Trial Of Strength (Book 14)

by Rob Williams

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Gypsy Boss Randy and his boy, the macho young mechanic Pablo, have badly mistreated Pablo’s shy, sensitive boy Tyler, who runs away from home. Now the guilty men make amends in similarly erotic ways.  Randy finds Tyler holing up in a shabby motel room, and uses his sexual magnetism. Next, Pablo consoles Tyler, and the boy turns from despair to “the happiest kid on earth”.

<><>    Bad News About Young Tyler    <><>

“Fuck...Fuck...Fuck.”  Randy, the tough gypsy leader of the tribe paced the room, clenching and unclenching his fists.  He was in his lover Bob’s office at their home.  He had come to confess.  “I fucked up bad, real bad.  Help me, buddy.”

It had to do with Randy’s boy, the handsome young mechanic Pablo, and Pablo’s shy devoted young boy Tyler.  It was well known among the tribe that, for some reason, Pablo had been neglecting Tyler.  He ignored Tyler at mealtimes and even in bed, with just an occasional impersonal fuck, ‘just to get his rocks off, as he said.

The men and boys of the tribe were all concerned ... all, that is, except Randy and Pablo.  For Randy, his adopted son Pablo could do no wrong, and Pablo seemed unaware that he was treating Tyler poorly.

Bob had hesitated to confront Randy, knowing his tendency to fly into a rage.  But the tribe’s father figure, Uncle Mike happened to be visiting the tribe, and Mike had no such reluctance.  He had gone to the construction site to confront Pablo, and was berating him when Randy walked in. 

Nothing enraged the powerful gypsy more than to see a man give his own boy a tongue lashing, and Randy lost all control.  He cursed at Mike, shoving him hard, and the older man fell heavily to the ground, on his already injured right leg.

Later it was Tyler’s good buddy Finn who interrupted Bob and Randy at their home with a phone call to update them.  He said hurriedly, “Sir, just to let you know. Mike’s in an ambulance going to the hospital with Doc Chad and Larry.  I’ve brought Tyler home with me.  He’s real shook up.”

But a few minutes later he called again with worse news.  Sir, I left Tyler alone for a minute, and when I came back he was gone.  He’d scribbled this note on a scrap of paper.  Says, ‘I don’t belong here.  All this was my fault.  Randy said I’m the problem and he’s right.  Gotta go.  Love you Finn’.  

“Tyler’s left home, sir, and I don’t know where he’s gone.”

That’s when Randy’s face went ashen and he howled.  “Fuck ... Fuck ... Fuck!”

Bob, always an island of calm in any crisis, said, “Take a deep breath Finn and stay calm.  Come to our house as soon as you can, so we can discuss this.  You and Tyler have always been very close.  You know him better than anyone and he might have said something casually in the past that could give us a clue where he’s gone.”

He hung up and Randy said, “I gotta go find him.  If he does anything stupid I’ll never forgive myself for...”

“Randy stop. There’s no point in you wandering aimlessly all over the city looking for him.  And even if you did find him, he’d probably be scared to death that you were going to attack him, the same as you did to Uncle Mike.”

Bob regretted those words as soon as they came out of his mouth.  No point in making Randy feel worse about what he had done.  “I mean, Tyler’s feeling really sensitive right now and needs careful handling.”

“You mean, not the caveman treatment I’d give him, I suppose.”

“Randy, please try to calm down.  Here, let me pour you another Scotch.”

It was a tense few minutes before Finn came in, and Bob poured him a drink too.  When both Randy and Finn had mellowed out a bit, Bob said, “Now Finn, I’d like you to think back to the many conversations you’ve had with Tyler.  Has he ever mentioned a favorite place, or anything.  I know several boys in the past have gone down to the arroyo when they’re in trouble.  Did he ever talk about that?”

“Mmm, not than I can recall, sir.  I don’t think he even knows it’s there.  See, he was devoted to Pablo and always stayed near him, like at the mechanics’ warehouse.  I’m trying to think of any other place he mentioned. Of course, like all the other boys, he used to talk about the legend”.

“What legend would that be, Finn?”

“What the boys call the Legend of Room 14, sir.  Tyler was fascinated by the story of when you two guys first met and spent the night in that seedy motel on Hollywood Boulevard.  It’s a tale that’s repeated a lot – and I think probably exaggerated with each telling.”

