A New Roommate

by Danny Galen Cooper

9 Dec 2020 9895 readers Score 9.2 (173 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I shared a four-bedroom apartment with three other men. The owner of the apartment, Elliot, was in charge of everything. I paid four hundred each month and had no worries, except for the stress of my job, but most people have that. Most of us took care of our own lives only getting together rarely.

It was just the four of us. Elliot claimed he wasn’t seeing anyone, but I knew he had a boyfriend he met every other week away from the apartment. To most of the world, his stories of a girlfriend who met a tragic end were believable. However, one night after I had been here for about a month, he let it slip that he would be meeting his boyfriend. I’m not sure he even realized he did it, and I’ve never said anything to him about it.

Randy had a girlfriend; in fact, he had several. He lived up to his name. It amazed me that he could look me in the eye and talk about things as though I hadn’t caught him in the hall. He said they were just kissing, but I saw his dick moving in and out of her as plain as any straight porno. The fact that I caught him again in the same place two weeks later with a different girl didn’t faze him in the least.

The new guy, Todd, was still unknown to me. He was straight acting, which happens to be one of my preferences, but it makes it more difficult to assess a guy before asking him for a date. Not that I would ask a roommate out; that gets messy. But Todd was different from my other roomies; he drove me to distraction.

Todd was about five-eight and probably about one sixty. With blond hair and blue eyes, he had an ease around others that made me a little jealous. He knew the right thing to say and laughed at all the right moments. I know that some people are like that. I wish I were one of them. Sadly for me, I hadn’t caught Todd in just a bath towel, or even less. The fact that each bedroom had a tiny ensuite reduced the chance that I would get to see his family jewels.

The closest thing is that I’d seen him in a tank top and running shorts. He was a muscular guy, and many times he was the subject of my pre-sleep fantasies. I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I heard him in the kitchen one night, and I ran into the room with a tiny towel around my waist under the guise of getting a bottle of water. He didn’t bat an eye; he didn’t check me out. He was either straight or not interested. I knew it was dumb, but I was slightly depressed.

One Friday, I joined the guys to watch a mini Jaws marathon to celebrate the approaching start of Shark Week. I planned to ignore him and watch the movie. I pulled my big bean bag chair out into the living room. I had a bag of popcorn and a chilled 2-liter bottle of rootbeer. I was set. Todd was in front of the TV reading the cover and back of the Blu-ray package. “Should we watch it in French for practice?”

“Hell no,” said Randy. “I’m still trying to learn English.”

Todd turned with a confused look. “I thought you grew up in the United States.”

“I did, but my professors are always marking my papers up for grammar mistakes. I should have paid more attention in school, but I was a major high school fuck-up. I’m paying for it now.”

“Yeah,” said Elliot, “but your dates don’t seem to mind.”

“That’s cause I spent more time learning to use my tongue than learning prepositions,” Randy laughed.

I closed my eyes so they couldn’t see me roll them.

Todd went to the kitchen and came back with two beers, each in its own koozie. “Hey, can I share your popcorn?” he asked me.

“Sure.” Before I could say ‘bring me a bowl’, Todd sat next to me on my bean bag and snuggled up to me.

“This is nice,” he said. He was looking directly into my eyes. I could smell the manly scent of his cologne, or maybe it was his underarm deodorant. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and I had to fight the desire to kiss his nipples. I brought the bag of popcorn between us. His thigh pressed against mine, and the bag rode there perfectly.

“Wait a second,” Todd said as he put his arm around my shoulder. “We’ll fit together better this way.”

Elliot looked over at me. He gave me a strange smile that made me think he knew what was in my head. He jumped up and clicked off the lights before repositioning himself on the sofa and starting the movie.

Todd had eaten a total of two pieces of popcorn at the point that Alex Kinter was killed. He rubbed my arm and moved his head right next to my ear. “The shark ate the dog, right?” he whispered.

I nodded my head and turned to say yes. We bumped noses, and our lips touched. I immediately turned back to the screen.

Todd got up and sat on the couch between Elliot and Randy. “I’ve eaten too much popcorn,” he said.

