A chance meeting becomes a long term romance

by Declan

19 Aug 2022 2509 readers Score 8.2 (55 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This happened in the 1970s I lived in the Midlands and was in my twenties. I was doing a three week stint training new entrants at the Country town main hub. I had to be at work for eight and only had a motor scootor at this stage and as the Hub was a good fifteen miles thought it too far to be sure, at that time n the morning, due to traffic of arriving in time. The firm had offered me payment for the transport of my choice, though due to our location train was not really an option. So I got a quote for the three weeks with a local taxi firm id used many times before. The quote was reasonable for drop off and pick up. I ran the amount to the finance branch and they agreed to it paying direct with the firm.

Therefore, on the Monday morning at about 630 I was dressed in suit awaiting the Taxix arrival. He arrived on time and I climbed into the back. the driver introduced himself as Nenu, and said he was from Malta though had been here many years. He said I could call him either Nenu or Charles as either was good. Nenu aka Charles was early thirties gorgeous looking wih darlk tanned skin, and a mass of jet black curly hair. We chatted leisurely on the journey. he telling me he had been a director of a Business associate firm, but had suddenly been made redundant when the main director died suddenly and his widow closed the firm to move down to her daughters on the south coast. So desparate for work to pay his rent etc, he had taken on taxi driving, he also informed me that he was my alloted driver for the whole of my term at the Hub. I said that was good and I looked forward to us getting to know one another, He told me he was originally from Malta and most of his family lived there still, though he had come to study on an exchange scheme, got the job he had recently been made redundant from and had a flat not far from my home so worked great for him. As the return job would be the last and he could go straight home after.

He dropped me in ample time at the Hub and we arranged a time for the return journey. He explained that if he wasnt at his car when I finished he would be on the adjacent Rail platform grabbing a coffee and to join him. I agreed and went to prepare for my trainees arrival at 8. I couldnt stop thinking of Nenu and what a easy going guy he was and so pleasant, his easy manner had made the journey pass quickly and I couldnt stop my thoughts and my dick reacting to his gorgeous looks! I had always been asstracted to both sexes but like many in that period, coming from a very religious background had hid and subdued my desires regarding men. I in actual fact did not understand sometimes how I felt when seeing a guy in Speedos and shorts.

The day passed as a normal seesion and with a n interesting mixed sex group went fine Though I couldnt wait to see Nenu again for the return journey. At last the Class finished and after tidying and puttin stuff ready for the next day, went in search of the Taxi. It was where he said it would be and because theere was no sign of Nenu I made my way to the Station Cafe. I sat next to Nenu and he brought me a coffee and we chatted about my course session and then returned to the cab. The yard was deserted and the evening quite humid. So Nenu asked if Id mind if he changed into shorts for the drive back, I replied no problem and he reached in the back for some white football type shorts. Stripped off his trousers and flung them in the back and stood there for a few seconds in a pair of yellow nylon briefs. (Some of the older readers will recall them Y front no fly and semi transparent Skants. As he stood there turnign his shorts the proper way to put them on, I couldnt help but look at the view! He had a bush of hair clearly visible from his navel and around his groin, the dark hair making his dick and tackle sought of framed by the black background and clearly visible through the thin nylon. I could feel my member twitching and straining in my Adam briefs! He pulled on his shorts. and invited me in to the front seat for the journey back. I couldnt help but glance at the lovely bulge in his shorts as we drove back. We arrived back and he said he would be back on time next morning and thanked me for my conversation which he said made all the difference. My mind was in a turmoil since seeing this handssome guy in just his briefs. Incidentally I realised he was only about 5 5" in height similar to me. I hadnt realised till we left the Cafe as he of course had been seated on the journey. That night I couldnt get over the vision of him stood in just his yellow briefs and what they contained, so much so lying in bed I beat of at the thought!!

(To be continued)