Bob smiled, “Hard to exaggerate that story, Finn, it was so larger than life.”

“Tyler called it the beginning of a great love story.  He even told me that, when he was in Hollywood once, he stopped by the motel, it’s still there.  He even peeked through crack in the window blinds of room 14 to see what it was like.  For him it wasn’t a seedy motel, it was a place of love.  Poor kid, he hasn’t been getting much love lately.”

“Hmm, that may give us a lead.  What do you think, Randy?”

But Randy was not there.  Bob and Finn had been so engrossed in the story that they hadn’t noticed him quietly slip out of the room.  But they did hear his big truck come to life and roar away.”

“Well, there’s no stopping him now, Finn.  He won’t rest until he finds the boy.”

<><>    Randy Finds Tyler    <><>

As Randy drove to Hollywood he had only one thought in his mind – to find Tyler and tell him he loved him.  And he did, too.  He loved the sensitive kid who needed so much protection.  And he had failed at that, and Pablo had too.  Somehow, they had become so wrapped up in each other that they had lost sight of the boy.  Tyler was always there, always loving, always trusting Pablo and Randy to take care of him.  And they had both betrayed that trust.

Then there was Mike, the man Randy loved as a son loves a father.  Randy’s damnable rage had caused him to shove the older man to the ground and injure his already painful leg.  Randy’s mind whirled and he had to shake his head to clear it.

First things first, he had to find the boy.  Mike at least was being cared for in the hospital but Tyler was alone, no doubt crying to himself. The thought brought tears to his own eyes and he slammed his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.  No, he had to stay calm.  As Bob had said (thank god for Bob) the boy was sensitive and needed careful handling.  If only he was where Randy thought he would be.

As he drove into the forecourt of the motel his spirits lifted a little.  This place had saved his life, turned him from a wandering casual laborer into a man capable of intense love for another man.  Thank god for Bob.  He strode to the small office and his face lit up with a smile.  “Barney, you old son of a gun.”

The old man raised his grizzled head and grinned, “Randy!  Didn’t expect to see you ever again.  I heard you hit the bigtime, big construction company of your own.”

“Didn’t expect to see you either, you old rascal.  Still here behind that same old desk.”

“Ah, I’m part of the furniture, Randy.  Nowhere else to go.  One of these days I’ll drop dead behind this desk and they’ll have to drag me out feet first.  So, don’t tell me you need a room.”

“Nah, not this time, dude.  I’m looking for a lost boy, not a room.  Have you seen a young kid, wanting a room? Prob’ly just checked in, kinda nervous?”

“Looked like he’s been crying?”  Randy’s heart leapt.  “Yeah we get a lot like that, mostly street hustlers needing a place to crash for the night – always pay cash. Except that this kid was different – well dressed, not brash like the other kids, real shy.  And he paid with a credit card, and the card was good when I ran it.  The other odd thing, he asked for a specific room.”

“Room 14?”

“That’s the one.  Looks like you found your boy, stud.  Want me to come with you, use my pass key?”

“Nah, I don’t wanna startle him, Barney.  I’ll go knock on the door.”

“Go for it, dude.  Hope you can do something for him. I hate to see a kid like him looking so pathetic.  I have a soft spot for kids like that.”

“So do I Barney ... usually anyway.  Thanks Barney, great to see you again.  Some things never change.”

“Good luck, big guy.  I’m glad the kid’s got someone looking out for him.

They shook hands and Randy went to the room anxiously, not sure what he would find.

<><>    Randy & Tyler In Room 14    <><>

Randy tapped lightly on the door of room 14, but there was no reply. He tried again and heard a faint voice say “Whoever you are, go away.”  Randy thought he might need Barney’s key after all, but when he tried the door handle, it turned.  Taking a deep breath he opened the door slowly and went in.  Tyler was huddled on the bed, but when he saw Randy he shot up and ran to the far corner of the room.

“No!  Please don’t hurt me, sir, I haven’t done nothing wrong.  I left home ‘cos nobody wanted me, ‘cept Finn.  I’m gonna strike out on my own like I was before I met Pablo. Please don’t hurt me, sir, like you did Uncle Mike.”

