else to warrant a long stay  as busy with lorries boarding ferries to Ireland.   We continued our journey around  me occasionally touching my mates  bulge when safe to do so. and after a short stop at Amlwch  and the unusual Catholic /Church like an upturned boat  we arrived eventually at Beaumaris in time for a late lunch.   After which we visited the Castle which was unusual as the only one of Edward 1s castles not built on a high point with natural defences, so required  as different layout than usual.  

  Our next stop  was over the Menai Bridge and on to Caernarvon   and to see  the enormous castle  there.   We spent a good two hours exploring and as it was before the height of the tourist season  had it mpre or less to ourselves with just a small number of other visitors. We climbed to the top of the highest tower and by this time we were both feeling horny again so as no one around and the only access was a very narrow spiral staircase  so without speaking a word I kissed my mate  and then as he stood there pulled down his shorts and clean boxers  and took his erect cock in my mouth  gulping on his precum dripping head  and taking the whole shaft right to the back of my mouth  while he moaned in pleasure and I felt it pulsing in my mouth I moved my mouth back and forth and within mins his load shot in my mouth, I swallowed it all , thankful there wasn't as much as his last delivery as id never swallowed before.   I licked him clean and pulled his boxers up and shorts .  Then after a look  down the stairs to see no one was coming up he pulled down my shorts and pants and did the same,  unfortunately though I had loads which he swallowed it all  when I eventually came  again he licked me clean and covered it and pulled my shorts up and we kissed again and then continued our visit as though nothing had happened except for an occasional touch of each others groin or buttocks when all clear.  The journey back to our digs  was  getting more exciting  for both of us and we didn't arse about, after some fish and chips  and  a drink at a local pub we  got back to our room stripped naked and into the bed and continued our embrace and  exploration of each others bodies.  This was only our second day and Id never felt or done anything like this with another guy and neither had he , we were to complete virgins  in the truest sense.