What is a cross sale?

Cross Sale

A cross sale is a pre-checked offer that is usually on the billing page, so that when you join the site, you may also join a second site as you join. These are usually easy to uncheck but are sometimes disguised to be harder to spot.


Cross-selling in general outside the porn industry is a marketing strategy that involves offering customers additional products or services that complement their initial purchase. The goal is to suggest related or supplementary items that the customer might be interested in based on their current purchase. The aim of cross-selling is to increase the value of the customer's transaction and enhance their overall experience by providing them with relevant options that meet their needs or preferences.

For instance, if a customer buys a laptop, a cross-sale opportunity could be to suggest accessories such as a laptop bag, a mouse, or antivirus software. Similarly, if someone purchases a smartphone, a cross-sale opportunity might involve suggesting a protective case, headphones, or a screen protector.

Cross-selling is a common strategy used by retailers, e-commerce platforms, and service providers to increase revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and build long-term customer relationships. When implemented effectively, cross-selling can add value for customers by providing them with additional options they may find useful, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.