Randy was shocked that the boy was so scared of him, afraid he would fly into a rage and attack him.  He was cowering in the corner, and Randy was the cause of it.

“Kiddo, I’m not gonna hurt you.  I came here to help you.  Look, I’ll stay right here, won’t move.”

“I don’t believe you, I don’t wanna hear what you’re gonna say.”

“Not even that Pablo loves you?  He really does, that’s the truth.”

“Really?”  Tyler’s spark of hope was only momentary until his face clouded over again.  You’re only saying that to make me feel better.  It’s not true.”

“Tyler, I know that when I’m angry I say things that aren’t true, but that’s ‘cos I’m out of my mind. When I’m not raging I always tell the truth.  Bob will tell you that.  So I promise you, it’s true. Pablo does love you. 

“I know he’s been ignoring you lately but I think that’s because you’re always there, gazing up at him, idolizing him.  He doesn’t know how to handle hero-worship like that – it kinda scares him.  But – this is the truth – he has never stopped loving you, even though he might not show it.  I’m gonna have to sit down and talk to him about how to nurture a loving boy. 

“See, kid, I’m as much to blame as he is.  I should have seen what was happening, but I love Pablo so much that I turned a blind eye to what was obvious to everyone else.”

“You mean I’m not to blame, sir?  You called me a crybaby, said it was all my fault, I was the problem.”

Randy flinched.  “I hate remembering that I blurted that out in my rage.  Of course it’s not true, You’ve been a loving boy all the way through this.  I’m sorry I made you so sad, when I should have protected you.  I don’t know how to make it up to you.  Er, is it OK if I sit on the bed.  I promise not to touch you.”

“It’s OK, sir.  I’ll sit there too, but keep my distance if that’s OK.”  They sat on the edge of the bed facing each other, several feet apart. “Can I tell you something, sir?  All this time I never stopped loving Pablo.  How could I?  He’s my world.  But I can see how that might have ... what do you call it .. stifled him?”

“Yeah that’s the word for it.  And that’s what I have to teach him – not to be afraid of passionate love from a terrific boy like you.”

“You see sir, that’s what I missed most, making love.  I didn’t mind him ignoring me at meals, but when we went to bed I really wanted Pablo to make love to me like he used to, not just those mechanical fucks that had no love in them.  I mean, everybody needs love in their life, don’t you think, sir?”

“Absolutely, Tyler.  Would you believe it if I told you that I love you, in spite of those ugly things I blurted out to you?”

“Oh, I know you do, sir.  I remembered you fucking me when I first came here, like you do all the new boys.  I was scared, thought it would hurt, but you made real tender love to me and I loved that.  I think I kinda fell in love with you too.  I still am, I think ... when you’re not raging mad,” Tyler giggled.

Randy said, “It’ll be a while before I talk to Pablo and straighten him out about all this. I’m gonna suggest that he take you away somewhere for a couple of days, just you and him, so you can get to know each other again and fall in love all over again, as I know you will.”

“I would love that, sir.  You don’t know how much I miss having someone touch just touch me, and kiss me.”

“I know what you mean, kiddo, everyone needs that.”  He smiled.  “Er, I’m right here, kiddo.  Would you like me to touch you?  I understand if you don’t want to, after those things I said to you ...”

“Yes please, sir.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, sir.  I’m sorry I was so standoffish before.  Like I told you, I’m still a bit in love with you and I would love to feel you touch me.”  Tyler scooted closer to Randy, who reached forward and stroked the eager boy’s face.  Randy felt him relax under the tender touch. “Oh yes, sir, that’s what I’ve missed for so long.”

Randy smiled at him, with those mesmerizing pale blue eyes that had captivated so many men and boys. “Thank you so much, sir.”  As Randy’s hand touched his mouth, Tyler kissed it.  “Hmm, so nice, sir.”  Impulsively he leaned forward and brushed Randy’s mouth with his lips. Randy folded his hand behind the boy’s head and pulled him into a firmer kiss.  Tyler moaned with pleasure and when the kissing stopped he blurted, “Sir, would you make love to me?”

<><>    Randy Goes All The Way    <><>

Randy smiled.  “A sweet boy like you? I would love to, kiddo, if you’re sure.”

