
Alphabetical list of porn & sex terms starting with V, from Van Buren Sound to Voyeurs.

van buren sound

Specialized probe, that is inserted into the penis Urethra, that reaches the bladder.

vanilla and chocolate

Used in the prostitution culture, where the customer desires two prostitutes, where one is white, the other is colored.

vanilla sex

A common term for conventional sex, in which no kink is involved. Generally involved oral sex, and basic intercourse, in heterosexual relations. Homosexuals usually consider it to not include any type of anal penetration.


A person who doesn't have a preference for receiving or giving. One who can enjoy being penetrated, or in penetrating another.

vintage porn

Vintage porn, or classic porn, refers to adult videos and photos created long enough ago that the hairstyles, body types and other things look old fashioned but not antique. Porn from the 1970s and 1980s is vintage porn.

violet wands

An electrical device, used to discharge static electricity to a subject's body, such as their upper body through electrodes.


A sexual fetish, in which one fantasizes about (and becomes sexually aroused) by the idea of being eaten, of actually eating another, or just watching such an occurrence.


Achieving sexual arousal, from the watching of others in an intimate situation, without their knowledge.


Voyeurs are people who find watching others to be erotic. In porn, the term voyeur frequently refers to a person who enjoys watching people in intimate or sexual situations and do not know they are being watched.