I felt like shit. I stared straight ahead for the rest of the movie. I didn’t eat any popcorn; I didn’t drink any more rootbeer. When the film ended, I got up. “I think that’s all the shark I can take for one sitting.”

“I thought we were going to watch part two,” said Randy.

“Let’s do part two tomorrow night,” Todd suggested.

I put my soda in the refrigerator and sealed my popcorn bag. Elliot came up behind me, “What happened?”

“We bumped heads, and I guess he didn’t like it.”

“Or maybe he did,” whispered Elliot. “I think he likes you. I thought he was completely straight during the interview for the room. But he’s hinted that he thought you were special. I think he’s gay.”

“Gay like you, Elliot?”

Elliot simply stared at me.

“You know what I mean. You keep it a secret. No one knows except those who won’t tell.” I gave Elliot a quick peck on the cheek. “Your business is not my business, Elliott. And if Todd wants his business to be mine, then he has to tell me.” I went to my room, leaving the bean bag in the living room. I had walked right past Todd on my way there. I closed the door but didn’t lock it.

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling in the darkness. I took a deep breath. I wondered whether I should look for another place to live. I really liked this place. The guys were clean; it was convenient to work. I grabbed my pillow and hugged it. I wanted it to be a real person. And, fuck, he’s the one who sat next to me.

I heard a scratch at my door, and it opened just slightly. “Can we talk?” The whisper was Todd’s. Was he going to tell me he knew what happened was an accident?

“Come in.”

Todd came in and sat on the edge of the bed next to me. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have sat next to you like that. I should have asked.”

“No. It was OK. I didn’t mind.”

“Marc, you’ve never told me that you’re gay. I’m assuming by some of the things you’ve said.”

“I don’t announce it, but I’m not hiding it either,” I told him.

“I’m gay, too, and I like you. Well, I more than like you.” I could tell that Todd was looking at the floor. “I just don’t know how to behave. Tonight, I tried to act like we were just two buddies sharing some popcorn, and then, well, when what I’ve wanted to happen actually happened, I freaked. I’m sorry.”

“You know what, Todd? I more than like you, too.”


“Bumping lips was an accident on my part, but I would have done it on purpose if I had known.”

Even in the dim light, I could tell he started smiling.

“Do you want to bump lips with me now?” I asked.

He leaned over and kissed me. I relaxed my lips, and his tongue pushed just slightly in. I moved the tip of mine against his, and I heard him moan just slightly.

“How about you stay in here with me a while and we talk and practice this lip bumping.”

“No.” He stood up. “If I stay, we’ll talk and kiss and probably more. I’ve got the early shift at work tomorrow.”

I was disappointed, but I understood. “I know you need your rest for work..”

Todd moved toward the door. “Please don’t think less of me for saying this, but I really want to kiss you and to suck your cock and make you come. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He left and closed the door gently.

I closed my eyes and remembered his kiss while I imagined what it would feel like to have his lips on my dick, and I wondered how good it would feel to have my cock buried in his ass.

I woke up early; I’d set my alarm to wake up in time to fix Todd some eggs and toast for breakfast. I knew that’s what he ate; that’s what he usually fixed for himself. I knew the other guys wouldn’t be up. Randy didn’t have anyone stay over, so I figured the house would be safe. I heard the shower running from his room, so I knew he’d be ready to eat when the eggs were done. I decided scrambling them would be safe.

I had just finished them when he came out in his dark green scrubs. He was an ER nurse, and he looked hot.

“You’re up early,” he whispered. “Got plans?”

“I just wanted to let you know that I don’t think less of you.”

I think I actually saw his eyes start to sparkle. A smile formed on his lips. “You know, I’ve never told anyone. You’re the first guy I’ve met that made me want to tell. I just didn’t know how. Put me in the ER, and I’m a tough SOB. I know what I’m doing and how to get things done. Put me with you, and I’m a bowl of pudding.”

“Eat your eggs, Todd. I don’t want them to get cold.”

“These are for me?”

“That’s right,” I said.