“Pablo won’t be angry, will he, sir?”

Randy chuckled. “Pablo would never get angry with me, Tyler, and he would not be angry with you.  It’s all in the family, kid.”

The prospect of this gorgeous man making love to him in the notorious Room 14 spurred the boy into action.  He stood up, pulled his shirt off over his head and dropped his shorts.  He lay on the bed naked and smiled up at Randy.  “Ready, sir.”

Randy stood up and took his own shirt off.  He stroked the bulge in his jeans and grinned, “You want me to go all the way, kiddo?”

“Yes please, sir.”

Randy pulled his cock out of his jeans and stroked his huge cock.  “You sure, boy?”

“Definitely, sir.  I remember the first time you made love to me, sir.  I need to feel that again.”  Tyler reached down for his discarded shorts and pulled a tube of lube from his pocket.  “Would you use this, sir?”

“Good idea,” Randy said.  “I want this to be all pleasure, no pain.”

Tyler gazed in awe at the handsome bare-chested gypsy as he eased himself on the bed and lay down beside him.  A smile spread over his chiseled, stubbled features and he kissed Tyler softly.  Then he knelt behind him on the bed and Tyler eagerly pulled his legs back and offered his ass to Randy

“Jeez, you want this bad, don’t you, kiddo?”

“It’s like I said, I’ve been missing this for so long, especially as it’s you, sir, ‘cos I’m still a bit in love with you, sir ... a lot in love actually.”

Randy found himself brimming with affection for the sweet, sensitive young kid who had been so miserable and misused for so long.  All his protective instincts rose up, as did his cock as he spread it with lube.  He hesitated only momentarily until Tyler rewarded him with the sweetest glowing smile.

“OK, kiddo.  Be sure to tell me if it hurts.”

“I know it won’t hurt, sir, ‘cos I know you love me.”

Smiling down at him, Rand eased his greased cock slowly, gently inside him, pausing occasionally to make sure he still wanted his long thick inside him.  The boy’s sparkling eyes answered that, and Randy tenderly eased in deeper.  He was surprised that the boy took it all without once flinching, the ecstatic smile never leaving his face. 

When he was deep inside he bent down and kissed his lips in a loving embrace. With their mouths still locked together Randy slowly pulled his cock back, then eased it carefully back in, a little deeper this time. “Now I’m gonna make love to your ass, kiddo.”

Tyler wrapped his arms round Randy’s back and moaned with joy as he felt love for the first time in loveless weeks.  He groaned with pleasure as Randy fucked faster, still tenderly, still smiling with those hypnotic blue eyes.  They settled into a gentle, loving routine, with Randy careful to give the boy pleasure but no pain.

Tyler wanted this to last forever – except that he felt his climax approaching and unavoidable.  “Sir, I think I ...”

“I know, kiddo, I can feel it in your ass.  So whenever you want to, I’m ready. Just look into my eyes, that’ll do it.”

Tyler gazed into the soft loving eyes set in the rugged swarthy face and he was drawn into the gypsy’s world.  “Sir, you’re gonna make me ... aaahh ...”  He sighed deeply as his cock reared up and spurted plumes of juice that splashed on Randy’s heaving chest, then down on his own.

“Beautiful, kiddo.  My turn now.”  He eased in deep and filled the boy’s tender ass with his juice.

“Thank you, sir.  I love you so much.”

Randy rewarded him with him with a dazzling smile as he gently slid his cock of him.  He lay beside him and kissed him again.  “Feel better, kiddo?”

I feel wonderful, sir, knowing that somebody loves me.”

“It’s not just me, Tyler.  A lot of guys love you – Finn, Bob, and especially Pablo.”

“Thank you for saying that, sir.” Tyler rested his cheek on Randy’s chest and fell asleep in his arms.

<><>    Not Out Of The Woods Yet    <><>

While the boy slept, Randy carefully slid his phone out of his jeans pocket and quietly called Bob. He asked anxiously, “Where are you, Randy?”

“Room 14, buddy, where else.  And Tyler’s just fine, after we had a little chat.  He’s asleep with me right now.  When he wakes up I’ll bring him home to you.  Gotta go, don’t wanna wake him.”

