A Big Dick

by Danny Galen Cooper

15 Dec 2020 5087 readers Score 7.8 (79 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Sexual excitement was running through my veins as though I had just injected them into me. Reaching for the phone, I quickly held it up to unlock it. His picture was showing; it had been the last thing I’d looked at. His smile caused my dick to twitch. “Fuck, no!” I said aloud. “Do not get hard.” I retrieved my tightest underwear from the drawer and slipped them on. I was still straining against the fabric. Shit. I did not want to go on this date with a boner tenting my pants. I put the phone face down on the counter. Think, I told myself.

Looking down at the bulge between my legs, I wished my dick weren’t that big. Every guy wants a big dick, but mine is the bane of my existence. I thought back to the dates I had in college. They all stemmed from guys who’d seen me in the shower, either the dorm or the gym, or guys who had heard about the size of my dick. Not one of them wanted to date me for me.

Brent is different. He’s interested in me. I smiled at the thought of how he kept trying to find an interest that we both shared. Even my sister approved, sort of. She was happy for me until I sent a picture of the two of us. I’ll admit that he is a little smaller in stature than I am. I should have sent a different picture. When I admitted to her that he was five-six, she immediately texted back: “You’re eight inches taller; you’ll look like a giant next to him.”

He makes me happy, I wrote back.

I put on another pair of underwear. That should keep me from showing too much, I concluded. I put on a baggy pair of jeans and a loose t-shirt. I checked my feet before slipping on my sandals and heading out the door. My pedicure from last night still looked good. Bent was making sandwiches for lunch and something special for dinner. We were going to spend the day watching ‘Alien’ and ‘Aliens’. He’d never seen them, and I’d only seen part of the second one when I was young. My parents would let me watch all of it.

As I got ready to knock on the door, I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I wanted things to go well. I really liked this guy. I’d known him for almost a year at the office, and we were like lifetime friends. I was hoping to get some couch snuggling done during the scarier parts of the movie, and hopefully some kissing, too. I was ready to give him a handjob if things went that far, even a blowjob was not off the table, but I wasn’t ready for him to see me. I didn’t want to scare him away, or worse, have him fall in love with the size of my member. I took a deep breath and knocked.

The door swung open immediately. Brent had a smile of relief on his face. “I heard you come up the stairs, but then it took forever for you to knock. I began to get worried.”

“I think I got some butterflies thinking about you, so I had to take some deep breaths,” I smiled at him and handed him the vase of flowers I’d brought.

He looked at them and then at me.

“I really like you, Brent”

He put the vase on the table then came close to me. He raised his hand to touch my cheek. “José, I think I more than like you.” He leaned up, and I bent forward. The kiss was full of sexual electricity. “I’d like to eat and then snuggle on the couch while we watch the movie. Are you up for that?”

“I am. What kind of sandwiches are we having?”

“Grilled cheese and turkey. I hope you like them.”

I grabbed him around the waist. “I love grilled cheese, and I love turkey. Do you want me to take all my clothes off now? I laughed. My will power will be gone and you’ll have total control.”

“I need to remain in control, so you better keep them on. Maybe we can snuggle naked on the couch...After we’ve watched both movies and had dinner. This is only our second date, remember. You told me your goal is always to keep clothes on until the third date.”

“I said that?” I asked. I did remember saying that to him before our first date while we were chatting while working on some project. “I must have been drinking.” I laughed.

“You were sober. I’ve made iced tea. Will you pour us some?”

“That’s just one of the many things I like about you. You remember what I’ve told you. You’re interested in what I say. I’m afraid I won’t be as good a boyfriend as you are. When you’re talking, I’m just thinking about how beautiful your eyes are. I’m shallow like that.”

“You’re also full of shit. You remember what I tell you. I’m not going to let you off the hook for anything,” he said.

“I’m going to have to toe the line, huh?”

“Wait.” Brent stopped and turned. “You said ‘boyfriend’.”

“See. You do listen.” I wrapped my arms around him.

“I don’t want to be your fucking boyfriend, José. I’m only dating you so you’ll fuck me with that huge cock of yours. My last boyfriend had a big one, and I’d still be riding it if he hadn’t fallen off that scaffolding.” He put his hand on my crotch. “What is this, a girdle?”

“Stop,” I hollered.

“I want you to fuck me, José.” He grabbed me. I couldn’t believe how strong he was. I struggled to get away from him.

“Robbie, wake up.”

I opened my eyes. My husband Brent was next to me, shaking me.

“Having a bad dream, weren’t you,” he said. “I told you not to eat that fucking grilled cheese sandwich. You always have nightmares when you eat Swiss cheese. What was this one about?”

“I had a huge dick.”

“A huge dick?” scoffed Brent.

“Nobody wanted to get to know me for me,” I said. “They just wanted me because my dick was big. They all wanted me to fuck them with my big dick, even you.”

“You’re a fucking idiot; your six inches is plenty for me.”

“Yeah?” I said softly.

“That’s right,” nodded Brent as he held me. “My dainty man cunt couldn’t take anything bigger.” He kissed my forehead and wrapped his hands around my dick, causing it to stir. It looked bigger than I remembered. “All better now?”

“No. I don’t understand this. In my dream, my name was José.”

“Now, that’s fucking weird,” he laughed. “But not as weird as this.” He smiled, but his mouth was filled with thousands of razor-sharp teeth. He bent forward covering my cock with his mouth and bit it off.

by Danny Galen Cooper

Email: [email protected]

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