What is a gay chaser?

What is chaser?

In gay slang, a "chaser" refers to a person, usually a gay man, who is predominantly attracted to larger, hairier, or more masculine-presenting individuals known as bears within the gay community.


In gay slang, a "chaser" refers to a person, typically a gay man, who is primarily attracted to individuals who identify as bears, typically larger, hairier, or more masculine-presenting men within the gay community or chubs, larger fatter men. The term is often used to describe individuals who seek out relationships or sexual encounters with bears or those who are attracted to the physical and/or behavioral characteristics associated with them. It's important to note that while some individuals may identify as chasers in a positive sense, others may view the term as objectifying or fetishizing.


The term "chaser" in the context of gay slang has a complex history intertwined with the development of bear culture within the LGBTQ+ community. It gained prominence in the late 20th century as a descriptor for individuals who were specifically attracted to larger, hairier, or more masculine-presenting men, often referred to as "bears." This attraction was initially noted within the gay community, particularly in the context of dating and sexual preferences. Over time, as bear culture became more recognized and celebrated within LGBTQ+ circles, the term "chaser" gained traction to describe those who actively sought out relationships or encounters with bears. However, the term has also been criticized for potentially objectifying individuals and reducing them to physical attributes. Despite this, "chaser" remains part of the lexicon of gay slang, reflecting the diversity of attractions within the LGBTQ+ community.