He rang off and Bob smiled with relief.  He knew that tone in Randy’s voice and knew for sure that Randy’s ‘little chat’ was much more than that. The gypsy could be savage but he could be a gentle, captivating lover too.  No boy could resist that. Bob made a few phone calls to alert guys like Finn and Mike’s boy Larry that Randy had found Tyler and he was safe. 

Larry sounded relieved.  He was still at the hospital with Mike and said he was resting comfortably. ”Doc Chad said there were no new fractures but he wants him to rest up at your house so Chad can monitor his recovery.”

Larry hesitated and said haltingly, “Er, there’s one other thing, sir.  I hope you don’t mind, but Mike made a request that when we come home to you he would rather not stay in the guestroom of your house.  I, er, don’t think he’s ready to confront Randy yet.”

“Of course, Larry, I quite understand.  I should have thought of that myself.  No problem, you can have the summerhouse in the grounds here.  You liked it when you stayed there with Mike before.”

“That would be perfect, sir, thank you.  I’ll go and tell him right now.”

“Good and give him my love.  I’ll have the twins move your stuff into the summerhouse so it’ll be already for you both when you come home.”  Bob called the twins, then waited impatiently for Randy to come back with Tyler.  So far so good, Bob thought, but they were not out of the woods yet.  Not by a long shot.

Sometime later Bob was relieved when he heard Randy’s truck pull up outside.  He was even more pleased when he and Tyler came in hand in hand.  And he recognized the glow on the boy’s face that he had seen so often on other boys after Randy had made love to them.  Bob opened his arms wide and wrapped them around Tyler, who hugged tight.

“Well, Tyler you look a whole lot happier than when I last saw you.”

“I am, sir.  Randy told me that Pablo really does love me after all.  I’m longing to see him.”

“Whoa, hold your horses there, old buddy,” Randy grinned.  “Let me talk to him first.  We got stuff to sort out first, him and me.”

“Tyler,” Bob said, “you look as if you need a shower. Is that dried cum you got all over you?”

Tyler giggled.  “Yes, sir, but I never want to wash it off ... it’s mine and Randy’s.  Oh sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have said that.”

Bob smiled and kissed him on the cheek.  “Tyler, when I saw your smiling face I had no doubts what you and this guy got up to in Room 14.  There are probably strong sexual vibes there left over from the first time Randy and I were in there all that time ago.

“While we wait for Randy to have his chat with Pablo, you can use the shower in our guestroom, even have a nap there if you’re tired after all your ... all your heavy action at the motel.  The twins and I have moved Mike and Larry over to the summerhouse for when they come back from the hospital.”

Randy did a double take when he heard that, but when Bob gave him a cautionary look Randy said “Go on kiddo, a shower and a nap sound like a great idea.  Don’t worry, I’ll come and wake you up when I’ve finished with your man.”

“Okey-dokey, sir,” Tyler chirped happily, and with a last hug he left the room.

Bob smiled lovingly at Randy.  “So you worked your magic again buddy. I’m so proud of you.  Oh not the caveman whose rage can cause such havoc, but the kind and gentle gypsy who loves and protects damaged boys and makes them fall in love with you. I hope I’m next on your list.”

“Yeah, yeah, of course you are, but what’s all this about Mike moving out?”

“Not moving out, Randy, just moving down the garden into the summerhouse.  Actually it was Mike himself who suggested the move.  Larry’s with him at the hospital and passed on his request.  I’m not surprised that he didn’t want to face you yet. He needs some time to go by before that happens and I don’t blame him.  That’s gonna take a lot of delicate footwork on your part.  And you don’t do delicate well, dude”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.  After what I did to him I wanna make it right as soon a possible if I can, but better wait till the dust has settled.”

“First things first Randy.  You’ve obviously made that sweet boy happy, now for Pablo.  Think you can swing that?”

“Oh sure. Him and me talk the same language, do the same things, especially the same fuckups.”

“Well, no time like the present.  The twins told me he’s already home from work and he’s sitting in the garden nursing a beer, miserable, confused and no doubt a bit scared.  So go rescue your boy, Randy.  Oh, and by the way, I love you, you big lug.

