What does tethering mean in gay fetish?

What is tethering?

Basically using ropes to fix a person into a position, where their movement is highly limited. Used mainly in Bondage sex games, and in Suspension Play in the BDSM community.


Tethering is generally the use of ropes, to limit a subs movement. However, other devices of restraint can be used, to hold a person in place, such as straps, leather strands, chains, etc. Improperly securing the rope, or other material, can result in injury to the submissive.

Can be where the 'rope' is used to join the submissive to other restraining devices, such as cuffs, or hooks. Used mainly in Bondage sex games, and in Suspension Play in the BDSM community.

Similiar Terms

See also Bondage, Predicament Bondage, Assymetric Bondage and Immobilization.