“No one’s made me eggs since my grandmother passed away.”

He took a bite. “They’re perfect. Just like you.”

Now, I had never been a bottom, and I’d been with four different guys, and all except the first one, I was dating. But when he called me perfect, I could have fallen on my back, spread my legs, and let him have me. Perhaps it was the way he said it, the gentleness of tone. My mind slipped back to the night before when he put his arm around me on the pretext that we fit better in the chair.

“Here, taste some.”

My mind snapped back to the present. Todd was holding the fork in front of me with some of my eggs piled on top. I opened my mouth, and he placed them on my tongue. They were delicious I will admit. “There’s some toast there. I buttered them; I wasn’t sure that’s how you liked them.”

“Even if that weren’t how I like them, I think I’d start liking them that way just because that’s the way you made them for me.”

“I’d tell you to shut up because you’re embarrassing me, but I kind of like it.”

Todd leaned forward and kissed me. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting to do that.”

“What time do you get off work?” I asked him.

“I think until eight tonight. Will you be here?”

“Waiting for you.”

After dinner, I was reading a book on my bed. I kept looking at the clock. Did he mean he’d be home at eight tonight or that he got off work at eight? I forced myself to look back at the book. I had lube and condoms under my pillows; where was he? I began reading again and was soon fast asleep.

“Hey, sexy man.” A hand shook me.

I opened my eyes; the room was dimly lit, but I could see a familiar face above mine. “Hi.”

“I’ve been thinking about you all day.” Todd gave me a big smile.

“You smell really good.”

“It’s the body wash at work. I had to shower and change clothes before I came home. I’ll tell you later. He leaned forward and kissed me; his hand rubbed my inner thigh.”

I wanted him in a way that I was unfamiliar with.

His thumb rubbed between my legs, and my dick hardened. I leaned up and pulled my shirt off then I laid back and slipped off my running shorts. I was wearing nothing under them.

“No underwear?” questioned Todd.

“I’m giving you an invitation,” I told him.

He stood up and stripped naked. His hardness pointed toward me. In an instant, I decided, and I grabbed the bottle of lube and spread some on his shaft. Leaning back, I lubricated my hole. I inserted one and then two fingers. “Don’t make me wait. Please. I need you.”

Todd pushed the covers back and positioned me beneath him as though I weighed nothing. The head of his dick was pushing against my entrance. He held himself over me with one arm; his free hand adjusted his cock. I felt the pressure followed by the burning sensation of being forced open by his thick dick. He continued to apply pressure until his fullness was deep within me. He remained motionless and silent for over thirty seconds.

Both of his arms now supported him; his hands were just above my shoulders; he lowered himself and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he began to move gently back and forth. A bolt of electric pleasure shot from his cock and reached all my extremities. He continued to pump in and out as he straightened his back. His hands grabbed my ankles, and he spread my legs apart. He didn’t lose rhythm as he brought his knees on each side of my waist. His hands released me and grabbed the bottle of lube. With a squirt in his hand, he held my erection and rubbed his thumb up and down the bottom of my shaft while the firm grip of his fingers kept my cock pulled close to him.

He began to fuck me with more force, and the frequency of his penetration increased. I felt myself getting close. “Warn me before you come, Marc. Oh, fuck, you’re driving me crazy.” He grunted, and I felt an increased tightness in my tunnel. He grunted twice more. He tightened the grip on my dick.

“Shit, Todd, you’re making me get close.”

Todd continued to pump my cock, but he moved like lightning to put his mouth over the head of my dick. Two more pumps and I lost it. I squirted my load into his mouth. His suction was intense, and he swallowed everything. He threw himself next to me on the bed. “Fuck, man. Sex is a helluva lot better when you’re falling in love, isn’t it?”

I turned and looked at him. “Who are you falling in love with?”

“With you, you fucker.” He laughed.

“Just so you know, Todd, I’m not a bottom.”

“You might not be,” he continued to laugh, “but your ass sure is.” He grabbed me and held me tight to him.

by Danny Galen Cooper

Email: [email protected]

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