Rand pulled him into a tight hug. I don’t deserve you, buddy, but thank god you’re here.  I couldn’t make it without you, man.”  With a last kiss, Randy went out, leaving a tearful Bob behind him.

<><>    Hero Worship – Hard To Live Up To    <><>

Randy found Pablo easily enough – sitting alone, looking lost, staring blankly at a beer bottle, aimlessly turning it round and round on the table.  He didn’t hear Randy until he was right behind him.  He turned round and smiled that crooked grin that Randy loved so much.  It reminded him of the young impish kid he had fallen in love with so long ago.

“Hello, sir, I knew you would come to tear a strip off me, deal out the punishment I badly deserve.  One thing I need to say right away.  When this whole thing blew up you told Tyler it was all his fault, he was the root of the problem.  That’s not true at all, sir.  That sweet kid is the innocent victim in all this.  If anyone’s to blame it’s me, for the shabby way I’ve been treating him lately.”

“Kid, we are both to blame, me and you.”  I turned a blind to all that, when I should have been protecting Tyler, and protecting you from yourself.  We both got so wrapped up in ourselves that we neglected the boy badly, that sensitive young kid who loves you more than anything in the world.  We didn’t protect him Pablo, we betrayed him, betrayed his love for us.”

“I feel really ashamed, sir, to have treated my boy so badly.”

“OK, son – a shame we both feel. So now it’s up to us to put things right.  Tell me one thing, Pablo.  Do you love Tyler?”

“Yes I do, sir, though lately I’ve had a strange way of showing it. So what do I do, sir?  Help me.”

“Right, you copy me in most things, so here’s what I did.   First I told the boy what he wanted to hear most of all ... that you really do love him.  You should have seen the smile that that lit up his face.  He told me what he missed most of all was you touching, kissing him and making love to him.  So I did, and the magic worked.  But he really needs that from his hero – from you.”

“No problem there, sir.  I wanna do that right now.”

“So do it, and you’ll see the same cute smile that he gave me.  I won’t write the script for you, ‘cos it has to come from the heart.  And despite everything, Pablo, I know you have a big heart.  And of course, Tyler totally hero-worships you.”

A shadow passed over Pablo’s face. “I know that, sir, every time he smiles when I walk in.  But, it may sound weird, but that kind of hero worship scares me a bit ... hard to live up to.”

“Ah, I know what you mean.  Sometimes love is easier to give than receive, especially love that intense.  But I tell you another thing.  Tyler don’t want to hear apologies.  Once he knows you love him, all is automatically forgiven. As the old song says – “All He Needs Is Love’”

“Where is he now, sir?”

He’s in the guestroom of our house, waiting for me to come back.  He’ll be thrilled that it’s you instead of me.  So off you go.” Randy pulled him into a warm hug.  “I love you, son.  You make the same mistakes as I do, but now go and make it right.  Hell, I have enough practice at that.

<><>    Love In A Rowboat?    <><>

Tyler had been reluctant to wash off Randy’s cum, but he wanted to look nice and clean for when Randy came back.  He was elated by the big gypsy boss making love to him, but he was still a bit unsure that he might have been painting Pablo in a good light. He was his son after all.

He was drying himself when he heard footsteps coming down the hall.  He wrapped the towel round his waist ...

And Pablo came in..

“Sir ...”  Tyler said and dropped the towel. He stood naked and stared at Pablo, with a big goofy smile spreading over his face.

“Just as I wanted you,” Pablo grinned. He opened his arms wide and scooped his boy into them.  As their faces pressed close Pablo felt warm tears running down the boy’s cheeks.

“Hey, is that a way to welcome you man home?  Especially one who loves you so much?”

“You love me, sir?  You really do”?

“Never stopped kiddo.” And now they were both in tears.  “Tyler, I am so sorry for ...”

“Don’t say that, sir.  The only thing that matters is you’re here and you love me.  That’s all I want in the world – no ‘sorrys’ or ‘if onlys’.”

“Kiddo, you are such a wonderful boy, worth ten of me.  OK, so no more sorrys but I do need to show you how much I love you.”

Tyler started to put on his shorts but Pablo grinned, “No. stay like that. Matter of fact I’ll join you.” Pablo quickly shed his shirt and jeans and stood naked before his naked boy. Only one place for you, my boy, looking sexy as hell like that.”

Tyler smiled, eagerly scrambled onto the bed and lay on his back. Pablo knelt behind him and Tyler expected him to push his legs back and aim for his butt.  But this was a different Pablo, at least for now.  He leaned down and lowered his mouth over his boy’s cock.  Tyler gasped and arched his back to push deeper into his man’s mouth.  He could hardly believe the sight of the macho mechanic actually sucking his cock.

He could have cum right away but Pablo pulled back off his cock and said, “Try not to cum yet, kiddo.  Let’s do this thing right.  He changed position and knelt astride Tyler’s chest, with his back to him.  He braced his hands on the bed, leaned forward and again lowered his cock into the boy’s eager mouth.

In this position Pablo’s stiff cock was pointing straight down at his boy’s mouth.  Tyler eagerly picked up his cue, opened his moth wide and sighed as he felt Pablo’s thick cock push down his throat.

Tyler was in heaven.  His earlier misery faded away in the ecstasy of actually sixty-nining the man he worshipped.  He raised his head to take the shaft down deep, without once gagging, and Pablo gave as good as he got.  They both wallowed in the joy of sharing this intimacy – in sharp contrast to their distance of the recent past.  If this was Pablo making amends, Tyler wanted it to last forever.

But they were soon approaching their climax.  They didn’t speak (they both had their mouths full) but they were in total harmony as they felt semen racing up their cocks.  They groaned then uttered muffled howls as they gulped and swallowed each other’s hot juice flooding their mouths. 

When their bodies stopped shuddering and their heaving breaths subsided, Pablo pulled out and switched positions again – still kneeling astride the boy’s chest, but facing him. He smiled down at Tyler’s sparkling eyes.  “Ain’t quite finished, kiddo, not running on empty yet.  Still got some jizz left, and you know where that’s going.”

“Yes please, sir.”

Pablo’s muscles flex as he pounded his cock in in fist until he spilled again, this time in the boy’s face and wide-open mouth, like a baby bird in a nest waiting for the loving parent to feed him. So now, at last, they were both ‘running on empty’ as Pablo had called it, and he lowered himself gently on top of his boy. He licked his own cum from Tyler’s face – his forehead, eyes, cheeks and lips.

Then, with a deep sigh he tolled over on his back next to his boy.  “You know, kiddo, I’d forgotten how much I love making love to you, but now there’s more where that came from.”

“Sir, could we stay here like this for a while?”

Pablo smiled. “All night if you want to, just you and me. Randy and Bob won’t mind, in fact they’d highly approve.  And I’ve been thinking, I have another idea.  How would you feel about you and me taking a few days off work?  We could go fishing up at the lake in the hills.  We’d take Randy’s rowboat in my truck, and camp out on the little beach there, sleep under the stars. What d’you think?”

“Sounds like heaven.  Yes please, sir.”

“You ever made love in a rocking rowboat?”

“Never, sir.”

“Well you will now.  We’ll go tomorrow.  Hey, you know something else I’ve missed – one of my favorite things – falling asleep with you in my arms. What d’ya think, eh?” 

“It’s one of my favorites too, sir.”

And so they did. For a long time. And Tyler thought he must be the happiest boy in the world.

<><>    Now For Uncle Mike    <><>

In the master bedroom just down the hall, Bob smiled at Randy.  “From the moans and groans of lust from down the hall, and now the silence, I’d say that Pablo and Tyler are back together in a big way.  And you started the ball rolling, dude – in a big way.  I gotta hand it to you, big guy. You sure have a knack for lighting fires of rage, but then you have a talent for dowsing the flames and putting things right.”

“Thanks, buddy, with you there to back me up.”

“But the big test comes next.”

“I know – Uncle Mike.  He won’t forgive this one easily.  I guess I should pay a visit to the summerhouse.”

“Not yet, Randy. My guess is that Mike’s missing you as much as you’re missing him.  So I’d let that percolate for a while till it softens him up.”

“Guess you’re right as usual, but it still makes me nervous.  You will be there to back me up again, won’t you, Bob?”

Bob grinned, “You know I will, buddy.  Aren’t I always?”


TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” – Book 14: Chapter 6

by Rob Williams

Email: [email protected]

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